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IKEv1 IPsec Site-to-Site VPN

IKEv1 provides a framework for the parameter negotiation and key exchange between VPN
peers for the correct establishment of a (Security Association) SA.

However, the actual processes of key exchange and parameter negotiation are carried out by two
protocols used by IKEv1:

* Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)

* Oakley

ISAKMP takes care of parameter negotiation between peers (for example, DH groups, lifetimes,
encryption and authentication). The process of negotiating these parameters between peers is
required for the successful establishment of SAs. After an SA has been established, ISAKMP
defines the procedures followed for correct maintenance and removal of the SA during
connection termination.

Note: You will often find the terms ISAKMP and IKE used interchangeably in earlier versions of
ASA (pre 8.4) and IOS reference IKEv1 functions and parameters.

Two mandatory IKEv1 phases (aptly named IKEv1 Phase 1 and IKEv1 Phase 2) must be
followed by each peer before a communications tunnel can be established between them and they
are ready for successful data transmision:

* IKEv1 Phase 1: During this phase, both peers negotiate parameters (integrity and encryption
algorithms, authentication methods) to set up a secure and authenticated tunnel. This is also
called a management channel because no user data is flowing through it (and it is actually a
bidirectional IKE SA). Its sole scope is to handle secure Phase 2 negotiations. It is called
bidirectional because both peers use only one session key to secure both incoming and outgoing
traffic. Peer authentication can be carried out by one of the following methods:

    - Pre-shared keys

    - Digital certificates

* IKEv1 Phase 2: This second mandatory phase uses the negotiated parameters in Phase 1 for
secure IPsec SA creation. However, unlike the single bidirectional SA created within Phase 1,
the IPsec SA are unidirectional, meaning a different session key is used for each direction (one
for inbound, or decrypted, traffic, and one for outbound, or encrypted, traffic). This is applicable
for any administrator-configured source-destination network pair. Therefore, you might end up
with four unidirectional IPsec SAs if you have two source-destination network pairs defined in a
VPN policy.

I used my 871w IOS router and ASA 5505 firewall to establish an IKEv1 IPsec site-to-site VPN
tunnel. This will help demonstrate the similarities and differences in configuring and
troubleshooting for IKE Phase 1 and IKE Phase 2 VPN policies.

871W(config)#crypto ?
  ca            Certification authority
  call          Configure Crypto Call Admission Control
  ctcp          Configure cTCP encapsulation
  dynamic-map   Specify a dynamic crypto map template
  engine        Enter a crypto engine configurable menu
  gdoi          Configure GDOI policy
  identity      Enter a crypto identity list
  ipsec         Configure IPSEC policy
  isakmp        Configure ISAKMP policy
  key           Long term key operations
  keyring       Key ring commands
  logging       logging messages
  map           Enter a crypto map
  mib           Configure Crypto-related MIB Parameters
  pki           Public Key components
  provisioning  Secure Device Provisioning
  wui           Crypto HTTP configuration interfaces
  xauth         X-Auth parameters
871W(config)#crypto isakmp ?
  aggressive-mode       Disable ISAKMP aggressive mode
  client                Set client configuration policy
  enable                Enable ISAKMP
  fragmentation         IKE Fragmentation enabled if required
  identity              Set the identity which ISAKMP will use
  invalid-spi-recovery  Initiate IKE and send Invalid SPI Notify
  keepalive             Set a keepalive interval for use with IOS peers
  key                   Set pre-shared key for remote peer
  nat                   Set a nat  keepalive interval for use with IOS peers
  peer                  Set Peer Policy
  policy                Set policy for an ISAKMP protection suite
  profile               Define ISAKMP Profiles
  xauth                 Set Extended Authentication values
871W(config)#crypto isakmp policy ?
  <1-10000>  Priority of protection suite

871W(config)#crypto isakmp policy 1   // IKE PHASE 1 POLICY; LOWER  NUMBER PREFERRED
ISAKMP commands:
  authentication  Set authentication method for protection suite
  default         Set a command to its defaults
  encryption      Set encryption algorithm for protection suite
  exit            Exit from ISAKMP protection suite configuration mode
  group           Set the Diffie-Hellman group
  hash            Set hash algorithm for protection suite
  lifetime        Set lifetime for ISAKMP security association
  no              Negate a command or set its defaults

871W(config-isakmp)#authentication ?
  pre-share  Pre-Shared Key
  rsa-encr   Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Encryption
  rsa-sig    Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Signature

871W(config-isakmp)#authentication pre-share
871W(config-isakmp)#encryption ?
  3des  Three key triple DES
  aes   AES - Advanced Encryption Standard.
  des   DES - Data Encryption Standard (56 bit keys).

