(P-4) APPSC Previous Questions - Indian and AP Economy

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Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

Paper – 4: Indian Economy and AP Economy

S.No Syllabus Previous Questions
Major Challenges of Indian
Basics on National Income 1. Explain various approaches to measure national income. (2008)
2. Explain the problems in measuring national income. (2008)
3. Do you consider Human Development Index as an alternative to National Income? Justify your answer.
4. Discuss the difficulties faced in measuring the developmental level of economy and justify whether the
current method of measurement in India overcomes the difficulties. (2016)
5. Discuss briefly the major changes involved in the recent revision in the base year and method of national
income accounting. (2016)
1A Inconsistent growth rate, Low 1. Declining share of agriculture sector in national income facilitated a rise in the rate of economic growth in
growth rates of agriculture and India. -Justify your answer (2012)
manufacturing sectors (Nature, 2. Discuss the nature of sectoral contribution of income to national income of India since independence. Also
causes problems) examine whether the changes in sectoral contribution to national income of India followed Kuznets-Clark
hypothesis. (2017)
3. State Some of the notable initiatives taken by government recently to boost the growth of the
manufacturing sector in India. (2020)
Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

4. highlight some of the major factors leading to low agriculture productivity in india.(2020)
5. how has the growth in Andhra pradesh’s agriculture and allied sectors impacted the income levels of
6. Discuss about some of the major initiatives highlighted in Vision 2020 for the development of agriculture sector in
Economic Reforms 1. Explain the impact of economic reforms in the Banking sector. (2008)
2. ‘‘The aim of economic reforms in India is to improve the competitiveness and efficiency of domestic
industry and pave the way for achieving high rate of economic growth.’’ Discuss. (2017)
1B Inflation and oil prices, current
account deficit and unfavourable
balance of payments, falling rupee
value (Nature, causes,
consequences and solutions of
these problems)
1C Growing NPAs and capital infusion
- money laundering and black
money (Nature, causes,
consequences and solutions of
these problems)
1D Insufficient financial resources and 1. Explain the important sectoral changes in post-independence Indian economy with respect to income and
Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

deficiency of capital, Lack of work-force. (2011)

Inclusive growth and Sustainable 2. Describe the factors responsible for the low level of Human Development Index of India during the last two
development (Nature, causes, decades. (2012)
consequences and solutions of 3. According to the Economic Survey 2016 – 17, Universal Basic Income (UBI) aims at achieving Mahatma
these problems) Gandhi’s objective of ‘‘wiping every tear from every eye’’. In this backdrop, explain the concept of UBI and
discuss how it is expected to achieve the stated objective. (2017)
4. ‘‘Selfish attitude of human beings is the sole cause of environmental degradation.’’ Discuss. (2017)
Resource Mobilization in Indian
Planning 1. Explain the important objectives of the 10th Five Year
Plan. (2008)
2. Critically examine the performance of X Five Year Plan. (2011)
Briefly discuss the main objectives and strategies outlined in the XII Five Year Plan of India. (2012)
3. Eleventh five-year plan identified the weaknesses on the employment front during the period of reforms.
Describe them. (2016)
4. Discuss briefly the guiding principles in setting up the NITI Aayog. (2016)
2A Sources of financial resources for 1. Explain the pattern of revenue collection after economic reforms in India. (2008)
public and private sectors - 2. Explain the principles of public expenditure. (2008)
budgetary resources – tax revenue Explain the role of Finance Commission in a federal country like India. (2011)
and non-tax revenue 3. What are the important tax reforms in India since 1991? (2011)
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4. Examine the relative shares of direct and indirect tax revenues of Indian Government in the post-reforms
period. (2012)
5. Discuss the concept of revenue deficit and effective revenue deficit and justify the reasons for introducing
effective revenue deficit. Give the details of the expected revenue deficit & the effective revenue deficit by
the fiscal 2016-17, as per the Union Budget 2013-14. (2016)
6. what are the factors responsible for the narrow tax base in india? Explain in brief(2020)
7. Briefly give an account of revenue and fiscal deficits and debt positions of andhra Pradesh for the last five
years since (2014-2015). (2020)
8. Differentiate between revenue deficit, fiscal deficit and primary deficit? How does deficit financing impact
the economy (2020)
2B Public debt : market borrowings, 1. Explain the specific problems, encountered by Indian economy with increasing share of private sector in
loans and grants etc., external the context of globalisation. (2012)
debt from multilateral agencies 2. Justify the view that public debt is essential for the development of Indian economy endowed with natural
resources. (2012)
3. Critically analyse the causes and consequences of India’s public debt relating to the period from 1991 till
date. (2017)
4. Describe the highlights of Fiscal Reforms and Budget
Management Act 2003. (2016)
5. define public debt and give its components with reference to Indian government? Explain trends in public
debt since 2010 onwards(2020)
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2C Foreign institutional investment

