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Climate Change is a global phenomenon that has already started to

impact our planet in many different ways. from rising sea levels and
more frequent natural disasters to extreme heat waves and
unpredictable weather patterns, the effects of climate change are
becoming increasingly apparent.

Firstly, we must come together as a global community to tackle the

issue of climate change. We must recognize that this is not just a
problem for one country or one group of people, but rather a challenge
that requires the cooperation and collaboration of all nations.

Secondly, we must take a complete approach to tackling climate change.

This means not only reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, but also
finding ways to adapt to the changing climate and mitigating the impact
of climate change on vulnerable communities.

And finally, Climate change is not something that we can afford to put
off until later. We must act now to prevent irreversible damage from
being inflicted on our planet.

SUBMITTTED BY: Jade Vanice S. Bayhon

SUBMITTED TO: Lea Lyn Castillon

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