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Christian Disciplines' lesson series of Discipleship Essentials includes six lessons that introduce Christian
life disciplines, including prayer, bible study, and fixing our mind in eternal things. This lesson series will
help kids energize their walk with Jesus as they learn basic Christian disciplines until they become adults.

All lessons follow the HOOK-BOOK-LOOK-TOOK format.

Hook includes different activities to catch the attention of kids towards the lesson.
Book includes Bible Story and Lessons, and guides in delivering the story and using the visual aids.
Look includes interactive activities to guide kids for self-reflection
Took includes Take-Home Worksheets, which will involve and guide parents to follow-up lessons for their kids.
“HOW TO PRAY?” OBJECTIVES: At the end of the
lesson, the learners will be able to:
a. Determine that prayer is vital in
their relationship with God and is
not just an emergency line.
b. Value constant communication

HOOK with God.

c. Practice praying using the
A.C.T.S. model.
GREETINGS: Welcome each child as they arrive, with a smile and hug or a fist bump!
Give a short introduction to the new lesson series: CHRISTIAN DISCIPLINES. LESSON TITLE: “How To Pray?”

BIBLE TEXT: Matthew 6:5-15

OPENING PRAYER: Lead students to prayer. You may also assign one kid to pray.


Show “What’s My Purpose” pictures to students (see Lesson 1 appendix). As the image
constantly, our relationship with God
is shown, students guess what they think the purpose of the item in the picture is. Lastly, grows.
ask them their answers about the praying hands' picture.
1Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without
TRANSITION: From the day God created human beings, He provided us with a direct ceasing
means of communication with Him-- that is PRAYER. In our lesson today, we will
discover what the Bible tells us about prayer and find out how we should pray. MATERIALS NEEDED:

PRINTABLES: (See Lesson 1

Appendix): Attendance Sticker for

BOOK Lesson 1, Take-Home Worksheet #

1, What’s My Purpose Pictures


Have kids open their Bibles to the passages mentioned in the lesson. Ensure that as you read
materials (see Look part)
the passage, you have your Bible in front of you to remind children that the story you are sharing
to them is from the Bible and not from any other book.

(Use Play Dough/ Clay for A.C.T.S.)

Prayer is not reciting a formal sounding report filled with difficult words, ancient
phrases we would never use in regular speech, and an ‘amen’ at the end.

Prayer is simply talking to God. Prayer is communicating our feelings, wants, and
needs to God to build a relationship with Him.

True prayer is conversational and comes from the heart. 1 Corinthians 14:15 says, "...I
will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit,
but I will sing with my mind also."

Prayer is not merely a religious ritual; it involves our mind and spirit and our body.
Prayer is an effective, real conversation with the Living God – an intimate dialogue
with our loving Father.
(Distribute Play Dough/Clay to each student. Let them build one letter at a time on your signal.)

The purpose of the Lord's prayer was to teach us to pray. Jesus modeled a concept of prayer in Matthew 6. Let's open our
bibles and read the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6: 5-15. Although Jesus did not have a name for the prayer He modeled to
us today, we will put a name to it to easily remember it. Are your playdoughs ready?

The first letter we will build is the letter A. (Let kids make letter A using their playdoughs. Set aside.)

A stands for ADORATION. When Jesus taught us to pray, He taught us that we should first praise God for who He is
and what He has done for us. This prayer aspect includes our adoration for God, expression of our love for Him, and
praising Him for who He is. 1 Chronicles 29:11 says Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the
power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, LORD, is the
kingdom; you are exalted as head overall.

The second letter we will build is the letter C. (Let kids make letter C using their playdoughs. Set aside.)

C stands for CONFESSION. We ask God to show us our sins, confess them directly to God and repent for them, asking
for His forgiveness through faith in Jesus. We also pray that God will keep us away from evil. 1 John 1:9 says
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

The third letter we will build is the letter T. (Let kids make letter T using their playdoughs. Set aside.)

T stands for THANKSGIVING. We offer thanksgiving by thanking God for our lives and for blessing us with all that we
have. Thank God for the answered prayers, and for all the good things He has done for your life. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
says to give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

The last letter we will build is the letter S. (Let kids make letter S using their playdoughs. Set aside.)
S stands for SUPPLICATION. We tell God all our needs. We ask Him to heal the sick, be with the sad, provide food for
the hungry, call those who are not yet Christians, and many more. We also tell God to take care of our family and friends.
Whatever our needs are, we present it to Him. And, indeed, He listens to us! Matthew 7:7 says, Ask, and it will be given to
you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.

Now our word is complete! Let's read the word you have built: ACTS! As you pray, remember to use this model. Pray with
your heart, not just with memorized words, but let God hear your heart's words. He is always willing to listen to you.

One last question: HOW OFTEN DO YOU THINK YOU SHOULD PRAY? (Gather responses)
There is no standard formula to how many times we should talk to God in prayer, just like no one can tell you how often
you should talk to your friends. Some people would spend long hours just to talk to someone very dear to them. Some
would even talk about their lives' boring details to someone they love to spend their time with. The same goes for God.
God loves to listen to you; that's why He wants you to always talk to Him. Not just during meal times or before you go to
sleep, but for every moment of your life. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 encourages us to “pray without ceasing.” God never gets
tired of listening to your prayers.

When we pray, we grow in our relationship with God. We become closer to Him, and we become more aware of His
presence in our lives. Jesus commanded us in Matthew 26:14 to "watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation."
God knows we are weak and vulnerable to sin. Only a strong relationship with Him can keep us away from the
temptations of the devil. Therefore, Prayer protects us from the attacks of the evil one and gives us victory over sin. So,
let's not give up on praying! Pray to God, talk to Him every day. Let your relationship with God grow through your prayer

We just learned the ACTS model of prayer. We will go through our Prayer Stations inside the classroom to apply to pray
using this model.