and foreign direct investment
2D Desirability and consequences of
utilizing different sources
2E Monetary and fiscal 1. Explain the objectives of monetary policy. (2008)
policies 2. Explain the structure of Indian Banking. (2011)
3. Critically examine the role of RBI in credit control. (2011)
Analyse the strategy adopted by Reserve Bank of India to control the raising prices in the last two years.
4. State the measures initiated by Reserve Bank of India to regulate credit disbursed by Non-Banking Financial
Institutions. (2012)
5. Discuss briefly the recommendations of the expert committee constituted “To revise and strengthen the
monetary policy framework”. (2016)
6. Explain the need for emergence of Regional rural banks,
and discuss the problems faced by them and the corresponding revisions made. (2016)
7. What are the objectives of the demonetization policy announced by the Central Government on 8th
November, 2016 ? Discuss its impact on various sectors and various categories of people in the society.
Analyse its scope for cashless economy in the near future. (2017)
2F Financial markets and institutions
of developmental finance
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2G Investment in industries and 1. What is the scope for public-private partnership in post economic reform period in India? Elaborate. (2011)
infrastructure projects
2H Physical resources – Energy
Resource mobilization in Andhra
3A Budgetary resources and 1. Explain the pattern of resource mobilisation for the public sector in the 5 -Year Plans of Andhra Pradesh in
constraints the recent decade. (2008)
2. What are the important sources of revenue of the Government of Andhra Pradesh? (2011)
3. Do you consider that public Sector in getting adequate financial support from the government Andhra
Pradesh in XI five-year plan? (2011)
4. Critically examine the allocation pattern of resources in X and XI five-year plans of Andhra Pradesh (2011)
5. Bring out the relative importance of plan and non-plan expenditures of Andhra Pradesh Government
during the reforms period. (2012)
6. Discuss the sectorial performance of Eleventh Five Year Plan of Andhra Pradesh. (2012)
7. Explain the important features of XII Five Year Plan of Andhra Pradesh. (2012)
8. Discuss the sources and trends in revenue of the Andhra Pradesh Government before and after
reorganization for the period 2011 – 12 to 2016 – 17. (2017)
9. List out the monitorable targets of the 11th Five Year Plan of Andhra Pradesh State. Also explain the
pattern of resource allocation in the 10th and 11th Five Year Plans of Andhra Pradesh. (2017)
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3B Fulfillment of the conditions of A.P 1. Explain the need for the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority Bill 20 14 and describe its
Bifurcation Act salient features.
3C Central assistance and issues of 1. Describe the analysis of tax devolution from Central government to Andhra Pradesh Government in the
conflict last decade. (2012)
2. In the context of the financial situation of Andhra Pradesh after reorganization, discuss the nature and
extent of Central assistance provided to Andhra Pradesh. (2017)
3D Public debt and projects of external 3. Critically examine the role of World Bank Loans in the development of Andhra Pradesh economy. (2011)
3E Physical resources - 1. Give an account of the mineral and forest resources of Andra Pradesh.(2020)
Mineral and forest resources
3F Water disputes with neighbouring
Government budgeting

4A Structure of Government budget

and its components
4B Budgeting process and recent
4C Types of budget – types of deficits,
their impact and management
4D Highlights of current year’s union
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budget and its analysis

