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1) OB is the study of ___________in the organization.

A. Human
B. Behavior
C. Employer
D. Employee

Ans: B

2) OB focuses at 3 Levels

A. Individual, Organisation, Society

B. Society, Organization, Nation
C. Employee, Employer, Management
D. Individual, Group, Organisation

Ans: D

3) Scope of OB does not include.

A. Technology
B. Perception
C. Leadership
D. Job Design

Ans: A

4) OB Scientist has recognized that organizations are not static but dynamic and______

A. Researching
B. Processing
C. Systematic
D. Ever changing

Ans: D

5) Forces affecting Organisational Behavior are__________

A. People
B. Technology
C. Environment
D. All of the above

Ans: D
6) Challenges of OB are____________

A. Expectation of employees
B. Diversified workforce
C. Globalization
D. All of the above

Ans: D

7) The field of OB examines such as leadership, effective team development and

A. Interpersonal conflict resolution, motivation

B. Organization control, conflict management
C. Motivation of individual, planning
D. Planning, Development

Ans: A

8) The field of OB is concerned with

A. Behavior of Individual and Group

B. How resources are managed
C. Control process and interaction between organization, external context
D. Both B and C

Ans: D

9) In Herzberg two factor theory of Job Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction in Job is classified as

A. Motivators
B. Hygiene Factors
C. Performing
D. Expectancy factors

Ans: B

10) According to Freud, Three components of minds are

A. Ego, ID, Superego

B. Unconscious, moral, Phallic
C. Oral, Analic, Immoral
D. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary


11) Job Satisfaction of employee is based on their

A. Attitude
B. Personality
C. Leadership
D. Employer

Ans: A

12) A satisfied Employee will be

A. Motivator to other
B. High performer
C. Manager
D. Team leader

Ans: B

13) Component of attitude majorly segregated in _____parts

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Ans: C

14) Among the following, which is not the problem in changing attitude of employee?

A. Insufficient information
B. Resistant by employees
C. Cognitive dissonance
D. None of the above

Ans: C

15) I don’t feel comfortable in class is an example of____component of Attitude

A. Behavior
B. Affective
C. Cognitive
D. Positive

Ans: B

Among the following which is not a problem in changing the attitude of the employee
a) Insufficient Information b) Resistant by employee
c) Cognitive Dissonance d) Cognitive Dissonance
Answer: b) Resistant by employe
Among the following which is not a problem in changing the attitude of the employee
a) Insufficient Information b) Resistant by employee
c) Cognitive Dissonance d) Cognitive Dissonance
Answer: b) Resistant by employe
16) The belief that “discrimination is wrong” is a value statement. Such an opinion is
_________component of attitude

A. Cognitive
B. Affective
C. Reactive
D. Behavioral

Ans: A

17) Sources of cohesiveness are

A. Threat
B. Initiation
C. Shared goals
D. All of the above

Ans: D

18) Positive consequences of group cohesiveness are

A. Increased morale
B. Higher productivity
C. Better communication
D. All of the above

Ans: D

19) Why do people join groups?

A. Interaction
B. Esteem
C. Security
D. All of the above

Ans: D

20) Which of the following is the small group whose in depth interview aims at discovering what
people think about an issue or a product?

A. Focus group
B. Problem solving group
C. Learning group
D. None of the above
Ans: B

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