Artikel Language Variations Found in The Novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer

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Agus Sulaeman, Abdul Rohim and Zaenal Muttaqien

Language variations found in the novel bumi manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer



Agus Sulaeman
Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Abdul Rohim
Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Zaenal Muttaqien
Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Sulaeman, A., Rohim, A. and Muttaqien, Z. (2020). Language variations found in the novel Bumi Manusia by
Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Journal of English Language and literature, 5(1), 53-62. DOI 10.37110/jell.v5i01.95
Received: 05-01-2020 Accepted: 30-01-2020 Published:01-03-2020
Abstract: The purpose of this study describes the use of language variations found in the novel Bumi
Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach and
the method used is a content analysis method that aims to provide an objective picture of language
variations in accordance with the data contained in the novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta
Toer. The data used in this study are written data in the form of novel texts containing language
variations in the novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer published by Mardi Yuana Printing
Graphic Printing in 2015. Based on the analysis, there are variations in language in the novel Bumi
Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer namely: Dutch, Japanese, Javanese and English. In the novel
Bumi Manusia, Dutch is a variation of language that dominates from other languages because in this
novel it is told that there was a Dutchman in the Dutch East Indies. In the novel Bumi Manusia,
Japanese is not very visible because Japanese is only a distraction in just one part. Javanese language
can be said as a variation of language that dominates the two because in this novel tells the life of a
genuine Javanese who falls in love with a Netherland. Same thing with the Javanese language in the
novel Bumi Manusia, English is no less in existence with other language variations found in this
novel. The significance of the study is to give useful information about the language variation and
useful contribution for linguistic and education

Keywords: Language; Novel; Language Variation

In modern times the position of literature is reflection of the situation at the time the literary
increasing and increasingly important. Literature work was written.
not only provides inner pleasure and satisfaction, Literary works are created because of the
but also as a means of delivering moral messages author's inner experience in the form of interesting
to the public over social reality. Literary works world events or problems so that the idea of
created within a certain period of time can be imagination that is expressed in written form and
mobilized about the circumstances and situations literary works will contribute to the figure values
that occur during the creation of the literary and order of the society's demands, this is a
works, both socio-cultural, religious, political, reciprocal bond between literature and society,
economic, and educational, besides that literary although the literary work is fiction, but in reality,
works can be used as socio-cultural documents literature is also able to provide benefits in the
that capture the reality of a certain period, but not form of moral values for its readers. Literature
a requirement that the created literary work is a always presents a picture of life and life itself,

Journal of English Language and literature p-ISSN 2540-8216, e-ISSN 2654-3745
Volume 5, Issue 1,March 2020 https://journal.stibaiec-jakarta/ojs/index.php/jell