871W(config-isakmp)#encryption aes ?
  128  128 bit keys.
  192  192 bit keys.
  256  256 bit keys.

871W(config-isakmp)#encryption aes 256   // USE STRONGER ALGORITHMS ON LOWER POLICY

871W(config-isakmp)#hash ?
  md5  Message Digest 5
  sha  Secure Hash Standard

871W(config-isakmp)#hash sha
871W(config-isakmp)#group ?
  1  Diffie-Hellman group 1
  2  Diffie-Hellman group 2
  5  Diffie-Hellman group 5
871W(config-isakmp)#group 2   // DEFAULT DH GROUP
871W(config-isakmp)#lifetime ?
  <60-86400>  lifetime in seconds

871W(config-isakmp)#lifetime 43200    // LOWER LIFETIME WILL BE CHOSEN BETWEEN VPN PEERS

871W(config)#crypto isakmp ?
  aggressive-mode       Disable ISAKMP aggressive mode
  client                Set client configuration policy
  enable                Enable ISAKMP
  fragmentation         IKE Fragmentation enabled if required
  identity              Set the identity which ISAKMP will use
  invalid-spi-recovery  Initiate IKE and send Invalid SPI Notify
  keepalive             Set a keepalive interval for use with IOS peers
  key                   Set pre-shared key for remote peer
  nat                   Set a nat  keepalive interval for use with IOS peers
  peer                  Set Peer Policy
  policy                Set policy for an ISAKMP protection suite
  profile               Define ISAKMP Profiles
  xauth                 Set Extended Authentication values

871W(config)#crypto isakmp key ?

  0  Specifies an UNENCRYPTED password will follow
  6  Specifies an ENCRYPTED password will follow

871W(config)#crypto isakmp key 6 ?

  WORD  The HIDDEN user password string

871W(config)#crypto isakmp key 6 cisco ?

  address   define shared key with IP address
  hostname  define shared key with hostname

871W(config)#crypto isakmp key 6 cisco address ?

  A.B.C.D  Peer IP address
  ipv6     define shared key with IPv6 address

871W(config)#crypto isakmp key 6 cisco address

871W(config)#crypto ipsec ?
  client                Configure a client
  df-bit                Handling of encapsulated DF bit.
  fragmentation         Handling of fragmentation of near-MTU sized packets
  nat-transparency      IPsec NAT transparency model
  optional              Enable optional encryption for IPSec
  profile               Configure an ipsec policy profile
  security-association  Security association parameters
  transform-set         Define transform and settings

871W(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set ?

  WORD  Transform set tag

871W(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set 871_IKEv1_TSET ?

  ah-md5-hmac   AH-HMAC-MD5 transform
  ah-sha-hmac   AH-HMAC-SHA transform
  comp-lzs      IP Compression using the LZS compression algorithm
  esp-3des      ESP transform using 3DES(EDE) cipher (168 bits)
  esp-aes       ESP transform using AES cipher
  esp-des       ESP transform using DES cipher (56 bits)
  esp-md5-hmac  ESP transform using HMAC-MD5 auth
  esp-null      ESP transform w/o cipher
  esp-seal      ESP transform using SEAL cipher (160 bits)
  esp-sha-hmac  ESP transform using HMAC-SHA auth

871W(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set 871_IKEv1_TSET esp-aes ?

  128           128 bit keys.
  192           192 bit keys.
  256           256 bit keys.
  ah-md5-hmac   AH-HMAC-MD5 transform
  ah-sha-hmac   AH-HMAC-SHA transform
  comp-lzs      IP Compression using the LZS compression algorithm
  esp-md5-hmac  ESP transform using HMAC-MD5 auth
  esp-sha-hmac  ESP transform using HMAC-SHA auth

871W(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set 871_IKEv1_TSET esp-aes 256 ?

  ah-md5-hmac   AH-HMAC-MD5 transform
  ah-sha-hmac   AH-HMAC-SHA transform
  comp-lzs      IP Compression using the LZS compression algorithm
  esp-md5-hmac  ESP transform using HMAC-MD5 auth
  esp-sha-hmac  ESP transform using HMAC-SHA auth

871W(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set 871_IKEv1_TSET esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac   // IKE PHASE 2

871W(config)#access-list ?
  <1-99>            IP standard access list
  <100-199>         IP extended access list
  <1100-1199>       Extended 48-bit MAC address access list
  <1300-1999>       IP standard access list (expanded range)
  <200-299>         Protocol type-code access list
  <2000-2699>       IP extended access list (expanded range)
  <700-799>         48-bit MAC address access list
  dynamic-extended  Extend the dynamic ACL absolute timer
  rate-limit        Simple rate-limit specific access list

871W(config)#access-list 100 ?
  deny     Specify packets to reject
  dynamic  Specify a DYNAMIC list of PERMITs or DENYs
  permit   Specify packets to forward
  remark   Access list entry comment

871W(config)#access-list 100 permit ?