(FOR AGES 4-12). Set-up a prayer station inside your classroom a day before your class. The prayer station will have four
stops, representing the four letters of ACTS. For every stop, kids will follow the instructions indicated. You may group kids
by 4 or 5, to avoid overcrowding in one stop. Make sure there's a volunteer teacher at every stop to guide the kids of what
they should do.

1ST STATION: Adoration. Stick a white cartolina on the wall. Provide colorful markers on this station. Instruct kids to write
or draw their praises to God on the cartolina. As they write/draw, tell them to talk to God and tell Him why they love Him,
and He deserves praise.

2nd STATION: Confession. Provide washable markers on this station. Set-up a whiteboard where kids will write a sin or
struggle they want to confess before God. Tell them to ask forgiveness to God for the wrong they wrote. After which, tell
them to "wipe" the words they wrote on the board,

3rd STATION: Thanksgiving. Put a black cartolina on the wall. Provide sticky notes of different colors. Instruct kids to write
on the sticky notes all the things they are thankful to God for. They can write as many as they can. After writing, tell them to
stick them on the black cartolina.

4th STATION: Supplication. You may choose to set-up any options below, or you may set-up all of these options:

Option 1: Needs Basket. Provide stones, markers, and a big basket on this stop. Instruct kids to write on a stone the needs
they want to ask from God. Then, tell them to put the stone inside the big basket.

Option 2: Healing Wall. Stick a blue cartolina on the wall. Provide band-aids to kids. Tell them to write names of people on
the band-aid they know are sick and need the healing touch of Jesus. Then, let them stick the band-aid on the blue cartolina.

Option 3: Prayer for the World. Stick giant world map on the wall. Provide markers. Ask kids to circle a county they want to
pray for so that the Good News of Jesus will be preached on that country.

After, everyone has finished all the stops. Gather all the kids, and together with close your prayer time by saying, "IN JESUS'

(FOR AGES 4-6) 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing (N.I.V.)

(FOR AGES 7-12)1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing (N.I.V.)

NOTE: Inform students that by the end of this lesson series (Lesson 7), those who can memorize all memory verses from
Lesson 1 through Lesson 6 will receive a special prize. Use the Punchcard Memory Verse Reward Card to track student’s
progress every Sunday. (See Appendix for Punchcard Memory Verse Reward Card template)

Distribute Take-Home Worksheet (How to Pray) to all students (See Appendix for Take-Home Worksheet Template).

Encourage them to ask help from their parents/ guardians to answer their Take-Home Worksheet. Let them bring their
finished work next Sunday.

Give rewards to those who can bring it back.


DISTRIBUTE HEALTHY SNACKS. (Snacks Suggestion: Bread & Water)

“HOW TO STUDY OBJECTIVES: At the end of the
lesson, the learners will be able to:

THE BIBLE?” (1) a. Learn and practice basic ways to

study the Bible


b. Appreciate reading & studying the

c. Apply the first and second steps

in studying the Bible


the Bible?”

GREETINGS: Welcome each child as they arrive, with a smile and hug or a fist bump! BIBLE TEXT: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Give a short introduction to the new lesson series: CHRISTIAN DISCIPLINES.
GENERAL TRUTH: Reading the
Bible draws us closer to God and
OPENING PRAYER: Lead students to prayer. You may also assign one kid to pray. helps us know what He wants us to

Put two baskets in front. Label one basket with OLD TESTAMENT, and the other with MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a
NEW TESTAMENT. Glue paper strips on balls with different books of the Bible written
light to my path. (ESV)
on it. Below is the list of names of the book in the Bible:

1. Genesis 6. Matthew
2. Exodus 7. John MATERIALS NEEDED:
3. Psalms 8. Ephesians PRINTABLES: (See Lesson 2
4. Proverbs 9. Romans Appendix): Attendance Sticker for
5. Malachi 10. Revelations Lesson 2, Take-Home Worksheet #
2, How to Study the Bible
Ask volunteers to identify whether the book of the Bible is written in the Old Testament Worksheet
or the New Testament. Let them “shoot” the ball to the basket indicated.
MISCELLANEOUS: 2 baskets and
ten balls for Hook activity
TRANSITION: Our game tested our knowledge of the Bible. Do you know that many
Christians are struggling to memorize the books in the Bible? Some individuals confuse
New Testament books from the Old Testament. We are not familiar with the Bible
because we seldom open it, and when we do, we do it hastily. Today's lesson will focus
on studying God's word – how important it is and how to do it.

Have kids open their Bibles to 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Make sure that as you read the
passage, you have your Bible in front of you to remind children that the story you are
sharing to them is from the Bible and not from any other book.

The Bible is the Word of God written so we can know more about God. It is also like an
armor we can use to fight against sin. The devil. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All scripture
is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man
of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

Sometimes, people read the Bible in the wrong manner. Because they read it inappropriately, they get the wrong message
as well. This is where "false teachings" begin. False teachings are teachings presented by people that are not precisely
true. Like reading any other book, when we read the Bible, we need to know how to understand it.

For two Sundays, we are going to learn the proper way to study the Bible. Properly studying the Bible will help us in becoming
firm believers. We will learn the three basic steps in studying the Bible. Today, let's learn the 1st & 2nd Step.

