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Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583

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Deconvolving distribution of relaxation times, resistances and

inductance from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy via
statistical model selection: Exploiting structural-sparsity
regularization and data-driven parameter tuning
Xin Li a, b, *, Mahshid Ahmadi c, Liam Collins a, b, Sergei V. Kalinin a, b, **
Center for Nanophase Material Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Institute for Functional Imaging of Materials, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Joint Institute for Advanced Materials, Material Science and Engineering Department, University of Tennessee, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The distribution of relaxation times (DRT) has drawn increasing attention for interpreting electro-
Received 1 March 2019 chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Deconvolution of DRT from EIS is a challenging ill-posed
Received in revised form problem that requires regularization methods. In this work, we formulate DRT reconstruction task as a
30 April 2019
statistical model selection problem with structural-sparsity penalties. We utilize the Elastic net regula-
Accepted 3 May 2019
Available online 10 May 2019
rization that simultaneously benefits from Ridge and Lasso regularizations with optimal tuning
parameter automatically determined by the information criteria. We benchmark our approach on four
synthetic experiments (a ZARC element, ZARC mixtures, a RC circuit and a Fractal element) and two real
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
EIS datasets of a Lithium ion battery and an organic-inorganic halide class of perovskites in oxygen
Distribution of relaxation times environment at different gas pressures. We demonstrate the superiority of proposed model selection
Statistical model selection procedure, that is capable of eliminating pseudo peaks and representing asymmetries in DRT as well as
Elastic net regularization precisely estimating resistances. We highlight our approach is robust to reducing and subsampling EIS
Lithium-ion batteries frequency range, making it a promising tool for timing-resolved, localized and large scale EIS data
Halide perovskites analysis. For the Lithium ion battery data analysis, we extend the classical DRT model to incorporate the
inductive effect and illustrate DRT as a guidance for equivalent circuit modeling to refine impedance
reconstruction at low risks of overfitting. Furthermore, the structural-sparsity regularization could be
extended for multidimensional and Bayesian EIS data analysis.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the nonlinear least squares (CNLS) procedure [10e14]. Several

groups have made significant contributions towards mapping EIS
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) [1,2] has become spectrum to transport phenomena and reaction kinetics [15e23].
the main stay for multiple timescales characterization on many As an alternative for analyzing EIS data, distribution of relaxa-
electrochemical systems such as fuel cells [3,4], lithium-ion batte- tion times (DRT) has recently draw much attention [24,25]. DRT is a
ries [5,6], solar cells [7,8] and bioanalytical applications [9]. None- model independent approach that emphasizes the distribution of
theless, interpreting physically relevant phenomena from EIS is EIS timescales, consisting of peaks with different widths whose
challenging. A typical approach of analyzing EIS spectral is fitting locations define the major time constants of the system under
the impedance data against equivalent circuits models (ECM) via study. Mathematically, DRT is connected to the EIS via the following
convolution equation [26e29]:

* Corresponding author. Center for Nanophase Material Sciences, Oak Ridge ð∞

National Laboratory, USA. Zðf Þ ¼ R∞ þ Rp dt (1)
** Corresponding author. Center for Nanophase Material Sciences, Oak Ridge 0 1 þ i2pf t
National Laboratory, USA.
E-mail addresses: (X. Li), (S.V. Kalinin). where Zðf Þ is the measured impedance data at given frequencies f,
0013-4686/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583 571

Symbols A Kernel basis matrix of DRT for the imaginary
impedance vector
R∞ High frequency cut-off resistance b Kernel weights vector
L0 Inductance element
b~ Relaxed kernel weights vector
Rp Polarization resistance *
f EIS sampling frequency b~ Augmented kernel weights vector
t Relaxation time Z* Augmented imaginary impedance vector
gðtÞ Distribution function of relaxation times A* Augmented kernel basis matrix for imaginary EIS
jm Kernel function data
bm Kernel weight Aþ MooreePenrose inverse of A*
Z0 Real impedance vector l1 Selection tuning parameter in elastic net
Z Imaginary impedance vector regularization
A0 Kernel basis matrix of DRT for the real impedance l2 Shrinkage tuning parameter in elastic net
vector regularization
Cp Mallow's Cp criterion

