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1. A block of weight W slides down an inclined plane while lubricated by a thin film
of oil, as in Fig. P1.45. The film contact area is A and its thickness is h. Assuming a
linear velocity distribution in the film, derive an expression for the “terminal”
(zero-acceleration) velocity V of the block.

Find the terminal velocity of the block in Fig. P1.45 if the block mass is 6 kg, A
=35 cm2, ϴ= 15°, and the film is 1-mm-thick SAE 30 oil at 20°C.

2. A shaft 6.00 cm in diameter is being pushed axially through a bearing sleeve 6.02
cm in diameter and 40 cm long. The clearance, assumed uniform, is filled with oil
whose properties are 𝜈 = 0.003 m2/s and SG = 0.88. Estimate the force required
to pull the shaft at a steady velocity of 0.4 m/s.

3. Calculate the pressure in the ocean at a depth of 2000 m assuming that salt water
is (a) incompressible with a constant density of 1002 kg m−3, (b) compressible
with a bulk modulus of 2.05 GN m−2 and a density at the surface of 1002 kg m−3.
[(a) 19.66 MN m−2, (b) 19.75 MN m−2]

(c)What depth of oil, specific gravity 0.8, will produce a pressure of 120 kNm−2?
What would be the corresponding depth of water? [15.3 m, 12.2 m]

(d) At what depth below the free surface of oil having a density of 600 kg m−3 will
the pressure be equal to 1 bar? [17 m]

4. What would be the pressure in kilonewtons per square metre if the equivalent
head is measured as 400 mm of (a) mercury of specific gravity 13.6, (b) water,
(c) oil of specific weight 7.9 kN m−3, (d ) a liquid of density 520 kg m−3?
[(a) 53.4 kN m−2, (b) 3.92 kN m−2, (c) 3.16 kN m−2, (d ) 2.04 kN m−2]

5. The pressure head in a gas main at a point 120 m above sea level is equivalent to
180 mm of water. Assuming that the densities of air and gas remain constant and
equal to 1.202 kg m−3 and 0.561 kg m−3, respectively, what will be the pressure
head in millimetres of water at sea level? [103 mm]

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6. An open tank contains oil of specific gravity 0.75 on top of water. If the depth of
oil is 2 m and the depth of water 3 m, calculate the gauge and absolute pressures
at the bottom of the tank when the atmospheric pressure is 1 bar.
[44.15 kN m−2, 144.15kN m−2]

7. The system in Fig. P2.18 is at 20°C. If atmospheric pressure is 101.33 kPa and
the pressure at the bottom of the tank is 242 kPa, what is the specific gravity of
fluid X?

8. At 20°C gage A reads 350 kPa absolute. What is the height h of the water in cm?
What should gage B read in kPa absolute? See Fig. P2.21.

9. For the inverted manometer of Fig. P2.32, all fluids are at 20°C.
If 𝑝𝐵 − 𝑝𝐴 = 97 𝑘𝑃𝑎, what must the height H be in m?

pg. 2 A.A. Kwarteng2023

10. The Gate AB with an inclination of 35 degrees to the horizontal is hinged at point A as
shown. Determine the resultant hydrostatic force and its moment about the pivot A.

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