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Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Islands


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I- Write your correct answer (capital letter) on the space provided before the number.
1. The word investigation could have been developed from the Latin word “vestigium.”
Vestigium means -
a. detective b. investigator c. prober d. foot
2. The word investigation is taken from the Latin word “investigare” which means to –
a. determine b. prove c. find out d. solve e. trace
3. Any person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation shall at all times be
assisted by -
a. Prosecutor b. Council c. Counsel d. Police officer e. b and or d
4. The lawful act of restraining a person believed to have committed a crime and placing
him under custody is termed as –
a. Imprisonment b. detention c. restraint d. all of these e. arrest
5. Which of the following are the two bases of starting investigation -
a. information and complainant c. victim and witness
b. complaint and information d. commission of crime and violation of law
e. None of these
6. What is not one of the Three-Fold Aim of Criminal Investigation?
a. Identify the guilty party c. Identify other involved persons
b. Trace and locate the guilty party d. Provide evidence of the criminal guilt.

7. What is the primary job of an investigator:

a. to determine the identity of the suspect and recover the stolen properties
b. to establish the type of crime committed
c. to provide evidence necessary to prove the guilt of the suspect
d. to discover facts then establish whether an offense has been committed.
e. None of these
8. The stage of criminal investigation which focuses on the crime scene is the -
a. Preliminary b. Follow-up c. Concluding d. CSI e. In-depth
9. There are three “I”s of criminal investigation. The most important of these is:
a. Interrogation b. Information c. Investigation d. Instrumentation
Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Islands

e. Interview
10. Which of the following is one of the most important aspect of criminal investigation
because it offers the possibility of determining the statements of suspects themselves,
whether the suspects committed particular crimes?
a. Interrogation b. Surveillance c. Detection d. Intelligence e. Information

11. Can you interrogate a witness?

a. No b. Yes c. It depends d. Maybe
12. The investigator ask the suspect under custodial investigation “did you kill him?” and
the suspect answered “yes.” It is a/an –
a. Admission b. Judicial confession c. All of these d. Confession
13. Mr. Golocan during interrogation, admitted that he snatched the complainant’s cellular
phone. The former’s statement is an example of –
a. Admission b. Confession c. Confiscation d. All of these e. Adjudication

14. In spiral search method, the searchers follow each other in the path of a spiral beginning

a. Outside and spiraling towards the curb of the crime scene.
b. Outside and spiraling towards the center.
c. It may start from the inside or outside depending on the investigator’s preference.
d. Inside and slowly move outward in the form of a spiral.
e. None of these
15. When police should search a large outdoor crime scene to look for possible pieces of
physical evidence, the method to be applied is -
a. Strip b. Grid c. Zone d. Spiral e. Line
16. Who writes down in short hand the observations and descriptions during the search?
a. Evidence man b. Master note taker d. Measurer
c. All of these e. Sketcher
17. After completion of the crime scene search, an effort must be made to determine from
the appearance of the place and its objects what actually occurred. This is known as -
a. Crime scene search c. Crime scene assessment
b. Crime reconstruction e. Crime evaluation
d. Crime scene sketch
18. The kind of specific sketches that pictures the scene of the crime with its physical
environment is called:
a. Sketch of locality c. Sketch of the details
b. Sketch of the grounds d. Sketch of the surroundings
e. Sketch of the environ
Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Islands

19. The process by which evidence is handled, transferred, and accounted for from the time
of discovery until the final disposition of the case refers to -
a. Intelligence cycle b. Criminal investigationc. Chain of Custody
c. Evidence cycle e. Transportation of evidence
20. An evidence which can link to a suspect?
a. Hair b. Pipe c. Jacket d. Baseball bat
21. The method of identifying criminals by proving other facts or circumstances from which
either alone or together with other facts, the identity of the perpetrator can be inferred
is known as:
a. Associative evidence b. Physical evidence c. Confession
d. Tracing identification d. Circumstantial Evidence
22. Physical evidence which identify the criminal by means of clues, personal properties or
the characteristics pattern of procedure deduced from the arrangement of objects at
the crime scene is called:
a. Circumstantial evidence
b. Associative evidence
c. Modus operandi
d. Corpus Delicti
e. None of these
23. While Police Corporal Balani and Police Master Sergeant Bato were responding to a
robbery incident, they saw a man hiding beside the roadway near the victim’s house.
When they accosted and frisked the man, the police officers recovered pieces of
assorted jewelries which turned to be the same items stolen from the victim’s house. Of
the following, the recovered jewelries are said to be-
a. Corpus delicti
b. Tracing evidence
c. Associative evidence
d. Locating evidence
e. A and D are both correct
24. In crime reconstruction, gathering information first, then developing a theory on how
the crime was committed is one approach otherwise known as:
a. Deductive reasoning
b. Productive reasoning
c. Inductive reasoning
d. Pragmatic reasoning
e. Theorizing
25. Pedro is a working with the police by giving confidential information concerning criminal
activities in his community. However, Pedro is cooperative with the police because he
wanted to be associated with authorities. How will you categorize Pedro?
Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Islands

