Gala Night

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Emcee 1: So before we formally begin tonight’s event, let me start off by saying that I have a confession

to make…

Emcee 2: Oh really? At this moment in time, huh? Well, let’s hear it.

Emcee 1: Well, when I first showed up for work here in DAR Sarangani, I mistakenly thought that the job
would be very difficult and tiring…

Emcee 2: Hmmm, so you’re saying that the work we do here is not that hard?

Emcee 1: Hmm well, maybe. Because when I first entered the halls of our office, all I could remember
was beautiful and handsome faces smiling at me. It was like, there was no pressure at work at all!

Emcee 2: Surely I could attest to that. Thanks to our ever supportive bosses here in DAR Sarangani, the
office is just like an extension of our home. Just like what they say, there is really no other place than
home. That being said, I would like to acknowledge the presence of our Regional Director, Ms. Marianne
S. Lauban-Baunto. Of course, our very own OIC-PARPO II, Mr. Cenon S. Original, CESO VI, our ISO
Champion (imention ang external audit). Our very charming OIC-PARPO I, Engr. Ramonito C. Marciano.
To our ever lovely and elegant PCAO, Ma’am Philin T. Ravanera. To our division chiefs (mention tanan)

Emcee 1: I would also like to take this opportunity to say that you all look so dashing and graceful
tonight, don’t they partner?

Emcee 2: You are definitely right as you look gorgeous too. I was brought up to believe that events like
this only happen in fairytales and in fictions. But look at all of you, all of us now: All donned up in the
most striking suits and gowns and I bet that some might have practiced their gala walk for tonight.

Emcee 1: Dear colleagues, tonight you will surely discover yourself as the colors of this event embellish
us all together.

Emcee 2: So please, may I just say that just for this night, forget about work. Forget about all the
deadlines, forget about all that’s been dragging you down for the past weeks and let’s enjoy and make
some lifetime memories together.

Emcee 1: That’s right. Let’s take a cruise down this amusing and delightful lane of this night’s event.
Tonight, we’re gonna party, we’re gonna celebrate right thru the night and what you all need to do is
keep your energy levels up. Can you all do that?

Well, let’s give it a try. LTID, mag ingay!

Papatalo ba ang PBDD?!

Arangkada, STOD!

In the left corner, western cluster ahoo ahoo!

In the right corner, eastern cluster ooha ooha!

Sa tunga, central cluster magsaba!

And last but definitely not the least, Project SPLIT FVTs. Bika! (Joke lng)

Emcee 2: I think they’re all pumped up partner. Without further ado:

Emcees: Ladies and gentlemen, good evening!

Emcee 1: Welcome everyone to DAR Sarangani’s Gala Night 2022. My name is….your male/female host
and with me

Emcee 2: Hi, I’m…..and I shall be your male/female host for tonight. Again, I warmly welcome you all to
this beautiful program. I assure you that this night shall be full of exuberance and excitement. Just like
what they say, “Days are not lost when memories are created.”

Emcee 1: That’s right. Before anything else, let’s give a resounding applause to all of us.

Emcee 2: All this would not be possible without your presence and cooperation and I hope everyone will
enjoy tonight.

Emcee 1: To begin this auspicious event, may God guide us as we begin with a prayer that will be led to
us by Mr./Ms.. May I request all of you to stand for the invocation.

Emcee 2: Thank you Mr./Ms. At this juncture, let us all welcome the Regional Director of DAR Region 12
Ms. Marianne S. Lauban-Baunto as she gives her opening remarks. A round of applause please.

***Opening Remarks***

Emcee 1: That was a warm welcome message for us all. Thank you RD Baunto.

Emcee 2: To further inspire us and add color to this event, may I call on our very own OIC-PARPO II and
ISO Champion Mr. Cenon S. Original to deliver us his message. A warm round of applause please.

***PARO Cenon Message***

Emcee 1: (take note sa message ni paro para naay malitok). Thank you PARO Cenon for that very
inspiring message.

Emcee 2: And now, another message will be given to us by our very own OIC-PARPO I Engr. Ramonito C.
Marciano. A round of applause please.

***PARO Ramon Message***

Emcee 1: Thank you for your words of wisdom sir. I hope everyone will reflect to the message you’ve
shared with us.

