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This Contract of Lease, entered into this ______ day of _________ _____ at Cagayan de Oro
City, Philippines between:

LESSOR: MR. CEILO PAREDES AND DR. SUSAN PAREDES of legal ages, with address at
C&P Building, Mother of Perpetual Help, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City.

- and –


WITNESSETH That the Parties agree as follows:

1. LEASE PREMISES: In consideration of the monthly rent which the Lessee binds himself /
herself to pay the Lessor, as hereinafter contained and to be performed and observed by the
LESSEE, the following property belonging to the LESSOR to wit.

2. RENTALS: The Lessee binds himself to pay the Lessor an advance monthly rental of
P___________ Philippine Currency, payable on or before __________________ without
necessity of demand or the service of a collector, at the address of the lessor given above, for the
entire duration of the Lease.

3. LEASE PERIODS: The Lease is for a period established for the benefit of the lessor, of one
(1) MONTH PERIOD starting ______________ until ______________. Subject for renewal for
another similar term and may increase in rental rate by mutual agreement of both parties. If the
parties agree to renew, the Lessee shall remain in the premises for another month.

The original period of lease herein agreed upon may be terminated by the Lessee at
anytime upon giving fteen (15) days notice in writing to the Lessor at the aforesaid
address of the Lessor: Provided, however, that should the Lessee so terminate before the
lapse of one (1) month from the start of this lease, the Lessee shall pay the Lessor the
liquidated damages in the amount equivalent to the existing deposit.

The Lessee shall, at his expense, maintain the leased property in clean and sanitary condition.
The Lessee shall use the property in such a way that the same shall not constitute a public or
private nuisance, and shall not permit or allow any member of his / her family and / or guests to
smoke and / or take prohibited or dangerous drugs therein nor permit noxious odors or noises to

emanate from the leased premises. Social activities of the Lessee on the premises shall be
conducted without undue noise and disturbance to the neighbors.

The Lessee shall not keep animals on the property without the written consent of the Lessor.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) or any hazardous gasses is prohibited inside the room. Only
electric stoves are allowed for cooking.

The LESSEE shall not affix, inscribe, or paint or place advertising medium on any part of the
leased premises, whether inside or outside thereof. Except upon written permission from the

The LESSEE shall not drill holes or put adhesive tapes or anything that will damage into the
floors or walls of the leased premises without the written consent of the LESSOR. Any
unauthorized drilling of holes or putting of adhesive tapes shall be fined ONE THOUSAND (Php
1,000.00) PESOS per hole/per tapes penalty and any damages resulting from such drilling or
tapes shall be charged to the account of the LESSEE.

4. ALTERATIONS: Without the consent of the Lessor, the Lessee shall not make any
alterations, additions, or improvements on the leased premises. Upon the expiration of the lease,
such alterations, additions, or improvements shall form part of the leased premises unless the
Lessor requires the Lessee to remove the same and restore the leased premises or affected
portions thereof of their original condition at the beginning of the lease.

5. REPAIRS: The Lessee shall bear the following repairs and expenses, fuses, faucets,
replacement of light bulbs, lost or broken handles, lost keys, installation and removal of
appliances including restoration work in connection therewith, replacement or restoration of any
damage or breakage due to Lessee’s household or guest. Unclogging of drains and any other item
or repair which does not exceed the amount of P2,000.00 for both the labor and materials. In
making repairs or replacement, the Lessee shall maintain the quality of the fixtures and
appurtenances of the leased premises.

Other repairs shall be for the account of the Lessor. The Lessee shall allow the Lessor or his
representative access to the premises for routine maintenance and inspection at reasonable hours
(9:00AM – 6:00PM).

6. TAXES: Real estate taxes and government assessments shall be borned by the Lessor. Any
taxes on rental payment shall be borned by the Lessee.

7. UTILITIES AND RENTAL: The Lessee shall pay his/her electric bills, if any bills as and
when they fall due together with his/her monthly rental/s. Default by the Lessee in the payment
of the electric and monthly rental bills, authorizes the Lessor to cut-off the electric facilities of
Lessee and these facilities shall be restored only upon full and complete payment of all electric
bills and monthly rentals in arrears.

8. SUBLEASE: The Lessee shall not sublease the leased premises or any portion thereof nor
accept a bed spacer (individual who pays rent for occupying a portion of the leased premises
corresponding to the size of an ordinary bed) without the knowledge and written consent of the

9. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY: The Lessee during his occupancy of the lease premises shall
hold the Lessor free and harmless from any damage, liability or responsibility to any person or
property arising out of or as a consequence of employees, domestic help and guest.

The Lessor in any or all instances shall not be responsible for losses or damages which may be
sustained by the Lessee by the reason of fire, theft, or other causes. The Lessee shall not bring
into the premises, flammable goods, explosive objects, or other articles (except what is necessary
for normal use) which shall increase the fire hazard and fire insurance of the building; and should
fire or any other form of destruction occur due to the fault, directly or indirectly, of the Lessee,
the latter should be responsible for the consequent loss and damage.

