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Học kỳ 1 - Năm học 2022 -2023
Ngày thi: 06/11/2022 Ca thi: 3 (13g00) Phòng thi: LMS

Examiner 2/INTERLOCUTOR Final scores (agreed by two

STT Mã SV Họ và tên Mã đề TOTAL
COMMENTS examiners)

1 1954012338 Đặng Thị Anh Thư 4 task 1: very good. Confident. Task 2: very good. Well - developed ideas. 9.00

Task 1: quite good. Develop ideas effectively. Task 2: not develop the ideas effectively. Task 3:
2 1954042255 Dương Anh Thư 3 not much. Limited perrfromance 4.00

task 1: limited answers. Not fluent. Task 2: acceptable with many ideas. Task 3: Not know how
3 1954042256 Lê Hoàng Bảo Thư 5 to develop ideas in the map 4.50

task 1: very good. Task 2: the word choice may be lmited somehow. Task 3: quite good and
4 2055010335 Lê Vũ Anh Thư 6 fluent. Know how to develop ideas effectively 7.5 --> 8

Task 1: difficulty in understanding the questions from examiner. Task 2: very limited and poor
5 1856012062 Nguyễn Anh Thư 7
performance. Task 3: limited answers

6 1751010150 Hồng Thanh Thuận

Some minor grammar mistakes. Quite fluent in some extent, but task 2 not so fluent. Not
7 2151013097 Phạm Công Thuận 1
developing much in task 2. just acceptable, not so fluent

8 1854070155 Trần Minh Thuận 8 task 1: Very limited and poor performance. Task 2: he has difficulties in speaking skill . Task 3: 3.00

9 1954102087 Võ Nguyên Thuận

Task 1: know how to develop the answers. Quite fluent. Mispronounced some words. Task 3 is
10 1956020040 Y Thuê 2
quite interrupting. She does not have many ideas

11 1856020074 Đào Thị Thanh Thúy 10 task 1: limited answers. Not fluent. Task 3: not so fluent

12 1954032336 Phùng Thanh Thúy 1 task 1: develop ideas quite effectively. Task 2: quite limited . Task 3: not lmited 11111

13 1954042250 Trần Thị Kim Thúy 2 task 1: limtied. Not fluent. Just short answers. Task 2: not good. Task 3: not fluent. Limited. 4.50

task 1: accetable. Task 2: quite good. Know how to expand ideas. Task 3: acceptable but a few
14 1854060236 Vương Thị Thúy 1

15 1955012117 Nguyễn My Thùy 10 task 1: quite acceptable. Task 2: acceptable., just some grammar mistakes. Task 3: good. 7.00

not fluent. She has difficulty understanding the questions although the lecturer tries to simplify
16 1854030382 Nguyễn Thanh Thùy 3 the questions. She made a lot of interruptions in speaking.
Examiner 2/INTERLOCUTOR Final scores (agreed by two
STT Mã SV Họ và tên Mã đề TOTAL
COMMENTS examiners)

Task 1: very liited performance. Task 2: she amost gives the short answer. No developing ideas.
17 1951050082 Nguyễn Thanh Thùy 9
Task 3: say nothing

18 1954022182 Đặng Nguyễn Thu Thủy 4 she has difficulties in listening skill. Not fluent. Not deelop ideas in task 3 effetively

19 1955012118 Mỵ Thị Thu Thủy 5 not fluent. Task 2: very few ideas.

task 1: fluent, develop ideas effectively. Task 2: some minor mistakes in grammar. Task 3: quite
20 1954032341 Nguyễn Thị Hồng Thủy 6
task 1: the answes are limited. Task 2: just acceptable, but quite interrupting. Task 3: very
21 1954040115 Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy 7
task 1: not fluent. It seems to me that this student is using google translation. She does not
22 1954062235 Phan Thị Thủy 8
make ay eye contacts with us.

23 1954102088 Trần Thu Thủy 9 task 1: quite limited, not develop the ideas. Task 2: acceptable, Task3: no self-presentation

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Ngày 06 tháng 11 năm 2022
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