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1. It refers to territorial unit where the power a.

of the courts to be exercise b. complaint
a. jurisdiction
b. trial courts d. police blotter
c. venue 7. The offender who is still undergoing
d. territory preliminary investigation at the prosecuors
2. The following are the requisites for the office is reffered to as-
issuance of search warrant except. a. respondent
b. suspect
a. it must be issued upon probable
c. accused
d. defendant
b. the probable cause must be
determined personally by the judge 8. refers to facts and circumstances that
c. particularly describing the place to would lead a reasonably descreet and prudent
be searched man to believe that an offense has been
d. particularly describing the person committed and that object sought in
to be seized. connection with the offense is in the place
3. Maybe defined as the security given for the searched is-
release of a person in custody of law, a. probable cause
furnished by him or a bondsman, to b. search warrant
guarantee his appearance before any court as c. plain view doctrine
required under the conditions herein d. arrest warrant
9. What doctrine allows evidence obtained by
a. pardon thr police officers in an illegal searched and
b. bail seizures to be used against the accused?
c. probation a. exclusionatry doctrine
d. parole b. Miranda ruling
4. a detained prisoner is allowed to eat and c. fruit of poisonous tree
drink in a nearby restaurant on several d. silver plater
occasions. he is however well-guarded at all 10. who are criminally liable, when having
times. the warden allowed him to go out of knowledge of the commission of the crime,
his cell without any consideration whitout having principally participated
whatsoever. the warden may be charged wit- therein, takes part subsequent to he
a. negligence of duty commission, either in profiting by the effects
b. dereliction of duty of the crime or by concealing or destroting
c. leniency or laxity the body of the crime?
d. infidelity a. witnesses
5. what crime is committed when A, driving a b. accessories
truck, ran over a girl crossing the street during c. principals
a torrential rain and the girl died? d. accomplices
a. homicide 11. can a husband testify against the wife in
b. serious physical injuries an adultery case?
c. murder a. yes, the privilege of marital communicatin
d. reckless imprudence rrsulting to rule is already abolished
homicide. b. yes, under the law she is competent
6. it is defined as an accusation in writing witness
charging a person with an offense subscribed c. yes, because crime charge is one
by the fiscal and filed with the court committed by wife against the
d. no conducted in accordance wuth existing law or
12. this requirement imports the degree of procedure
proof necessary to convict an accused of the a. preliminary investigation
crime of treason consisting of the testimony b. preliminary examination
of two witnesses to the same over act. c. inquest
a. dangerous tendency rule d. fact finding investigation
b. all of the foregoing 18. it refers to the performance of an act that
c. two witness rule ought not to be done
none of thr foregoing a. nonfeasance
13. the ff staements are false except. b. misfeasance
a. the accused may enter his plea by c. malfeasance
counsel d.unfeasance
b. the accused must personally enter 19 it is crime committed when a married
his plea woman is taken away against her will with
the accused may excuse/waive lewd design.
arraignmenr a. forcible abduction
d. the accused may be arraigned in b. consented abduction
acourt other than where the case is c. forcible seduction
assigned. d. qualified seduction
14. the law that prescribes certain rights of a 20. the person, who is authorized by law to
person arrested, detained or under custodial grant probation to an accused convicted fo a
investigation and the guidelines, procedure crime is.
and responsibilities of the arresting, detaining a. president of the phil
and investigating officer is b. director of prisons
a. BP 129 as ameded c. trial court judge
b. RA 7691 d. jail warden
c. RA 8294 21. rule which requires the highest grade of
d. RA 7438 evidence obtainable to prove a disputed fact
15 . what do you call the record of the court is the original of a document.
where the proccedings of the court or the a. parole evidence rule
judgement of the court is recoded in case the b. best evidence rule
accused failed to appear for the promulgation c. original of a document
of judgment despite notice- d. secondary evidence
a. logbook 22. parties or assignors of parties to a case, or
b. record book persons in whose behalf a case is prosecuted,
c. criminal docket bbok against an executor or administrator or other
d. folio of the case. representative of a deceased person, or
16. Requisite before recall of a witness against a person of unsound mind, upon a
a. leading question claim or demand against the estate of such
b. misleading questin deceased person or against such person of
c. impeachment unsound mind, cannot testify as to any matter
d. leave of court of fact accruing before such person became of
17. When a person is lawfully arrested unsound mind.
without warrant of arrest involving an a. marital Disqua
offense, which requires a preliminary b. privelge communication rule
investigation, thre complaint or information c. parental and filal privilege
may be filed without need of such d. dead man’s statute rule
investigation, providedan---- has beed
23. it is the feony committed when a person b. homicide
takes away a minor, over 12 but under 18 c. adultery
years of age with her consent, after d. theft
solicitation or cajolery from the offender, 30. it is a legislative enactment that inflicts
committed witb lewd design. punishment for a crime without judicial trial
a. forcible abduction a. ex post facto law
b. consented abduction b. bill of attainder
c. forcible seduction c. enrolled bill
d. qualified seduction d. expose facto law
24. the ff are crimes against chastity except 31. stage in the commisiom of a felony whwn
a. adultery all the elements necessary for its
b. concubinage accomplishment and execution are present.
c. rape 32. it is incurred by a person commiting
d. seduction felony altjough the wrongful act done be
25. the offender performs all acts of different from what he intended to do.