which is a social reality. In this case, life will that sociolinguistics is an interdisciplinary science
include relationships between people and that studies language in relation to the use of that
individuals, between people, humans and God, language in society.
and between events that occur in one's mind. Sociolinguistics relates to the details of the
The novel is one of the containers in the actual use of language, such as the description of
spread of language variations or language patterns of language use or certain dialects by the
variations in this study, researchers are interested speaker, topic, setting. Sociolinguistics sees
in the novel entitled "Bumi Humans by language first of all as a social system and a
Pramoedya Ananta Toer", research related to communication system as well as a part of a
language variations. Such as the use of a particular society and culture. Whereas what is
combination of Indonesian with Dutch, and others meant by language use is a form of social
contained in the novel. interaction that occurs in concrete situations.
The novel is one of the containers in the spread of Based on some of the descriptions above it can be
language variations or language variations in this concluded that sociolinguistics means learning
study, therefore the researchers are interested to about the language used in certain regions or
analyze language variation in the novel entitled certain dialects. Judging from the name,
"Bumi Manusia” by Pramoedya Ananta Toer", sociolinguistics involves sociology and
because there are many combinations and linguistics, therefore sociolinguistics has a very
language variations that exist in that novel, such close relationship with the two studies. Sosio is a
as the use of a combination of Indonesian with society, and linguistics is the study of language.
Dutch, and others contained in the novel, then the So the study of sociolinguistics is the study of
reseachers use this problem as the background of language that is associated with social conditions.
the study Based on some of the descriptions above, it can be
concluded that sociolinguistics means the study of
Theoretical Foundation
languages associated with certain societal
According to Nababan, sociolinguistics comes
conditions. Sociolinguistics tends to focus on
from the words "socio" and "linguistic". Sosio is
social groups and linguistic variables used in that
the same as the social word which is related to the
group while trying to correlate these variables
community. Linguistics is the study of and talking
with traditional demographic units in science
about language, especially the elements of
social science, namely age, sex, socio-economic
language and between those elements. So,
class, regional grouping, status and others.
sociolinguistics is a study that arranges theories
Language is a medium to convey messages,
about the relationship between society and
ideas, ideas, and media for expression. According
language. Based on the previous understanding,
to Kridalaksana (2014: 32) "language is an
sociolinguistics also studies and discusses aspects
arbitrary system of sound symbols used by
of community language, especially the differences
members of social groups to work together,
contained in language related to social factors.
communicate, and identify themselves". Because
Sociolinguistics not only learns about
of its arbitrary nature, each community group can
language but also learns about aspects of language
make their own words or symbols according to
used by society. Sociolinguistics is an
their respective agreements. That is also why
interdisciplinary science between sociology and
every community group, tribe or nation has their
linguistics, two fields of empirical science that
own language so that life becomes so beautiful.
have close links. Sociology is an objective and
Javanese with Javanese, Balinese with Balinese,
scientific study of people in society, institutions,
and Arabs with Arabic, English with English, and
and social processes that exist in society.
so on. You can imagine what would have
Sociology tries to find out how the community
happened if only all humans on earth had only one
happened, is going on, and still exists. By studying
language. Language diversity turns out to have
institutions, social processes and all social
enriched the treasury of human life. It is estimated
problems in society, it will be known how humans
that currently in the world there are 6912
adjust to their environment, how they socialize,
languages. There is a tendency from time to time
and place themselves in their respective places in
that the numbers are decreasing, because many
society. While linguistics is the field of science
languages die alias there are no speakers.
that studies language, or the science that takes
The language we use is actually the same as
language as the object of study. Thus it can be said
the sound produced by animals. For example,

Agus Sulaeman, Abdul Rohim and Zaenal Muttaqien
Language variations found in the novel bumi manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer

