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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNME! REGION XiIll - CARAGA Purok 1-A, Brgy. Doongan, Butuan City ‘www caraga dila gov ph woh MEMORANDUM To ALL PROVINCIAL AND CITY DIRECTORS, ADAC FOCAL PERSONS AND ALL C/MLGOOs DILG REGION XiIll - CARAGA SUBJECT REGIONAL OPERATIONAL IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES FOR THE CONDUCT OF FY 2023 BARANGAY ANTI-DRUG ABUSE COUNCIL (BADAC) FUNCTIONALITY AUDIT DATE: April 20, 2023 This has reference to DILG Advisory with the subject: “Implementing Guidelines for the Conduct of FY 2023 Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) Functionality Audit” In relation thereto, this level is requesting all DILG Provincial and City Directors, as well as, all City / Municipal Local Government Operations Officers (C/MLGOOs) to observe the guidelines, undertake the necessary actions and appropriate groundwork for the conduct of the FY 2023 BADAC Functionality Audit with FY 2022 BADAC. Performance under review of the local government units (LGUs). In view thereof, please be guided with our Regional Operational Implementing Guidelines highlighting important actions to be undertaken in the conduct of the Audit: 1. Coverage of the Audit Our regional target for the conduct of the FY 2023 BADAC Functionality Audit is 100%, which covers all 1,311 barangays in the region. In cases that any of the barangays have experienced unforeseen circumstances, such as inevitable natural disasters the may cause delay to the implementation, the period of assessment may be extended subject to consideration upon request from the concerned LGU and forwarded to DILG Regional Office for approval by the DILG — Central Office through the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO), ll. Forms, Templates and Guide Notes All files, copies and references for the Forms, Templates and Guide Notes can be accessed in this link: . “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” Telephone No. ((085) 975 9830 to 34) Email Address: offcial@caraqa dia gov on LGMED-13 ~ (FFJrPB) ~ 2023-04-20-1124 Ill. References for Assessment Criteria The FY 2023 BADAC Functional Audit indicators shall still follow the guidelines prescribed in the following issuances: 1, DDB-DILG JMC No. 2018-01 dated May 21, 2018 re: Implementing Guidelines on the Functionality and Effectiveness of Local Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs); and 2. DILG MC No. 2018-135 dated August 16, 2018 re: Technical Guide Notes on Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) Functionality Audit and Barangay Drug Clearing Program (BDCP) Monitoring and Evaluation System IV. Schedule / Timeline and Link to the Encoding of Audit Result and Uploading of MOVs Deadline Deadline of | of Timeline of | Submission | Submissi Data ofHUC& | onof ; Functionality | Gathering | Provincial | Regional Recuirement ; Me for Cities, | Consolidat Consolid | pyrcuenatity | Access Link Municipaliti | ed Reports | ated ean es and tothe Report to Province | Regional | — the Office | Central Office | Data Gathering: April 24, Online : https:/it.ty/20 aoe Song Om | Z2BADACenco FY 2023 (Apri 1, 2023 eine BADAC inthe MuneNg Functionality | National 2023 | Audit | Issuance but | June 40, — rl was not yet | 2023 | | (FY 2022 | signed) 15, 2023 is | _ scheduled pea for the Submission of erformance Regional | BADAC under review) cet at Vadation) | Functionality vangete ni Audit Forms as | Means of 23BADACmov Verification oye. (Movs) “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” Telephone No, ((085) 975 9630 o 34) Email Address: ila 301.05 LGMED-13 ~ (FFUTPB) ~ 2029-04-20-1124 Deadline Deadline of | of | Timeline of | Submission | Submissi Data of HUC & | onof . Functionality, S@thering | Provincial | Regional Reaurements : ‘Audit for Cities, Consolidat | Consolid Functionality Access Link | Municipaliti | ed Reports | ated coe es and to the Report to | Province Regional the Office Central Office ‘Submission of City and Municipal Consolidate d Reports | to the Provincial Office: May 31, __| 2023" - v. Roles and Function of DILG Regional Office 1, Formulate Regional Operational Guidelines for the conduct of the Functionality Audit for FY 2023, to include timelines for City, Municipal and Provincial Consolidated Reports; 2. Disseminate the monitoring system shared by NBOO to Field Offices within your area of jurisdiction; 3. Disburse and liquidate allocated funds in accordance with existing accounting and auditing rules; 4, Accomplish the BADAC Focal Person Directory found on this link: http:/oit.1y/2023BADAC AuditREP; 5, Review audit results of the FY 2023 BADAC Google Monitoring Sheet with the MOVs submitted / uploaded; 6. Submit Regional Monthly Physical and Financial Accomplishment Report every 2" working day of the ensuing month to NBOO by accomplishing the Monitoring Matrix in this link: ; 7. Provide technical and administrative assistance to the field offices; and 8. Submit Regional Summary Report of BADAC Functionality Audit Results to NBOO through the Department's Document Management System (DMS) on or before July 31, 2023. VI. Roles and Function of DILG Provincial / HUC Office 4. Ensure the conduct of FY 2023 BADAC Functionality Audit of all barangays in