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September, 2011 Dear Fellow Republican Committee-Person:

Please - read this entire letter.

You may recall, prior to the endorsement convention, we sent two letters expressing concern about our Montgomery County GOP. Now we are alerting you to the urgent need to give extraordinary support to our County-level GOP candidate-slate and to anticipate the upcoming deluge of negative campaigning from the other party.

We are not concerned about Bruce Castors chances of winning in November. Nor are we
concerned about Risa Fermans chances of winning, owing to her high-positive name-recognition well-earned during her years of public service as District Attorney. We must, however, capitalize on the Montco Democrats huge tactical error of allowing her to run UNOPPOSED. But - we are VERY CONCERNED about the overall Montgomery County GOP ticket because the other party is very well-financed and we are not. Their funding is nearly THREE TIMES what we have raised. See below. The D commissioner-candidates already have $1 million more than ours have. See below. MONTCO CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT CASH BALANCES AS OF MAY 2, 2011 Republicans Commissioner: Brown Castor Castor/Brown Democrats

$ 148,373 $ 4,679 $ 9,498

Shapiro/Richards Shapiro [individual] Richards [individual

$ $ $

323,536 830,276 24,479

Other Row-Officer Candidates: D.A.: Ferman $ Sheriff: Behr $ Clerk: Ahn $ Controller: Greenleaf $ Coroner: Clement $ Prothony: Donnelly $ Recorder: Becker $ Register: Mosesso $ Treasurer: Wilson $ Subtotal $

255,703 15,279 1,416 12,745 17,659 47,652 19,379 14,186 5,831 389,850 [no candidate] Holt Weiss Morgan Hofman Levy Hee Hanes Salus

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0 1,999 4,173 14,912 7,794 33,284 2,747 9,049 58,297 132,255




In addition, the Montgomery County Republican Committee (MCRC) has received a mere $45,431.68 in contributions in the last reporting period ended June 6th (almost exclusively from rowofficer candidates campaign funds) - this a complete REVERSAL of MCRCs traditional mission of supporting and funding individual campaigns. Such DISPARITIES clearly show that both CASTOR and MCRC have failed to raise CRITICAL FUNDING for the campaigns and they have failed abysmally. We are concerned that the Ds will use this huge funding advantage to unleash a negative barrage against Bruce Castorbased upon what we have previously termed Bruces Baggage that will be unprecedented in MontCo history in its focus and ferocity. This will clearly hurt Bruce individually at the polls - and it will also erode any potential for a positive coattail-effect for the rest of our ticket. Against this background, the leadership of our MontCo GOP is paralyzed. Could anyone have imagined an insolvent MCRC? At June 6th - MCRCs debts exceeded its cash balances by more than $46,000.00! Could anyone have envisioned an MCRC that is so distant from the fundamental work of campaigning? Could anyone have foreseen an MCRC that is unable to attract resources to help our candidates run effective races and win - instead depending on the candidates themselves to fund MCRC? Could anyone have predicted MCRCs collapse from having been one of the three strongest and winningest GOP counties in America, as per Ronald Reagans description in 1979? In the September issue of Philadelphia Magazine, a GOP partyactivist/commentator expressed our collective exasperation: On its best day, the MCRC is useless. Sadly, it falls to us, MontCos GOP Committee-People, to unite and raise the Republican standard in engaged and enthusiastic support of our outstanding candidates. What to do? Commit yourself to tireless and relentless efforts to: Inform your voters of MontCos excellent record of relatively low taxes and effective services, achieved under Republican leadership throughout the past century. Inform your voters that our party has moved women to top leadership positions; Jenny Brown, Risa Ferman, Eileen Behr, Nancy Becker, and Pat Mosesso are accomplished women in their respective fields who possess solid conservative Republican credentials. We can be proud that Jenny Brown is championing efforts to shrink government, to cut taxes, to reduce regulation and to maximize transparencyas she has so effectively done in Lower Merion in the face of strong D-opposition. Inform your voters that Moon Ahn, Esq. is MontCos first Korean-American candidate for any row office; Stewart Greenleaf Jr. offers a qualified, fresh perspective to the Controller position; Gordon Clement, M.D. has impeccable credentials to serve as Coroner; Bill Donnelly automated and modernized the

Prothonotary Office; Chuck Wilson put the Towamencin checkbook online, and Maureen Coggins & Dan Clifford are judicial-community leaders. In addition, learn the backgrounds and achievements of our candidates; talk them up with your friends and neighbors; volunteer to walk your precincts with our candidates; host gatherings at your homes to introduce our candidates to your neighbors; volunteer for phone banks, mailing efforts, etc.; support our candidates financially, as you are able; and Get Out The Vote! In calling for a unified effort between now and November 8th , we are not overlooking the MCRCs failings, nor are we advocating continued support for its ineffective and incompetent leadership. We merely seek unity by and among We - the Montco GOP Committee People, to save our County on Election Day from Democrats who cannot be trusted with our moneyand to save our Montco GOP! Please - help us communicate with you less expensively. Snail Mail costs too much!! We ask that you please self-identify by either filling out the short information form below and sending it to us or emailing this same information to :

___________________________________(Tear off here)_______________________________________

Complete & Return to: 101 WEST ELM STREET-SUITE #320, CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428 or send electronically to

Name: _____________________________ e-mail: ___________________________________

Township/Borough: __________________ Voting District: _____________________________


N O T AU T H O R IZE D BY AN Y C A N D ID A T E . PA ID FO R BY C O N C E R N E D R E P U B LIC A N C O M M IT T E E PE O P LE O F MO N T G O M E R Y C O U N T Y-2011. 101 W E S T ELM ST R E E T -S U IT E #320, C O N S H O H O C K E N , PA 19428

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