when a cat meows, it is communicating with non-literary texts which are factual in nature. The
friends or the environment. Likewise, when a information referred to in the form of the author's
student shouts in front of the class, he is views about certain life values, such as the
conveying something to his friends or people importance of religious beliefs, the importance of
around him. Therefore, actually the sound of cats honesty, cooperation, and mutual respect for
and students' screams is a form of communication, customs and culture.
because both contain messages to be conveyed.
But the sound of cats cannot be called language.
In this study using a qualitative approach to the
While the students' screams are called languages.
content analysis research method. Research in any
Therefore, it can be said that a cat sounds, while a
field always requires a main object. Literary
student speaks.
research is a literary work with various genres
Language variation is a kind of language
such as poetry, novels, short stories, drama, and
variety whose use is adjusted to the function and
the like both originating from old / classical and
situation, without ignoring the basic rules that
modern literature. Various old literary genres that
apply in the language concerned. This is because,
were the object of research covered all of their
variations in language that occur as a result of
categories (Suleman, 2019: 247).
social diversity and diversity of language
This research uses content analysis. the
functions. In terms of language variations there
content method is related to the content of
are two views. First, the variation is seen as a
communication, both verbally, in the form of
result of the social diversity of the speakers of that
language and nonverbal which involves the
language and the diversity of functions of that
content and communication messages in human
language. Thus, language variations occur as a
life such as architecture, clothing, household
result of social diversity and diversity of language
appliances, and so on. Including social, political,
functions. Second, variations of the language
economic issues, in the social sciences. But in
already exist to fulfill its function as a means of
literary works, the intended contents are the
interaction in diverse community activities.
messages contained therein. Content in the
According to Chaer (2004: 62) language variation
content analysis method consists of two kinds,
is the diversity of languages caused by the
namely latent content and communication
existence of social interaction activities carried
content. Latent content is the content that depends
out by people or groups that are very diverse and
on documents and manuscripts, while the contents
because of the speakers who are not
of communication are messages that are contained
as a result of the communication that occurs.
Novel is one of the literary works written by
Latent content is as the author, while the content
someone, to express all of his imagination through
of communication, both verbally, in the form of
writing. The term novel comes from the Italian
language and nonverbal which concerns the
novella which means a small new item. Then, the
content and communication messages in human
word was interpreted as a literary work in the form
life such as architecture, clothing, household
of prose. The novel is an imaginative work that
equipment, and so on. Including social, political,
tells the whole side of the problematics of the life
economic problems in the social sciences. But in
of a person or several figures. The novel is a
literary works, the intended content is the
fictional text that tells the long life of one or
messages contained in it. Content in the content
several people with various problems in it Kosasih
analysis method consists of two types, namely
(2019: 379). The novel presents the story of the
latent content and communication. Latent content
twists and turns of a character's life, starting from
is the content contained in documents and
the beginning of his life, from children / teenagers
manuscripts, while the communication content is
to adults. Then, the novel also marked changes in
the message contained as a result of a
the fate of the characters themselves. For example,
communication tool that occurs. Latent content is
having a family, getting a job, and changing
as intended by the author, while the
attitudes or beliefs.
communication content is the content as
With the length of the story stated in the
manifested in the relationship with the script with
novel, a lot of information can also be obtained in
consumers. In other words, the content of
it. The information in question is certainly
communication basically implies latent content,
different from information normally obtained
but not necessarily necessarily. The formal object
from letters, historical texts, articles, and other

Journal of English Language and literature p-ISSN 2540-8216, e-ISSN 2654-3745
Volume 5, Issue 1,March 2020 https://journal.stibaiec-jakarta/ojs/index.php/jell

of content analysis method is communication. 2. Secondary data in this study are data
Analysis of latent content will produce meaning, sourced from reference books relating to
while analysis of communication content will the object being the researcher.
produce meaning.
Relation to the research, the steps taken by Data Collection Techniques
the researcher are: Data collection techniques using documentation
1. Read the whole novel. studies or literature studies, in this case a study of
2. Choose and determine the novel. the novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta
3. Marking words and groups of words that Toer. This novel is the main data source in
potentially contain variations in language. research. Literature review is carried out with
4. Grouping words and groups of words based direct appreciation and understanding of meaning
on variations in their respective languages. rationally. To do this, it can be developed through
5. Enter words and groups of words that the documentation of study signs that serve as
contain language variations into the analysis research instruments.
table. The documentation study technique is
6. Analyzing the language variations contained implemented in the following steps:
in the novel. a. Researchers read critically the data
Summing up the results of analysis of language sources in the novel Bumi Manusia by
variations Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The reader
carefully to understand the meaning
Sources and Types of Research Data
Data source is an action to get an information. contained in the data source.
Lofland argues that the main data sources in b. Researchers read continuously and
qualitative research are words, and actions, the repeatedly the data sources in the novel
rest are additional data such as documents and Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta
others. Related to this in this section the type of Toer.
data is divided into words and actions, written data c. Researchers read once again the source of
sources. If the researcher becomes an observer
the novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya
participating in a particular research setting, the
activity will be utilized as much as possible Ananta Toer to mark the parts that were
depending on the atmosphere and circumstances raised into data and analyzed further. This
encountered. According to Moeloeng basically designation is adjusted to the data source.
qualitative research activities carried out
consciously, directed and always aiming to obtain FINDING AND DISCUSSION
the necessary information (Sulaeman, 2019: 248). Research Findings
In this case the source of research data is the Data collection is done by using the content
source of the book Bumi Bumi by Pramoedya analysis method. Researchers observe a literary
Ananta Toer and can be grouped into data as work that is a novel. The selected sample is the
follows: novel Bumi Manusia. The reason for selecting
1. Primary data is data obtained directly these samples is because researchers are interested
from the main source. The primary data in the various languages in the novel Bumi
from this Manusia. The analysis of language variations
contained in the novel Bumi Manusia are as
research is the book Bumi Bumi by follows:
Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
Language Variations
No. Quote Japan Javan
Dutch English
ese ese
1 Aku tak suka pada sport (halaman 18) 
2 Melongok melalui jendela aku lihat Mevrouw Télinga

