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of the building materials

use in
and urban

❑ building materials use principles in the

restoration of monuments of architectural and
town-planning heritage

❑ basic properties of the materials, classification

and specificity

❑ Role of the material in the formation of the

architectural image
❑ Consideration of technical parameters, architectural
artistic value and its overall characteristic

❑ Attention is focused on the object authenticity

meaning understanding
❑ Sustainable development of the state is
impossible without preserving the national-
cultural traditions

❑ Each nation introduced its traditions and

customs to the culture of the region, forming a
single unique cultural system of the state
❑ To emphasize that the basis of traditions is the historical
and cultural heritage, which includes monuments of
architecture and urban planning.

❑ building materials occupy an important place in solving

the issues of conservation and restoration
❑ to identify the features of the materials used in the
restoration of objects of architectural and urban
planning heritage,

❑ as well as in buildings and structures

demonstrating artistic value as objects of the
background historical buildings.

❑ to show the range of materials and

conduct a comparative analysis for their
use in the restoration of architectural
monuments and urban planning

❑ to determine the priority advantages of

the materials, the most relevant to those
from which the object of architectural and
town-planning heritage was originally

❑ To study the relationship between the

characteristics of building materials and
the architectural image of the object.
Conceptual basis :
restoration of the
architectural and urban

❑ Ensuring physical security and preserving the

historical and cultural value of an object of
cultural heritage

❑ Considering the use of building materials in

the monuments of the architectural and
town-planning heritage
Conceptual basis :
restoration of the
architectural and urban

❑ Strengthening and restoration of

monuments of history, culture and art
damaged or destroyed by time, destructive
or inept impacts

❑ causes and types of its destruction, its

original appearance are found out, using
physical and chemical methods, analyzes,
photographing, etc
• Authenticity
• great heritage value in the
authenticity of the material,
technology, function
• Compliance with the original form
• for example, compliance with the compositionally-
completed architectural appearance of the object);
• Originality
• uniqueness and
sophistication in a
particular style, in terms
of architecture).
Retaining the original appearance of the
building and the authenticity of the
structure without repair and restoration


- Retaining the original appearance

- Retaining the original of the building and structure - The building recreated
appearance of the - in the process of repair and restoration in its original form
building work with - with the use of modern
- with partial replacement of - set of the materials identical to the materials and
the original structural original construction works innovative technologies
elements with new ones
during the restoration works
Characteristics of the
materials used in the

❑ their ability to withstand the load,

creating conditions for the normal
functioning of the product

❑ morphology of a building material - an

aggregate characteristic, which
includes the structure, size, shape
Characteristics of the
materials used in the

❑ balanced approach to take targeted comprehensive


❑ contribute to significant attention to the study of the

properties of building materials
Characteristics of the
materials used in the
❑ special attention should be paid to the color
of the material

❑ Colors commonly associated with the

spectral composition of the light sources
Characteristics of the
materials used in the
❑ color makes it possible to hide poor quality
during the finishing restoration works

❑ potentially unacceptable and dangerous, as it

creates a threat to the architectural
Choosing building materials

copper stone Clay

wood bamboo sand straw bale

Can I reduce the environmental impact of my building by choosing materials carefully?

• What’s the embodied energy of the
possible materials I might use?
• How much of the material is left – am
I depleting already scarce resources?
• Is it a renewable or non-renewable
• What is the thermal mass of the
How much of it is available?
Plentiful Scarce
As well as being scarce, how much
Questions to think about: energy do they use in production?
Is it available on the site? Or locally? Can they be re-used/ recycled?
Will it require a lot of energy to process?

Earth Straw bale Lead used on roofs Other metals (eg zinc)

Stone Clay
Copper – for pipes
Materials can be categorised in
different ways.
Renewable Non-renewable
These are materials which will be replenished naturally. These are materials which are available in finite
How plentiful they are depending on how much land we quantities, ie once we have used them all up, there
have available to grow them, and how fast they grow. will be not be replenished.

Bamboo Steel

Wood Corrugated plastic

Materials use for construction of buildings, highways,
bridges, mostly infrastructure.
Three most importance materials are
✓ Woods
✓ Concrete
✓ Asphalt
✓ Most familiar materials to mankind.
✓ Not a high-technology materials but fantastic.
✓ The only material that can be reproduced and give oxygen to human.
✓ Woods is very strong but yet lightweight.
Water caused negative effect to wood

✓ Wood, if not pre-dried, will dry while in use under uncontrolled

conditions giving rise to warp, bow, twist, and similar defects.
✓ Wet wood is susceptible to attack by decay and stain fungi.
✓ Water must be removed to provide void space for preservatives if wood
is to be treated for prevention against fungal attack.
• Beam element
• Plate element
• Structural plate
• Non-structural plate
• Wood-plastic composite
• The most importance factors that
influence the properties of concrete
• The water cement ratio
• The amount of air
• The type of aggregate
• The amount of air entrainment
• A small amount of air is entrained into concrete
during pouring
• The entrained air
• - improves workability of concrete
• - minimize problems with shrinkage and freeze
thaw conditions, but
• – cause lower strength
• Asphalt is bitumen.
• Bitumen is the organic binder, composed of HC
with low melting point thermoplastic polymers and
• Asphalt mix is composite of aggregate and
• Binder is just enough for the aggregate particle to touch, but voids are minimized.
• Excess binder is weakening asphalt under load due to viscous deformation.
• When asphalt mix is compress, the binder can squeeze into voids.

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