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1. What are the bases of International law?

 if international law is a law, the ff are the theoretical bases or what makes it a law:

a. Command theory
 John Austin
 law consists of commands originating from a sovereign and backed up by threats
of sanction if disobeyed.
 international law is not law because it does not come from a command of a
 Neither treaties nor custom come from a command of a sovereign.
 this theory is generally discredited
 the reality is that…
 nations see international law not as commands but principles for free and
orderly interaction.

b. Consensual theory
 international law is derived by reason from the nature of man.
 it is said to be an application of natural reason to the nature of the state-person.
 although the theory finds little support now, much of customary law and what are
regarded as generally accepted principles of law are in fact an expression of what
traditionally was called natural law.
 some dissenters see no objective basis for international law.
 they see it as a combination of politics, morality and self-interest hidden
under the smokescreen of legal language
 ultimate analysis
 there is general respect for law and also there is concern about the
consequences of defiance either to oneself or to larger society.
 International law is law because it is seen as such by states and other
subjects of international law.

Activity book7

What is international law?

 It is a body of rules and principles of action which are binding upon civilized states in
their relations to one another.

 In the past, Public international law dealt almost exclusively with regulating the relations
between states in diplomatic matters and in the conduct of war.
What is international law?

 It is a body of rules and principles of action which are binding upon civilized states in
their relations to one another.

 In the past, Public international law dealt almost exclusively with regulating the relations
between states in diplomatic matters and in the conduct of war.

What is international law?

 It is a body of rules and principles of action which are binding upon civilized states in
their relations to one another.

 In the past, Public international law dealt almost exclusively with regulating the relations
between states in diplomatic matters and in the conduct of war.

What is international law?

 It is a body of rules and principles of action which are binding upon civilized states in
their relations to one another.

 In the past, Public international law dealt almost exclusively with regulating the relations
between states in diplomatic matters and in the conduct of war.


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