LO - Week 2

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Heading: Relationships

1. Relationship definition
The way in which two or more people or things are connected

2. The influence relationships have on your well-being

If you have good relationship with members of your family and friends and colleagues you feel
happy and confident.
Bad relationships or contains a lot of conflict can make you feel stressed, depressed and unsure
or yourself and where you stand amongst others.

3. Different types of relationships

Family People who are related to you through blood or marriage

Friends People you want to be around with and care about

Good friends - will have a positive effect on your well-being and encourage you to
make good decisions.
Bad friends - can lead you to risky behaviour and you can get hurt.

Casual / acquaintance Relationships with people you see often, but are not close to like
friends and family. Like a work colleague or classmate.

Formal Relationships with people who are usually in a more senior position than yourself. -
Example teachers and elders.

Romantic Close relationship with another person, based on “love”. This person accepts you
for who you are and is not focused on how to change you to fit their “ideal”

4. Relationship changes
Life changes and with every change, relationships change as well.

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