Extended Value Proposition Dan G Zadobrischi Prince2 Agile Practitioner

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Ways in which I have previously delivered value to


Abstract-level professional experience and competencies

Primarily Qualitative Analysis, Research, and Consultancy, as well as through Mixed Methods
(Qual. + quan.):

1. Passion for working with very large volumes of qualitative data to improve business
development and ensure success:
a. Reading / Analysis / Writing business cases, case studies, plans etc.
b. Constructing and interpreting surveys, questionnaires, interviews
c. Sideloading quantitative data to round-off analyses and provide more holistic feedback
and recommendations
2. Building, defining and optimizing strategies, frameworks, methodologies, processes and
procedures around project work, social and/or technical innovation work (R&D), business
start-ups, service delivery etc.

Detail-level professional experience and competencies

1. Delivering value to Project / Program / Portfolio Management Teams / Units / Offices /
Departments through:

a. Governance assistance: Center of Excellence / Total Quality Management / Quality

Assurance (Prince2) work:
■ Process and standards audits
■ Compliance evaluations
■ GxP research and implementation
■ Providing methodological guidance and recommendations to project managers
■ Forming and fostering the growth of various Communities of Practice across
value chains
■ Agile leadership development / coaching
■ Project assurance
■ Organizational Change Management

b. Project/Program/Portfolio Management work:

■ Project Assistance & Coordination
■ Stakeholder management
■ Facilitating cross-functional workshops, negotiation and decision-making
■ Monitoring and reporting on allocated project(s) delivery
■ Identifying risks and developing mitigation strategies, processes and procedures
■ Implementing various processes and procedures
Dan Zadobrischi / Sømoseparken 78 A, 2750 Ballerup / +45 2715 5355 / dan.zadobrischi@gmail.com

2. Business / System Analysis and/or Implementation Consultancy / Management work

(depending on organizational paradigm):
○ Requirements gathering
○ Facilitating cross-functional workshops
○ Preparing training & learning materials
○ Customer onboarding & training specialist
○ Facilitating training seminars

3. Innovation Management work:

○ Process design, development, and optimizations, and leading cross-functional R&D
○ Innovation implementations

Nota Bene
Since my professional experience outlined above is spread throughout projects that varied from:
● Small, simple and short (<5 people project teams, 1 supplier, <100 customers and/or users, 6
months timeline), to
● Very large and complex (~1500 people project teams, <100 suppliers & vendors, ~20-400
million customers and/or users, 3 years timeline),
I can consider and assume -depending on factors such as the role to be filled, and the size and
complexity of the project- positions of responsibility that range from Junior to Senior.

Jobs I would be passionate about

Project or Organizational Governance teams:
a) Project/Program/Portfolio Management:
i) Manager for small, simple projects
ii) Coordinator or Assistant for large, complex projects
b) Executive Board / Project Board / SteerCo Representative or Consultant (i.e. TQM, CoE or
Project Assurance)
c) Organizational Change Manager and/or Consultant (i.e. Business, Digital or Sustainability
d) Implementation Manager or Consultant /Onboarding Manager or Consultant/ Business Analyst
or System Analyst
e) Agile Leadership Coach / Organizational Development Manager or Consultant
f) Communities of Practice Manager or Consultant
g) E-learning and employee development and growth Manager or Consultant

Agile Software Development Teams:

○ Product Owner / Manager (simple projects - junior/associate)
○ Scrum Master (junior/associate) / Agile Coach
Dan Zadobrischi / Sømoseparken 78 A, 2750 Ballerup / +45 2715 5355 / dan.zadobrischi@gmail.com

What I can offer in terms of other skills and qualifications

● Business Minded, with entrepreneurial and entrepreneur consulting background (strong
analytical, consultancy and communication skills);
● BSc in Economics & International Relations, and a MSc in Business & International
Development (specialization in Digital Business Innovations and Transformations, and the
development and use of Sustainable models in such processes);
● Servant Leadership skills and ability to lead by example, with a deep enthusiasm for helping
my stakeholders be successful;
● Excellent Stakeholder Engagement and Management abilities in multi-cultural teams and
across large geographies;
● Experience working with both Waterfall as well as Agile SDLCs, and in both more classically
managed and bureaucratic as well as more Agile organizations;
● Technologically savvy (R&D and consultancy work on projects based on socio-technical
innovations such as VR, AR, Cloud, AI, IoT etc.), as well as early adopter of new tech
innovations (VR, Cloud, AI, IoT);
● Great presentation skills.

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