4E GST and related issues
4F Central assistance to states - Issues 1. What are the Recommendations of fourteenth Finance Commission with respect to the grant to local
of federal finance in India – governments, fiscal deficit and FRBM Act (2020)
Recommendations of the latest 2. Highlight the areas of central assistance to andhra Pradesh under the provision of Andhra Pradesh
finance commission Reorganisation Act and 14th Finance Commission. 2020.
3. Highlight the areas of central assistance to Andhra Pradesh under the provision of Andhra Pradesh
Reorganization Act and Fourteenth Finance Commission?(2020)
Government budgeting in Andhra
5A Budget constraints 1. What are the direct and indirect taxes levied by the government of Andhra Pradesh? (2008)
2. Write notes on: (i) Debt composition of Andhra Pradesh government (ii) Tax revenue and other resource
inflows into Andhra Pradesh government from the Central government (2008)
3. The proportion of revenue receipts and total budgetary receipts as percentage of GSDP increased during
the period 2002-2007 and declined during 2008-14. Explain the factors contributed for such trend. (2016)
5B Central assistance and issues of
conflict after bifurcation of the
5C Management of deficits 1. Explain the distinct aspect of Annual Budget for 2016- 17 of Andhra Pradesh. Discuss the reasons for
revenue deficit and fiscal deficit in residuary AP(2016)
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5D Highlights and Analysis of the 1. Examine some of the major features of Andhra Pradesh budget for the Financial year 2020-21 with special
current year budget reference to fiscall deficit situation of the state. (2020)
5E State finance commission and local
finance in Andhra Pradesh
Inclusive growth
6A Meaning of inclusion - Causes of
exclusion in India
6B Strategies for and instruments of 1. Explain the methods of measuring poverty in India. (2008)
inclusion: Poverty alleviation and 2. Explain the methods of measuring unemployment in India. (2008)
employment, Health and 3. Write notes on :
Education, women empowerment, i) Measures taken by the Andhra Pradesh government to empower women,
social welfare schemes ii) Infant Mortality and Death rates in Andhra Pradesh in the recent decade(2008)
4. What are important concepts of employment/ unemployment used by National Sample survey
Organisation (NSSO)? (2011)
5. Discuss the important anti-poverty programmes implemented by Government of India. (2011)
6. Comment on the recent controversies relating to the estimates of rural-urban poverty in India. (2012)
7. Assess the impact of MGNREGS in reducing the intensity of unemployment in rural areas of our country.
8. Explain the possible limitations in the strategy for poverty alleviation adopted by the Government of India.
Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

9. Discuss the possible consequences of rural unemployment on the society and suggest two effective
remedial measures. (2016)
10. What is human development? Discuss the importance and measurement of Gross National Happiness
Index. (2017)
11. What is relative poverty? What are the reasons for its presence in India? Explain the Gini-coefficient and
Lorenz curve methods of measuring relative poverty. (2017)
12. Discuss the nature and importance of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in health care and basic education
in India. (2017)
13. Analyse trends in rural-urban poverty in Andhra Pradesh. What are the factors responsible for its
14. Give an account of the objectives of Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) and the benefits
received under this scheme.(2020)
6C Food Security and Public 1. examine major issues concerning public distribution system in Andhra Pradesh(2020)
Distribution System
6D Sustainable agriculture
6E Integrated Rural development- 1. Why are Land Reforms implemented? What are the main laws pertaining to Land Reforms in Andhra
regional diversification Pradesh? (2008)
2. Explain the scope of Land Reforms in Andhra Pradesh and assess success in computerisation or Land
Records. (2008)
3. Detail the key four pillars, the project components, beneficiaries and key result indicators of Andhra
Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

Pradesh rural inclusive growth project (2016)

6F Public and partnership for inclusive
6G Financial inclusion
6H All Andhra Pradesh government’s 1. How is Andhra Pradesh economy popularly classified? What are the relative shares of the three regions in
current schemes for inclusive the? GSDP of Andhra Pradesh in the recent years? (2008)
growth and financial inclusion - 2. Examine the causes f or regional disparities in Andhra Pradesh and measures initiated by the government
Public Distribution system and to reduce the same. (2008)
DWCRA 3. Examine the structure of occupations pursued by Andhra Pradesh people and the proportion of SC-ST
population in the total population of Andhra Pradesh. (2008)
4. Explain the basic features of Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) and its performance in the state.
5. Explain the causes for backwardness of certain regions and suggest measures for development. (2008)
6. Examine the role of SHGs in Andhra Pradesh in meeting the credit requirements of rural people. (2008)
7. Highlight the important trends in incidence of poverty in Andhra Pradesh. (2011)
8. Discuss the demographic features of Andhra Pradesh and changes therein. (2011)
9. Discuss the measures taken by the Government to improve education and health status in Andhra Pradesh.
10. What are the measures taken by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to empower women? Elaborate.
Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