R∞ is the high frequency cut-off resistance, Rp is the polarization Lasso Regression, with optimal tuning parameter selected auto-
resistance and gðtÞ is the possibility density function of time matically based on information criteria. In addition, non-negativity
R ∞
relaxation characteristics that subjects to 0 gðtÞ ¼ 1. Since EIS of DRT is guaranteed during computation, since naive imple-
frequency are usually sampled logarithmically, equation (1) is often mentation of Ridge and Lasso regularization may yield negative
rewritten in terms of possibility density function of ln t, denoted as GðtÞ values. Our approach is capable of excluding pseudo peaks and
GðtÞ. Via the change of variable trick: representing asymmetry in GðtÞ as well as accurately estimating R∞
and Rp . We demonstrate that estimation accuracy is robust to the
t ¼ f ðln tÞ ¼ elnt ; dt ¼ f 0 ðln tÞdln t ¼ elnt dln t ¼ tdln t (2) reduction of EIS frequency sampling density and range, making it
promising for advanced EIS techniques, such as timing-resolved
we can see GðtÞ ¼ tgðtÞ, [43e45], localized [46e48] and the atomic force microscopy
based impedance spectroscopy [49e51], where EIS frequency
GðtÞ ¼ f 0 ðlntÞgðf ðln tÞÞ ¼ elnt g eln t ¼ tgðtÞ (3) sampling range and density may be compromised by the spatial-
temporal resolution and probe size. The benefits of structural-
sparsity (Elastic net regularization) could also be extended for
substituting equations (2) and (3) into equation (1), we have:
multidimensional EIS data analysis [52] and be explored under
ð∞ Bayesian analysis of EIS data [53,54] via the spike and slab priors
Zðf Þ ¼ R∞ þ Rp dt [55].
0 1 þ i2pf t
GðtÞ 1
¼ R∞ þ Rp tdln t (4) 2. Theory
∞ t 1 þ i2pf t
GðtÞ We approximate probability density GðtÞ in the following form
¼ R∞ þ Rp dln t
∞ 1 þ i2pf t of a kernel density estimation,

Various methods for deconvoluting GðtÞ from EIS spectra have X

been proposed, including Fourier transform (FT) [28,30], maxim GðtÞ ¼ bm jm ðtÞ (5)
entropy [31], Monte Carlo methods [32,33], genetic programming m¼1
[34,35] and Ridge regression (also known as Tikhonov Regulariza-
tion) [36e40]. where jm is the mth kernel function that satisfies jm  0 with
Unfortunately, deconvolution of GðtÞ from Zðf Þ is notoriously jm ðtÞdt ¼ 1, and bm is the corresponding kernel weight. The
known as an ill-posed inverse problem meaning there are many unknown coefficient bm  0 determines the weight of mth kernel
possible solutions for GðtÞ. For example, pseudo peaks sometimes and subjects to m bm ¼ 1 for GðtÞ being a probability density
appear in estimated DRT (In terms of ECM analysis, multiple models function. Here we consider a popular choice of the kernel function
may yield almost identical EIS responses [2,41]). It requires much jm , a step function (additional investigation on choices of kernel
effort to adjust tuning parameters in these methods to get an functions for deconvoluting density function can be found in
agreeable DRT reconstruction. Pioneering work of Ciucci group [37] [38,56]),
proposed real and imaginary cross-validation test functions to
address the issue of selecting the regularization parameter, jm ðtÞ ¼ I ½tm ;tmþ1 Þ ðtÞ (6)
compared the effects of Ridge regularization (favoring smoothness tmþ1  tm
in DRT) and Lasso regularization (favoring sparsity in DRT) and
concluded that Lasso should be used in conjunction with Ridge where I ½tm ;tmþ1 Þ is an indicator function defined at range ½tm ; tmþ1 Þ.
regression. As pointed out in a recent review [42], statistical anal- To reduce the risk of missing potential peaks in GðtÞ, we consider a
ysis could become a powerful tool for justifying the quality of large range of t. The values of t range from microsecond (106 ) to
evaluating DRT. megasecond (106 ) logarithmically. Substituting equation (5) into
In this work, we propose a solving procedure for both DRT GðtÞ equation (4), we then have equation (4) into a mixture form. In
and resistances R∞ ; Rp and possible inductance effects, based on the addition, we consider the experimental EIS spectrum is a noisy
Elastic Net regularization that simultaneously utilizes Ridge and version of theoretical data:
572 X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583