1st Step is PRAY. Before anything else, we pray to God and ask Him to help us understand the passage we will read or
hear. Remember, the Bible is God's Word. No better person can help us understand it but God Himself. Although we can
ask help from others who are more mature than us in their knowledge of the Bible, God wants us to seek Him and depend
on Him. He has promised us the Holy Spirit will be with us to guide us and help us understand His Word.

2nd Step in Bible Study is OBSERVATION. In this step, we ask questions about the passage we have heard or read. We
ask questions so we can understand what the Bible is telling us. Here are some of the fundamental questions we can ask:

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. What happened in the story?
3. Where did the story take place?

We can add more questions to the list, especially those that begin with Who, Where, When, What, Why & How.

Some of you here may not be able to read some of the words in the Bible yet because you are just getting started reading.
Luke 11:28 says, "Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" You can have your parents or another adult
read the Bible if you cannot read it yourself. The important thing is that you are learning from the Bible and what it has to
say. As you get older, it will be vital that you find a time all by yourself to read the Bible so that you can learn what God is
saying to you.

The Bible is God's special book for us, and we should honor Him by taking the time to see what it says! Imagine that a
friend writes you a letter telling you what a great friend you are. But instead of reading the letter, you stick it in a drawer
somewhere and never open it. You would never know that your friend thinks you are a great friend! If we don't read our
Bible, it is like never opening the letter from our friend. We won't know what God is telling us about living for Him if we don't
read what the Bible has to say.


We will read a story in the Bible, and let’s try using the 1st step in studying the Bible to understand the story better. (Distribute
How To Study the Bible Worksheet. See Lesson 2 appendix for the template.)


Bible Text: Luke 19:1-10 (Zaccheus the Tax Collector)

Read the story to the kids. (For older kids, you may ask them to read it by themselves.)

Guide the kids to do Steps 1 & 2 in studying the Bible (Prayer & Observation)

Guide the kids in answering the three basic questions in the OBSERVATION box. Let them write their answers.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. What happened in the story?
3. Where did the story take place?

Younger Kids Option: Provide picture cut-outs of answers to the questions. Let them glue the pictures in the OBSERVATION
box of the worksheet.


(FOR AGES 4-6) Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (ESV)

(FOR AGES 7-12) Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (ESV)

NOTE: Inform students that by the end of this lesson series (Lesson 6), those who can memorize all memory verses from
Lesson 1 through Lesson 6 will receive a special prize. Use the Punchcard Memory Verse Reward Card to track students’
progress every Sunday. (See Appendix for Punchcard Memory Verse Reward Card template)

Distribute Take-Home Worksheet (How to Study the Bible Part 1) to all students (See Appendix for Take-Home
Worksheet Template).

Encourage them to ask help from their parents/ guardians to answer their Take-Home Worksheet. Let them bring their
finished work next Sunday.

Give rewards to those who can bring it back.


DISTRIBUTE HEALTHY SNACKS. (Snacks Suggestion: Banana Cake & Juice)

“HOW TO STUDY OBJECTIVES: At the end of the
lesson, the learners will be able to:

THE BIBLE?” (2) a. Learn and practice basic ways to

study the Bible


b. Appreciate reading & studying the

c. Apply the third and fourth steps in

studying the Bible

the Bible?”
GREETINGS: Welcome each child as they arrive, with a smile and hug or a fist bump!
BIBLE TEXT: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

OPENING PRAYER: Lead students to prayer. You may also assign one kid to pray. GENERAL TRUTH: Reading the
Bible draws us closer to God and
helps us know what He wants us to
ACTIVITY: Bible True or False? do.

If their answer is True, kids will jump in place. If False, they will turn around.
MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 119:105
1. The word RAINBOW is mentioned in the Bible. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a
2. There are 100 books in the Bible. light to my path. (ESV)
3. Matthew is the first book of the Old Testament.
4. Psalms is a book in the Bible.
5. Jesus can walk on water.

PRINTABLES: (See Lesson 3

TRANSITION: Our game tested our knowledge of the Bible. We are not familiar with the Appendix): Attendance Sticker for
Bible because we seldom open it, and when we do, we do it hastily. Today's lesson will Lesson 3, Take-Home Worksheet #
3, How to Study the Bible
focus on studying God's word – how important it is and how to do it.

Have kids open their Bibles to 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Make sure that as you read the
passage, you have your Bible in front of you to remind children that the story you are
sharing to them is from the Bible and not from any other book.

Last week, we learned about how important it is that we spend time reading the Bible.
We also learned about the first two steps in studying the Bible. Today, we will learn the
3rd and 4th steps in studying the Bible. Before we proceed, let us read our text: 2
Timothy 3:16-17. The passage tells us how Scripture is important. It says the Scripture
is used for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. These are
needed so that we will be equipped to do what God wants us to do.

This is the reason why we are learning the basic steps of studying the Bible. Last week, we learned that Bible Study
begins by PRAYER, then OBSERVATION. The 3rd step is INTERPRETATION.

This step answers the question, "what does it mean?" The main purpose of the 3rd step is to find out the meaning of the
passage. Every story in the Bible has a lesson to learn. Every passage we read in the Bible has a unique purpose. We
can only know its meaning and the lessons to learn when we know the INTERPRETATION. For you, kids, the 3rd step
needs some close guidance and help from adults who are matured in their spiritual walk with God. It requires a more in-
depth study of the passage and other surrounding passages in the Bible. This is the reason why you attend Sunday
School. Here, we help you understand the meaning of the stories we read in the Bible.