their AOR; “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” Telephone No. (088) 975 9830 t0 34) Email Address: ciicial@caraga dia aov.nh LGMED-13 ~ (FFJrPB) ~ 2023-04-20-1124 No Disseminate the monitoring system shared by NBOO to Field Offices within your area of jurisdiction; Ensure the implementation of the BADAC Functionality Audit within the timelines provided; Ensure the submission of the documents / forms (MOVs) and encoding of results on or before the deadline; Review audit results of the FY 2023 BADAC Google Monitoring Sheet with the MOVs submitted / uploaded; Provide technical and administrative assistance to the field offices; and Submit Provincial Consolidated Assessment Reports using the Consolidated Report Form (CRF) to DILG Regional Office. Roles and Function of DILG City and Municipal Field Offices Ensure the conduct of FY 2023 BADAC Funetionality Audit of all barangays in their AOR; Assess the functionality of BADAC based on the submitted barangay self- assessment form and corresponding BADAC forms and MOVs submitted; Review and evaluate the means of verification (MOV) and relevant documents for the assessment of BADAC Functionality; Mobilize, if applicable, city and municipal assessment teams (C/MATs) for the conduct of Audit; Conduct validation activities (on-site) whenever necessary; Ensure the implementation of the BADAC Functionality Audit within the timelines provided; Ensure the submission of the documents / forms (MOVs) and encoding of results on or before the deadline; Review audit results of the FY 2023 BADAC Google Monitoring Sheet with the MOVs submitted / uploaded; Submit Consolidated Monitoring Report using the Consolidated Report Form (CRF) and Assessment Results to the DILG Provincial Office in the case of cities and municipalities and to the DILG Regional Office in the case of our Highly-Urbanized City. Attached is the Advance Copy of the DILG Advisory for reference. For information, guidance and compliance. ONAL Officer-In-Charge JX Broway sst. RegionalDirector LGMEDIDASIRGF Jmjepb “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” “Telephone No. (085) 975 9630 to 34) Email Address: il ‘ficial@araga cls gov ch LGMED-13 ~ (FF JrPB) ~ 2023-04-20-1124 AQ VANCE Cory Repubiic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Averue, Quezon City ‘wom ph MEMORANDUM FOR ATTY. BENJAMIN C. ABALOS, JR. Secretary THRU eeuicind ‘A. VALMOCINA Undersecretary for Barangay Atfairs SUBJECT ; REQUESTFOR APPROVAL OF THE DRAFT IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES FOR THE CONDUCT OF CY 2023 BARANGAY ANTI-DRUG ABUSE COUNCIL (BADAC) FUNCTIONALITY AUDIT DATE + March 8. 2023 RELATED INFORMATION «The conduct of the CY 2023 BADAC Functionality Audit will commence on April 1. 2023. While the DILG Regional Offices shall determine the schedule of the submission of provincial. city, or municipal audit results, taking into consideration that the Regional Summary Report shall be submitted to the Central Office. through the NBOO on or before July 31, 2023. «The proposed Advisory includes the breakdown of funds to be di to the Regional Offices to support the conduct of the Audit, subje! loaded to usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. ACTION REQUESTED In this regard. z enduct of C eview ached is the draft Advisory on the Implementing Guidelines for the 2023 BADAC Functionality Audit with FY 2022 as the year under For the Secretary's consideration DENNIS D. VILLASENOR, MNSA, CESO IV Dir tor 1V. NBOO “tating, Mahusay at Maaasahan” a AOVANCE Cory Faou peo Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center EDSA corner Quazon Avenue, Bray. West Triangle, Quezon City tp wesw. ia gow ph ADVISORY FOR ALL DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS, PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS, CITY DIRECTORSICITY/MUNICIPAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS OFFICERS, BADAC FOCAL PERSONS, AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT = IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES FOR THE CONDUCT OF FY 2023 BARANGAY ANTI-DRUG ABUSE COUNCIL (BADAC) FUNCTIONALITY AUDIT 1. BACKGROUND 4.1 Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, the national government shall facilitate an intensive and integrated campaign on illegal drug use through the enforcement and implementation of policies, programs, and projects which underscore the harmful effects of dangerous drugs. 4.2 In line with the priorities of the current administration to continue the campaign against illegal drugs within the ambit of the law and with respect to human rights, the Department continuously aims to enjoin all the barangays to revitalize and strengthen the capacities of their respective Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (BADACs) and ensure its functionality and effectiveness. 