11. What are the causes for inter-regional and inter-district disparities in Andhra Pradesh? (2011)
12. Explain the significance of micro-finance institutions in meeting rural credit needs in Andhra Pradesh.
13. Explain the existing inter-regional differences in the levels of poverty in net Andhra Pradesh economy.
14. Suggest suitable steps to utilise demographic dividend for the rapid economic development of Andhra
Pradesh. (2012)
15. Critically examine the socio-economic issues regarding the pace of women empowerment in Andhra
Pradesh. (2012)
16. Evaluate the trends in the expenditure of Andhra Pradesh Government on health and education in the
last decade. (2012)
17. Discuss the trends in the literacy rates in Andhra Pradesh(2016)
18. “Employment opportunities through Jawahar Knowledge Centres”-Explain how the Andhra Pradesh
Government expects to meet its objective through this program. (2016)
19. List all the flagship programmes of Central Government implemented by the AP State during the 11th
plan period and state the objective of the programs in one sentence. (2016)
20. Explain the salient features and benefits of the PPP model of health services provided under Dr NTR
Vaidya Seva programme. (2016)
21. “An Indian peasant is born in debt, lives in debt and dies in debt”. In this context, explain the problems
faced by the rural population in getting the loans from institutional and non-institutional sources in AP and
Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

how they get into debt trap and poverty. (2016)

22. ‘‘SERP has been playing an important role in reducing rural poverty in Andhra Pradesh.’’ Discuss. (2017)
23. Evaluate the programmes / schemes initiated by the Andhra Pradesh Government to achieve women
empowerment. (2017)
24. Critically evaluate the nature of occupational structure in Andhra Pradesh. (2017)
25. Examine the present state of microfinance in Andhra Pradesh in the backdrop of its earlier crisis. (2017)
Agricultural development
7A Role of agriculture in economic
development – Contribution of to
7B Issues of finance, production,
7C Green revolution and changing
focus to dryland farming, organic
farming and sustainable agriculture
7D Minimum support prices
7E Agriculture policy – Swaminathan
7F – Rainbow revolution 1. What do you mean by rainbow revolution? What are its objectives? Discuss.(2020)
Agriculture Development in
Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

Andhra Pradesh
8A Contribution to SGDP 1. What is Green Revolution? What is its impact on the agricultural economy of Andhra Pradesh? (2008)
2. Do you consider that Andhra Pradesh economy in still dominated by agricultural sector? Justify your
answer. (2011)
3. Describe the changing structure of landholdings in Andhra Pradesh in the past two decades. (2012)
4. Discuss the problems associated with the issue of land distribution in Andhra Pradesh State. (2012)
5. Analyse the recent changes in the composition and structure of agricultural output in Andhra Pradesh.
6. Analyse the possible reasons for placing ceiling on agricultural holdings. Give two possible disadvantages to
the economy due to such ceilings. (2016)
7. Explain the need to enact the Andhra Pradesh Land Licensed Cultivators Act, 2011 and discuss the
problems faced in meeting the objective of enacting the Act. (2016)
8. Discuss the performance of agriculture sector during the 11th plan period and reasons for such
performance. (2016)
9. Explain the reasons for constituting a land committee under the chairmanship of Sri Koneru Ranga Rao in
the year 2004 and bring out its recommendations related to land reforms in Andhra Pradesh. (2017)
10. Discuss the evolution of tenancy reforms in Andhra Pradesh and also explain the main features of the
Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area) Tenancy Act, 1956 including the amendments to the Act. (2017)
11. Discuss the structural composition of Andhra Pradesh’s economy in terms of Gross Value Added (GVA) at
current and constant basic prices (2011 – 12 base) from 2014 – 15 to 2016 – 17. (2017)
Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