where we introduce the relaxed variable,

X ð

jm ðtÞ
Zðf Þ ¼ R∞ þ Rp bm dln t þ b~ ¼ Rp b; ~
Rp ¼ 1T b (11)
m¼1 1 þ ð2pf tÞ2
(7) l1 and l2 in equation (10) are selection and shrinkage tuning
X ð

jm ðtÞ parameters. Traditional cross-validation on the two dimensional
iRp bm 2pf t d ln t þ ε
1 þ ð2pf tÞ2 grid of (l1 ; l2 ) is computationally heavy and may present some
m¼1 ∞ challenges in EIS context because of the small data set's size [37].
Instead, we first use the non-negative least angle regression algo-
where ε is the experiment and discretization noise. Estimation of
rithm (LARS) [58,59] that implicitly select optimal l1 based on in-
GðtÞ; Rp ; R∞ can be pursued by maximizing the likelihood of above
formation criteria, given a fixed l2 . Specifically, LARS solves
function, which is equivalent to minimize following sum of
equation (10) in the data augmentation form [57],
0 0 00 00   l1  ~ * 
Minimize jjZ  1R∞  Rp A bjj22 þ jjZ  Rp A bjj22 (8)  * * ~ * 
Minimize Z  A b  þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffib  (12)
  1 þ l2  
2 1
where A0 ; A are the real- and imaginary-part of the covariate
R jm ðtÞ where
matrix A of size N  M, whose element Anm ¼ 1þi2 pfn t d ln t; the
integration can be calculated using the Monte Carlo approximation
 00   00 
A* ¼ ð1 þ l2 Þ1=2 pAffiffiffiffiffi ; Z* ¼ Z (13)
with sample size K, l2 I 0
jm ðtÞ 1 XK
1 and
d ln tz (9)
1 þ i2pfn t K 1 þ i2 pfn tðkÞ
k¼1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi *
b~ ¼ 1 þ l2 b ~ (14)
where tðkÞ is a random sample from the density kernel jm ðtÞ. We
The LARS algorithm is an iterative solver that sequentially
set a sufficiently large sample size for numerical convergence. ~  solution path for implicit l values in a decreasing
 00  generates b
 00  1
Note that the imaginary-part data fidelity term Z  Rp A bj22 in ~  in the LARS solution path corre-
sequence (∞/0). The optimal b
equation (8) are only involved with Rp and b, we first utilize sponds to the iteration that has the minimal value of Mallow's Cp
imaginary part of EIS spectrum to estimate Rp and b. Columns of the criterion [60],
covariate matrix A suffers from high degree of collinearity. For  * T  * *  
example, Fig. 1 shows the correlations (absolute value) among ~
Z*  A * b ~
Z  A* b  * 
 N þ 2 b
columns of A . The high correlations imply that multiple regression Cp ¼  (15)
coefficients in b have almost indistinguishable effects, yielding 0
non-unique solutions to equation (8). To address the collinearity
issue, we propose to use the Elastic Net [57] consisting of double where s2 is the mean square error of low-bias model,
penalizations with L1 norm and L2 norm,  * T 
Z  A* b Z*  A* b
 00     2 s2 ¼ (16)
 00 2
~  þ l b
~  þ l b
~  N
Minimize Z  A b 1 2 (10)
2 1 2
with b ¼ Aþ Z where Aþ is the MooreePenrose inverse of A* .
During the iterations of LARS algorithm, Cp value should decrease at
first, as the mean square error term generally decreases, then Cp
value would rebound later due to the increasing degrees of
freedom. Fig. 2 is an example of the trend of Cp from the Lithium-
ion battery EIS data analysis in later sections.
With optimal b ~  obtained at the LARS iteration with minimal C
value, we immediately get the estimates of b; Rp via equations (14)
and (11). Then optimal R∞ can be solved via the first-order neces-
0 0
sary condition of real-part data fidelity term jjZ  1R∞  Rp A bjj22
in equation (8),
P 0 P N  0
n¼1 Rp A b n
n¼1 ðZ Þn 
R∞ ¼ (17)
For a fixed l2 value, we follow above procedure to get estimates
of b; Rp ; andR∞ . We perform a grid search of l2 to choose the one
that gives the minimum sum of squares in equation (8).

