Primary 3 Religion Lesson 1 PDF

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 God created the world and then he created our 1st parents.

 Unfortunately our first parents disobe God and were given punishment.

 But still God loved them therefore He promised them

a saviour who will save them from their sin.

 That promised saviour was Jesus Christ the only son of


 To bring that son into the world He selected a nation called "Hebrews" (The

chosen race).

 God made use of many leaders like patriarchs, prophets, judges and kings to make

the way for Jesus.

 From Adam to St. Joseph there were 19 patriarchs who led the chosen race called

Israelites. God use prophets to talk to people.

 Among many other patriarches in the Bible Abraham is considered as the

greatest. Because he was a man of great faith.

 Though he did not have a child he believed in the promise of God to raise a great

nation in his name.

 At last he received a child and he was ready to sacrifice even that child to God.

We too should have a firm faith in God like Abraham had.

 St. John the Baptist is considered as the first prophet in the

New Testament.

 His mother was Elizabeth and father was Zechariah.

 John the Baptist was preaching about the repentance and he

started to baptise people near river Jordan. He baptized Jesus


 At the moment of Jesus' baptism the heaven was opened and spirit of God came

down like a dove and there was a voice from heaven saying "this is my son in whom

I am well pleased." That gave a sign that Jesus was sent by God the father.
Primary 3 Religion Rev. Fr. Texcy Primal

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