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NOORBNS Address Age Surname country Helena Lomakina 37 Journalist Russia married 17a Arbat Street your personal information. First name. People 14 2 Complete the second part of the form ($-14) with Marital status Interviewing people cabulary personal information 1. Complete the first part of the form (1-7) with these headings ynew explorers 3 Read the interviews with two new explorers. Complete the interviews with these questions (eh), Are you the same age? Is your husband a scientist? ‘Ate you from the USA? Who is the other person in the photo? What's your job? Where are you now? ‘Are your jobs the same? Where are you from? 4 % 1 Listen and check your answers This month we interviewed two new explorers. Our interviewer, Michelle Bright, telephoned them in the Galapagos Islands and Canada. Tierney Thys T: My name is Tierney Thys. lk T: I'm from the state of California, but I'm not there at the moment. L2 T: I'm in the Galapagos Islands. be T: I'ma scientist. I T: No, he isn’t, He's an engineer, Grammar be (am/is/are) 5 2 Choose the correct option to complete the interview. Then listen and check your answers, I=Intecviewer, J= Jon I: ' What are / What's your name? Js My? tame ana / nante’s Jon Aanenson. I: “Is / Are you from Norway? J: Yes,+1'm / Tis from the city of Bergen, but i'm nat / isn't there at the moment. Whereis / are you? I'm in Greenland. What? / are your job? I'mascientist. * Are / Is your wife a scientist? No, she * isn't / aren't. She's a writer. Josh Thome (left) J: My name's Josh Thome. J: He's Sol. We work together. Ve J: No, we aren't. We're from Canada. hee J: No, we aren't, I'm thirty-six and Sol is thirty-five, J: Yes, they are, We're film-makers. 6 3 Complete the interview with the correct form of be. Thes listen and check your answers. I= Interviewer, A= Ati A; Hello, my name’s Ati. I'm an archaeologist. I Where*_ ___.. you from? A: Egypt. you there at the moment? hore with my husband. £4 he an archaeologist? A: Yes, he* but he *__ co from Egypt. He's from England. Are you the same age? A: No, we” and he's 38. 7 Put the words in order to make questions. 1 your / what's /name / ? 2 you / England / are / from / ? 3. you /how / old / are /? 4 you / married / are / or / single /? 5. student / you / are /a /? 6 address / what / your / is / ? 8 Listen and respond asking and answering questions 4. Listen to the questions in Exercise 7. Respond each time with answers for you. Whats yourname? — Myname’s.. 9 Pronunciation contracted forms 5 Listen to the verb be in these sentences. Do ‘you hear the full form or the contracted form? Choose the correct option. Wiat’s / What is your name? He isn’t / is not American. T'm / Lam from India. You're / You are 28, Pm not / Lam not married. We an’t / are not explorers, 1b Families Listening a family of gorillas 11 6 Listen to a documentary about a family of gorillas. Number these topics in the correct onder (1-3 a. the family b daily tite ©. the place they live ae Se 2 6 Listen again. Choose the conect answer (@-<) for these questions. 3 Dictation Kingo's family 1 Where ace the forests? 7 Listen to part of the documenta: ain and 2 nthe Repubic of he Congo 137 isin to part the documentary 2g bin the Central African Republic © between the Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic Kingo’s wives are Mama, Mekome, Beatrice 2 How many gorillas are in the region? and Ugly. Mexome is Kingo's favourite @ one hundred ; but Mama is the most b thousands important adult female gorilla. There are also ¢ hundreds four young gorillas, two ® 3. How old is Kingo? and two gir's. Mama’s * aB is Kusu, Mekome’s son is Ekendy. Beatrice b 30 and Ugly are the girls’ mothers. Their < 3 4 are Gentil and Bomo. 4 How many wives and children are in Kingo’s — ‘The family Is tagether all the time and hoe they travel two kilometres a day. Kusu, ont Ekendy, Gentil and Bomo watch their in ; 5 and mothers and they leam 5 When i te family gether? +o find the fruit on different trees, After lunch, a inthe day b atnight the® play with Kingo. ¢ all the time Unit 1 People Vocabulary family 4 Complete the sentences about the family tree 7 f Ingma | Mark r £ f Ryan . ~ 1 Joel 1 and are Ryan’s mother and father 2 Joel's uncles are and ‘Tom and Joanne’s aunt is 4 Ranci’s brother-in-law is 4 {Hanna g Oye (ee | 5. Ranei’s niece is 6 Her nephew is 7 Ryan's sister-in-law is . 