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REPUBLIC OF THEE PHILIPPINES COMMISSION ON AUDIT Canmnsivvath Avcane, Quszon City ADMINISTRATION SECTOR MEMORANDUM No. : 2023 ~ 00 Date WAR 1 6 2003 FOR ALL COA OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES SUBJEC Issuance of New COA Identification Card ‘The employee identification card (ID) is provided to all employees of the Commission to identify them and ensure a safer and secure workplace for them. It also serves as security measure to prevent unauthorized access to office premises and enhances the employees’ integrity being part of the organization. The existing COA ID which has been in use for almost ten years may have been physically damaged or worn out, the photo and other images have became unrecognizable and faded, thus, there is a felt need for the old COA ID card to be replaced. ‘As such, the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO), Administration Sector (AS), through the Human Resource Database Management Information Division (HRDMID), in coordination with the Information Technology Office, is embarking on a project for the replacement of the old identification card (ID) of all COA officials and employees featuring a new design. The ID system now becomes integrated as a new Module in the Human Resource Information System (HRIS), Hence, to establish guidelines and procedures for the issuance of the new COA ID card, this memorandum is hereby issued. 1, ID Card Design and Content The design of the new COA ID features a half body shot of the COA employee with the COA fagade as background as opposed to the plain white background and 1” x 1” ID picture of the old COA ID. Similarly, the new COA ID card still bears the employee's information and details as the old COA ID card, with inclusion of the employee's address and QR Code for the Contactless Attendance Module (CAM). in line with AS Memorandum No, 2022-002 dated March 21, 2022. At the forefiont, the COA ID includes information on the name, employee number, picture, signature and QR code. At the back of the ID card, the following employee details are written: a) Tax Identification Number, b) Government Service Insurance System Business Partner Number, ) PhilHealth Number, d) blood type, e) date of birth, £) home address of the employee, and g) d f person to be notified in case of emergency and his/her contact number. It also includes a) a certification that the person whose name, photograph and signature appear thereat is a bonafide employee of the Commission, b) a statement where to return if found in case of its lost, c) the signature of the Chairperson, and d) the date of its issuance. 11, ID Card Picture Requirement The ID card picture must a. Show the employee wearing appropriate office attire. For clarity of the picture, it is advised not to wear dark clothing (e.g black, dark blue) but to wear light shade clothing (e.g. polo barong or polo in light shade for the male and any format clothing in light shade for the female) Be taken in half body shot; Be arecent recognizable picture which shall be taken within 6 months from the time of ID card application; 4. The 1D picture must be converted into png format, however, if in jpeg format, the background is preferred to be in color green or blue. (Sample ID cards attached as Annex A), III, Procedures Submission of the application for the issuance of the new ID shall be made through the Sector/Cluster/Central and Regional Office. The employees assigned in the Audit Teams at the National Capital Region shall submit the application in their respective Cluster. ‘The following must be observed in applying for the new COA ID: A, Individual Employee a, Fill-out the ID application form (copy attached as Annex B). The form can be downloaded at the COA website under the Human Resources Tab then select “Downloadable Forms” from the Option; b. Submit to the respective Sector/Office/Cluster together with the soft copy of his/her ID picture. B, Seetor/ Cluster/Central and Regional Office a, Identify the employee who will be designated to collate all the application forms together with the ID picture of the personnel under its jurisdiction; b. Submit to HRDMID, HRMO