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Iraga Draguul Mighty.

+1 attack and damage with melee

weapons (already included).

16 +3 10 +0 Half-Orc Spellcasting. Cast a cleric spell by rolling 1d20

+ 3. The DC is 10 + spell’s tier.

Tier 1 Spells. Cure wounds: Touch heals 1d6.

9 -1 15 +2 Cleric Holy weapon: +1 attack and damage for 5
rounds. Turn undead: Undead CHA vs. spell-
casting check or flee, destroyed if fail by 10+.

10 Languages. Common, Orcish, Celestial.

13 +1 12 +1 1

Chainmail Flint and steel

5 14 (Chainmail slot)
Torch Backpack
Holy symbol
Lawful Longsword
Bow bolts (20)
Longsword, +4, Urchin Iron spikes (10) —

1d6/1d8 +1 Grappling hook —

Crossbow, -1 (F), 1d6, Rope, 60’ —

Rations (3) —
skip move to reload Saint Terragnis

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