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Meaning - Summary

word +

 ma
many plural noun

 mai
much uncountable

a lot of / lots of both

a bit of both

few plural 

little uncountable

a few plural

a little uncountable

What's the difference between few / a few & little / a little?
"He speaks little English. It is difficult to communicate". (negative idea)
"He speaks a little English. We can communicate". (positive idea)
"Few people come into my shop. I don't sell many things". (negative idea)
"A few people come into my shop. I sell some things". (positive idea)

Form - Summary

Here are some examples of uncountable nouns

substances & materials: water, coffee, sugar, oil, salt, mayonnaise, paper, ink, 

abstract concepts: love, anger, help, pain, happiness, etc...

mass nouns: news, information, advice, hair, furniture, etc...

weather: sunshine, rain, thunder, snow, etc...

*a lot of and lots of have the same meaning.

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