The 4th step is APPLICATION. This step answers the question, "What does God want me to do?" In this step, we
discover if there is a command indicated in the passage that we need to follow, or a promise that we need to keep, or sin
we need to confess. Every lesson we learn in the Bible is merely nothing if they are not applied in our lives. It is important
that every time we read the Bible, we obey what it says. James 1:22-25 also tells us this: 22 Do not merely listen to the
word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like
someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he
looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it-not forgetting what
they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

Let's have a recap of the four steps in studying the Bible:

Step 1: Prayer (putting our dependence to the Holy Spirit as we read the Bible)

Step 2: Observation (What does it say?)

Step 3: Interpretation (What does it mean?)

Step 4: Application (What does God wants me to do?)


We will continue our activity from last week. Let's try using the 3rd and 4th step in studying the Bible to understand the story
better. (Distribute How To Study the Bible Worksheet. See Appendix for the template.)


Bible Text: Luke 19:1-10 (Zaccheus the Tax Collector)

Read the story to the kids. (For older kids, you may ask them to read it by themselves.)

Guide the kids to do Steps 3 & 4 in studying the Bible (Interpretation & Application)

Provide an answer to the INTERPRETATION box in the worksheet. Or kids can also write their personal questions on this
box regarding the passage. If a student chooses to write personal questions, spend some time with them privately to explain
the answers to their questions. Thus, leading them to understand the meaning of the passage.

Let kids fill-out their answers in the APPLICATION box.


(FOR AGES 4-6) Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (ESV)

(FOR AGES 7-12) Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (ESV)

NOTE: Inform students that by the end of this lesson series (Lesson 6), those who can memorize all memory verses from
Lesson 1 through Lesson 6 will receive a special prize. Use the Punchcard Memory Verse Reward Card to track students’
progress every Sunday. (See Appendix for Punchcard Memory Verse Reward Card template)

Distribute Take-Home Worksheet (How to Study the Bible Part 2) to all students (See Appendix for Take-Home
Worksheet Template).

Encourage them to ask help from their parents/ guardians to answer their Take-Home Worksheet. Let them bring their
finished work next Sunday.

Give rewards to those who can bring it back.


DISTRIBUTE HEALTHY SNACKS. (Snacks Suggestion: Kamote Fries & Juice)

“HOW TO LIVE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the
lesson, the learners will be able to:

WITH AN ETERNAL a. Define an eternal perspective.

b. Evaluate their view of life,

whether temporal or eternal.

c. Integrate and apply principles

learned to their situation today and


LESSON TITLE: “How To Live With

an Eternal Perspective?”

BIBLE TEXT: Matthew 6: 25-34

HOOK GENERAL TRUTH: Living with an
eternal perspective means living to
seek God first.
GREETINGS: Welcome each child as they arrive, with a smile and hug or a fist bump!
2 Corinthians 4:18a “So we fix our
eyes on what is seen, but on what is
OPENING PRAYER: Lead students to prayer. You may also assign one kid to pray. unseen.”


PRINTABLES: (See Lesson 4
Appendix): Attendance Sticker for
Distribute Scavenger Hunt Card (See Lesson 4 Appendix) and a Paper Bag to hold Lesson 4, Take-Home Worksheet #
scavenger hunt items for each student. Instruct them to find all the things written on the 4, Scavenger Hunt Card (1 per
list. Remind them not to go outside the church perimeter. You can opt to have this as a student)
race for older kids. To younger kids, however, close guidance and encouragement to MISCELLANEOUS: Paper Bag for
complete their hunt is highly needed. Hook activity (1 per student), Wormy
the Worrier Socks Puppet (for Story
After everyone has completed their hunt, call them to gather back inside the classroom. Time)
Commend everyone for doing a great job!

TRANSITION: God created all of the nature items you found. He made the leaves, the
flowers, even the birds where the feather came from. If God cares for all these things in
nature, God cares about you as well. Today, we are going to dig deeper into the Bible
to discover what Jesus told us about living our lives here on earth.

Have kids open their Bibles to the passages mentioned in the lesson. Make sure that as
you read the passage, you have your Bible in front of you to remind children that the
story you are sharing to them is from the Bible and not from any other book.


The Bible tells us that our lives don't end here on earth. Our physical bodies will die and perish, but our spiritual bodies will
live forever, either in heaven or in hell. That depends on the decision we will make here on earth. We will surely go to
heaven if we decide to believe and receive Jesus Christ as our Savior & Lord. And we will go to hell if we do otherwise.

If you have chosen to believe and receive Jesus in your lives, He wants you always to remember that your life here on
earth is temporary. That means it will end. We will die. However, life with Jesus doesn't end there. We have an eternity
with Him waiting in heaven! Isn't that exciting?

The Bible reminds us to “set our minds on things above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:2). That means,
while we are living here on earth, we must have an eternal perspective. Oh, that's a new term to learn! Let's look up the
meaning of an "eternal perspective."

Eternal Perspective is looking at everything around us in God's infinite point of view.

That means, if you have an eternal perspective, you see things the way God sees it for eternity. God looks at eternity, not
just our day-to-day lives here on earth. He wants us to know that our problems here on earth are only temporary. He
doesn't want us to worry about them. One day, when we will get to heaven with Him, no one will bully us anymore, no one
will get sick, no one is going to get hungry, no one is going to get lonely and sad.

Let's look into a Bible passage that reminds us to view life with an eternal perspective. Open your bibles to Matthew 6: 25-
34. (Read the entire passage, or assign few kids to read 1 verse at a time).

Introduce Wormy the Worrier (Socks Puppet) Note: Use colorful socks in making the puppet. Put eyes, mouth, and
other details to make your puppet look like Wormy the Worrier.

Now, I'd like you to meet Wormy, the Worrier. Wormy worries a lot! He is always sad and is always
afraid of the next day. Today, Wormy is going to tell us all his problems. To help Wormy, we will listen
to him. OK? But, after we listen to his problems, we will share what we read in the Bible just a while
ago, so he can be reminded not to worry a lot.