the name and emaii address of the designated employee for the grant of access to google drive; c. The designated employee shall upload the copies of the application form together with the ID picture to the google link provided by the HRDMID, HRMO using the file name as follows: Document File Type File Name Soft copy of the pat Employee number and extension file application form | e(€.g0123456.pdf) | Soft copy of the ID| png Employee number and extension file picture name (¢.g 0123456.png) Cur “a. Ensure that the ID picture complies with Item II of this Memorandum, ‘The processing of the application shall be done on a scheduled basis per Sector/ Cluster/Central and Regional Office. The schedule for the submission shall be announced in a separate issuance. An Office may submit the collated application forms and the ID picture ahead of the scheduled time, however, the processing and release will still be within the period assigned cerned Office. Any employee who will not be included in the assigned schedule will ‘until all scheduled employees have been issued the new COA ID. 1V. Instances Where Payment is Required for 1D Replacement A. The COA ID Card issued for any of the following conditions and circumstances are free of charge: a. First instance of implementation of the new COA ID card; b. Replacement of COA ID card due to natural wear and tear including unreadable QR code, subject to surrender of the old COA ID. c. For the new recruits, COA ID eard may be issued at first instance with incomplete data such as the GSIS BP Number, PhilHealth number and TIN as these information can be captured from the Centralized Payroll Information System after inclusion in the centralized payroll or receipt of his/her first salary. However, should the data become available and he/she opts to replace the COA ID card to inelude the information obtained, the ID card replacement will already be charged according to Item B below. B. Request for replacement of lost/stolen ID card or to effect changes/correction/update in any information thereat is charged with seventy-pesos (P70.00) payable at the Treasury Services in the Central or at the Regional Office, whichever is applicable. ‘The Official Regeipt must be attached to the COA ID application form. Any request for changes/correction/update in the employee's personal information recorded in the HRIS maybe done through the HRIS Online Request Module in the COA Portal under AS Memorandum No. 2022-022 dated November 10, 2022. Asa security feature of the COA ID, the QR code of the newly issued COA ID card is to be activated at the first instance of scanning using the CAM, resulting in the automatic deactivation of the old QR code issued ‘This memorandum also serves as a reminder to wear the COA ID card at all times while within the COA premises, pursuant to AS Unnumbered Memorandum dated Janvary 11, 2018 on Wearing of COA-issted Identification Card. For your guidance. [t-— LORY4 D. CABOCHAN Assistant Commissioner » ANNEX A Po 7 pag Republic of she Phiippiney K [COMMISSION ON AUDIT = Bd bitter MELVIN P. LACSIE 10 No, 0284075 ID TEMPLATE 1 Republic ofthe Phi COMINIISSION ON AUT ID TEMPLATE 1 FOR OTHER COA EMPLOYEES i of the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT seucmtom rae et IMELDA V. CLAVE 10 No,0320782 1D TEMPLATE 1 FOR OTHER COA EMPLOYEES Phen e Bleed pe Inco gnargey, pee rout Berd eee Senet enpaye of Corie on A tee eae Sea Sr leat Wt lice — JANA A, CORDOBA ID TEMPLATE 1 BACK ww REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES COMMISSION ON AUDIT CConmonwenith Avenue, Quezon Cy ADMINISTRATION SECTOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OFFICE. VEE IDENTIFICATION CARD APPLICATION FOI PLEASE FILL-UP THE FOLLOWING PERSONAL INFORMATION IN PRINT: COA Employee Number + NAME (LName, FName, MName) OFFICE ASSIGNMENT PERSON TO NOTIFY IN (CASE OF EMERGENCY: CONTACT NUMBER: PLEASE SIGN AT THE CENTER OF EACH BOX USING BLACK PEN: INITIAL SIGNATURE, 1. FOR NEW RECRUIT (not yet included in the Centralized Payroll) [ DATE OF BIRTH: GSIS BP NUMBER: (Tobe filled up by HRDMS) PHILHEALTH: TIN BLOOD TYPE: SEE BACK PAGE, Vv » I, REPLACEMENT OF COA ID DUE TO CHANGE/CORRECTION OF ANY INFORMATION IN