12. Explain the important features of the proposed strategy of Andhra Pradesh to achieve sustainable
development goals by 2030. (2017)
8B Regional disparities in irrigation 1. Discuss the land tenancy system prevailing in Telangana region on the eve of Independence. (2011)
and agricultural development 2. Do you consider that land reforms in Andhra Pradesh have provided sufficient protection to tenants?
3. Write a brief note on the regional disparities in irrigation facilities in Andhra Pradesh. (2012)
4. Describe the salient features of Polavaram irrigation project and explain its benefits. (2016)
5. Evaluate the trends in output and productivity of food and non-food crops in Andhra Pradesh (in the
present 13 districts) since the year 2000-01. Also bring out the reasons for regional variations in productivity
levels. (2017)
6. give an account of the different schemes implemented by Andhra Pradesh government to promote
agriculture in state?(2020)
7. . Describe some of the key initiatives taken and incentives provided by the government of Andhra Pradesh
to promote agro and food processing industry.
8C Changing cropping pattern 1. Evaluate the trends in output and productivity of food and non-food crops in Andhra Pradesh (in the
present 13 districts) since the year 2000-01. Also bring out the reasons for regional variations in productivity
levels. (2017)
8D Focus on horticulture and
fisheries and dairying
8E Government schemes to promote 1. What are the total outlays of Andhra Pradesh’s X and XI 5-Year Plans? What proportion of the outlay is
Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

agriculture in Andhra Pradesh allocated to agriculture including irrigation? (2008)

2. Briefly explain the need for administering agricultural commodity prices and mention the administering
machinery. (2008)
3. Discuss the composition of institutional and noninstitutional credit in rural Andhra Pradesh. (2011)
4. Critically examine the procurement price policy of the Government of India and Andhra Pradesh. (2011)
5. Highlight the important features of Public Distribution System in Andhra Pradesh. (2011)
6. How far does the present use of agricultural inputs and technical knowhow facilitates the achievement of
evergreen revolution in Andhra Pradesh? (2012)
7. Examine the view that Public Distribution System in India Shall be made the responsibility of State
Governments. (2012)
8. Comment on the inadequacy of institutional credit in rural areas of Andhra Pradesh State. (2012)
9. Elucidate the problems of cooperatives in providing adequate agricultural credit to ‘farmers in Andhra
Pradesh. (2012)
10. Describe the strategies being adopted by Andhra Pradesh to achieve the mission on agriculture extension
program. (2016)
11. Discuss the recent initiatives taken to help farmers to increase productivity levels in agriculture. (2016)
12. “Fair Price Shop Automation and portability within a District “-discuss the possible advantages of these
changes in public distribution system. (2016)
13. Discuss the highlights of farmers’ debt redemption scheme implemented in Andhra Pradesh and its
benefits. (2016)
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14. Discuss the nature of functioning of Aadhar enabled -e- public distribution system (AePDS) in Andhra
Pradesh in terms of purchase, transportation, storage, allotment and delivery of food grains. (2017)
Industrial Development and
9A Role of industrial sector in 1. Explain the role of private sector alter economic reforms. (2008)
economic development
9B Evolution of industrial policy since
9C Industrial Policy, 1991and its 1.Contrast the industrial policy of 1980 with that of 1991 with respect to small enterprises in india(2020)
impact on Indian economy
9D Contribution of Public Sector to 1. critically examine the performance of public sector in india economy(2020)
industrial development in India
9E Impact of liberalization and
privatization and globalization on
industrial development
9F Disinvestment and privatization 1. What are the critical issues that must be addressed before implementing disinvestment policy?(2020)
9G Problems of core industries
9H Micro, small and medium
enterprises, their problems and
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9I Industrial sickness and support