  <0-255>  An IP protocol number
  ahp      Authentication Header Protocol
  eigrp    Cisco's EIGRP routing protocol
  esp      Encapsulation Security Payload
  gre      Cisco's GRE tunneling
  icmp     Internet Control Message Protocol
  igmp     Internet Gateway Message Protocol
  ip       Any Internet Protocol
  ipinip   IP in IP tunneling
  nos      KA9Q NOS compatible IP over IP tunneling
  ospf     OSPF routing protocol
  pcp      Payload Compression Protocol
  tcp      Transmission Control Protocol
  udp      User Datagram Protocol

871W(config)#access-list 100 permit ip ?

  A.B.C.D  Source address
  any      Any source host
  host     A single source host

871W(config)#access-list 100 permit ip host host   // CRYPTO ACL; REMOTE VPN
871W(config)#crypto map ?
  WORD  Crypto map tag

871W(config)#crypto map 871_IKEv1_CMAP ?

  <1-65535>       Sequence to insert into crypto map entry
  client          Specify client configuration settings
  isakmp          Specify isakmp configuration settings
  isakmp-profile  Specify isakmp profile to use
  local-address   Interface to use for local address for this crypto map
  redundancy      High availability options for this map

871W(config)#crypto map 871_IKEv1_CMAP 1 ?

  gdoi          GDOI
  ipsec-isakmp  IPSEC w/ISAKMP
  ipsec-manual  IPSEC w/manual keying

871W(config)#crypto map 871_IKEv1_CMAP 1 ipsec-isakmp

% NOTE: This new crypto map will remain disabled until a peer
        and a valid access list have been configured.
Crypto Map configuration commands:
  default        Set a command to its defaults
  description    Description of the crypto map statement policy
  dialer         Dialer related commands
  exit           Exit from crypto map configuration mode
  match          Match values.
  no             Negate a command or set its defaults
  reverse-route  Reverse Route Injection.
  set            Set values for encryption/decryption

871W(config-crypto-map)#set ?
  identity              Identity restriction.
  ip                    Interface Internet Protocol config commands
  isakmp-profile        Specify isakmp Profile
  nat                   Set NAT translation
  peer                  Allowed Encryption/Decryption peer.
  pfs                   Specify pfs settings
  reverse-route         Reverse Route Injection.
  security-association  Security association parameters
  transform-set         Specify list of transform sets in priority order

871W(config-crypto-map)#set peer ?
  A.B.C.D  IP address of peer
  WORD     Host name of the peer

871W(config-crypto-map)#set peer

871W(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set ?
  WORD  Proposal tag

871W(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set 871_IKEv1_TSET

871W(config-crypto-map)#match ?
  address  Match address of packets to encrypt.

871W(config-crypto-map)#match address ?
  <100-199>    IP access-list number
  <2000-2699>  IP access-list number (expanded range)
  WORD         Access-list name

871W(config-crypto-map)#match address 100

871W(config)#interface bvi1
871W(config-if)#ip address
871W(config-if)#crypto map 871_IKEv1_CMAP


ASA5505(config)# crypto ?

configure mode commands/options:

  ca           Certification authority
  dynamic-map  Configure a dynamic crypto map
  ikev1        Configure IKEv1 policy
  ikev2        Configure IKEv2 policy
  ipsec        Configure transform-set, IPSec SA lifetime, and fragmentation
  isakmp       Configure ISAKMP
  key          Long term key operations
  map          Configure a crypto map

exec mode commands/options:

  ca  Certification authority
ASA5505(config)# crypto ikev1 ?

configure mode commands/options:

  am-disable      Disable inbound aggressive mode connections
  enable          Enable IKEv1 on the specified interface
  ipsec-over-tcp  Enable and configure IPSec over TCP
  policy          Set IKEv1 policy suite
ASA5505(config)# crypto ikev1 enable ?

configure mode commands/options:

Type an interface name to enable
  inside   Name of interface Vlan1
  outside  Name of interface Vlan2
ASA5505(config)# crypto ikev1 enable outside
ASA5505(config)# crypto ikev1 policy ?

configure mode commands/options:

  <1-65535>  Policy suite priority(1 highest, 65535 lowest)
ASA5505(config)# crypto ikev1 policy 1   // IKE PHASE 1 POLICY
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# ?