3. Results
00 00
Fig. 1. Correlations between 15th column of A and all columns of A .
We tested our approach for four synthetic experiments (a ZARC
X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583 573

3.1.2. ZARC mixtures

The analytical impedance from the ZARC mixtures model is
given by:

Zðf Þ ¼ R∞ þ (20)
1 þ ði2pf tm Þ4m

where Rm , tm and fm characterize mth ZARC element. There is a

discrepancy between equation (20) and the DRT convolution model
in equation (1) where individual Rm is implicitly contained in GðtÞ.
To estimate Rm , we rewrite equation (20) in a consistent form with
convolution model in equation (1),

Zðf Þ ¼ R∞ þ Rp fm
m¼1 1 þ ði2pf tm Þ

where Rp ¼ m¼1 Rm and wm ¼ RRmp is the weight for each ZARC
Fig. 2. An example of Cp estimates during LARS algorithm iterations for the Lithium-
ion battery EIS data analysis in later sections. Red circle indicates the minimal. (For
element. Via equation (21), estimated Rp should reflected the total
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to polarization resistance of ZARC mixtures model meanwhile indi-
the Web version of this article.) vidual Rm can be estimated by the heights of the peaks
ðp1 ; p2 ; /; pm Þ in reconstructed DRT via Rm ¼ Rp P pMm .
m¼1 m

We consider mixture models consisting of two ZARC elements

element, ZARC mixtures, a RC circuit and a Fractal element) and two with equal and non-equal weights respectively. For both models,
real EIS datasets of (a) Lithium ion battery and (b) organic-inorganic we set R∞ ¼ 10U, f1 ¼ f2 ¼ 0:7 and t1 ¼ 0:001s; t2 ¼ 0:1s. For
halide class of perovskites in oxygen environment at different gas equal weights, we set R1 ¼ R2 ¼ 50U. For non-equal weights, we
pressures. We emphasize that all the following reconstructions are set R1 ¼ 50U; R2 ¼ 30U. Figs. 4 and 5 show the reconstruction
automatically determined by the statistical model selection pro- performances for above cases where all variables R∞ ; R1 ; R2 and
cedure without manual efforts of tuning parameters. GðtÞ can be accurately estimated. Estimation accuracy of R1 ; R2
slightly decreases (Figs. 4f and 5f) under the very limited data
sampling of half frequency range with10 ppd.
3.1. Synthetic experiments
3.1.3. RC circuit
For each synthetic model, we analyzed three data sampling The EIS spectra from a single RC circuit is derived as
strategies: (1) a normal range of EIS spectrum, 101 Hz < fn < 106 Hz,
with 10 points per decade (ppd); (2) normal range, but with only 5 Zðf Þ ¼ R∞ þ (22)
1 þ i2pfRp C
ppd; (3) half frequency range, 100 Hz < fn < 103:5 Hz, with 10 ppd.
where we set R∞ ¼ 1U, Rp ¼ 1U and C ¼ 1F. The analytical DRT for
3.1.1. ZARC element a RC circuit is a Dirac distribution centered at t ¼ Rp C ¼ 1s.
The ZARC circuit serially consists of a resistance (R∞ ) and a Fig. 6 shows the reconstruction performances for the RC circuit
parallel connection of a constant phase element and a resistor (Rp ). model. For EIS spectra with normal range (10 ppd and 5 ppd), the
The impedance of a single ZARC element is given by: estimated DRT consists of a single sharp peak centered at 1s. For EIS
of half range with 10 ppd, the estimated DRT has a single sharp
Rp peak at 0:223s. R∞ and Rp were also accurately estimated, except for
Zðf Þ ¼ R∞ þ (18)
1 þ ði2pf t0 Þf EIS spectral of half frequencies with 10 ppd where estimations of
EIS spectra and Rp have relatively larger errors compared to other
where we set R∞ ¼ 5U, Rp ¼ 40U, t0 ¼ 0:01s and f ¼ 0:55. The two data collection cases. Also we note that slight asymmetries
analytical DRT for a ZARC element is a log-normal distribution exist in the estimated DRTs. One possible reason is that analytical
[36,61]: form of EIS spectrum for a RC circuit can be numerically treated as a
special case of the Fractal element discussed next.
1 Rp sinðð1  fÞpÞ
GðtÞ ¼ tgðtÞ ¼ (19)
C 2p coshðf lnðt=t0 ÞÞ  cosðð1  fÞpÞ 3.1.4. Fractal element
The EIS response for a Fractal element [36,62] is given by,
where C is the normalization constant to make GðtÞ a probability
density function. Fig. 3 displays analytical EIS and DRT, together Rp
Zðf Þ ¼ R∞ þ (23)
with the fitted EIS and estimated GðtÞ; Rp ; R∞ . For all three data ð1 þ i2pf t0 Þf
collection strategies, the fitted EIS and DRT matches well to the
analytical ones; there is no pseudo peak in the estimated DRTs; where we set R∞ ¼ 10U, Rp ¼ 10U, f ¼ 0:6 and t0 ¼ 0:1s. Note
both resistances values can be accurately estimated. The recon- that, when f ¼ 1, the Fractal element reduces to the RC circuit. The
struction performances are robust to reducing and subsampling EIS analytical DRT for a Fractal element has a singularity point at t0
frequency range. where asymmetry and discontinuity occur. The analytical DRT of a
574 X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583