melambai padaku (halaman19)
3 Dokar dengan pér (halaman 20) 
4 Dekat di belakang kayu terpasang papan nama besar dengan

tulisan : Boerderij Buitenzorg (halaman 24)
5 Sekepal dan clurit (halaman 25) 

Agus Sulaeman, Abdul Rohim and Zaenal Muttaqien
Language variations found in the novel bumi manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer

6 Mengapa diam saja?” tegur Annelies dengan suara manis

dalam Belanda pergaulan (halaman 27)
7 Beberapa guruku yang kranjingan kata modern (halaman
 
8 Dan tumpukan-tumpukan réndéng yang telah siap (halaman

9 Mungkin bermaksud memakiku dengan kata monkey

(halaman 52)
10 Kowé kira, sudah pake pakean Eropa, (halaman 64) 
11 “Mas!” (halaman 93) 
12 Kalau ayahmu ternyata memang gila dan oleh Hukum

ditaruh onder curateele? (halaman 112)
13 Pada suatu hari aku dan Tuan dating ke Pengadilan untuk
mengakui Robert dan kau sebagai anak Tuan Mellema. 
(halaman 136)
14 Ia tunjukkan padaku sebuah cerpen Een Buitengewoon

Gewoone Nyai die Ik ken (halaman 162)
15 Kantor mulai ramai: dokar, andong, pejalan kaki, penjaja,

pekerja (halaman 176)
16 “silahkan” katanya tiba-tiba dalam Jawa Kromo (halaman

17 Dengan menarik airmuka sengit ia bicara belanda
kepadaku: “Rupanya kesopanan pun sudah kau lupakan 
maka tak segera sujud pada Bunda?” (halaman 187)
18 Aku bangun dan mengiringkannya, seorang siswa

S.I.B.A.(halaman 188)
19 “tahu benar kau dia seorang Juffrouw?” (halaman 205) 
20 “Max Havelaar atau De Koffieveillingen der

Nederlandsche Handelsmaatschappij” (halaman 209)
21 Mungkin pegawai pada kantor Majoor der Chineezen.

(halaman 224)
22 Siapa tahu kelak kita bisa jadi éngko? (halaman 262) 
23 Cuma sayang sekali Nederland belum membenarkan

seorang wanita jadi anggota Tweede Kamer. (halaman 288)
24 Judulnya: Uit bet schoone Leven van een mooie Boerin.

Pengarangnya bernama: Max Tollenaar. (halaman 316)
25 Dia dan mereka itu, biarpun berbicara Afrikan (halaman

26 Dan bangsa Slameier tak lain dari keturunan Pribumi Jawa

dan Bugis-Makassar-Madura (halaman 327)
27 “Tuanku kurang tertarik, kecuali tulisan orang-orang

Vlaam” (halaman 344-345)
28 Selama ini ia jadi pengagumku dan menganggap aku

sebagai Mei-Kind (hlmalaman 365)
29 Orang-orang gila dan kriminil (halaman 392) 
30 Beberapa pikar kertas juga bergelantungan (halaman 401) 
31 Ia juga akan menghadap tuan Direktur Onderwijs,

Nijverheid en Eeredienst. (halaman 434)
32 “Ya. Dan lebih dari itu tak pernah merasa senang bernama

Dapperste. (halaman 454)
33 Bahkan orang mengubah Dapperste jadi Lafste (halaman

34 “negeri-negeri akan berperang habis-habisanuntuk
mendapatkan putri seperti menantuku, mbedah praja 
mboyong putri. (halaman 457)
35 “Stt. Diam, kau. Jadi kau larang istrimu dipangur?”