crypto ikev1 policy configuration commands:

  authentication  Set authentication method (pre-share or rsa-sig)
  encryption      Set encryption algorithm (des, 3des, aes-128, aes-192, or
  exit            Exit from crypto ikev1 policy configuration mode
  group           Set Diffie-Hellman group (1,2 or 5)
  hash            Set hash algorithm (md5 or sha1)
  help            Help for crypto ikev1 policy configuration commands
  lifetime        Set IKEV1 SA lifetime (seconds)
  no              Negate a command or set its defaults
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# authentication ?

ikev1-policy mode commands/options:

  crack      set auth crack
  pre-share  set auth pre-share
  rsa-sig    set auth rsa-sig
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# authentication pre-share
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# encryption ?

ikev1-policy mode commands/options:

  3des     3des encryption
  aes      aes-128 encryption
  aes-192  aes-192 encryption
  aes-256  aes-256 encryption
  des      des encryption
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# encryption aes-256
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# hash ?

ikev1-policy mode commands/options:

  md5  set hash md5
  sha  set hash sha1
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# hash sha
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# group ?

ikev1-policy mode commands/options:

  1  Diffie-Hellman group 1
  2  Diffie-Hellman group 2
  5  Diffie-Hellman group 5
  7  Diffie-Hellman group 7 (DEPRECATED)
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# group 2
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# lifetime 86400   // 43200 SECONDS WILL BE CHOSEN
ASA5505(config-ikev1-policy)# exit
ASA5505(config)# crypto ipsec ?

configure mode commands/options:

  df-bit                Set IPsec DF policy
  fragmentation         Set IPsec fragmentation policy
  ikev1                 Set IKEv1 settings
  ikev2                 Set IKEv2 settings
  security-association  Set security association parameters
ASA5505(config)# crypto ipsec ikev1 ?

configure mode commands/options:

  transform-set  Define transform and settings
ASA5505(config)# crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ?

configure mode commands/options:

  WORD < 64 char  Transform set tag
ASA5505(config)# crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set 5505_IKEv1_TSET ?

configure mode commands/options:

  esp-3des      esp 3des encryption
  esp-aes       esp aes 128 encryption
  esp-aes-192   esp aes 192 encryption
  esp-aes-256   esp aes 256 encryption
  esp-des       esp des encryption
  esp-md5-hmac  esp md5 authentication
  esp-none      esp no authentication
  esp-null      esp null encryption
  esp-sha-hmac  esp sha authentication
  mode          mode transport
ASA5505(config)# crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set 5505_IKEv1_TSET esp-aes-256 ?

configure mode commands/options:

  esp-3des      esp 3des encryption
  esp-aes       esp aes 128 encryption
  esp-aes-192   esp aes 192 encryption
  esp-aes-256   esp aes 256 encryption
  esp-des       esp des encryption
  esp-md5-hmac  esp md5 authentication
  esp-none      esp no authentication
  esp-null      esp null encryption
  esp-sha-hmac  esp sha authentication
ASA5505(config)# crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set 5505_IKEv1_TSET esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac  // IKE
ASA5505(config)# access-list ?

configure mode commands/options:

  WORD < 241 char  Access list identifier
  alert-interval   Specify the alert interval for generating syslog message
                   106001 which alerts that the system has reached a deny flow
                   maximum. If not specified, the default value is 300 sec
  deny-flow-max    Specify the maximum number of concurrent deny flows that can
                   be created. If not specified, the default value is 4096
ASA5505(config)# access-list 100 ?

configure mode commands/options:

  deny      Specify packets to reject
  extended  Configure access policy for IP traffic through the system
  line      Use this to specify line number at which ACE should be entered
  permit    Specify packets to forward
  remark    Specify a comment (remark) for the access-list after this keyword
  rename    rename an existing access-list
  standard  Use this to configure policy having destination host or network
  webtype   Use this to configure WebVPN related policy
ASA5505(config)# access-list 100 extended ?

configure mode commands/options:

  deny    Specify packets to reject
  permit  Specify packets to forward
ASA5505(config)# access-list 100 extended permit ?

configure mode commands/options:

  <0-255>       Enter protocol number (0 - 255)
  object        Specify a service object after this keyword
  object-group  Specify a service or protocol object-group after this keyword
ASA5505(config)# access-list 100 extended permit ip ?

configure mode commands/options:

  A.B.C.D                Source IP address
  X:X:X:X::X/<0-128>     Source IPv6 address/prefix
  any                    Abbreviation for source address/mask of
                OR source prefix ::/0
  any4                   Abbreviation of source address and mask of
  any6                   Abbreviation for source prefix ::/0
  host                   Use this keyword to configure source host
  interface              Use interface address as source address
  object                 Keyword to enter source object name
  object-group           Network object-group for source address
  object-group-security  Keyword to specify security object-group for source
  object-group-user      Keyword to specify user object-group for source
  security-group         Keyword to specify inline security-group
  user                   Keyword to specify user for source
  user-group             Keyword to specify user-group for source
ASA5505(config)# access-list 100 extended permit ip host ?

