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acob Grimm (1785 - 1863) and Wilhem Grimm (1786 - 1859) are the famous

German brothers who collaborated as authors, philologists, cultural

researchers, and lexicographers to create the best-known folktales of the 19th
century. Although classified as “Fairy Tales,” the stories collected here are not
necessarily of a gentle nature and might not be a suitable for all children.
That's why we've put together a Fairy Tales Guide with suggested stories for
various ages. We recommend parents pre-read Grimm stories before sharing
with children, just to be safe! Many of Grimm's stories are a fantastic fit for
young children who are ready to embrace a bit more adventure, perfect for
kids thrilled, rather than scared, when the bad tempered wolf with evil plans
comes baring claws and teeth! Many of Grimm's scariest tales are best suited
for 13 years to adult, such as The Girl Without Hands and The Juniper-Tree.

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