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SPRING 2023, GENE 60
Date of submission: WEEK 5
NAME: Akshay Kumar
ID: 4342270

Item Marks Marks

Introduction 5
Rationale of 5
Accomplishmen 5
Career 5
Total 40


Utilize self-assessment tools and techniques to identify skills, abilities, strengths and

Assignment #1 – 10%)


Make sure you have completed the assessments on pages 4-19 in your copy of “Get a job”
workbook before attempting this exercise.

In paragraph format, answer the following questions:

1. Introduce yourself (Tell me a little bit about yourself, your academic background etc.)
ANS: My name is Akshay Kumar, and I am currently a student of Computer System Technician
at Alpha College, with student ID 4342270. I come from a background of completing a
bachelor’s degree in computer applications in my home country. During my degree, I developed
a strong interest in cybersecurity and earned a certificate in ethical hacking. I am truly
enthusiastic about two things: hacking and innovation. The field of cybersecurity is where I see
my future, combining my passion for hacking with a commitment to ensuring a secure digital
landscape. In my free time I love to read business articles.

2. Why did you choose this area/program of study?

ANS: Some common reasons I choose to study IT include:
 Passion for Technology: I have a genuine interest in and fascination with technology,
computers, and digital systems. I enjoy exploring and understanding how technology
works and want to be a part of shaping the future through technological advancements.
 Job Opportunities: The IT industry is renowned for offering a wide variety of career
options and job stability. It offers a variety of jobs, such as those in network
administration, data analysis, software development, and cybersecurity. A career in IT
can offer strong job prospects and the chance to thrive in a sector that is continually
 Problem-solving and Analytical Skills: IT requires individuals to have strong problem-
solving and analytical skills. I love finding solutions to complex problems, analyzing
data, and troubleshooting technical issues, which is why IT is a good field for me.
 Flexibility and Remote Work: IT careers often provide the flexibility to work remotely
or have flexible work arrangements. This can be appealing for me as I prefer a more
flexible lifestyle or want to have the freedom to work from various locations.

3. What will a potential employer find attractive about your current or past
accomplishments and/or education?
ANS: Here are some aspects that a potential employer may find attractive about me
current or past accomplishments and education:
 Relevant Education: Having earned a bachelor's degree in computer applications, I have
a solid background in technology and computer science. I think Candidates with formal
educational backgrounds are valued by employers.
 Specialization in Cybersecurity: I have an interest in ethical hacking and in
cybersecurity demonstrates a narrow and focused interest in the topic of computer
systems. As I have a certificate in the IT sector’s, Employers who place a high priority on
cybersecurity measures may find me to be an asset with my specialization.
 International Experience: Having completed my bachelor's degree in computer
applications in my home country adds a valuable international perspective to your
education. This global exposure can be advantageous to employers seeking candidates
with diverse perspectives and cross-cultural understanding.
4. List your top 5 marketable skills, related to your area of study and give at least one
example of each skill of how you have put each of them to practice. (You can include
your transferable skills and technical skills.)
 Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity
 Risk Assessment and Management
 Communication and Collaboration
 Leadership
 Ability to train.
1. Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity:

SITUATION: During my summer break before starting college, I interned at a cybersecurity

firm specializing in ethical hacking. One of the projects I worked on was to conduct a
penetration test on a client's web application to identify potential vulnerabilities and strengthen
their security measures.

TASK: The task was to assist the senior members of the team in conducting the penetration test,
which involved simulating real-world hacking techniques to identify weaknesses in the web
application. Our objective was to provide the client with a comprehensive report detailing the
vulnerabilities discovered and recommending appropriate remediation strategies.

ACTION: Under the guidance of the senior team members, I actively participated in various
stages of the penetration testing process. This included conducting reconnaissance to gather
information about the target system, performing vulnerability scanning and analysis, and
attempting to exploit identified vulnerabilities. I also used specialized tools and techniques to
simulate common attack scenarios and carefully documented my findings. Throughout the
project, I adhered to ethical guidelines and maintained the utmost integrity to ensure the client's
data and systems remained secure.

RESULT: As a result of our ethical hacking efforts, we successfully identified several critical
vulnerabilities in the client's web application. Our detailed report outlined each vulnerability
along with recommended mitigation strategies. The client appreciated our thoroughness and
professionalism, as they were able to address these vulnerabilities promptly, thereby
strengthening their security posture and protecting their sensitive data. This experience further
solidified my passion for cybersecurity and ethical hacking while providing me with valuable
insights into the field.

2. Risk Assessment and Management:

SITUATION: As a computer science club president in high school, I recognized the need to
enhance students' computer literacy skills beyond the standard curriculum. I took the initiative to
design and deliver training sessions to empower my peers with practical computer skills.