Emcee 2: Well, this night wouldn’t be complete without the heartening message from our very own
PCAO Ma’am Philin T. Ravanera. Let’s all give her a big round of applause.

***PCAO Message***

Emcee 1: (take note sa message para nay malitok) It is indeed inspiring and moving to hear those words
from our dear PCAO. Thank you ma’am.
Emcee 2: Andyan pa ba ang lahat? Well I guess it’s time for everyone’s favorite part of the event: dinner!
So may I request Mr./Ms. to lead us the prayer for the meals as we continue our activities later for


Emcee 2: And while you’re at it eating your dinner, please enjoy the live performances and onset band
prepared for all of us. Enjoy your dinner everyone!

*Dinner and live performances***

Emcee 1: (char2 spiel) DAR Sarangani would like to thank Greenleaf Hotel Gensan for allowing us to
conduct our Gala Night in this venue. This event wouldn’t be possible without your full support and
participation. So kudos to us all.

Emcee 2: So, I guess it’s time that we showcase the presentations that all of us have come to prepare
despite our tight schedules and deadlines. This made waves to our GC’s, as what I can remember
(madaming teasers and spoilers). I know you’ve put in a lot of effort to bring out the best in your
respective offices and divisions.

Emcee 1: Without further ado, let’s proceed to the next part of this night’s event: DAR Sarangani
Employees’ Gala Night Short Video Making Contest! Palakpak naman dyan!

**Clap clap clap***

Emcee 2: So for the mechanics of this contest. (basahon ra ang mechanics and all)

So, are you all ready to see the final output of your video presentations? (tawagon each division ulit to
pump up the audience)

Emcee 1: So, for our first presenter. Let’s give it up for the …… Division

***Video Presentations***

Emcee 2: That really was something, partner. Thank you all for your participation and all those video
presentations surely showcased our theme, DAR is LOVE. And for the awarding ceremonies and to
announce this years Short Video Making Contest Champion, may I call on Mr. to present to us this year’s
victors. A warm round of applause please.

Emcee 1: Congratulations to this year’s winners. May this inspire all of us to do better next year so that
we can clinch that first prize, right partner?

Emcee 2: Yes that’s right. At this juncture, let’s proceed to the most awaited part of this program: the
PRAISE and GALA Awards. So for the information of everybody, the PRAISE Award is a recognition given
to deserving DARPO Sarangani Personnel for their valuable contribution to the success of our
organization. For this year’s Gala Awards, a lady and a gentleman of the night will be chosen from the
flock of handsome and gorgeous DARPO Sarangani Personnel. So if you want to be the lady or
gentleman of the night, dapat sa red carpet pa lng kanina todo porma na tsaka yung mga ladies dapat
nilabas na yung gala walk na pinaghandaan. Right partner?

Emcee 1: Yes that’s right. So to present this year’s PRAISE and GALA Awards, may I call on Mr./Ms…..
Emcee 2: Congratulations to all awardees for tonight. It surely is a good feeling to receive an award. Do
you agree partner?

Emcee 1: I certainly agree to that. In every little thing that we do, we all deserve to receive an award
with a humble heart.

Emcee 2: So now, as we are nearing the end of this event, again I would like to thank each and everyone
of you for your cooperation and participation to this night’s event. Kudos to all us! At this juncture, di
pala kanina yung most awaited part of this program. Ito pala yun, yung DAREA Raffle for a cause. This is
an initiative by the DAREA Officers to help those victims of Typhoon chuchu. So, may I call on Mr.
Kaddafe Palao, the DAREA President of DARPO Sarangani to announce the lucky winners of this year’s
raffle for a cause.

Emcee 1: Congratulations to all the raffle winners! (sana all) I hope everyone had fun and I hope you all
enjoyed this night’s event for we are about to end the program.

Emcee 2: May I call on Mr./Ms. to give his final words for the Closing Remarks. A round of applause

***Closing Remarks***

Emcee 1: Well, despite our event’s theme which is in black and white, this has been a very colorful event
for all of us.

Emcee 2: In behalf of the DAREA Sarangani Chapter, thank you very much for attending this night’s
event and congratulations to each and everyone of us. Always remember these phrases, DAR is LOVE.

Emcee 1: This has been your male/female host…

Emcee 2: And your male/female host….

Emcees: Thank you and Have a Good Evening Everyone! PADAYON DARPO SARANGANI PROVINCE!


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