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WHO = Used for people

WHICH = Used for things
THAT = Used for both people and things

TASK ONE. Scan the following sentences and underline the Relative Pronouns.

1. Brick masons are construction workers. They work with brick and morter structures.
-Brick masons are construction workers who work with morter structures.
2.Evo Morales AymaisBolivia’spresident. He works and lives in LaPaz.
-Evo Morales Ayma who is Bolivia’s president works and lives in LaPaz.
4. A civil engineer works with metals and no-metals. Some metals and no- metals are
construction material.
- A civil engineer works with metals and no-metals which are construction material.
6. A mason works with hand tools. The hand tools can be ladder, wheelbarrow, trowel
and so on.
- A mason works with hand tools which can be ladder, wheelbarrow, trowel and so on.
7. Many new constructions have new and sophisticated material, but they cost a lot of
- Manynew constructions thathave new and sophisticated material cost a lot ofmoney.

TASK TWO. Translate the following sentences.

1. Brick masons are construction workers who work with morter structures.
2. Evo Morales Ayma who is Bolivia’s president works and lives in LaPaz.
4. A civil engineer works with metals and no-metals which are construction material.
5. A mason works with hand tools which can be ladder, wheelbarrow, trowel and so on.

6. Many new contractions have new and sophisticated material, but they cost a lot of
7.Bridge is a structure which is built over something (such as a river). So that, people or
vehicles can get across.
8. Bridge is a structure made of wood, iron, concrete,etc., which people use to across.
9. Rene who is a nice person is an excellent civil engineer.
10. Tractor which is a heavy machine is very useful on big constructions.
11. An excavator that is very expensive machine is very useful on a construction.
TASK THREE. Write sentences using relative pronouns.

1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Structure = estructura
Building= edificio, construcón
Bridge= puente
Road = camino, carretera,
Tunnel = tunel
Highway/s = carretera
Dam/s= represa
Rails = rieles
Seaport= puerto
Freeway= autopista
Canal= canal, tubo

Train station= estación de tren
Wetpeint = recién pintado
Concrete= concreto, concreto de hormigón, concrete wall
Constructionsite= sitio de construcción
Crew= equipo de trabadores
Team/s= equipo
Foundation= cimiento, base
Bean= viga, barra
Slab= losa, tabla,
Cooper =
Nickel =
Gold = oro
Silver = plata
Stone = piedra
Sand = arena
Cement /morter= cemento
Brick = ladrillo
Wire = alambre, cable, manguera
Wood = madera
Plastic =
Glass= vidrio
Tool= herramienta
Toolbox= caja de herramientas
Ladder= escalera
Hammer= martillo
Trowel= paleta de albañil
Chisel= cincel
Nail= clavo
Saw= cierra
Drill= taladro

Electric drill= taladro eléctrico
Hand drill= taladro manual
Worker =
Digger =
Mason =
Plaster =
Plumber =
Painter =
Carpenter =
Contractor =
Subcontractor =
Construction team =
Elevator system =
Electrical distribution =
Apartment =
Building =
House =
Home =
Room =
Bedroom =
Bathroom =
Living room =
Dining room =
Baby’s room =
Kitchen =
Garage =
Garden =
Roof =
Air conditioner =
Swimming pool =
plaster = enyesar, revocar (con yeso)
All kind of =
A piece of =
There is =

There are =
To be =
The Possessive (’ S) =

TASK FOUR. Translate the following sentences.
If you are a good professional you will have many opportunities for working.
If you have your house you will live comfortable.
If his father loves his family he has to work in order to support his family.
If I have a lot of money I can travel around the world
TASK FIVE. Write ten sentences usingthe conditional“if”.


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