configure mode commands/options:

  A.B.C.D     Source host IPv4 address
  X:X:X:X::X  Source host IPv6 address
ASA5505(config)# access-list 100 extended permit ip host ?

configure mode commands/options:

  A.B.C.D                Destination IP address
  X:X:X:X::X/<0-128>     Destination IPv6 address/prefix
  any                    Abbreviation for destination address/mask of
                OR destination prefix ::/0
  any4                   Abbreviation for destination address and mask of
  any6                   Abbreviation for destination prefix ::/0
  host                   Use this keyword to configure destination host
  interface              Use interface address as destination address
  object                 Keyword to enter destination object name
  object-group           Network object-group for destination address
  object-group-security  Keyword to specify security object-group for
  security-group         Keyword to specify inline security-group
ASA5505(config)# access-list 100 extended permit ip host host
ASA5505(config)# crypto map ?

configure mode commands/options:

  WORD < 64 char  Crypto map template tag
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP ?

configure mode commands/options:

  <1-65535>  Sequence to insert into map entry
  client     Enable IKE extended authentication (Xauth)
  interface  Name of interface to apply the crypto map to
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 ?

configure mode commands/options:

  annotation    Specify annotation text - to be used by ASDM only
  ipsec-isakmp  IPSec w/ISAKMP
  match         Match address of packets to encrypt
  set           Specify crypto map settings
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 set ?

configure mode commands/options:

  connection-type       Specify connection-type for site-site connection based
                        on this entry
  df-bit                Set IPsec DF policy
  ikev1                 Configure IKEv1 policy
  ikev2                 Configure IKEv2 policy
  nat-t-disable         Disable nat-t negotiation for connections based on this
  peer                  Set IP address of peer
  pfs                   Specify pfs settings
  reverse-route         Enable reverse route injection for connections based on
                        this entry
  security-association  Security association duration
  tfc-packets           Configure TFC packets to mask a tunnel's traffic
  trustpoint            Specify trustpoint that defines the certificate to be
                        used while initiating a connection based on this entry
  validate-icmp-errors  Set Validate ICMP Errors
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 set peer ?

configure mode commands/options:

  Hostname or A.B.C.D     IP address
  Hostname or X:X:X:X::X  IPv6 address
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 set peer
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 set ikev1 ?

configure mode commands/options:

  phase1-mode    Specify mode(main or aggressive) to be used while initiating a
                 connection based on this entry
  transform-set  Specify list of transform sets in priority order
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 set ikev1 transform-set ?

configure mode commands/options:

  WORD  Proposal tag
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 set ikev1 transform-set 5505_IKEv1_TSET
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 match ?

configure mode commands/options:

  address  Match address of packets to encrypt
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 match address ?

configure mode commands/options:

  WORD  Access-list name
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 match address 100
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP ?

configure mode commands/options:

  <1-65535>  Sequence to insert into map entry
  client     Enable IKE extended authentication (Xauth)
  interface  Name of interface to apply the crypto map to
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP interface ?

configure mode commands/options:

Current available interface(s):
  inside   Name of interface Vlan1
  outside  Name of interface Vlan2
ASA5505(config)# crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP interface outside
ASA5505(config)# tunnel-group ?

configure mode commands/options:

  WORD < 65 char  Enter the name of the tunnel group
ASA5505(config)# tunnel-group ?

configure mode commands/options:

  type  Enter the type of this group-policy
ASA5505(config)# tunnel-group type ?

configure mode commands/options:

  ipsec-l2l      IPSec Site to Site group
  ipsec-ra       IPSec Remote Access group (DEPRECATED)
  remote-access  Remote access (IPSec and WebVPN) group
  webvpn         WebVPN group (DEPRECATED)
ASA5505(config)# tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l
ASA5505(config)# tunnel-group ?

configure mode commands/options:

  general-attributes  Enter the general-attributes sub command mode
  ipsec-attributes    Enter the ipsec-attributes sub command mode
ASA5505(config)# tunnel-group ipsec-attributes
ASA5505(config-tunnel-ipsec)# ?

tunnel-group configuration commands:

  chain             Enable sending certificate chain
  exit              Exit from tunnel-group IPSec attribute configuration mode
  help              Help for tunnel group configuration commands
  ikev1             Configure IKEv1
  ikev2             Configure IKEv2
  isakmp            Configure ISAKMP policy
  no                Remove an attribute value pair
  peer-id-validate  Validate identity of the peer using the peer's certificate
ASA5505(config-tunnel-ipsec)# ikev1 ?

