CWTS Module 2

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ASSESSMENTS 1. What is mental health?

Why does it matter to advocate and address mental health

issues? Mental health is an essential part of a person's overall well-being. Mental health affects how we
think, feel and act. It plays a role in our ability to handle stress, to form relationships, and research
suggests that it can even affect physical health. Advocating and addressing mental health is an essential
aspect of overall health and well-being. Mental health problems can affect a person’s ability to function
in their daily life, impact their relationships with others and even lead to physical health problems.
Mental health issues are also prevalent worldwide, and many people suffer in silence due to stigma and
discrimination. By advocating for mental health awareness and addressing mental health issues, we can
break down these barriers and encourage individuals to seek help when they need it. 2. Ask someone to
share a story, experience, or circumstance in his/ her life. It can be about his/her family, studies, friends,
or self. Afterwards, answer the following questions. a. How do you feel about the story you just heard?
What was your first reaction? How about as the story unfolded? After hearing a story from a friend, I
feel sad and worried at the same time. A pinch of regret was present for not knowing beforehand. At
first, I was shocked because I didn’t notice but as the story began to unfold, I told myself that it is not
too late to care especially to a friend whom I treasure in life. b. What were your thoughts regarding the
signs and symptoms of this mental health issue? Have you experienced any of these yourself or in
someone you know? Those signs and symptoms are unnoticeable and not easily perceived. There are
times where me and some of my friends experienced it. c. How would you react if you noticed these in
someone you care about? I will take immediate action to extend my help with all the means I have. I will
not let it unresolved. I always want the best for every important person in my life. That’s why, I won’t let
anything harmful happen to them without doing anything. d. How might taking action benefit you and
the person you care about? Taking action will help the person I care about to be able to get through it
and prevent some worst-case scenarios. As for myself, it will give me peace of mind knowing that people
I care and treasure the most are feeling better and stronger to manage life’s circumstances. e. What
actions could you take to help someone who is exhibiting these signs and symptoms? Several actions
can help someone who is exhibiting signs and symptoms. It is enumerated as follow: • Giving them time
and space to share whether it is much or less. It depends upon on their level of comfortability how much
info they can share. • Listening carefully and attentively. Choosing right words and taking safety
precautions what to say that may affect them. • Being aware of my limitations. f. What do you believe is
important for anyone to be aware of if they know someone with this mental health issue? Showing
individuals respect and acceptance removes a significant barrier to successfully coping with their illness.
Having people see you as an individual and not as your illness can make the biggest difference for
someone who is struggling with their mental health. g. What experiences have you had that are related
to this story? What was similar? What differed? We both have come to overcome it. It has gone through
a process, a gradual step to get out of that box and it takes those tiny steps to get to your mental
wellness and stability. There are somehow different ways to cope up with each’s struggles but one thing
that was similar between us two is that we stood strong, we remain strong, and we persevere. 3. With
all the lessons you have learned from this modules and stories you have heard from your interview,
enumerate the methods and strategies that you have to prioritize in keeping your mental health well
and stable. Doing things I am passionate with. Eating healthy foods. Letting myself express my actual
feelings. Keeping in touch with loved ones. Taking breaks and letting myself experience fresh air. Mental
Health Meditate and pray. Keeping myself active.

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