Are you ready? Now, let's prepared our ears to listen to Wormy the Worrier.


(Assign a teacher volunteer to hold Wormy the Worrier for a puppet show)
Note: Use colorful socks in making the puppet. Put eyes, mouth, and other details to make your puppet look like Wormy
the Worrier.

Wormy: (talk in a sad tone) Hi kids. I am Wormy, the Worrier. I am really sad today. I just finished eating, but I am worried
I will not have food to eat tomorrow. I can still see food down the ground, but what if all the other worms will eat them all
today? What shall I eat tomorrow? What will happen to me? I will get hungry tomorrow. I am so scared to be hungry
tomorrow. Can you help me?

Teacher: OK, kids. Remember what we read a while ago in the Bible? It says, "Look at the birds of the air, they do not
sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them." God can take care of the needs of Wormy.
God can provide food for Wormy every day. So, let's all together say to Wormy: DON'T WORRY, GOD WILL FEED YOU

Wormy: (talk in a sad tone) Thank you, kids. But, I am still sad today. Yes, let's say God will give me food tomorrow. But
how about my skin? What if my skin will fall out tomorrow? I always crawl on the ground; what if the ground destroys my
skin? My skin keeps me warm and protects me. Without it, I'm going to die. I think I am going to die tomorrow!

Teacher: Well, Wormy is a worrier. What do you think can we tell Wormy? Remember what we read a while ago? Jesus
said in the Bible, "See how the lilies of the field grow, they do not labor nor spin, but God clothes them in splendor" God
created Wormy’s skin to be precisely just it is so it can crawl safely on the ground. His skin will never fall out even when
he will crawl every day. Now, let's say this to Wormy: DON'T WORRY, GOD WILL KEEP YOU SAFE ALWAYS.

Wormy: (talk in a sad tone) But what if the ground will get all dried up tomorrow? What if there’s no more water and
moisture on the ground? What if there will be no rain for a year? What if people will no longer water the soil? I am going to
die! (crying)

Teacher: Oh, Wormy, you have to stop worrying. We read in Matthew 6:34 a while ago that "Therefore do not worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." Just be happy today that you are still alive. Suppose you will continue to be
worried about your tomorrow. In that case, you will never see how God keeps you moving every day and how He makes
you useful every day. Look at how you’ve grown! Look at all the healthy plants around! If not because of you, those plants
are going to die.

Now, kids, help me say this to Wormy: DO NOT WORRY ABOUT YOUR TOMORROW.

Wormy: (talk in a happy tone) Well, your truly right, kids!Thank you so much for reminding me not to worry. Beginning
today, I am going to be happy and be thankful that God keeps me alive and useful every day.


You see, kids, it’s always not good to worry. If we want to have an eternal perspective, we must set aside all our worries
and fears about tomorrow. Matthew 6:33 tells us to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness." Instead of worrying and
being afraid, we must seek God first. He cares for us. We must focus on things that will last forever (eternal), than on things
that are just temporary (temporal).

We may have problems and difficulties now, but those problems are just temporary. Let's focus on seeking the Kingdom of
God. That means we develop a growing relationship with God. Remember our previous lessons? To have a growing
relationship with God, we must pray every day and read the Bible every day. As we read the Bible and pray, remember to
obey whatever God will tell us through His Words.

To have an eternal perspective, we need a little practice, though. But don't worry, our lesson next week will help us
discover specific ways on how to have this kind of perspective.


Things that are seen are temporal. These things will all be gone one day. However, unseen things are eternal. These things
last forever, and God wants us to focus more on these things. Let’s see if you can identify what are things that are temporal
and what are eternal.


Instructions (FOR AGES 4-12).

Distribute Temporal Vs. Eternal worksheet to each student (See Appendix for template). Let them identify which images are
temporal and which are eternal. Draw an X to images that are temporal. Box images that are eternal
Money Eternal:
Health Jesus
Clothing Heaven
Food Faith in God


(FOR AGES 4-6) 2 Corinthians 4:18a “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen." (N.I.V.)

(FOR AGES 7-12) 2 Corinthians 4:18a “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen." (N.I.V.)

NOTE: Inform students that by the end of this lesson series (Lesson 6), those who can memorize all memory verses from
Lesson 1 through Lesson 6 will receive a special prize. Use the Punchcard Memory Verse Reward Card to track students’
progress every Sunday. (See Appendix for Punchcard Memory Verse Reward Card template)

Distribute Take-Home Worksheet (How to Live With an Eternal Perspective) to all students (See Appendix for Take-
Home Worksheet Template).

Encourage them to ask help from their parents/ guardians to answer their Take-Home Worksheet. Let them bring their
finished work next Sunday.

Give rewards to those who can bring it back.

!!! Note: Inform students to arrive to class next week wearing their desired profession costumes
someday. They will have a CAREER DAY in class for Lesson 6.


DISTRIBUTE HEALTHY SNACKS. (Snacks Suggestion: Cookies & Mango Juice)

“HOW TO WALK OBJECTIVES: At the end of the
lesson, the learners will be able to:

WITH GOD?” a. Understand how spending time

with God changes us

[CHRISTIAN DISCIPLINES SERIES] b. Appreciate the presence of God

and His works during their good and
bad days.

