Flood and Flood Routing

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Flood and Flood Routing

Q.1 Consider the following statements regarding channel routing:

1. In channel routing, the flood hydrograph at various sections of the reach

is predicted by considering a channel reach and an input hydrograph at
the upstream end.
2. As the flood wave moves down the river, the shape of the wave does not
3. Flood waves passing down a river have their peaks attenuated due to
4. The addition of lateral inflows can cause an increase of attenuation.

Which of the above statements are not correct?

A. 1 and 3 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 4 only
D. 2 and 4 only
[ESE 2021]

Q.2 A bridge has an expected life of 25 years and is designed for a flood
magnitude of return period 100 years. What is the risk of this hydrologic

 100 
A. 1−  
 99 

 99 
B.  
 100 

 99 
C. 1−  
 100 

 100 
D.  
 99 
[ESE 2021]
Q.3 The probability of a 10-year flood at occur at least once in the next 4 years

A. 45%
B. 35%
C. 30%
D. 20%
[ESE 2017]

Q.4 The probability of a 10-year flood to occur at least once in the next 5 years

A. 35%
B. 41%
C. 60%
D. 65%
[ESE 2014]

Q.5 That extreme flood that is physically possible in a region from a severe-
most combination, including rare combination of meteorological and
hydrological factors, is designated as the

A. Design flood
B. Standard project flood
C. Probable maximum flood
D. Flash flood
[ESE 2014]

Q.6 The probability that a 50 years flood may NOT occur at all during 25 years
life of project (round off to two decimal places), is ______.

Q.7 Muskingum method is used

A. hydrologic reservoir routing

B. hydrologic channel routing
C. hydraulic reservoir routing
D. hydraulic channel routing


Q.8 An inflow hydrograph is routed through a reservoir to produce an outflow

hydrograph. The peak flow of the inflow hydrograph is P I and the time of
occurrence of the peak is tI. The peak flow of the outflow hydrograph is P0 and
the time of occurance of the peak is t0. Which one of the following statements is

A. PI < P0 and tI > t0

B. PI > P0 and tI > t0
C. PI < P0 and tI < t0
D. PI > P0 and tI < t0


Q.9 The probability that the annual maximum flood discharge will exceed
25000 m3/s, at least once in next 5 years is found to be 0.25. The return period
of this flood event (in years, round off to 1 decimal place) is ________.


Q.10 For routing of flood in a given channel using the Muskingum method, two
of the routing coefficients are estimated as C0 = –0.25 and C1 = 0.55. The value
of the third coefficient C2 would be ___________


Q.11 A culvert is designed for a flood frequency of 100 years and a useful life
of 20 years. The risk involved in the design of the culvert (in percentage, up to
two decimal places) is _________

Q.12 Which of the following statement is true for the linear reservoir?

A. Storage is proportional to inflow discharge

B. Storage is proportional to outflow discharge
C. Storage is proportional to square of inflow discharge
D. Storage is proportional to square of outflow discharge
[SSC JE 2017]

Q.13 The peak of a flood hydrograph due to 6 hour storm is 470 m 3/sec. The
mean depth of rainfall is 8 cm. Assume an average infiltration loss of 0.25
cm/hour and constant base flow of 15 m3/sec. Estimate peak discharge of 6 hour
unit hydrograph for this storm.

[IFS 2014]

Q.14 What do you mean by flood routing? Distinguish between reservoir and
channel routing. What information is required for routing a flood though a
reservoir. List the name of two methods generally used for reservoir routing.

[IFS 2018]

Q.15 For a river, the estimate flood peaks for two return periods at a site using
Gumbel’s method are as follows:

Return period(years) Peak flood(m3/sec)

100 435
50 395

What flood discharge in this river will have a return period of 1000 years?

[IFS 2013]

Q.16 A flood of certain magnitude has a return period of 50 years. Determine:

The probability of flood magnitude equal to or greater than the given magnitude

(i) At least once in 20 successive years.

(ii) Two times in 20 successive years
(iii) Once in 20 successive years

[IFS 2012]

Q.17 Rainfall records of 100 years were scanned and it was found that the
probability of precipitation of 350 mm in a day is 0.025. Find the probability of
three precipitations of one day magnitude exceeding 350 mm in the next 15

[IFS 2010]

Q.18 Define flood routing. Distinguish between hydraulic routing and

hydrologic routing.


Q.19 Briefly explain the basic concepts used in storage outflow routing and
Muskingum routing.


Q.20 Write a brief note on kinematic flood routing.


Q.21 Annual flood data of a river for 30 years, yielded mean annual discharge
of 30000 m3/s and a standard deviation of 15000 m3/sec. For a proposed bridge
on this river, it is decided to have an acceptable risk of 10% and service life of
50 years.

I. Estimate the flood discharge for design of bridge.

II. If the actual flood value adopted in the design is 1,18,000 m3/sec, what is
the safety margin for maximum flood discharge?

(Given that Reduced mean and Standard deviation for Gumbel distribution for
30 years are 0.5380 and 1.119 respectively).

Q.22 Explain various steps adopted to derive a unit hydrograph from an
observed flood hydrograph.


Q.23 The flood record for a period of 25 years of a small tributary of a main
river has been analysed based on the assumption that the distribution is log-
Normal. The mean ‘m’ and standard deviations of the distribution have been
found to be 2.5 m3/s and 1.0 m3/s. Find the magnitude of 100 and 1000 yr return
period flood.


Q.24 Annual maximum flood data in a river at a station have been processed to
estimate the maximum flood for different return periods using the Gumbel’s
method. If the estimated maximum flood for return periods 100 and 50 years are
450 m3/s and 400 m3/s, respectively, estimate the flood discharge for return
period of 500 years.
[ESE MAINS 2013]

Q.25 The working life of dam built to store irrigation requirement is expected to
be 100 yrs. The spillway capacity is designed to accommodate the peak flood
having a return period of 500 yrs. Calculate the risk of failure of the dam.
[ESE MAINS 2012]

Q.26 A flood series have mean equal to 300 m 3/s and standard deviation as 50
m3/s. Compute the magnitude of 50 years flood using Gumbel and Chow
[ESE MAINS 2008]

Q.27 A hydraulic structure is sized for a 50 year recurrence interval design

discharge. What is the risk that the flow capacity will be exceeded during any
future 20 year period? What is the probability that the 50 year recurrence
interval peak flow rate will be exceeded in the next 50 years?
[ESE MAINS 2005]

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