Fig. 3. Reconstructions of a ZARC element. (a,c,e). Analytical and estimated EIS spectra and resistances for the three data collection strategies: normal range with 10 ppd, normal
range with 5 ppd, half range with 10 ppd. (b,d,f)Analytical and estimated DRTs, corresponding to the three data collection strategies.

Fractal element is given by, 3.2. Experimental lithium ion battery EIS data analysis

In this section we tested the model selection approach on a real

EIS response of a commercial lithium ion battery (LiCoO2 Ansmann
8  f 18650) at the states of charge 25%, collected at room temperature.
< R sinðfpÞ
> t
; if t  t0
p The DRT analysis of this EIS data has been conducted via frequentist
GðtÞ ¼ tgðtÞ ¼ p t0  t (24)
: (Ridge and Lasso regression) [37,38] and Bayesian settings [53,54].
0; if t > t0 Specifically, the original Lithium ion battery EIS data comes from
Fig. 7 shows the reconstruction results for the Fractal element the opensource software introduced in [38].
under the three data collection strategies. Since the analytical The sampling frequency f for original EIS data ranges from
GðtÞ/∞ as t/t0 , for visualization purposes, we normalized 999 Hz to 5 mHz with 107 sampling points in total. For the real EIS
analytical GðtÞ in Fig. 7. For all three sampling strategies, both R∞ data case, we considered four data collection strategies: (1) the
and Rp were accurately estimated. All three reconstructed DRTs original EIS data; (2) full frequency range with half sampling den-
sity, yielding 54 sampling points; (3)truncated frequency range
display a single asymmetric peak at singularity point t ¼ 0:07s,
from 316 Hz to 16 mHz with 87 sampling points and (4) truncated
although the asymmetry is weakened under half frequency range
frequency range (316 Hze16 mHz) with half sampling density,
with 10 ppd case.
X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583 575

Fig. 4. Reconstructions of ZARC mixtures with equal weights. (a,c,e). Analytical and estimated EIS spectra and resistances for the three data collection strategies: normal range with
10 ppd, normal range with 5 ppd, half range with 10 ppd. (b,d,f)Analytical and estimated DRTs and resistances, corresponding to the three data collection strategies.

yielding 44 sampling points. posterior distributions reported by the Bayesian analysis frame-
In Fig. 8, the reconstruction results are presented for the four work [53,54]. In addition, the estimated DRT under reduced fre-
data collection scenarios. Reducing the number of points per quency range (Fig. 8f,h) match well with the analytical DRT (with
decade has minor influence on the reconstruction. Estimation highest peak in the middle) via a 3-ZARC ECM fit of the EIS data,
values of resistances are stable under four data sampling strategies. that was treated as a reference in [54]. The discrepancy in GðtÞ may
For full frequency range (10 ppd and 5 ppd), the estimated DRTs be connected to the degree of fitness of the EIS data: for full range
consist of three peaks at t ¼ 0:003s; 0:157s; 32:77s with highest cases (Fig. 8a,c), there is a larger fitting error in the high frequency
peak located at rightmost. For reduced range (10 ppd and 5 ppd), domain, compared to the reduced range cases (Fig. 8e,g), which
the estimated DRTs consist of three peaks at may be caused by the larger system error introduced by instru-
t ¼ 0:003s; 0:157s; 12:95s with highest peak in the middle. mentation at high frequencies. Combining analysis here with
Estimated DRTs here for the Lithium ion battery are consistent earlier work [37,38,53,54], the EIS practitioner may conjecture that
with the optimal DRT representation reported earlier by external the EIS data has inherent noise, especially in the high frequency
manual validations. In [37], Re-Im cross-validation criterion and domain.
Lasso yielded pseudo peaks and Re-Im discrepancy provided a
suitable DRT on truncated t domain (103 s to 103 s) that is similar
3.2.1. Estimating inductance effect
to Fig. 8b,d. Similar results can be found by the radial basis function
The positive imaginary values at high frequency range of EIS
(RBF) method [38] with manual tuning of the Ridge shrinkage
spectrum in Fig. 8a could be possibly due to the inductance effect.
parameter. Also, estimated DRT in Fig. 8b,d are consistent with the
The classical formalism linking EIS spectrum and DRT by equation
576 X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583