THE ID CARD Personal data will be retrieved from your HRIS personal record, which is viewable in your PDS in COA Portal. Any information data that needs o be updated/corrested/changed in the HRIS should be entered below along with the necessary supporting documentation as stated in Item IV b, of the Administration Sector No, dated CHANGE IN INFORMATION FROM TO Particulars Attachment NOTE: 1. The following LD card applications are fre of charge: 1 For the new recruits >. For replacement due to natural wear and tear including unreadable QR code, subject to the surrender of the old COA ID. 2. The following ID eard applications are charged with seventy-peso (70.00) payable at the Treasury Services in the Central or at the Regional Office, whichever is applicable: 1. Forreplacement of loststolen ID card. Affidavit of Loss is required, }. For change/ correction of any information in the card, subject to the surrender of the old COA ID. 3. The QR code of the newly issued COA ID eard is to be activated atthe frst instance of scanning using the ‘CAM, resulting in the automatic deactivation of the old QR code issued. For verification or inquiries, please call ‘Telephone Numbers: 8951-09-05 Trunk line: 8952-5700 Local: 2016 Email: Fwd: Issuance of New COA Identification Card From: REGION Vl ( Jo:; ameljaranille; Cc: nimda service2018@gmail com Date: Monday, March 20, 2023 at 04:34 PM GMT#+8 --- Forwarded message From: RECORDS Issuances Date: Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 4:24PM ‘Subject: Issuance of New COA Identification Card To: LGAS - OAC - ROLAND A. REY , LSS - OAG FORTUNATA M. BUBICO , GAS - OAC - ‘ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER MARY S. ADELINO 9 alin, PEMS - OAC - ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER tplavas si>, NGAS OAC - MARTHA ROXANA C. SESE , COA LSS - AsCom Naty , STSS - OAC - MARIBETH F. DE JESUS «mide jesusS8, , COA PEMS Ascom Nia , PIDS OAC , COALSS-O40 >, OGAS OAC ENCALLADO - a. Director IV - MAY LINDA M. VEGAFRIA , COA CPAS CAO-Local- Director IV CARMELITA T. SANCHEZ COR STSS-TAO Director , COR. GAS ASDOSO - O10 ANNABELLA P. GABIRAN , (GAO Director V- JOSEPHINE B. MANALO «jbmanaia coa.gauai>, COA GAS GAO Direcior cs >, GOA GPASSSS CAO-Corp OIC Director £08,90¥.0h>, COMM Il - OIC- Chief of Staff , ICSAO Official Email "98,404,611, CPAS - COMSEC “STAFF Andrea Berroya , NGAS 2 - Offical >, COA CPAS CAO-Local DIRECTOR Ill- DAINLEE V. GERMAN “gto, NGAS 3 - OFFICIAL EMAIL , NGAS Cluster 4 FO - Acting Asst. Director - Dir. FLORIDA M. LARGO , CGAS .08,901,9h>, ISAO - STSS - DIRECTOR IV - DIR. MARIA REALIZA R, YSMAEL , COA CPAS CAO-National Asst Director 19 PROPERTY - OIC DIVISION CHIEF - DIAM. MOGOL joa com>, COA NGAS-B Acting Asst. Director , COA PFMS-FO OIC DIRECTOR , COA CGAS-6 ga,goup>, SSS - PAO - ACTING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR COA SSS - SAO - Director IV , COA CGAS 6 COA LGAS-NCA Director IV- MARIA CARMINA PAULITA J. PAGAYAWAN ch, GAS - GAO DIRECTOR IV - gh>, COA STSS:ITAO Acting Asst. Dir pi>, GSO-Eng'g. Group Emiterio n>, LAO - OFFICIAL EMAIL. ‘lesa ch>,itao email < a.gouah>, COA ‘Adm-GSO Director Amie , COA NGAS-7- ACTING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR - LIZA L. ABELLERA >, COR CPAS CAO-Natonal rector Eugene , COA PIO Director etv7 Sa DIR. CARMELITA O, ANTASUDA casita acianuda con 2 >, OGAS Cluster 4 , ITO - OFFICIAL EMAIL , COA NGAS-7 Director IV = LUCILA M, ISIDRO 'aisido .coa gov eh>, COA CGAS-1 Director , FAO - OFFICIAL EMAIL cna nav nhs PROPERTY - ASSISTANT DIVISION CHIEF - MA. DIVINA LUISTRO FAMULARCANO Acting Asst. Director . COA PIDS-QAO Director ll: MARY JOYCE G EAUWA>, COA NGAS-8 - DIRECTOR IV - MELISSA GRACE B. MATRINEZ 7.pht>, COA CPAS CAO-National Director , Cecilia Rafleses ced PMO - Otficer-in-Charge , GSO - TREASURY shoo.