TASK: My task was to develop and implement a training program that covered various
computer-related topics, such as coding, digital literacy, and software applications. I aimed to
equip students with essential skills to thrive in the digital age and pursue their interests in the
field of technology.

ACTION: I first evaluated the understanding of my classmates before identifying the areas that
would benefit from more instruction. I developed a well-organized curriculum that featured
engaging workshops, coding challenges, and specific projects. I kept the students interested
during the training sessions by using dynamic presentations, live demonstrations, and supervised
activities. I simplified difficult ideas into material that was simple to understand while promoting
involvement and addressing queries to make sure everyone understood. I offered individualized
support to students who required it, delivering one-on-one coaching and supplemental materials
to accommodate various learning styles.

RESULT: The training program resulted in a significant improvement in students' computer

literacy skills and their enthusiasm for technology. Students gained confidence in coding,
developed problem-solving abilities, and became proficient in using software applications. Many
participants went on to pursue advanced computer science courses and participate in local
technology competitions.

3. Communication And Collaboration:

SITUATION: when I was in my senior secondary school, I participated in the debate

competition where I had to speak in English.
TASK: At that time, my topic was to speak about pollution and to make my points clear to
everyone. I had only one minute to think about that.

ACTION: I took my pencil and started to write points in my notebook. It helps me a lot to speak
with fluency and with proper knowledge. During the competition, my judge asked me some
questions, and I answered all this makes him happy.

RESULT: I was awarded with first position and I also gained so much confidence to speak in
front of the public.

4. Leadership:

SITUATION: During my high school, I was selected as the captain of the debate team. Our
team had qualified for the regional debate championship, and we had limited time to prepare for
the intense competition.

TASK: The task was to lead and motivate my team to perform their best and ensure we were
well-prepared for the regional debate championship. Our goal was to win the competition and
advance to the state level.

ACTION: I organized regular team meetings to discuss strategy, research potential arguments,
and practice debating different topics. I assigned specific research topics to each team member,
ensuring that everyone had a clear role and responsibility. I also facilitated practice debates,
providing constructive feedback and helping teammates improve their delivery and
argumentation skills. Additionally, I encouraged open communication, listened to my team
members' ideas, and addressed any conflicts that arose to maintain a positive team dynamic.

RESULT: As a result of my leadership, our team performed exceptionally well at the regional
debate championship. We won several rounds and received praise from judges for our persuasive
arguments and strong teamwork. We secured a place in the state-level competition, which was a
significant achievement for our school. Personally, this experience taught me the importance of
effective communication, collaboration, and supporting others' growth as a leader.
5. : Ability to train’s:

SITUATION: During my summer break before starting college, I interned at a cybersecurity

firm specializing in ethical hacking. One of the projects I worked on was to conduct a
penetration test on a client's web application to identify potential vulnerabilities and strengthen
their security measures.

TASK: The task was to assist the senior members of the team in conducting the penetration test,
which involved simulating real-world hacking techniques to identify weaknesses in the web
application. Our objective was to provide the client with a comprehensive report detailing the
vulnerabilities discovered and recommending appropriate remediation strategies.

ACTION: Under the guidance of the senior team members, I actively participated in various
stages of the penetration testing process. This included conducting reconnaissance to gather
information about the target system, performing vulnerability scanning and analysis, and
attempting to exploit identified vulnerabilities. I also used specialized tools and techniques to
simulate common attack scenarios and carefully documented my findings. Throughout the
project, I adhered to ethical guidelines and maintained the utmost integrity to ensure the client's
data and systems remained secure.

RESULT: As a result of our ethical hacking efforts, we successfully identified several critical
vulnerabilities in the client's web application. Our detailed report outlined each vulnerability
along with recommended mitigation strategies. The client appreciated our thoroughness and
professionalism, as they were able to address these vulnerabilities promptly, thereby
strengthening their security posture and protecting their sensitive data. This experience further
solidified my passion for cybersecurity and ethical hacking while providing me with valuable
insights into the field.

5. What is your biggest career aspiration (now or for future)?

ANS: Like everyone else, I have an aspiration to be Arvind Krishna, the CEO of IBM
(International Business Machines Corporation). Arvind Krishna holds a Ph.D. in Electrical
Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. On April 6, 2020, Gini
Rometty was replaced as CEO of IBM by Arvind Krishna. Krishna had several important
executive positions before being named CEO of IBM, including Senior Vice President of Cloud
and Cognitive Software, where he had a major impact on the company's cloud and AI strategies.
He has authored numerous patents and publications and
is recognized for his expertise in technology and business. I am following Arvind Krishan from
eight standard. I like to listen to his ideas and research on new innovations. I like his leadership
style, way of talking or any other areas of his career.


 Computer type, no handwritten assignment please

 Font size: 12
 Font style: Times new roman
 Gap between the lines: 1.5
 Five pages

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