Fig. 5. Reconstructions of ZARC mixtures with non-equal weights. (a,c,e) Analytical and estimated EIS spectra and resistances for the three data collection strategies: normal range
with 10 ppd, normal range with 5 ppd, half range with 10 ppd. (b,d,f) Analytical and estimated DRTs and resistances, corresponding to the three data collection strategies.

(1) only consists of resistance and capacitance elements, and is ðiÞ

L0 sequentially:
unsuitable for impedance containing inductive component at high
frequencies [24]. Trying to overcome this limitation, we expend the      
b~ ¼ argmin Z  2pfL0ði1Þ  A b~  þ l1 b~  þ l2 b~ 
ðiÞ 00 00 2 2
classical formalism by adding an inductive element, which is also
2 1 2
adopted in the recent review [42]:
Zðf Þ ¼ R∞ þ i2pfL0 þ Rp d ln t (25)  00

∞ 1 þ i2pf t ðiÞ
L0 ¼ argmin Z  A b~  2pfL 2
00 ðiÞ
where L0 is an inductance. Correspondingly, the model estimator
for the imaginary-part of EIS spectrum in equation (10) is extended equation (27) is solved by the same non-negative LARS procedure
to, as describe in section 2 and equation (28) is solved by non-negative
least square [63]. Estimates of L0 converge after several iterations,
 00     2 see Fig. 9 for an example.
 00 2
~  þ l b
~  þ l b
Minimize Z  2pfL0  A b 1 2 (26) Fig. 10 shows the fitting results of the full Lithium ion battery EIS
2 1 2
spectrum, by the extended model. The goodness of fit was much
~  can be estimated via block-wise coordinate descent: starting improved especially for the high-frequency range of EIS spectrum,
½L0 ; b
with estimated L0 ¼ 0:62mH. We also tested extended formalism
with initial guess of L0
ð0Þ ~ ðiÞ and
¼ 0, at each iteration i, we update b with non-inductive EIS datasets. Reconstructions of EIS spectrum
X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583 577

Fig. 6. Reconstructions of a RC circuit. (a,c,e) Analytical and estimated EIS spectra and resistances for the three data collection strategies: normal range with 10 ppd, normal range
with 5 ppd, half range with 10 ppd. (b,d,f) Estimated DRTs, corresponding to the three data collection strategies.

and DRT were not affected, with estimated L0 ¼ 0mH. For example, With that being said, estimated DRT could provide prior infor-
Fig. 11 is the fitting results for the full synthetic EIS data of ZARC mation on the number, type and initial parameters of ECM ele-
mixtures with equal peaks in section 3.1.2. Ongoing work involving ments where those parameters can be further refined to improve
a more comprehensive investigation of the extended formalism the fitting of impedance data. To validate our hypothesis, based on
including more experimental EIS datasets containing inductive ef- the shape of estimated DRT, we fit the battery impedance data via a
fects is underway. RQ(left peak)-RC(middle peak)-RC(right peak) mixture.