(halaman 459)

Journal of English Language and literature p-ISSN 2540-8216, e-ISSN 2654-3745
Volume 5, Issue 1,March 2020 https://journal.stibaiec-jakarta/ojs/index.php/jell

36 Padaku sendiri dating seorang Indo, mengaku bekas

Vaandrig. (halaman 481)
37 Melalui adcokatnya Tuan Mr Hans Graeg (halaman 485) 
38 Juga yang dikehendaki S.D.A.P. (halaman 495) 
39 Sejauh yang pernah diajarkan dalam Nederlandsch-

Indische Geschiedenis (halaman 507)
40 Satu pasukan Maresosé, baru menyelesaikan latihan di

Malang (halaman 513)

Discussion Nyai die Ik ken which means an

From the analysis data above, it can be described extraordinary ordinary hijack that I know
as follows: is a language variation that was
1. Dutch influenced by Dutch.
In the novel Bumi Manusia, Dutch is a variation 7) By drawing a fierce expression he spoke
of language that dominates from other languages to the Dutch to me: "Apparently
because in the novel Bumi Manusia it is said that politeness have you forgotten, then do not
there is a Dutchman in Hindi-Dutch. immediately bow down to Mother?",
In this novel there is Dutch in several quotations Translated in Dutch means blijkbaar
that are influenced by Dutch, including: beleefdheid ben je vergeten, buig je and
Looking through the window I saw Mevrouw niet meteen voor Moeder? (Google
Télinga waving at me (page 19) translation)
In the quote Mevrouw means mistress and Télinga 8) I wake up and accompany him, a student
(Teelingkha) in Dutch, it means that the ear is a of S.I.B.A., S.I.B.A. (School voor
variation of language which at that time was Inlandsche Bestuurs Ambtenaren) in the
influenced by Dutch. quote S.I.B.A. in Dutch means the School
1) Dokar with pér, in the quote pér which for Prospective Officers of the Pangreh
means per (spring) is a variation of Praja Prija is a variety of languages which
language which was influenced by the at that time was influenced by the
Dutch language. presence of Dutch.
2) Near the back of the wood a large 9) "Mr. Regent, you are happy, sir. Not only
nameplate is attached with the words: the Dutch, especially the attitude "and
Boerderij Buitenzorg,in the quote back in the Netherlands, translated in
Boerderij Buitenzorg which means that Dutch is Meneer Regent, u bent gelukkig,
agricultural companies are variations of mijnheer. Niet alleen de Nederlanders,
language which at that time were vooral zijn houding (google translate)
influenced by Dutch. 10) "Do you really know that he is a
3) Why don't you say anything? "Annelies Juffrouw?", In the quote Juffrouw which
said in a sweet voice in Dutch interaction, means "miss" is a variation of language
translated in Dutch to mean waarom zwijg which was influenced by the Dutch
je? language.
4) If your father turns out to be crazy and by 11) "Max Havelaar or De Koffieveillingen
the law put onder curateele ?, on the quote der Nederlandsche
onder curateele which means that under Handelsmaatschappij", in this quote Max
forgiveness is a variation of language Havelaar or De Koffieveillingen der
which at that time was influenced by Nederlandsche Handelsmaatschappij
Dutch. which means that coffee is a variation of
5) One day you and I came to court to language which was influenced by Dutch.
acknowledge Robert and you as Mr. 12) Maybe the employees at the Majoor der
Mellema's son, which in Dutch means Chineezen office, in the quote Majoor der
erkennen, that is, a blood child is erkend Chineezen, which means that the Chinese
natuurlijk. community leaders were given a military
6) He showed me a short story Een rank in a place, is a variation of language
Buitengewoon Gewoone Nyai die Ik ken, which was influenced by Dutch.
in the quote Een Buitengewoon Gewoone

Agus Sulaeman, Abdul Rohim and Zaenal Muttaqien
Language variations found in the novel bumi manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer

