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B1+ Assessment: Unit 4

Name: Total score: /100


I Got Garbage
1 Bangalore, India, is the heart of the country’s tech 4 A representative from Mindtree said, “Users will
industry, producing everything from calculators to state- see their income double as soon as they start using our
of-the-art apps and software. However, it is also home platform. They will also experience less danger and ill
to an estimated 25,000 people, whose only way to make health, because they will be working on the street, not
a living is to collect trash from the city’s garbage dumps in garbage dumps. If a husband and wife both use our
and sell it for recycling. system, they will soon be able to send their children
2 These people work in terrible conditions for very little
money, but they provide a fundamental service. The local 5 Another Mindtree project involves users selling

D.R. © U.D. Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2018 / D.R. © SM de Ediciones, S.A. de C.V., 2020
government of Bangalore does nothing to manage the composting kits to their clients and teaching them how to
city’s trash, and without the hard work of the garbage compost their organic waste. This, it is hoped, will
change pickers, life in Bangalore would quickly become intolerable. the social status of the former garbage
pickers. Before,
3 they were the most excluded members of Bangalore
Mindtree, a local tech company, has developed an society; with this project, they will become recycling
online tool to improve conditions for the garbage pickers.
Its name is “I Got Garbage.” Instead of going to a landfill,
the tool helps pickers collect trash directly from clients’ 6 Already, 5,000 people are using “I Got Garbage” to
homes, offices, restaurants, and other institutions, improve their lives and their city. Soon the Bangalore
which have all been instructed to separate organic and local government won’t be able to cope with the
huge recyclable trash for collection. problem of the city’s waste, so by 2020, it is

1 Read the article and match the paragraphs to the information they contain. (6 points)

a. future predictions about a place

b. background information about a place
c. a description of a job
d. a campaign to promote social inclusion

e. information about a new initiative
f. the benefits of the initiative

2 Read the article again and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or NS (not stated). (9 points)
a. In Bangalore, there is a lot of industry, but also a lot of poverty.
b. Garbage pickers benefit the city of Bangalore.
c. The Bangalore government manages the city’s trash well.
d. Mindtree is based in India.
e. “I Got Garbage” will collect garbage from businesses once a week.
Clients are asked to prepare their garbage.
g. Workers will earn three times as much money as before.
h. Mindtree’s projects help people around the world.
“I Got Garbage” will become obsolete when the government changes its garbage policies.
Score: /15
B1+ Assessment: Unit 4

1 Listen
> Match the4
five people
to thetalking
words about
and complete
the sentences.
issues in (10
their area. Match each
points) speaker
to the best summary. There is one summary that you do not need to use. (10
re- un- dis- re- over- dis- used estimate come obey build
Speaker 1: Speaker 3: Speaker 5:
under- out- mis- under- performs appear pack treat live
Speaker 2: Speaker 4:
a. Some people how
a. Life used to be easier for local people who serious
work our garbage
in a particular problem
industry, butreally is.
the future
b. Trash lookjust
doesn’t good for their trade. when we throw it away—it has to go somewhere.
b. In this
c. Many urban area, there are efforts to improve
people the environmental
instructions situation.
to separate trash, However,
without realizing the
these might be insufficient.
d. When
c. TheI problem is relatively new but in
groceries, I am shocked
future it could make thebytown
the amount of plastic packaging there is.
e. Even the most
d. Creative advanced
individuals countries
can have to make something beautiful and
use garbage the problems of garbage.

D.R. © U.D. Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2018 / D.R. © SM de Ediciones, S.A. de C.V., 2020
f. The handleinformation. Changing
on my suitcase perceptions
broke, so I is vital. the case as a bed for my dog.
e. Individuals
g. The battery in and
my newfamilies are just as responsible for waste as —it
cell phone governments are.
barely lasts Everyone
a day is charged!
when fully
h. The way people and the planet is really
part of the problem, so everyone has to be part of the solution.
companies shocking.
i.f. Instead of constructing
A particular type of wastenewisbuildings,
disposedgovernments affects the nearby community. existing
of in a way that
j. Most of our garbage
This causes differentistypes
of in landfills and will
environmental damage. us by thousands of
2 Listen again and answer the questions. (5 points)
a. Who told Speaker 1 what the sea did in the past?
1 Mark the sentences P (prediction) or A (a completed action before a specific time in the future). (5 points)
b. Who else in Speaker 2’s family is involved in his work?
a. The Garbage Mountain outside Mumbai will soon be taller than many natural mountains.
c. What do the electronic items contain, according to Speaker 3?
b. In 2025, the world will be throwing away 6 million tons of waste a day.
d. In Speaker 4’s city, where can people take their inorganic waste?
c. By the time I am 21, I will have thrown away three cell phones and two tablets.
e. How does Speaker 5 think people should see trash?
d. The world will run out of oil in 2050, or even sooner.
e. Even before 2050, the remaining oil will have become difficult to extract.

> Use the one
Choose prompts to write
of these sentences.
topics and write(10
opinion essay on it. Write 100–120 words. (25
a. my 25th birthday/I/produce 175,000 kilos of garbage

a. Some countries will always be less developed than others.
b. In the future, climate change will affect all people equally.
b. my city’s problems with garbage/solve/the end of next year
c. Schools today don’t do enough to prepare students for the world they will live in when
they are older.
c. many types of smartphone/release/2030?
> Work in pairs. Talk about environmental issues where you live and how you think they can
d. I/about/finish this test
be solved. Use the questions below to help you. (20 points)
• What can you do to help solve these issues?
• I/get/a
Which tablet/for
problemsmydo next birthday
you think will be solved soon?
• How will these issues change in the next ten to fifty years?
• the affect these problems will have on you when you are
Score: /60


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