>, COA CGAS-S - Director IV - MAY Intemational Audit Relations Otfice , GAS>, SAO OFFICIAL EMAIL 2coa.gaunh>, COA CGS-1 Director il , COA PIDS-PDO OIC Director d 302,>, DGD - OIC DIVISION CHIEF - NATALIA M, ABUYEN , Prosecution and Litigation Office , Accounting Systems Devt and Other Services Office , COMM | Director IV- Chief of Staff , COA GAS ASDOSO Acting Assistant Drecior- JUANITA C. FUGGAN cua uggsn Gcoa.govch>, GOA CGAS:5 Acting Asst. Director ish>, COA STSS-ITAO Director Marlon , CPAS - LOCAL email . COMM II O1C- CHIEF OF>, PWA - Director I! marting cose Si (Geuah, GOA STSS-TSO - DIRECTOR Ill MARIA CECILIAG "ALONZO sa,qnugtn, COA IDS-PRIDO Decor , COA NGAS-2 Director COA NGAS'S Aciing Asst. Director « ah>, PLO - Acting Asst. Director - Atty. ELEAZAR E. CASTILLO , COA ‘COMM Il- Staff yahoo.camt>, COA PFMS-RMBO Director Veron , COA LGAS-NCR maileom>, COA'IARO Director Lito , ISAO - STSS - DIRECTOR Ill - Cluster 1 , ITO - ACTING b>, COA CGASS edith , NGAS 6 - OFFICIAL EMAIL IAFO Official Email , 2021 Bo >, PIO = OIC ELIZA C. 6 GOA Gomsec Jaffrey < CABALFIN , PBMO - Director lV - DIR. VERONICA C. COSCOS , COA can 1 ACTING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Ill ROCHIE J. FELICES <: goun! ASSISTANT DIRECTOR IISNOAMA & AGUINO , COA NGAS-2 ACTING >, COA PIO Ditector JB sus, FAO - Director IV DIR, CHONA P. n>, COA NGAS-8 Director ‘oou,gh>, COA CGS4 SOA NGAS 5 - OIC DIRECTOR - IC Director , CHO 14 @ yahoo,c0 suka 6 MARIVELC GROROLA canals ‘COA NGAS-6 = Director Ill , GGAS Cluster 2 , COA LSS-LAO - Director IV - jau,ph>, COA Adm-GSO <>, COA IAIO Director ‘gele-42 soa jowph>, PBMO - DIRECTOR Il - DIR. REBECCA C. DACANAY , COA LSS-LAO staff a.cauah>, OGAS Custer b>, PAO - OFFICIAL EMAIL COR COMM | - Director | I , Ie COA BEMS-AUBO Asst Ditector Becky Inteligence and Gonfenial Funds Auat , PBMO - OFFICIAL EMAIL , COA Adm-HRMO Jing gh», RO 4B - DIRECTOR IV - DIR. LYNFLOR M. ADOLFO , COA 1og9 , COA LGS-Reg! , RO 12- ACTING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR “ATTY. ABDUL GAFFAR R. ALI , RO 11 - DIRECTOR IV - DIR. EMILIO A. ASI, Oh caste con genes, COALGS-Rogs , RO 4B - DIRECTOR Ill - DIR. FELICIDAD S. MEDRANO 2aS-coa.9a1.ah>, COA-RO 2. ACTING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR , COA vahga.coT>, COA RO NO. XI , RO 4A - DIRECTOR IV - sna nevnhs RO 13 OFFICIAL EMAIL (1) DIR. CONSUELO ¥. CALO , COA LGS-Reg3 , COALGS-ARMM ‘, RO 6 - DIRECTOR IV - MARILOU M, RIZARAI , COA RSAO-NIS Acting Asst. Director , BARMM - OFFICIAL EMAIL < ASSISTANT DIRECTOR - BERNARD D. BAKILAN , AO 11 - OFFICIAL EM/ LGS-Regi0 , COA -RO 3 DIRECTOR Ill- DIR. CHONA P. LAXAMANA a abreta Gcoa.gav.ah>, RSAO - Nig ACTING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR MARIA GLEDA E. Lin 85>, COA Hegt2 OIC Director Ale , REGION V et» FO 12- OFICIAL EMAIL (1) , COA LGAS-Reg4b>, (RO 12. -O1G - DIRECTOR tll DIR.>, COA wmalieom>, COA - CAR , COA Reg 0 Director Celso , COA - RO 2 - OFFICIAL EMAIL (2) >, COA RO 3 - OFFICIAL EMAIL (2) , COA Reg8 Director Lita satancalanane>, COALGS-Regi1 ">, RO 10 - DIRECTOR Ill DIR. JERRY K. , COA LGS-Regé , RO 9 - OFFICIAL EMAIL (2) , RO 7 - OFFICIAL mp, RO 5 - DIRECTOR Il- DIR. AIDA M, BELGIRA coagou.nh>, = DIRECTOR Ill - DIR. DAVID. regi2G.coa>, RO? ‘COA Reg3 Director IV - >, COALGS-Reg2 GOA-RO 1- O1G - RENATO O. ROSALES , RO 1 OLIVER C. KONG RO 12 - OFFICIAL EMAIL (2) <: OMAR 8. ROQUE <0 . COA LGS-Regi2 , ADMIN - OAC - Assistant Commissioner LORNA D. CABOCHAN Mr. Edgardo Lamberto L. Ramos - ADM-OAG-SAO , COA Adm-OAC <| coags Sir/Madam, Attached is Administration Sector Memorandum No. 2023 - 005 dated March 16, 2023 on the " Issuance of New COA Identification Card" . For your information/guidance please Thank you, RHODA D. JEGIRA Records Management Services General Services Office Administration Sector Contact Nos. (8)951-09-32; (8) 952-5700 local no. 2009 “CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message including any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may contain legally confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, storage, dissemination or other use of any information in this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited and may expose you to administrative civil and/or criminal lability f you received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by email and delete this message and its attachments from your system.” CONFIDENTIALITY AND DISCLAIMER NOTICE: “This message is confidential and is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom itis addressed. 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