13) Who knows that someday we could be a 21) He will also appear before Mr. Onderwijs
cranky ?, in the quote éngko (en Director, Nijverheid en Eeredienst, on the
compagnie) which means allies are quote
variations of language which at that time 22) Onderwijs, Nijverheid en Eeredienst
were influenced by the presence of Dutch. means the Department of Teaching,
14) Only the Netherlands has not yet Crafts and Worship is a language
confirmed that a woman is a member of variation that was influenced by Dutch.
Tweede Kamer, in that quote Tweede 23) "Yes. And more than that never felt happy
Kamer, which means the lower house or named Dapperste, in the quote Dapperste
people's representatives is a variation of has a bold meaning which is a variation of
language which was influenced by Dutch. the language which at that time was
15) The title: Uit bet schoone Leven van een influenced by the existence of Dutch.
mooie Boerin. The author's name is: Max 24) In fact, people changed Dapperste to
Tollenaar, in that quote Uit bet schoone Lafste, in that quote Lafste, which means
Leven van een mooie Boerin which the whipped, is a variation of language
means from the beautiful life of a which was influenced by the Dutch
beautiful farmer woman is a variation of language.
language which was influenced by Dutch. 25) I myself come from an Indo, claiming to
16) He and they, even though speaking be a former Vaandrig, in that quote
Afrikan, in this quotation Afrikan can be Vaandrig means young lieutenant is a
interpreted as the tongue of South Africa variation of language which at that time
is a variation of language which at that was influenced by the presence of Dutch.
time was influenced by the presence of 26) Through his adocate Mr. Mr. Hans Graeg,
Dutch. Mr. (Meester in de Rechten) in the quote
17) And the Slameier people are none other Mr.
than Javanese and Bugis-Makassar- which means a small degree of okum is a
Madurese descendants, in the quote variation of language which at that time
Slameier which means the African was influenced by the presence of Dutch.
naming for Indies Indies who were Also desired by S.D.A.P., S.D.A.P
banished by the Company to South (Social-Democracy Arbeiderspartij), in
Africa, in general the Muslim religion is a the quote. S.D.A.P. Social Democratic
variation of language which at that time Labor Party is a variation of language
was influenced by the language which was influenced by the presence of
Netherlands. Dutch.
18) "My lord is less interested, except for the 27) As far as has been taught in the
writings of the Vlaam people", in this Nederlandsch-Indische Geschiedenis, the
quotation Vlaam means that South quotation
Holland joined Belgium and being the Nederlandsch-Indische Geschiedenis
northern part of Belgium was a variation means the History of the Dutch East
of languages which at that time was Indies is a variation of the language which
influenced by Dutch. at that time was influenced by Dutch.
19) During this time he became my admirer 28) One Maresosé (marechaussee), having
and regarded me as Mei-Kind, in the just finished training in Malang, in this
quote Mei-Kind which means a child in quote
May or can be said to be a child of luck is Maresosé means the Dutch East Indies
a variation of language which was Army Combat Troops, established near
influenced by the presence of Dutch. the close of the 19th century to suppress
20) People who are crazy and criminal riots, especially in Aceh, is a variation of
(crimineel), on the quote criminal has the language which was influenced by Dutch.
meaning of a villain, usually in big things.
This word became the preferred 2. Japanese
designation in the discussions of the time, In the novel Bumi Manusia, Japanese is not very
a variety of languages which at that time visible because Japanese is only a distraction in
were influenced by Dutch. just one part. In this novel there is Japanese in

Journal of English Language and literature p-ISSN 2540-8216, e-ISSN 2654-3745
Volume 5, Issue 1,March 2020 https://journal.stibaiec-jakarta/ojs/index.php/jell