C, Practice the presence of God by

expressing praises to Him.
LESSON TITLE: “How To Walk With
GREETINGS: Welcome each child as they arrive, with a smile and hug or a fist bump!
BIBLE TEXT: Psalm 73: 1-28

GENERAL TRUTH: Spending time

OPENING PRAYER: Lead students to prayer. You may also assign one kid to pray.
with God keeps our focus on Him
and not in the world.
MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 73:28b
"…it is good to be near God." (N.I.V.)
Early Preparations: Fill a beautifully decorated gift box with faux treats (stones wrapped
in candy wrappers). MATERIALS NEEDED:
PRINTABLES: (See Lesson 5
Show the gift box in front of your students. Ask students to guess what is inside the Appendix): Attendance Sticker for
gift box. Tell students that they can get one piece of treats from inside the gift box. Lesson 5, Take-Home Worksheet #
5, Cup Puppets for Bible Story,
Instruct them not to open the treat before your signal. After everyone took their share, Praise Jar label
on your signal, tell them to open it.
Say: I'm sorry, but those are fake candies. They are stones, and we cannot eat per student), Glue, Scissors,
Pencils, Two 1/8 strips of paper per
them. You see, kids, sometimes we don't always get good things in life. We have happy student
days, and we also have destructive and sad days. But, that doesn't mean that no one
cares for you. God, who created all of us, cares so much about you. He even wants you
to spend time with Him because He loves when you talk to Him and let Him take care of
you. (Optional: You may distribute real candies for your students after the activity)

TRANSITION: Today, we will learn another bible story. It’s a story about a man who
experienced bad and sad days. Let’s see how this man was able to get through his bad
and sad days.

Have kids open their Bibles to Psalm 73. Narrate the story of Asaph in Psalm 73 with
Cup Puppets as visual aids (See Appendix for puppet templates). Make sure that as
you narrate the story, you have your Bible in front of you to remind children that the story
you are sharing to them is from the Bible and not from any other book.

(Psalm 73)

(Show singing Asaph cup puppet) Asaph was one of the main musicians at the temple. He was responsible for leading
worship in the temple. He was a gifted individual. He also wrote poems. He understood where his gift came from, and he
used his music to praise God and communicate God’s Word to everyone.

(Show sad Asaph & Wicked People cup puppet) One day, Asaph began to have questions that bothered him. He looked
at bad people and realized they seemed like they never had problems. It looked like they had everything they wanted, and
nothing wrong ever happened to them. Asaph began wondering why he should continue serving the Lord. He struggled
with envy. He looked at all the wicked people's lives, but he did not see it according to how God sees it. He began to point
out all of the good things about their experiences. He saw them prosperous as if never suffered in any pain, as if never
had problems as if they have everything they wish for! Asaph continued to be sad and felt terrible because of how people
acted, and it seemed to him that they were not punished for their bad attitudes. It was as if Asaph was saying to God, “it’s

(Show praying Asaph, God & Wicked People cup puppet) Until he went to God, Asaph realized he did not see things
according to how God sees it. When he spent time with God and began to worship Him, he stopped thinking about the
way he was thinking before. Asaph, in his time with God, remembered what happens at the end of the wicked path. The
path of those who do bad things and do not obey God leads to destruction, death, and judgment, not a blessing. It may
appear OK for the wicked now, but a day will come when we will all be judged, and if they do not have a relationship with
God, they will be destroyed. Asaph described that wicked people are in slippery places. That means they could fall at any
moment. That's why all of us must stand on solid ground. The only solid ground in this life is Jesus. If we put our trust in
Him and make Him our personal Savior and Lord, we will live with Him for eternity.

(Show happy Asaph cup puppet) When Asaph started to see things the way how God sees it, he began to worship God.
He was able to see the blessings of his life and how God loves him so much. He realized that even though he'll
experience hard times here on earth, he knows God will always be with Him to guide and strengthen him each day. And
when his life is over here on earth, he knew he would be with the Lord forever in eternal joy and peace.

You see, when our eyes are fixed on God and not on what we see in this world, we begin to see all the blessings God is
giving His children. This is what we mean by having an "eternal perspective." Remember our lesson last week? We fix our
eyes on God! The world around us is filled with chaos, negative news, quarrels & other odd sights. However, God wants
us to see things the way He does. And the only way for us to see it this way is by spending time with Him in worship and
prayer. No matter what happens, let us always be aware of God's presence in our lives every day. He sees what is
happening to us. He knows how we feel. He knows when we are happy or sad. He knows everything about us, and He
cares for us.

Now that we know that it is essential that we spend time with God, let's see how we can do it every day: (Show
photo illustration for each item. See lesson Appendix for template)

1. Start your day with God. Pray to God first thing in the morning. Do not do anything else, but spend time with God in
prayer and reading the Bible. Tell Him you are thankful you are alive today and ask Him to guide and protect you today.

2. Always talk to God. Talk to God continually, not just when you are in church, before eating a meal, or before you sleep.
Talk to Him as if He's your close friend even when you are doing a very ordinary task in the day. For example, when you
are fixing your toys, walking outside the house, eating your favorite snacks, tell God everything. Remember, he always
listens to you.

3. Practice Praise. Whatever you are going through in a day and however you feel, find reasons to praise God. For example,
if you are happy because you have friends playing with you, praise God! Another example, if you are sad because your pet
dog died, still praise God!

4. Be Aware of What God is Doing. Expect God to show up and answer your prayers! Look at people around you and
pray for them-- even strangers on the street.


We just learned that one of the ways we can practice God's presence in our lives is by practicing praise. Today, we are
going to do that. Did you bring your empty jars?


Instructions (FOR AGES 4-6). Distribute the "Praise Jar" label for students to stick it on their jars before giving them the
next instruction. (See lesson appendix for Printable Praise Jar label & Yellow Happy Face)

Ask students to think of their most favorite part of their day yesterday. Let them draw it in a 1/8 strip of paper. Next, ask
students to think of their least favorite part of their day yesterday. Let them draw it on another 1/8 trip of paper.

