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The word chupacabras comes from chupar, "to suck", and cabra, "goat") is a myth that

says that a creature lives in latin america. It was seen in Puerto Rico in the year 1995. Its
was called like that because it was reported that it attacks and then it drinks the blood from
goats and other animals.

A blood-sucking creature usually the size of a small bear, sometimes with a tail, always
covered in scaly skin, and a row of spines down its back, the Chupacabra has been living in
Puerto Rican for decades, since the first goat was found drained of its blood. While the
explanation for the goat’s death could have been anything, there were those who wondered
if the Chupacabra had a victim.

All That's Interesting. (2019). The Truth Behind The Legend Of The Chupacabra. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 27 Aug. 2019].

All that’s interesting

Who? There is not specific author

Where? Website

When? 27 August 2019

Secundary source

Why? This site is trying to explain what is the chupacabras and when it was seen

This source is valid because the article is written in formal language so it gives me trust
and this article is like any other article, the same information
IMAGE: The image is valid because we have never seed the “chupacabras” so we don’t
know how is it. This image it’s a cartoon and it makes it less realistic

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