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The Poem in Detail

al The poet advises to accept noise. He reminds his readers
that there is more

d in the chaos and din of

peace in silence. Here the poet is suggesting to remain
life but at the same time to go deep inside and to listen to your inner voice. Try
to be nice to everyone as long as possible. The poet advises to give voice to your
e opinions truthfully without being rude; and to listen to others, even the dull and
the ignorant as they too have the right to speak and share their views.

Stanza 2
Avoid loud and angry people as they disturb your mental peace. The poet advises
not to compare yourself with others as it can have a negative impact. There will
always be some people who are more successful than you; still thhere will
others, less successful than you. So comparing yourself with such b
make you either vain or bitter. Instead of focussing on others, you shouia people can
your achievements.
nould enijoy
Stanza 3
The poet advises to focus on your career, however humble it may be,
be. In thi
way you can reach the highest pedestal of your career. But be cautious and
d do
not get tricked in the world
workplace, as the is full of tricksters.
However, not
everyone is bad in the world, and hence you should not be ignorant to
and virtue. The
poet thus emphasises that without being tricked and witho
ignoring goodness, you can strive for high ideals as the world is full of
motivation .
Stanza 4
The poet advises to be yourself and not to imitate others. The
fake love and affection and not to
poet asks not to
be cynical about it. Amidst all the
distress and
boredom of life, love would be "as
perennial as the grass" i.e., it would remain
In thisstanza, the poet is suggesting to learn from
your past experiences. He further
advises not to cling to
youthful memories of the past and strengthen
to guard you from your spirit
any misfortune. Do not get disturbed
have not by imagining things that
happened. Many times these imaginations are the result of fear caused
by fatigue and loneliness. Discipline yourself but do not stretch it beyond limits.
Be gentle to yourself.
Stanza 6
The poet says that you are as much a part of the universe as the trees and the
stars are. You are equal to everyone else and that no matter what others
have say, you
right to be on the earth. Things happens for a reason even
may not be able to though you
comprehend them. The events unfold as they should.
Stanza 7
The poet asks people to be at peace with their God. No matter how hard
work to fulfill their they
aspirations in the confused and chaotic
life, they are advised
by the poet to maintain peace within their soul.
Stanza 8
The world with all its
hypocrisy, insincerity, drudgery and unfulfilled, broken
areams, 1s still
beautiful. The poet believes that life should be lived and enjoyed.
One should
always remain cheerful and "strive to be happy.
a do
ness Stanza 1
vexatious: distressing.
nout placidly: calmly and
ion. amid: in
steadily. vain: futile; unsuccessful.
or into the middle of. bitter: angry and unhappy.
haste: in a rush.
to Stanza 3
and surrender: here, without giving
up your Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the uworld is full of trickery: The
Speak your truth quietly and poet advises people to be cautious
Give voice to your clearly":
opinion without any against tricksters.
hesitation and without being rude.
er virtue: a good moral quality.
listen to others: Don't be
arit indifferent to Stanza 44
the opinions of others.
lat Be
dull: not exciting or yourself: Do not imitate others.
ed interesting. feign: pretend.
ts. iqnorant: lacking
knowledge or
cynical: critical; believing that people
even the dull and the
generally selfish and dishonest.
ignorant; they aridity: extremely dry; here lacking
e too have their story.": everybody's any
u experiences and opinions are equally
important and should be heard. disenchantment: a state where
Stanza 2 repulsive to you; it no long attracts
loud: expressing ideas or
opinions in a
perennial: present in all seasons of the
y forceful way.
aggressive: ready and willing to fight, "for in the
argue etc.
face of all aridity and
8 disenchantment it is as
as the grass": when you will be Stanza 6
dissatisfied with life and it would
seem to
unfolding: revealing.
you dull and uninteresting,
it is love that would be Stanza 7
to support you.
"Therefore, be at peace with God
Stanza 5
since everything is predestined and
"Take kindly the counsel of the years, everything happens for good, maintain
gracefully surrendering the things peace with God.
of youth. ": learn from past your
experiences and let go happily the "whatever you conceive Him to be"
things of youth. whatever you think about God.

Nurture: to help (something or someone) "keep peace with your soul": feel peace
to grow, develop, or succeed. within yourself.
to shield: to protect. Stanza 8
dark imaginings: dark, negative thoughts. sham: falseness; hoax.

fatigue: the state of being very tired. drudgery: boring, difficult or unpleasant
wholesome: complete. work.

1. Positivity: Positivity is the main theme of Max Ehrmann's poem Desiderata

Positivity is the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in

life. One should be positive in every aspect of life- in chaos, in speech, in

relationships, in career, in love, in sudden misfortune, in loneliness, and in

overall outlook towards oneself and the whole world. Abraham Lincoln said
that "most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be
Thus Ehrmann says in the poem that even with "its sham, drudgery, and

broken dreams", it can be a beautiful world if your mind perceives it to be

so. What is important is to focus at the positive aspects and keep striving
towards happiness.

To maintain a positive outlook throughout life is important message of the


poem. One should not distress oneself with "dark imaginings", but should
become strong enough to deal with any misfortune.
Beliefin Self: One must have belief in oneself.
Believing that everything
happens for a reason, and "universe is unfolding as it should" renders an
optimistic outlook towards life and keeps one away from stress. Also what
is important is to feel peace within one's soul even if one has to work hard
for one's aspirations "in the noisy confusion of life."