tunnel-group-ipsec mode commands/options:

  pre-shared-key       Associate a pre-shared key with the connection policy
  trust-point          Select the trustpoint that identifies the cert to be
                       sent to the IKE peer
  user-authentication  Set the IKEv1 user authentication method
ASA5505(config-tunnel-ipsec)# ikev1 pre-shared-key ?

tunnel-group-ipsec mode commands/options:

  0                Specifies an UNENCRYPTED password will follow
  8                Specifies an ENCRYPTED password will follow
  WORD < 129 char  Enter an alphanumeric string between 1-128 characters
ASA5505(config-tunnel-ipsec)# ikev1 pre-shared-key cisco

Here are some helpful show and debug commands to troubleshoot IKEv1 IPsec site-to-site VPNs on an
ASA and its equivalent commands on an IOS router:

ASA5505# show run crypto ikev1

crypto ikev1 enable outside
crypto ikev1 policy 1
 authentication pre-share
 encryption aes-256
 hash sha
 group 2
 lifetime 86400

ASA5505# show run crypto ipsec

crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set 5505_IKEv1_TSET esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac

ASA5505# show run crypto map

crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 match address 100
crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 set peer
crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP 1 set ikev1 transform-set 5505_IKEv1_TSET
crypto map 5505_IKEv1_CMAP interface outside

ASA5505# show crypto isakmp sa

IKEv1 SAs:

   Active SA: 1
    Rekey SA: 0 (A tunnel will report 1 Active and 1 Rekey SA during rekey)
Total IKE SA: 1

1   IKE Peer:

    Type    : L2L             Role    : responder
    Rekey   : no              State   : MM_ACTIVE    // QM_IDLE ON IOS ROUTER

There are no IKEv2 SAs

ASA5505# show crypto ipsec sa

interface: outside
    Crypto map tag: 5505_IKEv1_CMAP, seq num: 1, local addr:

      access-list 100 extended permit ip host host

      local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
      remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (

      #pkts encaps: 4, #pkts encrypt: 4, #pkts digest: 4

      #pkts decaps: 4, #pkts decrypt: 4, #pkts verify: 4
      #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
      #pkts not compressed: 4, #pkts comp failed: 0, #pkts decomp failed: 0
      #pre-frag successes: 0, #pre-frag failures: 0, #fragments created: 0
      #PMTUs sent: 0, #PMTUs rcvd: 0, #decapsulated frgs needing reassembly: 0
      #TFC rcvd: 0, #TFC sent: 0
      #Valid ICMP Errors rcvd: 0, #Invalid ICMP Errors rcvd: 0
      #send errors: 0, #recv errors: 0

      local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:

      path mtu 1500, ipsec overhead 74(44), media mtu 1500
      PMTU time remaining (sec): 0, DF policy: copy-df
      ICMP error validation: disabled, TFC packets: disabled
      current outbound spi: A21332F0
      current inbound spi : AF168576

    inbound esp sas:

      spi: 0xAF168576 (2937488758)
         transform: esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac no compression
         in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel, IKEv1, }
         slot: 0, conn_id: 4096, crypto-map: 5505_IKEv1_CMAP
         sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4373999/3557)
         IV size: 16 bytes
         replay detection support: Y
         Anti replay bitmap:
          0x00000000 0x0000001F
    outbound esp sas:
      spi: 0xA21332F0 (2719167216)
         transform: esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac no compression
         in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel, IKEv1, }
         slot: 0, conn_id: 4096, crypto-map: 5505_IKEv1_CMAP
         sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4373999/3557)
         IV size: 16 bytes
         replay detection support: Y
         Anti replay bitmap:
          0x00000000 0x00000001
871W#show crypto isakmp sa
dst             src             state          conn-id slot status     QM_IDLE           2001    0 ACTIVE


871W#show crypto ipsec sa

interface: BVI1
    Crypto map tag: 871_IKEv1_CMAP, local addr

   protected vrf: (none)

   local  ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
   remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
   current_peer port 500
     PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
    #pkts encaps: 4, #pkts encrypt: 4, #pkts digest: 4
    #pkts decaps: 4, #pkts decrypt: 4, #pkts verify: 4
    #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
    #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
    #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
    #send errors 1, #recv errors 0

     local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:

     path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb BVI1
     current outbound spi: 0xAF168576(2937488758)

     inbound esp sas:

      spi: 0xA21332F0(2719167216)
        transform: esp-256-aes esp-sha-hmac ,
        in use settings ={Tunnel, }
        conn id: 1, flow_id: Motorola SEC 1.0:1, crypto map: 871_IKEv1_CMAP
        sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4472107/3511)
        IV size: 16 bytes
        replay detection support: Y
        Status: ACTIVE

     inbound ah sas:

     inbound pcp sas:

     outbound esp sas:
      spi: 0xAF168576(2937488758)
        transform: esp-256-aes esp-sha-hmac ,
        in use settings ={Tunnel, }
        conn id: 2, flow_id: Motorola SEC 1.0:2, crypto map: 871_IKEv1_CMAP
        sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4472107/3511)
        IV size: 16 bytes
        replay detection support: Y
        Status: ACTIVE

     outbound ah sas:

     outbound pcp sas:

ASA5505# debug crypto ?

  ca          Set PKI debug levels

  condition   Set IPSec/ISAKMP debug filters
  engine      Set crypto engine debug levels
  ike-common  Set IKE common debug levels
  ikev1       Set IKEV1 debug levels
  ikev2       Set IKEV2 debug levels
  ipsec       Set IPSec debug levels
  ss-api      Set Crypto Secure Socket API debug levels
  vpnclient   Set EasyVPN client debug levels
ASA5505# debug crypto ikev1 ?

  <1-255>  Specify an optional debug level (default is 1)

  timers   debug the ikev1 timers
ASA5505# debug crypto ikev1 255
ASA5505# Jul 27 15:47:06 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, Sending keep-alive of
type DPD R-U-THERE (seq number 0xfa85369)
Jul 27 15:47:06 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, constructing blank hash payload
Jul 27 15:47:06 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, constructing qm hash payload
Jul 27 15:47:06 [IKEv1]IP =, IKE_DECODE SENDING Message (msgid=c2227fd5) with payloads
: HDR + HASH (8) + NOTIFY (11) + NONE (0) total length : 84

8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19 f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44    |  ...>!.H...yQF..D
08 10 05 00 d5 7f 22 c2 1c 00 00 00 0b 00 00 18    |  .....".........
0b 1c 28 95 78 17 70 07 09 7d 37 14 db 49 8c 48    |  ..(.x.p..}7..I.H
ce 14 9a 4b 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 01 01 10 8d 28    |  ...K... .......(
8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19 f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44    |  ...>!.H...yQF..D
0f a8 53 69                                        |  ..Si

  Initiator COOKIE: 8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19
  Responder COOKIE: f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
  Next Payload: Hash
  Version: 1.0
  Exchange Type: Informational
  Flags: (none)
  MessageID: D57F22C2
  Length: 469762048
  Payload Hash
    Next Payload: Notification
    Reserved: 00
    Payload Length: 24
      0b 1c 28 95 78 17 70 07 09 7d 37 14 db 49 8c 48
      ce 14 9a 4b
  Payload Notification
    Next Payload: None
    Reserved: 00
    Payload Length: 32
    DOI: IPsec
    Protocol-ID: PROTO_ISAKMP
    Spi Size: 16
    Notify Type: R_U_THERE
      8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19 f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
    Data: 0f a8 53 69

  Initiator COOKIE: 8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19
  Responder COOKIE: f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
  Next Payload: Hash
  Version: 1.0
  Exchange Type: Informational
  Flags: (Encryption)
  MessageID: C2227FD5
  Length: 92
IKE Recv RAW packet dump
8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19 f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44    |  ...>!.H...yQF..D
08 10 05 01 1f 35 1f 3c 00 00 00 5c 00 4d bb 90    |  .....5.<...\.M..
f3 85 9b 86 93 bb ab 22 d6 23 ef 7e e2 ad 16 65    |  .......".#.~...e
62 1d 69 00 82 5c 34 86 74 fb c9 3a 6b 49 ab 08    |  b.i..\4.t..:kI..
2c ff 94 d2 83 bb d4 1a 0c e7 53 29 ea b4 80 95    |  ,.........S)....
13 31 8c 09 39 12 1a a4 76 bc d4 dd                |  .1..9...v...


  Initiator COOKIE: 8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19
  Responder COOKIE: f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
  Next Payload: Hash
  Version: 1.0
  Exchange Type: Informational
  Flags: (Encryption)
  MessageID: 1F351F3C
  Length: 92

