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to fossil
Let's take care of the
Fossil fuels are a non-renewable energy source.
Today, fossil fuels are the most widely used source
of energy in the world. The main utility is to generate
electricity. They are also used to generate
mechanical energy.

This is obtained from the use of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun. The solar
radiation that reaches the Earth has been used by humans since ancient times,
through different technologies that have evolved. Today, the heat and light of the
Sun can be used by means of various collectors such as photoelectric cells,
heliostats or solar collectors, and can be transformed into electrical or thermal
energy. It is one of the so-called renewable energies or clean energies, which could
help solve some of the current most urgent problems facing living beings.


Nuclear energy is that which is generated by

the radioactive decomposition of some
Wind energy does not generate waste or water elements such as uranium and plutonium.
pollution, a very important factor considering the Nuclear reactions spontaneously release this
scarcity of water. Unlike fossil fuels and nuclear type of energy. It is cheaper, but at the same
power plants, wind power has one of the lowest time it is more dangerous.
water consumption footprints, making it key to
preserving water resources.


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