Cwts Module 1

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ASSESSMENTS Task 1: Answer the following: 1.

Define service learning and explain advantages to

students, teachers, and communities. Explain two advantages to each group. Service learning is an
educational method that combines academic goals with community service projects. Lessons about
relevant community issues are combined with existing course content to optimize the academic
experience. Service-learning provides students with opportunities to develop civic engagement skills. By
working with community members, students can enhance their group, organizational and interpersonal
skills. They also can gain important experience working with diverse members of their communities 2.
Describe the three types of community service. There are three types of community service and service-
learning: direct, in-direct and advocacy. Once a community need is identified, the project activities that
are developed will align with one or more of the types. Below are definitions and additional examples of
each type of community service and service learning. o Direct service includes tutoring, serving meals,
working with patients, helping a refugee family, walking foster dogs, or participating in events at a
nursing home. Many psychology and education courses incorporate direct service. o Indirect service is
doing something behind the scenes to help, such as organizing a fundraising event, working in a resale
shop, stocking a food pantry, collecting donations or planting trees to help the environment. Fields such
as environmental studies and sociology tend to offer more indirect service opportunities. o Advocacy
can take the form of students writing letters to government officials, demonstrating in a picket line or
educating others about possible policy changes. Political science and criminal justice classes often
feature more advocacy work. 3. Explain why self-reflection is important to community service.
Reflection is a crucial part of community service, which allows volunteers to look back on, think critically
about, and learn from their service experience. Reflection may include acknowledging and/or sharing of
reactions, feelings, observations, and ideas about anything regarding the activity

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