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Form No. Effective Date : 16/01/2015 Revision No.

: 0

Training Subject : Date :

Trainer/Institution : Venue :

Please fill in the form to help us improve the quality of our training. We highly appreciate your feedback!
Training Content and Material Very Good Good Neutral Poor Very Poor
Your understanding to the objective of training

Relevance of training topic to work application

Well organized content, easy to understand

Trainer/Facilitator Very Good Good Neutral Poor Very Poor

Trainer knowledge and preparation for the session

Trainer ability to support learning and stimulate your interest

Trainer clarity in explaining topic, easy to understand

Training Session Very Good Good Neutral Poor Very Poor

Quality of training session ,interactive and support learning
Effectiveness of training duration

Quality of venue and accommodation option

Summary Very Good Good Neutral Poor Very Poor

Relevance to your responsibility and needs, meet expectation

Training impact in improving your skill and knowledge

Overall quality, immediate application to your work or daily


1. Please let us know what kind of other training you need to upgrade your skills or knowledge

2. Please write your other comments or suggestions

Effective Date: 16 / 01 / 2015

Page 1 of 1
Revision: 0

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