8 is Ingma’s daughter-in-law. Grammar possessive ‘s and possessive adjectives 5. Complete what Ryan says about his family with these words he her it omy our 's their they This is my family tree.’___' a small family. Georges? ___brother and? parents are charles and ingma. My wifes Rane anc parents are Mark and Hanna, Mason is “other child, Mason®___ wife Is Julie. Tom and Joanne are their children so” {are my nephew and nice, Jel s thet cousn and ‘smyson. 6 Writea paragraph about your family. 7 Pronunciation the same or different sounds 8 Listen and complete the pairs of sentences, fz in London. family is in London. my brother brother is a scientist. you from Canada? family is from Canada. eighteen. sister is eighteen. 1c Information about a country Listening Malaysia 1&9 Listen to some information about Malaysia. Tick the facts (1-8) you hear. 1 population Oo jobs the capital city, religion education languages mobile phones 8 internet 2 ©&9 Listen again and complete the fact file. Fact file: ‘Malaysia has a population of ' milion Kuale Lumpur is the capital city and it has ¢ ‘Tho average ago is * ‘There are a lot of differant religions in Malaysia and _ are Muslim. ‘Malay is the main language but many people also speak? Vocabulary everyday verbs 3 Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-5) with the endings (ae). 1 They live Thavea We work in an 90% of the population use the ‘The students speak office. internet in Australia new mobile phone. English, 4 Complete these sentences about you eaoc Live in, Thave Lwork in Tuse Ispeak Word focus in 5. Wiite in in these sentences. 1 They live the USA. hey live the A 2. 55% of the population work agriculture. 3. Welive Dubai. 4. Amanda and Nigel work a shop. 5 49% of the people live the countryside. mney MALAYSIA =... Unit 1 People 1d At the conference 11 Pronunciation the alphabet © 10 Listen and repeat the seven letters. A B ers) RpoOo-m Real life meeting people for the 2 11 Listen and write these letters next to the letters with the same sound in Exercise 1. CDEGHJKLMNPS TUVWXYZ 3. 12 Listen and check your answers from Exercise 2. irst time 4 © 13 Listen to people at a conference. Complete their name badges with their sumame and country. 5 %& 13 Complete the conversation with these phrases, Then listen again and check. Nice talking to See you later this is Vim from My name's Nice to meet you, too : Hello, can [help you? ‘Yes, I'm here for the conference. What's your name? Doctor Zull.? Australia. : Zul, Zull, Zulli that Z-ULL? That's right. Oh, here you are. Zul Nona Ono My name's Stella Williams. I'm the conference manager. ON : So, here is some information about the conference. You're early, 50 you can have a coffee over there. In fact, I'd like you to meet someone. Beata? P: Hello? , Doctor Zull. Nice to meet you where are you from Ci Beata)... Doctor Zul. He's aiso at the conference. P: Nice to meet you. on - Beata Polit. Z: Nice to meet you too, Beata. How do you spell your sumame? Ps POET. S08 — a * Poland. And you? Australia. So, let me leave you both. (OK. Thanks, Stella NONZN you. C: Yes.* Z&P: Goodbye, 1e Introduce yourself 1 Writing skill and, but I'm from Peru, Live in Chile. Pedro and Alex are from Spain ‘work in Madrid, 3. Sonia is at Oxford University, isn'ta student. 4. We're from Germany __ German and English, I work in an office __ 6 have one sister Complete the sentences with and or but. 1 2 they she we speak from my home. no brothers, Writing a personal description 2_ Read parts of six personal descriptions (1-6). Match them with the topics (2-f) a Hil My name's Shefali and I'm twenty-five. a Hello. I'm Angie ana I'm married with two daughters. a My family live in the countryside, but [live in the capital city, a Helo fm Monique Yn fom Belgium and Tspeak Dutch, French, German and English! 5 ‘m Hanaka and | have three cats! Gi : 5 ‘Ym Joseph and I’m a science teacher in a school in Kerala in southern India. a place you live b language(s) © job other information marital status and family f age 3 Read Brendan’ plan for a personal description. ‘Write his introduction. student at university from Australia \ live in Haly Cothar?> two brothers, no sisters ° Brendan Chaguaga> English Italian Hil My name's Brendan and,

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