The Lessor shall not be liable nor responsible for the presence of bugs, ants, insects, if any in the
leased premises; for the failure of the water supply and/or electric current; or for any injury, loss
or damage which the Lessee, his agents or employees might sustain in the premises due to any
cause whatsoever, or for any damage done occasioned by, or arising from plumbing, gas, water
and other pipes, or busting, leaking or destruction of any cistern tank, wash stand, water closet,
or waste pipe in above, upon or about said leased premises.

10. RETURN OF LEASED PREMISES: The Lessee hereby accepts in good condition the
premises above described, and upon the expiration of the period of the leased or of its renewal
and extensions, the Lessee shall peacefully vacate the leased premises and restore the possession
thereof to the Lessor in a good condition as the time of delivery to the Lessee.

Upon such expiration, the Lessee shall turn over to the Lessor all the keys to the Leased premises
including all duplicates.

11. DEPOSIT: Upon execution of this contract, the Lessee shall deposit in cash with the Lessor
the amount of P______________ which shall not be applied to the current rental, or current light
or water bills, to answer for any of his obligations under this Contract, subject to return at the
termination of this lease, less whatever account which the said Lessee might be owing to the
Lessor. Said deposit is free of any interest charges.

12. BREACH: In the event of failure of the Lessee to pay the monthly rent in the amount and on
the date agreed upon or in case of breach of any conditions stated in the lease, the Lessor shall
have the right to cut-off and / or disconnect electrical and water connections to the leased
premises, and to eject the Lessee and be entitled to collect damages on the leased property, cost
of collection, expenses of any litigation and reasonable attorney’s fees of P5,000.00 and
additional 25% penalty. Lessee further agrees to pay P2,000.00 liquidated damages, and 1%
interest a month or fraction thereof on overdue rentals.
13. MORTGAGE OR SALE PROPERTY: Upon violation by the Lessee of any of the terms or
conditions hereof, particularly the non-payment of the advance monthly rentals on time, the
Lessee herein gives the Lessor or his duly authorized representative the absolute right and
authority to retain so much of the Lessee’s household furniture. Fixtures and things to satisfy the
unpaid rentals, light and water bills and the Lessor or his duly authorized representative is further
designated and named by the Lessee as his/her attorney-in-fact and given the absolute right to
take out from the leased premises so much of the Lessee’s household furniture, fixtures and
things so taken out by the Lessor, the Lessee likewise authorizes the Lessor or his authorized
representative, as the Lessee’s attorney-in-fact, to dispose and sell the same within (15) fifteen
days from date of retention, to enable the cast, to satisfy the unpaid rentals, electric and water
bills, if any.

14. ABANDONMENT OR PREMISES: The Lessee shall not abandon or leave untenanted the
leased premises for continuous period; violation of this provision gives the right to the Lessor to
enter the same by force or otherwise without any liability for prosecution therefore, and to relent
the same to another party. Likewise, the Lessor hereby constituted and

appointed as Attorney-in-fact of the Lease to take possession of the furniture, equipment, and
other properties in the premises and to sell the same with the proceeds thereof applied to the
payment of any or all obligation of the Lessee arising out of and under this Contract. The
Lessee’s rents fixed herein shall continue to acquire to the Lessor until the expiration of this
lease, or until the premises have been relent whichever comes first.

15. SURRENDER OF LEASED PREMISES: In case Lessee vacates the leased premises
either at the expiration of the term of the lease or before such expiration, he/she is obligated to
notify 15 days in advance the Lessor in writing that he/she is vacating and surrendering the
leased premises and failure to notify the Lessee shall be held liable or responsible for whatever is
lost from the leased premises to the prejudice of the Lessor.

16. KEYS: Upon occupancy, the Lessee shall deposit in cash with the Lessor the amount of
P______ which shall be refundable upon vacating the leased premises. Tenants will be provided
complete keys and the Lessee/s accountable to the Lessor for these keys.

17. In case of the renewal of this lease for another ONE MONTH, an upward adjustment
of the rental rate of not less than five percent (5%) MAY BE agreed by the parties in writing;
Provided, failure of the Lessee to execute and sign with the Lessor a New Contract of Lease
upon expiration hereof, and in the absence of such new written Contract of the Lessee and the
Lessor hereby stipulate and agree the above mentioned monthly rental is hereby deemed
automatically by 5 percent (5%) effective as of the expiration of this Contract of Lease.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands on this instrument on the date
and place above-mentioned.

________________________ _________________________



_________________________ __________________________



________________________ _______________________



BEFORE ME; this ________ day of ______________ at the City of Cagayan de Oro, personally
appeared the following persons:

CEILO C. PAREDES CTC No. ____________ on/at _____________ SUSAN C. PAREDES

CTC No. ____________ on/at _____________ CTC No. ____________ on/at _____________

Who are known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instruments and
acknowledged the same as their free and voluntary act and deed.

This instrument consists of five (5) pages including this page where acknowledgement is written
and signed by all parties and their instruments witnesses on each and every page thereof as
required by law.

WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL on the date and place first above written.

DOC. NO. ___________ PAGE NO. ___________ BOOK NO.___________ SERIES OF



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