a. Paid informant
b. Informant
c. Asset
d. Informer
e. All of these
26. When an investigator casually talks with the subject where the latter is unaware that
information are taken from him, the investigator is applying:
a. Interview
b. Conversation
c. Interrogation
d. Elicitation
e. Intelligence
27. When conducting police line-up to identify the suspect, the witness should be allowed
to select the primary suspect from a group of chosen persons composed of -
a. Suspected persons.
b. The suspect and innocent persons.
c. Persons who looks like the suspect.
d. Persons who resembles nothing about the suspect.
e. None of these
28. In here, the suspect is identified by fictitious witnesses or victims who will associate him
with different offenses. Once desperate, the suspect confess to the offense under
a. Line-up
b. Police Line-up
c. Reverse Line-up
d. Exaggerating Fear
29. Immediately after receiving the report, you responded to the crime scene where an
alleged shooting incident took place. Upon arrival at the area, a male person is
unconsciously lying on the floor. What should be the first action that you will take?
a. secure the area
b. arrest the suspect
c. determine whether the victim still alive
d. call for assistance
e. none of these
30. Responding to a shooting incident, you tumbled on a dying male person. What should
you ask?
a. ask the identity of the dying person
b. ask the identity of the suspect
c. rush the victim to hospital
Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Islands

d. ask him what happened

31. The conduct of processes, more particularly the recognition, search, collection, handling,
preservation and documentation of physical evidence to include the identification and
interview of witnesses and the rest of suspect/s at the crime scene is referred to as -
b. CSI
c. Criminal Investigation
d. Scientific Investigation
e. All of these
32. A young girl was abducted from her bedroom one evening. She was then transported by
a car to a small hut in an isolated place and sexually assaulted. Following the assault, the
abductor shot her to death and carried the body into the woods where he buried it in a
shallow grave. In this crime, the locations that constitute the crime scene are the
following, except -
a. Bedroom
b. Car
c. Small hut
d. Area around the grave
e. None of these
33. How many feet is ideal distance of the photographer to the object being photographed
in mid-range photograph?
a. 8 – 10
b. 10 – 12
c. 6 – 8
d. 4 – 6
e. 4 – 8
34. If the crime committed was homicide, search for physical evidence will be centered on
which of the following?
a. Undercarriage and hood of car
b. Tool marks
c. Fingerprints nail and clothing
d. Weapon and other types of evidence left as a result of contact
between victim and assailant
35. Which among the five human senses, is considered the most objective?
a. Hearing
b. Smelling
c. Tasting
d. Seeing
36. Upon what does the amount of force used in arrest depends?
Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Islands

a. Severity of crime committed

b. Level of threat applied
c. Degree of resistance offered by the person being arrested
d. Threat being posed to public safety
37. In a crime of rape, its most likely place of commission cannot be specified, unless the
victim or witness pinpoints the same. What is considered critical observation to be done
by the investigator?
a. Evidence to prove unconsciousness of the victim
b. All of these
c. Evidence to show sexual intercourse
d. Look for evidence of struggle
38. Which of the following is NOT part of preliminary investigation?
a. Weighing the evidence
b. Securing the crime scene
c. Documenting the crime scene
d. Arresting the suspect
39. What are “right questions” to ask a police interviewee in any police investigation?
a. Ask hypothetical questions that would put interviewee at ease
b. Ask open-ended questions that would make him relate in his own words what he
c. Check at all times whether questions are easy to comprehend
d. Ask close-ended questions, as they are simple, direct, and answerable by yes or no

40. Which comes last in the conduct of criminal investigation?

a. Crime scene search and crime sketch
b. Removal of the victim’s body
c. Photographs, fingerprint lift and other evidences taken
d. Notes properly taken and witnesses identified
41. Which among the following data concerning photographs as evidence is LEAST
a. Proof of ownership of camera
b. Date and hour when each photograph was taken
c. Focal length of the lens
d. Identification of the police photographer
42. What should be done before removing the evidence?
a. Marking
b. Labelling
c. Sketching
d. Photography
Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Islands

43. After securing the crime scene, what should be the procedure to be done?
a. photography, searching, photography, collection
b. searching, photography, collection
c. searching, photography, sketching
d. sketching, photography, collection
44. What is the purpose of using pointed instrument in marking in bullet and empty shell
recovered in crime scene?
a. Easy marking
b. Proper and lasting marking
c. Appropriate marking
d. Readable marking
45. As a Criminal Investigator, what will indicate that it is a success?
I. If the perpetrator is arrested and arraigned
II. If the perpetrator is convicted
III. If the perpetrator is caught
IV. If all the available evidence is gathered
A. I


Art 257. Unintentional Abortion 1-4
1. There is a pregnant woman;
2. Violence is used upon such pregnant woman without intending an abortion;
3. Violence is intentionally exerted; and
4. As a result of the violence exerted, the fetus dies either in the womb or after
having been expelled therefrom.


1. By using any violence upon the person of the pregnant woman;
2. By administering drugs or beverages upon such pregnant woman without her
consent; or
3. By administering drugs or beverages with the consent of the pregnant woman.


INTER ALIA, OF: (8-12)
1. The means used by the malefactors;
2. The nature, location and number of wounds sustained by the victim;
Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Islands

3. The conduct of the malefactors before, at the time of, or immediately after the killing
of the victim;
4. The circumstances under which the crime was committed; and
5. The motive of the accused (People v. Lanuza y Bagaoisan, G.R. No. 188562, August
17, 2011). NOTE: If A would shoot B at one of his feet, at a distance of one meter,
there is no intent to kill. If B is hit, the crime is only physical injuries. If B is not hit, the
offense is Discharge of Firearms (Art. 254).

 Art 247. Death/Serious Phy.Inj. Under Except. Cir. (9-11)

1. A legally married person or a parent surprises his spouse or daughter, the latter
under 18 years of age and living with him, in the act of committing sexual intercourse;
2. He or she kills any or both of them or inflicts upon any or both of them any serious
physical injury in the act or immediately thereafter; and
3. He has not promoted or facilitated the prostitution of his wife or daughter, or that he
or she has not consented to the infidelity of the other spouse.


1. Adultery and concubinage
2. Acts of lasciviousness
3. Seduction
4. Abduction


Sir Tayp’z

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