G1 G2 G3
Zðf Þ ¼ R∞ þ i2pfL þ þ þ
3.2.2. Synergistic DRT-ECM analysis 1þ ði2pf t0 1Þ
f1 1 þ i2pf t0 2 1 þ i2pf t0 3
Although t is continuously distributed, one has to discretize the
domain of GðtÞ in practice. We approximate GðtÞ into the weighted
mixtures of kernel functions. A kernel function has local effects on a we use off-the-shelf lsqcurvefit function in MATLAB optimiza-
certain interval ½tm ; tmþ1 Þ. It gives approximated/average EIS in- tion tool-box to fit the nonlinear complex function. For a successful
formation on the interval ½tm ; tmþ1 Þ and naturally contains vari- reconstruction, it is essential and non-trivial to find good initial
ance, which could be the reason of the larger discrepancy between points. And DRT is valuable for providing such key information.
original data and reconstructed impedance at the low-frequency Fig. 12a shows the fitted impedance data from the ECM analysis
end as shown in Fig. 10a. with initial guesses based on the peak positions of DRT in Fig. 10b
578 X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583

Fig. 7. Reconstructions of a Fractal element. (a,c,e) Analytical and estimated EIS spectra and resistances for the three data collection strategies: normal range with 10 ppd, normal
range with 5 ppd, half range with 10 ppd. (b,d,f) Analytical and estimated DRTs, corresponding to the three data collection strategies.

(t1 ¼ 0:0015s, t2 ¼ 0:1571s and t3 ¼ 32:77s). The reconstruction RC-elements (or RQ-RC combinations).
of impedance was much improved via the refined ECM model
based on DRT with parameter estimates: G1 ¼ 0:0259U; G2 ¼
3.3. EIS data analysis of organic-inorganic halide class of
0:0106U;G3 ¼ 0:0252U; t0 1 ¼ 0:0209s;f1 ¼ 0:2963; t0 2 ¼ 0:1497s;
t0 3 ¼ 35:5382s. We note that the discretized domain of DRT does
not contain the exact sampling points at the refined characteristic
Organic-inorganic halide class of perovskites (OIHPs) have
relaxation times t0 1 ; t0 2 ; t0 3 . Fig. 12b is a failure example of ECM
recently come to the forefront of research curiosity due to their
fitting from random initial guesses of characteristic relaxation
outstanding optoelectronic properties which make them suitable
times. From the DRT-ECM analysis perspective, it is important to
for a broad applications ranging from solar cells [64] to ionizing
put structural-sparsity regularizations on the DRT to avoid over-
radiation detectors [65]. It is well established that these materials
fitting. For example, Fig. 13 shows the overfitted results of the
are mixed ionic-electronic conductors which makes the under-
simulated Fractal element via Tikhonov regularization. Although
standing of their charge transport properties under different
impedance data was much better fitted in Fig. 13a than those in
operation condition challenging [66]. Hence, EIS has been widely
section 3.1.4, the corresponding DRT in Fig. 13b containing sharp
used to characterize and decouple frequency dependent ionic and
pseudo-peaks is more indicative of a serial connection of multiple
electronic processes in this class of materials [67,68]. Several groups
X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583 579

Fig. 8. Reconstructions of a Lithium ion battery EIS data. (a,c,e,g) Experimental and estimated EIS spectra and resistances for the four data collection strategies: full range, full range
with half sampling density, reduced range and reduced range with half sampling density. (b,d,f,h) Estimated DRTs, corresponding to the four data collection strategies.

have used the equivalent circuit model to explain the origin of data setups in Lithium ion battery example, we considered four
phenomena based on capacitive, resistive or inductive circuit ele- sampling strategies: (1) Full frequency range (450 kHze2 Hz) with
ments. However, complex systems including OIHPs deviate from 197 sampling points; (2) Full frequency range (450 kHze2 Hz) with
ideal resistor or capacitor structures and may not be described well half sampling density, yielding 99 sampling points; (3) Reduced
with these elements. This complicates the interpretation of frequency range (95 kHze11 Hz) with 147 sampling points; (4)
phenomena. Reduced frequency range (95 KHz to 11 Hz) with half sampling
Here, we employed our DRT method for the first time to look at density, yielding 74 sampling points. Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 are the
distribution of relaxation times on a single crystal of methyl- fitting results, where we can see the reconstruction performances
ammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) sandwich between Au elec- are consistent under these four data sampling strategies.
trodes in O2 environment at different gas pressures. Similar to the While understanding the origins of the phenomena is out of the
580 X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583