Next, ask students to stick a yellow happy face in both their drawings. Remind them that the yellow happy face will signify
their praise to God. Tell them to do the same activity every day so they can practice praising God in both good and bad

After that, tell them to put their drawing inside their PRAISE JAR.

Encourage students to fill their jars with praises every day by doing the same activity they did earlier. One day, when they
feel sad or mad, they can open the jar and look at the strips of paper they've placed inside. This will remind them that God
is present in every moment of their lives.

Instructions (FOR AGES (7-12). Distribute the "Praise Jar" label for students to stick it on their jars before giving them the
next instruction. (See lesson appendix for Praise Jar label)

Ask students to think of their most favorite part of their day yesterday. Let them write it in a paper. Then, ask them to write
on the same paper why they chose that as their most favorite part of yesterday.

Next, ask students to think of their least favorite part of their day yesterday. Let them write it in a paper. Then, ask them to
write on the same paper why they chose that as their least favorite part of yesterday.

After writing both, tell them to roll the paper and put it in their PRAISE JAR.

Encourage students to fill their jars with praises every day by doing the same activity they did earlier. They can also place
their prayers in the jar. One day, when they feel sad or mad, they can open the jar and read the strips of paper they’ve
placed inside. This will remind them that God is present in every moment of their lives.


(FOR AGES 4-6) Psalm 73:28b "…it is good to be near God." (N.I.V.)

(FOR AGES 7-12) Psalm 73:28b "…it is good to be near God." (N.I.V.)

NOTE: Inform students that by the end of this lesson series (Lesson 6), those who can memorize all memory verses from
Lesson 1 through Lesson 6 will receive a special prize. Use the Punchcard Memory Verse Reward Card to track students’
progress every Sunday. (See Appendix for Punchcard Memory Verse Reward Card template)

Distribute Take-Home Worksheet (How to Walk with God?) to all students (See Appendix for Take-Home Worksheet

Encourage them to ask help from their parents/ guardians to answer their Take-Home Worksheet. Let them bring their
finished work next Sunday.

Give rewards to those who can bring it back.

!!! Note: Remind students to arrive to class next week wearing costumes of their desired profession
someday. They will have a CAREER DAY in class for Lesson 6.


DISTRIBUTE HEALTHY SNACKS. (Snacks Suggestion: Egg/ Meat Bread & Orange Iced Juice)

“HOW TO KNOW OBJECTIVES: At the end of the
lesson, the learners will be able to:

GOD’S WILL a. Discover truths in the Bible, which

will guide them in making decisions
in life.

FOR ME?” b. Realize that God’s will is always

best for them

[CHRISTIAN DISCIPLINES SERIES] c. Seek to discover and follow God’s

will for their lives


God’s Will for Me?”

BIBLE TEXT: James 1:5; Psalm

119:105; Philippians 2:13; Proverbs
19:20, Proverbs 3:5

GENERAL TRUTH: God’s will is
always best for us. We must seek it
GREETINGS: Welcome each child as they arrive, with a smile and hug or a fist bump! and follow it.

MEMORY VERSE: James 1:5 "If any

of you lacks wisdom, you should ask
OPENING PRAYER: Lead students to prayer. You may also assign one kid to pray. God…" (N.I.V.)


PRINTABLES: (See Lesson 6
Appendix): Attendance Sticker for
Early Preparations: Set-up a Career Day theme in your classroom before class. You Lesson 6, Take-Home Worksheet #
may also opt to set-up a photo booth. 6, God Made Me With A Purpose
Worksheet, Story Time Visual Aids
Tell kids that today is your last lesson on Christian Disciplines series.
Backdrop, Glue, Scissors, Pencils,
Tell them that today is also Career Day in your Sunday School. Appreciate them for
arriving at Sunday School wearing costumes and uniforms of their desired career
someday. One by one, ask students to go in front and ask each one this question: WHAT

Say: Thank you, kids! It's so good to see you dreaming big! As you grow old, you will
face situations where you will make tough decisions. One of the tough decisions you will
make in life is deciding what career you will have someday. You must be ready for this.
There's no better way to get prepared for this but to walk closely with God so that you
will make the right decision in life.

TRANSITION: Today, we are going to uncover important bible passages to guide us in

making the right decisions in our lives and, therefore, seeking God's will for us.

Use the TRAIN RIDE SCRIPT to deliver today's lesson. Have kids open their Bibles as you read specific bible passages.
Make sure that as you read the bible passage, you have your Bible in front of you to remind children that the words you
share with them are from the Bible and not from any other book.

God's plan and purpose for us can also be called "God's will." God created us with a plan and a purpose. You and I are
important to Him, and we are very special in His sight. That's why He wants us to obey Him and follow His will for us to not
go astray from the right path. All the desires that we have in life must be according to His plan and purposes for our lives.

But here’s the big question: How do we know God’s will in our lives?

Let's dig deep into the Bible and discover the answers to our big question. According to the Bible, there are specific
ways we can follow for us to make the right decisions in life, and, therefore, follow God's will.

We are going on a quick TRAIN RIDE today to discover these ways. Let's pretend we are the train. Let's form a big
circle; place your hands in the person's shoulders in front of you. I am the train engine, and I will decide whether we will
stop or we will go. When I raise the green circle, we have to move around the classroom like a train and say, "Chuga!
Chuga! Choo! Choo!" When I raise the red circle, we have to stop and sit down on the floor and listen to what I will say.


