Landfill Waste

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Landfill waste

Did you know that Australia produces 75.8 million tons of waste every year. Landfill is
terrible because it disposes of plastic waste that will be there for thousands of years
to come and will cause problems for all the other generations to come. I hope that we
all will stop using plastics by 2050 and stop using it altogether

Landfill is bad because it can cause sinkholes and houses may be built on forgotten
landfill sites which would cause very bad problems for the future generations.
Sinkholes from landfill have happened before on numerous cases, it is rare though, so
people normally don’t care about old landfill sites. Even though it is very rare for
sinkholes to happen with landfill sites, although if you were to build on one the weight
of the building would make the layer of hardened dirt crumble and destroy the building
all together. It is bad that landfill takes up most of our building space and because we
make a lot of rubbish, we need more space for it eventually taking up too much, so we
need to stop.

Landfill is certain to someday cause a disaster with the environment and it won’t help
with climate change or global warming. It should be required to put anything recyclable
in the recycling yellow bins and soft plastics in the red bins. It was unquestionably rare
that we found out how to get rid of plastics, but we have found a way that takes a long
time, it is Mealworms because they have a certain acid inside of them that breaks down
plastic when they eat it. So, if we figure out how to extract it and make large amounts,
we will find out a way to stop plastic from destroying the world!

Landfill almost always clogs up rubbish sheds even when it’s compacted so we need more
materials to build more sheds. Landfill and recycling plants are growing larger so if we
keep wasting rubbish then we will fill all the space in the plant and will need more money
to expand. Landfill and recycling plants are owned by the city/town government, and it
will take a lot of money to buy land and build on it and since the city owns it taxes will
increase to keep the funding stable. If we stop wasting plastics none of this will happen
and we will keep our lives stable.
If landfill reduces to a minimum, then we will live our lives better and the next
generation. If we do all this then our world will live long and so will us all.

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