1.3. To ensure the continuous improvement and performance of BADACS in the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of antiillegal drug activities, the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) is mandated to develop and conduct BADAC monitoring guidelines and activities 14 In this regard, the assessment of the functionality of BADAC shalt hereby commence on April 2023, in accordance with the guidelines ‘Mtatine, Mahusay at Maaasahan"” “Trunkine No.. 8876-34-54 creer i nei NW. prescribed in DILG-DBB JMC No. 2018-01 and DILG MC No. 2018- 135. COVERAGE 2.1 AllRegions shall assess at least 95% of the barangays within their area of jurisdiction to gauge their level of performance insofar as implementing programs and instituting measures against illegal drugs 2.2 In cases the covered barangays experienced _ unforeseen circumstances, such as any inevitable natural disasters that may cause delay to the implementation of this assessment, the period of assessment may be extended subject to consideration upon request from the DILG Regional Office. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 3.1 For FY 2023 BADAC Functionality Audit, the existing functionality indicators prescribed in the following guidelines shall remain in effect: a. DDB — DILG JMC No. 2018 - 01 dated May 21, 2018, re Implementing Guidelines on the Functionality and Effectiveness of Local Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs) b. DILG MC No, 2018 - 135 dated August 16, 2018, re: Technical Guide Notes on Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) Functionality Audit and Barangay Drug Clearing Program (BDCP) Monitoring and Evaluation System 3.2 Allfiles concerning the guidance notes can be accessed via this link: http: bit lBADACAuditMatenials: SCHEDULE OF AUDIT 41 The BADAC Functionality Audit shall commence on April 1, 2023. following the prescribed timeline of the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO). The DILG Regional Offices shall determine the schedule of the submission of provincial, city, or municipal audit results, taking into consideration that the Regional Summary Report shall be submitted to the Central Office, through the NBOO on or before July 31, 2028. GOOGLE MONITORING SHEET Page 20f 5 Vi. 51 Audit results shall be encoded only in the official monitoring sheet to be shared by the NBOO. 5.2 Encoded results in Google Drive shall match the Consolidated Regional duly signed by the Regional Director and submitted to the Central Office. 5.3 Sharing of Google Drive Link to DILG Provincial and City/Municipal Field Offices shall be done at the regional level. FUNDING To support the conduct of the 2023 BADAC Functionality Audit, 2 total amount of FIVE MILLION EIGHTY-EIGHT THOUSAND PESOS (Php 5,088,000,00) shall be downloaded to the Regional Offices chargeable against the PADS-PMO. subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Hereunder is the breakdown of funds per region: REGIONS AMOUNT CAR 271,000 NCR 61,000 | 405,000 Ml 314,000 Ml 435,000 V-A 461,000 IV-B 254,000 Vv 382,000 Vi 439,000 vil 426,000 Vill 469,000 IX. 238,000 x 314,000 Xl 182,000 Xi 180,000 XI 257,000 Total 5,088,000 Vil. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 7.1 PADS - PMO 7.1.1. Provide funds for the conduct of the BADAC Functionality Audit 7.2 National Barangay Operations Office 7.2.1. Provide technical assistance to the Regional Offices. 7.2.2 Create the monitoring system via Google sheets for the BADAC Functionality Audit, and disseminate the same to DILG Regional Offices: 7.2.3. Finalize Audit results gathered from DILG Regional Offices: 7.2.4 Facilitate the downloading of funds to DILG Regional Offices for the conduct of audit; and 7.2.5. Prepare National Report and submit the same to the Office of the Secretary. 7.3. DILG Regional Offices 7.3.1 Formulate regional operational guidelines for the conduct of the 2023 BADAC Functionality Audit to include the timelines of submission for city, municipal, and provincial consolidated reports, 7.3.2. Disseminate the monitoring system shared by NBOO to field offices within your area of jurisdiction; 7.3.3 Disburse and liquidate allocated funds in accordance with existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations; 7.3.4 Accomplish the BADAC Focal Person Directory through this link: httos:Jbit lyi2023BADACAuditREP 7.35 Review audit results of the 2022 BADAC Google Monitoring Sheet. 7.3.6 Submit Regional Monthly Physical and Financial ‘Accomplishment Report every 2"! working day of the ensuing month to NBOO by accomplishing the Monitoring Matrix found im this link: https /bit ly/2023BADAC! 7.3.7 Submit Regional Summary Report of BADAC Functionality Audil Results to NBOO through the Department's Document Management System (DMS) on or before June 30, 2023 7.4 DILG City/Municipal Field Offices Page 4of5 a 7.41 Assess. review, and evaluate the functionality of BADACS based on the Self-Assessment and Audit Forms: 7.4.2 Gather all required Means of Verification (MOVs) and relevant documents for the assessment of BADAC functionality; 7.4.3 Conduct validation activities whenever necessary; and 7.4.4 Endorse consolidated monitoring reports and assessment results to the DILG Provincial Offices, in the case of Highly Urbanized Cities (HUCs) or Independent Component Cities (ICCs) For further inquiries and clarifications, you may contact PDO II Mabel M. Rodriguez of the National Barangay Operations Office at telephone numbers (02) 8876-3454 local 4408 or email at capdd nboodilg2022@amail. com For your guidance and compliance ATTY. BENJAMIN C. ABALOS, JR. 35 Secretary a— eomery En naooicaPoO Mn Die No NBGO 2023.03.07 002 Page 5 of 5 a

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