execution, that would produce the felony as a a. felonious act
consequence, but the felony was not b. offense
produced, by reason of causes independent of c. criiminal liability
the will of the perpetrator are the requisites d.civil lialibility
a. attempted felony 33. the condition sine-quanon or
b. frustreated felony indispensable element in self defense
c. consummated felony. a. provocation
d. impossible crime b. unlawful aggression
26. it is the rule followed by the Philippines c. reasonable necessity
whenever a crime is committed inside a d. irressistable force
Philippine ship or airship while in a foreign 34. is an agreement made between two or
territory. ore parties as a settlement of matters in
a. French rule dispute?
b. Spanish rule a. conspiracy
c. English rule b. settlement
d. general rule c. res inter alios acta rule
27. it is crime characteristic of criminsl laws d. compromise
that requires that they be applied to all 35. it maybe defined as the forfeiture of the
persons who live or sojourn in the Philippine rigt of the government to execute the final
territory. sentence after the lapse of a certain time
a. generality fixed by law.
b. territoriality a. impossible crime
c. territorially b. prescription of penalty
d. generally c. prescription of crime
28. it is a law that partially or tottaly modifies d. none of the above
or changes an existing law. 36. X threatened to kill Y if the latter will not
a. repealed law give him one thounsand pesos. what ceime
b. repealing law has been commited by X
c. repelled law a. attempted murder
d. repelling law b. kidnapping for ransom
29. the ff felonies do not admit of a frustrated c. grave threats
stage, except d. grace coercion
a. rape
37. at the hearing of an application for d. all of the foregoing
admission to bail, the ______ has the burden 43. a person designated to aassit destitute
of showing that the evidence of guilt is strong. litigants
a. prosecution a. counsel
b. defense b. attorney at law
c. court c. attorney on record
d. bailift d. counsel de officio
38. one which is any act committed without 44. which of the ff is an example of an
violence but unjustly annoys an innocent afflictive penalty
person. S it is a Punishable act, it should a. prison mayor
include any humanconduct which although b. arresto mayor
not productive of some physical of material c. prision correctional
harm would however, unjust or annoy an d. fine
innocent person. 45. under this theory, man is considered as an
a. grave coercion essentially moral creature with an absolute
b. unjust vexation freewill to choose between good and evil,
c. forcible abduction therefore, he should be judged or held
d. maltreatment accountable for his wrongful acts for as his
39. M forcibly entered G’s house one night. G will is unimpaired.
was awakened and M immediately left the a. justice or classical theory
place. M’s crime is? b. positivist or reslistic theory
a. attempted robbery c. territoriality
b. frustrated robbery d. none of the foregoing
c. robbery with trespass to dwelling 46. Kho is known for his obscene materials.
d. trespass to dwelling one of his writings entitled hayden was stolen
40. how may an ordinary citizen gives his from his office and was published by
opinion regarding the handwriting of a someone. the authorities got hold of the
person? obscene magazine. Kho is---
a. when he testify only as to the a. not liable at all
mental ad emotional state of the one b. liable for pornography
who authored the handwriting c. liable for obscene publication (as a
b. when it is the handwriting of one co-publisher)
whom he has sufficient familiarity d. liable fo obscene publication (as
c. when he is questioned document author)
examiner 47. it is granted in coonection with crimes
d. none of the above gainst property, and is limited to prejudice
41. the judiciary reorganization act is that the injured party suffered.
otherwise known as a. prejudicial question
a. PD 1612 b. reparation
b. BP 186 c. probation
c. RA 7659 d. none of the foregoing.
d. BP 129 48. a judgement become final after the lapse
42. at what time may the accused move to of the period for-
quash the complaint or information? a. presentation of evidence by the
a. at any time before his arrest prosecution
b. only after entering his plea b. presentation pf evidence by the
c. at any time before enetering his defense counsel
plea c. perfecting an appeal
d. all of the foregoing effect or result of the felonious act than the
49. any lawyer or members of the bar shall, at man.
the request of the person arrested or of c. there is scant regard to the human element
another acting ij his behalf, have the right to d. that man is subdued occasionally by
visit and confer privately with such person, in strange and morbid phenomenon which
jail or any other place of custodyat- constrain him to do wrong, in spite of or
a. any hour f the working day only contrary to his violation.
b. any hour of the day or, in urgent 55. acts or ommisiion punished by law are
cases, of the night. crimes. what are acts committed or omitted In
c. any hour of Saturdays and Sundays viokation of special laws?
d. any hour of thr designated visiting a. felony
day only. b. offense
50. it is defined as the deprivation by a public c. misdemeanor
officer to the liberty of a person without any d. infractional law
legal ground, if the offender is a private 56. Basically, there are three fundamental
person illegal detention is committed. characteristics of criminal law. What
a. illegal detention characteristics of criminal law states that
b. violation of domicile criminal law is binding on all persons who live
c. arbitarray detention or sojourn in the Philippines.
d. any of the foregoing a. generality
51. it is the brance of municipal or public law b. territoriality
which defines crimes, treaths of their nature c. prospective
and privides for their punishment? d. retroactive
a. civil law
b. procedural law
c. criminal law
d. substantive law
52. the ff are sources of criminal law, except
a. act 3815
b. city and municipal ordinance
c. special laws
d. constitution
53. the revised penal code serves as the
primary source of criminal laws in the
Philippines. it took effect on?
a. January 1, 1923
b. January 1,1932
c. December 8, 1930
d. January 1, 1933
54 . the ff are characteristics of classical
theory of criminal law, except
a. the basis of criminal liability is human free
will and the purpose of the penalty is
b. man is essentially a moral creature with an
absolute free will to chooae between good
and evil, thereby placing more stress upon the

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