(BC210401380) CS-408

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Student ID: (BC210401380)

CS408 – Human Computer Interaction

Assignment #1

Question No #1

As you learn, colors are divided into three categories i.e. primary colors, secondary colors and
tertiary colors. There are different colors in column A in the below mentioned table. You are
required to write the appropriate color category against each color in the column B.

Column A (Colors) Column B (Category)

Yellow-Orange Tertiary

Purple, Green Secondary

Blue Primary

Orange Secondary

Red-Purple Tertiary

Question No #2

Now, you are required to create your account on these tools and paste the screenshots of the main
pages of these tools separately. We will mark this question based on your email address and user
name, which will be mentioned on the main pages of these tools.
For Figma:

For Webflow:
Question No #3

Sr# Design Figma (https://www.figma.com/) Webflow (https://webflow.com/)

1 Visibility The visibility of a layer in the The most adaptable technique to
Layers panel can be toggled here. expose or hide features in a
A hidden layer's position can still dynamic design and generate
be changed, and its characteristics various designs for different
can be tweaked. The Eye icon Collection items depending on
indicates the visibility of layers different criteria is through
(and characteristics). To share with visibility. Unlike filters, which
users, there is just one Figma determine which Collection items
component. This implies there will appear in a Collection list,
be just one component to maintain, conditions determine when any
one component for designers to element (static or dynamic)
utilise, and only one component to appears in a Collection list or
locate in the components panel and Collection page.
instance menus.

2 Consistency This includes deciding on a Growing pains are unavoidable

product's colours, typefaces, and for successful startups and
tone that may be used in a variety businesses. Maintaining a
of layouts and interfaces. manageable design system that
Customers become acclimated to keeps a brand constant as it scales
certain interface objects, including is a typical difficulty that is
their placement on a screen. As a starting to appear more frequently
result, the experience gets more in the IT industry. It provides a
familiar, and your product foundation for enterprises to build
becomes easier to use. more quickly, consistently, and to
a higher standard.

Now, you are required to map only these two design principles i.e. Visibility and Consistency on
the following mentioned tools and write your answers in the given table.

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