  Initiator COOKIE: 8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19
  Responder COOKIE: f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
  Next Payload: Hash
  Version: 1.0
  Exchange Type: Informational
  Flags: (Encryption)
  MessageID: 1F351F3C
  Length: 92
  Payload Hash
    Next Payload: Notification
    Reserved: 00
    Payload Length: 24
      88 af 61 fc 7e ee 2c 17 b5 85 99 47 2a e5 96 e4
      3d ce a7 94
  Payload Notification
    Next Payload: None
    Reserved: 00
    Payload Length: 32
    DOI: IPsec
    Protocol-ID: PROTO_ISAKMP
    Spi Size: 16
    Notify Type: R_U_THERE_ACK
      8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19 f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
    Data: 0f a8 53 69
Jul 27 15:47:06 [IKEv1]IP =, IKE_DECODE RECEIVED Message (msgid=1f351f3c) with payloads
: HDR + HASH (8) + NOTIFY (11) + NONE (0) total length : 84
Jul 27 15:47:06 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, processing hash payload
Jul 27 15:47:06 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, processing notify payload
Jul 27 15:47:06 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, Received keep-alive of type DPD R-
U-THERE-ACK (seq number 0xfa85369)
Jul 27 15:47:16 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, Sending keep-alive of type DPD R-
U-THERE (seq number 0xfa8536a)
Jul 27 15:47:16 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, constructing blank hash payload
Jul 27 15:47:16 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, constructing qm hash payload
Jul 27 15:47:16 [IKEv1]IP =, IKE_DECODE SENDING Message (msgid=86feac10) with payloads
: HDR + HASH (8) + NOTIFY (11) + NONE (0) total length : 84

8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19 f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44    |  ...>!.H...yQF..D
08 10 05 00 10 ac fe 86 1c 00 00 00 0b 00 00 18    |  ................
e9 ee f3 46 cb a6 4b 95 0d f0 c7 83 48 a5 75 50    |  ...F..K.....H.uP
a0 49 b4 d9 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 01 01 10 8d 28    |  .I..... .......(
8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19 f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44    |  ...>!.H...yQF..D
0f a8 53 6a                                        |  ..Sj

  Initiator COOKIE: 8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19
  Responder COOKIE: f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
  Next Payload: Hash
  Version: 1.0
  Exchange Type: Informational
  Flags: (none)
  MessageID: 10ACFE86
  Length: 469762048
  Payload Hash
    Next Payload: Notification
    Reserved: 00
    Payload Length: 24
      e9 ee f3 46 cb a6 4b 95 0d f0 c7 83 48 a5 75 50
      a0 49 b4 d9
  Payload Notification
    Next Payload: None
    Reserved: 00
    Payload Length: 32
    DOI: IPsec
    Protocol-ID: PROTO_ISAKMP
    Spi Size: 16
    Notify Type: R_U_THERE
      8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19 f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
    Data: 0f a8 53 6a

  Initiator COOKIE: 8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19
  Responder COOKIE: f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
  Next Payload: Hash
  Version: 1.0
  Exchange Type: Informational
  Flags: (Encryption)
  MessageID: 86FEAC10
  Length: 92

IKE Recv RAW packet dump

8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19 f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44    |  ...>!.H...yQF..D
08 10 05 01 9c c2 18 86 00 00 00 5c e2 d6 cb 79    |  ...........\...y
77 f5 33 51 aa 10 b5 7f 7c 9c 08 da e2 7a 18 d7    |  w.3Q...|....z..
93 8f ff 73 bf ce 66 40 8c 81 28 ec 50 ad 58 af    |  ...s..f@..(.P.X.
8c 64 42 b1 88 ea 12 2b 50 ce cf c8 d7 4e 5c 6e    |  .dB....+P....N\n
e0 48 b8 b9 a5 d6 f2 b8 c7 d8 1e 16                |  .H..........


  Initiator COOKIE: 8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19
  Responder COOKIE: f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
  Next Payload: Hash
  Version: 1.0
  Exchange Type: Informational
  Flags: (Encryption)
  MessageID: 9CC21886
  Length: 92

  Initiator COOKIE: 8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19
  Responder COOKIE: f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
  Next Payload: Hash
  Version: 1.0
  Exchange Type: Informational
  Flags: (Encryption)
  MessageID: 9CC21886
  Length: 92
  Payload Hash
    Next Payload: Notification
    Reserved: 00
    Payload Length: 24
      9e 3b ae fa 17 d3 f0 0d a3 80 7a 6f 04 13 e0 b8
      d4 00 6e ba
  Payload Notification
    Next Payload: None
    Reserved: 00
    Payload Length: 32
    DOI: IPsec
    Protocol-ID: PROTO_ISAKMP
    Spi Size: 16
    Notify Type: R_U_THERE_ACK
      8e f0 e6 3e 21 0f 48 19 f9 0b 79 51 46 e5 b2 44
    Data: 0f a8 53 6a
Jul 27 15:47:16 [IKEv1]IP =, IKE_DECODE RECEIVED Message (msgid=9cc21886) with
payloads : HDR + HASH (8) + NOTIFY (11) + NONE (0) total length : 84
Jul 27 15:47:16 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, processing hash payload
Jul 27 15:47:16 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, processing notify payload
Jul 27 15:47:16 [IKEv1 DEBUG]Group =, IP =, Received keep-alive of type DPD R-
U-THERE-ACK (seq number 0xfa8536a)

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