the evolution of estimated DRTs can also reflect the effects of

increasing O2 pressure. First, the fast process (P2) shifted to a
smaller value as pressure increases (inset in Fig. 14b): at low
pressure 0 torr and 40 torr, P2 is centered at 5.744 ms; at high
pressure 120 torr and 200 torr, P2 is centered at 4.554 ms. Second,
the width of slower process (P1) shrinks as pressure increases. In
terms of a ZARC element, shrinkage of peak width reflects the in-
crease of the diffusion related constant f in equation (18), based on
which, one may conjecture that the element associated with P1
tends to transit from a constant phase element to a pure capaci-
tance [36]. Third, the estimated overall polarization resistance de-
creases as O2 pressure increases from 0 torr to 200 torr, reaching at
550.55 kU, 509.59 kU, 438.17 kU and 438.60 kU. The above tran-
sitions in DRT and resistances may be attributed to recombination
of electronic charge carriers with increasing O2 pressure.

3.4. Software release

Fig. 9. An example of L0 estimates during iterations for the Lithium-ion battery EIS To help readers better understand the approach and provide a
data analysis. convenient tool for EIS-DRT community, datasets and MATLAB
codes for the statistical model selection algorithm and analysis will
be freely available at the following address,
scope of this paper, we can separately analyze each phenomenon
nonmin/EIS-DRT. Equivalent implementations in opensource lan-
based on their individual time scale. Clearly there are two indi-
guage Python may also be available soon.
vidual processes with relaxation times in the orders of milliseconds
(as indicated by peak P1 in Fig. 14b) and microseconds (as indicated
by peak P2 in Fig. 14b). A recent study [69] on interaction of oxygen 4. Discussion
with halide perovskites has shown that, as the rate of absorption
increases by increasing gas pressure, O2 can change the concen- We formulate the estimation of distribution of relaxation time
tration of charges and affect sample conductivity. Correspondingly, and resistances from EIS data as a statistical model selection
problem based on the elastic net regularization simultaneously

Fig. 10. Reconstructions of the full Lithium ion battery EIS data via the extended DRT model containing the inductance element. (a) Experimental and estimated EIS spectra. (b)
Estimated DRT.

Fig. 11. Reconstructions of ZARC mixtures with equal weights, via the extended DRT model containing the inductance element. (a) Analytical and estimated EIS spectra. (b)
Estimated DRT.
X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583 581

Fig. 12. ECM fitting of battery impedance based on DRT estimates and random initial guesses.

Fig. 13. An overfitting example of Fractal element via Tikhonov regularization.

Fig. 14. Reconstructions of the EIS data from a single crystal of methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) sandwich between Au electrodes in O2 environment at different gas
pressures. (a) Experimental and estimated EIS spectra for the data collection strategy: full range with 196 sampling points. (b) Estimated DRTs. Inset is the large view of the fast

taking advantages of Ridge and Lasso penalties. Based on the non- battery data analysis, we extend the classical DRT model to incor-
negative least angle regression algorithm (LARS), we propose a porate the inductive effect and illustrate DRT as a guidance tool for
solving procedure that synergistically utilizes real- and imaginary- equivalent circuit modeling to refine impedance reconstruction at
part of ESI data and automatically selects optimal tuning parame- low risks of overfitting. We highlight our approach is robust to
ters based on information criterion. reducing and subsampling EIS frequency range, showing potential
We applied the model selection algorithm to four synthetic for data analysis in emerging EIS techniques, such as timing-
experiments of classical characteristics (a ZARC element, ZARC resolved [43e45], localized [46e48] and the atomic force micro-
mixtures, a RC circuit and a Fractal element) and two real EIS scopy based impedance spectroscopy [49e51], where EIS frequency
datasets. We demonstrate our approach is capable of not only range and sampling density may be limited by the spatial-temporal
accurately estimating resistances but also suppressing pseudo resolution and probe size.
peaks and representing asymmetry in the DRT. For the Lithium ion Although this work only considers regression of a single EIS data
582 X. Li et al. / Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 570e583

Fig. 15. Reconstructions of the EIS data from a single crystal of methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) sandwich between Au electrodes in O2 environment at different gas
pressures. (a,c,e) Experimental and estimated EIS spectra for the three data collection strategies: full range with half sampling density, reduced range and reduced range with half
sampling density. (b,d,f) Estimated DRTs, corresponding to the three data collection strategies. Inset is the large view of the fast process.

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