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Variable Data Type Scope Purpose

c char val Used as actual

str string to_Decimal Used as actual
base int to_Decimal Used as actual
len int to_Decimal Used in the form of
local variable to store
the length of the
i int to_Decimal For indexing the string
power int to_Decimal Used in the form of
local variable for
calculation purpose
num int to_Decimal, reVal Used in the form of
local variable for
calculation purpose
inputNum int from_Decimal Used as actual
res string from_Decimal Used in the form of
local variable for
storing reverse of
s string convert_Base Used as actual
parameter and storing
the number
a int convert_Base Used as actual
parameter and storing
the initial base
b int convert_Base Used as actual
parameter and storing
the base to convert
ans string convert_Base Used as actual
input string reverse Use as actual
l int reverse Used in the form of
local variable for
indexing purpose
r int reverse Used for storing the
length of array
temp char reverse Used as third variable
for swapping

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