several quotes that are influenced by Japanese, at that time was influenced by the
including:Some paper pikemono (kakemono) also presence of Javanese Kromo (smooth /
hang, on the quote pikar which means painting on polite).
paper or cloth is a variation of language which at 8) "countries going to war to the point of
that time was influenced by Japanese because the getting daughters like my daughter-in-
Japanese state began to enter and colonize law, mboyong prajab daughter, on this
Indonesia. quote it can be interpreted that mboyong
prajna daughter dissecting the honor of
3. Javanese servants is a variation of language which
Javanese language can be said as a variation of at that time was influenced by Javanese.
language that dominates the two because in this 9) "Stt. Shut up. So you forbid your wife to
novel tells about the life of a genuine Javanese be unemployed? ”, The quotation is called
who falls in love with a Netherland. which means to cut and spread teeth is a
In this novel there is Javanese in several variation of language which at that time
quotations that are influenced by Javanese, was influenced by Javanese.
1) Sekepal and clurit, in the quotation clurit 4. English
which means big arit (traditional Similar to the Javanese language, in the novel
Madurese weapon) Bumi Manusia, the English language is no less
is a variation of language which at that inferior to the variations of other languages in this
time was influenced by the existence of novel.
Madurese Javanese. In this novel there is English in several quotes that
2) Some of my teachers who are modern are influenced by English, including:
kranjingan, in the quote kranjingan which 1) I don't like sports, in that quote sport
means which means sports is a variation of
possessed / insolent or can also be said to language which at that time was
be crazy, is a variation of language which influenced by English because English is
was influenced by the presence of coarse an international language.
Javanese. 2) Some of the teachers who have modern
3) And the ready piles of réndéng, in the word kranjingan, in the quote can be
quote réndéng which means the leaves interpreted as modern, are variations of
and stems of peanuts are variations of the the language which at that time were
language which at that time was influenced by the presence of English
influenced by the presence of Javanese. because English is an international
4) Kowé guess, already using European use, language.
in the quote Kowé which means you are a 3) Probably intended to curse me with the
variety of languages which at that time word monkey, which means monkey is a
was influenced by Javanese language variation of language which was
with a geographical location in the middle influenced by the presence of English to
so that the language is not smooth or not make ridicule as if it does not directly
rude. make the person offended (if in
5) "Mas!", In the mutations, Mas, which Indonesia).
means the nickname for older brothers is
a variation of language which at that time Language variation that exist in this novel
was influenced by Javanese. will vary and has different view and function. It
6) The office is getting busy: dokar, can be seen as a result of the social diversity of the
carriage, pedestrians, peddlers, workers, speakers of that language and the diversity of
the quotation of dokar and andong can be functions of that language that occur as a result of
interpreted as vehicles that use horses social diversity and diversity of language
which are variations of language which at functions . And language variation occur when the
that time were influenced by Javanese. existence of social interaction activities carried
7) "please" he said suddenly in Javanese out by people or groups that are very diverse.
Kromo, which in Javanese Kromo means
Monggo is a variation of language which

Agus Sulaeman, Abdul Rohim and Zaenal Muttaqien
Language variations found in the novel bumi manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer

CONCLUSION Based on the results of the analysis, there are

Language variation is a kind of language variety variations in language in the novel Bumi Manusia
whose use is adjusted to the function and situation, by Pramoedya Ananta Toer namely: Dutch,
without ignoring the basic rules that apply in the Japanese, Javanese and English. In the novel
language concerned. This is because, variations in Bumi Manusia, Dutch language is a language
language that occur as a result of social diversity variation that dominates over other languages
and diversity of language functions. In terms of because in this novel there is a Dutchman who is
language variations there are two views. First, the told in the Dutch East Indies. In the novel Bumi
variation is seen as a result of the social diversity Manusia, Japanese is not very visible because
of the speakers of that language and the diversity Japanese is only a distraction in just one part.
of functions of that language. Thus, language Javanese language can be said as a variation of
variations occur as a result of social diversity and language that dominates the two because in this
diversity of language functions. Second, novel tells the life of a genuine Javanese who falls
variations of the language already exist to fulfill in love with a Netherland. The same is true of
its function as a means of interaction in diverse Javanese in the novel Bumi Manusia, English is
community activities. no less in existence with other language variations
found in this novel.

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Journal of English Language and literature p-ISSN 2540-8216, e-ISSN 2654-3745
Volume 5, Issue 1,March 2020 https://journal.stibaiec-jakarta/ojs/index.php/jell


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