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When we speak about actions

PRESENT CONTINUOUS and situations in progress now

or around us now

Affirmative: put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1) Paul ________________________________ (go) to the market. Do you want to go with him?

2) Janet ________________________________ (watch) television in the living room.
3) David and Linda ________________________________ (have) breakfast in the kitchen.
4) Oh Look! The sun ________________________________ (set). Isn’t the colour beautiful.
5) Samantha ________________________________ (work) at the bank at the moment.
6) Louise and Kevin ________________________________ (play) tennis in the park.
7) Christine ________________________________ (wash) her hair. She won’t be long.
8) Daniel ________________________________ (tell) his grandchildren about his childhood.
9) Jane ________________________________ (travel) in China at the moment for her job.
10) My sister and I ________________________________ (spend) a day at the seaside.

Interrogative: put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1) Why ________________________________ (you/shout)? I can hear you perfectly well!

2) Where _________________________________________ (your aunt/stay) this week?
3) _________________________________________ (Philip/go) to London this month?
4) _________________________________________ (Jane and Paul/live) in London now?
5) _________________________________________ (John/play) golf this afternoon?
6) _________________________________________ (Tom/drink) beer or lemonade?
7) What _____________________________________ (you/read) at the moment?
8) What ____________________________________ (Jane/study) at university this year?
9) What __________________________________ (the children/do) this weekend?
10) _________________________________________ (Joan/come) to the cinema with us?

Negative: put the verbs into the correct form.

1) Fred _______________________________ (not/work) in London at the moment.

2) I _______________________________ (not/go) to the beach because the sun isn’t shining.
3) Paul _______________________________ (not/play) golf this afternoon.
4) Sheila _______________________________ (not/go) to the swimming pool because she’s tired.
5) Jane and Paul _______________________________ (not/come) on holiday with us.
6) I’m sorry, I can’t come with you I___________________________ (not/feel) very well.
7) The students ___________________________________________ (not/take) the exam this year.
8) I’m going to the market now because it ________________________________ (not/rain).
9) Bob __________________________ (not/have) lunch in the office today, he’s going to the restaurant.
10) Mary and Jim _______________________________ (not/work) next week, they’re on holiday.

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