Positivity is within oneself, and what matters is how a person shapes his life.
By comparing oneself with others one can turn bitter but by just enjoying
one's own achievements, one can be
happy and satisfied. Thus to live life
with positivity, we should be true to
ourselves, should not compare ourself
with others, should not feign love or
affection, should be humble, should not
give way to dark and dismal thoughts and should always strive to be happy.

forward a positive
1. of ALife. Ehrmann's Desiderata puts
Desiderata Way :
teaches some basic things desired
and n e w outlook towards life. Desiderata
fruitful life.
by m a n so that he c a n lead a happy and
forhigh ideals. It reminds
it is a concise but truly inspiring remninder to strive
with ourselves. Ehrmann also
us to treat others kindly, and to be gentle
trust in the way things
motivates us to have faith in ourselves and to develop
unfold. so will help u s to
find peace in o u r souls and to discover
meaning in o u r existence.
The poem begins with the poet's advice of realising the importance of silence
amidst the din of everyday existence. It tells the readers to accept the noise
but there is more peace in silence. It asks them to listen to their inner voice.

Ehrmann asks the readers to be good and kind to everyone. He advises people
not only to give their opinions truthfully, but also to listen to others. Loud
and aggressive persons are to be avoided as they disturb the mental peace
One of the most important advice that Ehrmann gives is to live life without
imitating others or pretending to be what one is actually not. He says
never compare yourself with others. Comparison with
yourself and
"bitter" and you may lose your essence. You
may turn you either "vain" or

should always enjoy your success without bothering about others.

To build a positive future, people should give weightage to what time has
taught them. It is important to strengthen your spirit so that you carn help
yourself in tense situations.

To live a satisfactory life, the poet advises to be disciplined and to be "gentle

with yourself." He believes that humans, trees, stars and every other thing
equally belong to this universe. Events unfold as they should and therefore
one should always be at
peace with one's God. Despite all the shortcomings,
disorders, confusions, bleakness, the world is still beautiful. The only thing
required is to have a positive attitude and to strive to be happy.
2. Title: Desiderata is a Latin word which means desired things. The title of
the poem is apt as it talks of things desired lead
to a happy and peaceful1
life. Some of the things desired are:

Voice your opinions quietly and clearly and without being rude; listen to
the opinions of others.

Try to avoid loud and aggressive persons who trouble your soul.

Do not compare yourself with others to save yourself from becoming vain
d and bitter.

Try to be yourself; do not make pretence of love, nor become cynical

is about it.

S Become mature with passing of time, do not cling to the youthful memories
er of past; but strengthen yourself to face the future.
Be disciplined and gentle.
Do not let
and your inner self. the chaos

peace with God

from within.
confusions of life affect you

positive outlook, believe in ite

the worid with a s
Look at
cheerfil" and "strive to be happy." eauty, 1

to remain
Q.1. Discuss 'Desiderata' as a poem that motivates one to remain optimistin
and offers suggestions to lead a happy and peaceful life.

Ans. Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann is a highl motivational poem that

that acts li
a beacon light in the journey of life. The world is full of chaos, hara.

trickery, misfortunes, loneliness, drudgery and shattered dreams dship,

such a situation that Desiderata' motivates one tO r e m a n
and o
suggestions to lead a peaceful and happy life.

Accept Noise: The poem begins with a n advice o n how to live amidst t
noisy, confusing world. The poet says accept the noise, i.e., accept the w he
as it is, but strive to remain or.d
peaceful. Here, the poet suggesting that amid

the chaotic world, learn to remain calm and go deeP inside, where silenc
dominates. When one experiences the inner silence, peace dawns
and one
can feel the joy associated with it. It is also suggestive of
listening to one's
inner voice and acting accordingly.
Accept Others: In our daily life we deal with many people- family
friends, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers. The poet
suggests that
one should learn to
get along with others. One way of doing so is to give
voice to one's opinions, but at the same time, to
opinion listen to others'
as they may have
something to tell
from their experience. At another leve
it suggests that one should
give vent to one's opinion without being b0gEEC
down under
pressure. The poet further advises us to avoid people who
too loud and
aggressive as such people disturb our peace of mind.
Comparisons with Others: In this world, people are running a rat i
to succeed.
They compare themselves with others. In the process L B ing
16 n M S
ahead of others, they lose their mental peace. So, the poet is suggesting
that one should not compare oneself with others because there are always
who are ahead of but at the time there will be some behind
people, us same

ourselves with either become too proud of our

us. By comparing others, we
be to
achievements or too bitter at our failures. So the best thing would

enjoy one's achievements without looking at others.

humble may it
Focus your Career: We should focus on our job, however
in our career.
be. With hardwork and conviction we can reach the top position
who can cheat u s and
But the poet cautions u s to be aware of tricksters,
of some peope
let us down. At the same time, the poet says that trickery
this world. Besides,
should not blind u s to the goodness prevalent in
many people.
get inspiration from
world is full of motivation and we can

rather than
Focus on Self: Focus on your own self and qualities you have
what do not have because pretence does not
making a pretence of you
of love and affection
He specifically asks people not to make a pretence
long. other's life with love,
lasts forever. If you fill
for love is the only, virtue that
your o w n life will
be filled with love in return.
counsel of the
Yourself: The poet's next advice is to "Take kindly the
those of your
learn lessons from your own past experiences and
years", i.e., that you could face
elders. He further suggests to strengthen your spirit so

misfortune. But this does not mean that you shouldkeep brooding
any sudden
should live in the present without giving
about future possible actions. One
out of "fatigue" and
vent to negative thoughts borne
existence in the world. He
then tells man about the nature of his
The poet and the
as much a part
of the universe as the trees
says human beings
stars are.
of noise
final advise is that though the world is full
Be Cheerful: The poet's
and shattered dreams, it is
and chaos, with all its fakeness, drudgery
at the brighter side of the things and to
is to look
beautiful. What we need
to be cheerful and happy.
with God and oneself. We should try
be at peace
which when
Ehrmann offers a set of simple values,
Thus, Desiderata' by Max and worth living.
make human life much happier, peaceful
practised, could

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