Teacher: Are you ready for our train ride to knowing God's will? Hop-on kids, and let's get moving like a train! Chuga!
Chuga! Choo! Choo! Chuga! Chuga! Choo! Choo!….Chuga! Chuga! Choo! Choo!..and now we STOP in our first station.
Everybody sit down.

In the FIRST STATION to knowing God's will in our lives, it says here that we can see the will of God in our lives BY

The Bible is God's Word to us. He has said everything He wants us to know in the Bible. The Bible cannot tell us the specific
things we have to do every day, like what time we must wake-up, how we must fix our bed, what dress we must wear, etc.
However, the Bible outlines important truths where we can base our decisions.

Let's open our Bibles and read Psalms 119:105. It says, "Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." That means
the Word of God serves as a guide for us. When we read the Bible, we discover what we need to do, and it guides us on
how to do those things.

Teacher: Now, let's continue our train ride to knowing God's will! Hop-on kids, and let's get moving like a train! Chuga!
Chuga! Choo! Choo! …Chuga! Chuga! Choo! Choo!….Chuga! Chuga! Choo! Choo!..and now we STOP in our second
station. Everybody sit down.

In the SECOND STATION to knowing God's will in our lives, it says here that we can see the will of God in our lives BY
PRAYING every day.

God is always ready to show His plan for us if only we would ask Him. Whenever we do not know what to do or are confused
about our choices, we can always pray. We can ask God for wisdom to make the right decisions. We can ask Him to show
us His will that we may walk in it.

Let’s open our Bibles and read James 1:5 “ If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all
without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Teacher: Now, let's continue our train ride to knowing God's will! Hop-on kids, and let's get moving like a train! Chuga!
Chuga! Choo! Choo! …Chuga! Chuga! Choo! Choo!….Chuga! Chuga! Choo! Choo!..and now we STOP in our third station.
Everybody sit down.

In the THIRD STATION to knowing God's will in our lives, it says here that we can know the will of God in our lives BY

Once we have already prayed and asked God for wisdom, the next step we need to do is surrender to Him. We must submit
completely to the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who will empower us to do the things God wants us to do. Whatever God
will tell us through the Bible, we must obey it. Like for example, if the Bible tells us not to tell lies, then we must not tell lies.

Let's open our Bibles and read Philippians 2:13, "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good

Teacher: Now, let's continue our train ride to knowing God's will! Hop-on kids, and let's get moving like a train! Chuga!
Chuga! Choo! Choo! …Chuga! Chuga! Choo! Choo!….Chuga! Chuga! Choo! Choo!..and now we STOP in our fourth
station. Everybody sit down.

In the FOURTH STATION to knowing the will of God in our lives, it says here that we can know the will of God in our lives

It is also a good practice to seek wisdom from people who spend more time with God and with His Word, just like our church
leaders and pastors. You must listen to people who fear God and seeks to obey Him in their lives. As you do this, don't
forget that you must continue to read the Bible and pray every day and not just listen to advice from other people.

Let’s open our Bibles and read Proverbs 19:20 “Listen to advice and accept discipline…”

Teacher: Now, let's continue our train ride to knowing God's will! Hop-on kids, and let's get moving like a train! Chuga!
Chuga! Choo! Choo! …Chuga! Chuga! Choo! Choo!….Chuga! Chuga! Choo! Choo!..and now we STOP in our fifth station.
This is the last station. Everybody sit down.

In the FIFTH STATION to knowing God's will in our lives, it says here that we can know the will of God in our lives BY

Finally, we should learn to remove any doubt that is within us. One of the biggest stumbling blocks in seeking God’s will is
the inability to trust in God. That is why we must have faith in God and believe that His choice is always the best for us.

Let's open our Bibles and read Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your understanding.”

Now, let’s have a recap of what we have learned from all the stations we dropped-by.

We can know God's will in our lives through these five ways:







There's one last thing that I want us all to remember today. While we seek God's will for our lives, we must also not forget
our lives' real purpose. Why did Jesus come to this world? The answer is found in Luke 19:10, "the Son of Man (Jesus) has
come to seek and save the lost." Jesus died for all our sins, and after three days, He rose from the dead completing His act
of salvation for all mankind. Whoever will believe and receive Him in their lives will live in eternity with Him in heaven.

If you have decided to follow Jesus in your life, you must tell others about Jesus Christ. God has given you talents/ gifts to
help you do your duty to tell others about Jesus. Like for example, if God has given you a music talent, you can use it to
play musical instruments at church or sing songs to lead the people towards knowing who Jesus is.

Let's find out what God has given you today and see how you can use it to serve God and tell others about the Good News
of Jesus.



(FOR AGES 4-12). Distribute the "God Made Me With A Purpose" worksheet per student. Ask students to fill out the
worksheet with their answers. End activity with a prayer. (See Lesson 6 Appendix for Worksheet Template).

Note: For younger kids, you may ask them to draw their answers instead of writing them.


(FOR AGES 4-6) James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God…" (N.I.V.)

(FOR AGES 7-12) James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God…" (N.I.V.)

SCRIPTURE MEMORY CHALLENGE. Ask who can recite all the Memory Verses from Lesson 1 to Lesson 6 in class.
Check their Punchcard Memory Verse Challenge. Reward those who can recite all the memory verses.

Distribute Take-Home Worksheet (How to Know God’s Will for Me?) to all students (See Appendix for Take-Home
Worksheet Template).

Encourage them to ask help from their parents/ guardians to answer their Take-Home Worksheet. Let them bring their
finished work next Sunday.

Give rewards to those who can bring it back.


DISTRIBUTE HEALTHY SNACKS. (Snacks Suggestion: Spaghetti & Juice)

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