9J Manufacturing policy – Make-in 1. Describe the salient features of National Manufacturing Policy and also the critical role of manufacturing
India – Start up programme – sector in employment generation. (2017)
NIMZS- SEZS, industrial corridors -
Industrial Policy of the AP
10A Incentives to industries 1. Examine the growth and structure of industries in Andhra Pradesh. (2008)
2. Explain the significance of SSI in the development of Andhra Pradesh and mention the incentives extended
by the government to this sector. (2008)
3. Discuss the measures taken by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to promote small scale industries. Have
they yielded expected results? (2011)
4. State the Policy measures recently implemented by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to promote the
growth of industries. (2012)
5. Suggest appropriate measures to overcome the institutional problems of small-scale industries in
Andhra Pradesh. (2012)
6. Discuss salient features of Andhra Pradesh Industrial Investment Promotion Policy. (2016)
7. Discuss the growth and structure of small and tiny sector establishments in Andhra Pradesh on the basis of
data of the 6th Economic Census. (2017)
8. Discuss the Industrial Policy statement 2015-20 of Andhra Pradesh.(2020)
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10B Industrial corridors in and SEZs in 1. Discuss the objectives, complementary components and the importance of node-centric development of
Andhra Pradesh Phase- I of the East Coast Economic Corridor. (2017)
2. ‘‘The main aim of Andhra Pradesh State Mineral Policy is to serve as a guiding force to translate the State’s
mineral potential into reality with eco-friendly and sustainable mining.’’ Discuss. (2017)
10C Bottlenecks for industrial 1. Evaluate the performance of Industrial Sector in Andhra Pradesh. (2011)
development 2. What are the challenges faced by the industrial sector of Andhra Pradesh? Throw light on the
strategies created to face these challenges
10D Power projects 1. ‘‘An efficient power sector is essential for growth and poverty reduction.’’ In light of the above statement,
discuss the impact of reorganization of the State on its power sector and the steps initiated by the A.P. State
Government to address the issues of the power sector. (2017)
Service Sector in AP 1. State the importance of service sector in the development of Andhra Pradesh. (2008)
2. Describe the changes in the composition and growth of service sector of Andhra Pradesh in the post-
reforms period. (2012)
3. Critically evaluate the effects of private of Andhra Pradesh. (2012)
Infrastructure in India
11A Transport infrastructure: Ports,
Roads, Airports, Railways
11B Major projects of transport
infrastructure in India
11C Communication infrastructure - 1. Explain briefly the four pillars for developing a strong IT in Andhra Pradesh?(2020)
Mana La Excellence Previous Questions Compilation for APPSC Group 1

Information Technology –e-

governance - Digital India
11D – Energy and Power
11E Urban infrastructure – smart 1. . Discuss the initiatives taken by the Government of India to build smart cities, and highlight the challenges in
cities – urban environment - doing so(2020)

solid waste management 2. What is e-NAM? State the challenges in its implementation (2020)

11F Weather forecast and disaster

11G Issues of finance, ownership,
operation and maintenance of all
kinds of infrastructure
11H Public-private partnership and 1. In the light of the problems faced by public-private partnerships in India, give recommendations on the future plan
related issues of action.(2020)

11I Pricing of public utilities and 1. Explain the Marginal Cost Pricing Rule for Public Utilities. What are the problems associated with this
government policy rule?(2020)
11J Environmental impacts of
infrastructure projects
Infrastructure Development in
Andhra Pradesh
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12A Transport, Energy and ICT 1. Examine the importance and development of transport and communication in the state of Andhra
infrastructure– Bottlenecks
Pradesh. (2008)
2. Write short notes on : (i) Kisan Credit Card Scheme (ii) Providing Urban Facilities in Rural Areas (PURA)
3. Bring out the importance of transport and communication in the development of Andhra Pradesh (2011).
4. Write about the growth of IT industry in Andhra Pradesh (2011)
5. Explain the e-pragati initiative of Andhra Pradesh and its benefits. (2016)
6.“Smart village - Smart ward towards Smart Andhra Pradesh” - Explain. (2016)
7. Describe the long term agenda of the Andhra Pradesh government with respect to development of infrastructure in
the state.(2020)
8. . What are the challenges faced by energy sector in Andhra Pradesh? Briefly give the vision targets for energy sector
set by the AP Government.(2020)
12B Government policy 1. State the important features of the Infrastructure Mission of Andhra Pradesh and discuss its role in Vision
2029. (2017)
12C Ongoing projects 1. Explain the details of the “Arogya Raksha” scheme started by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Also
compare the scheme with other health insurance schemes of Andhra Pradesh. (2017)
All the best

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