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Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia

Submission 265

To: The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts

Inquiry into Fifth Generation (5G) mobile network technology

The committee will:

1. Investigate the capability, capacity and deployment of 5G;

2. Understand the application of 5G, including use cases for enterprise and government.

Dear Committee members,

I make this submission to The House of Representatives Standing Committee on

Communications and the Arts as an extremely concerned human being as I DO NOT
CONSENT to the deployment, adoption and application of 5G wireless technology in

Given the fact the government’s role is supposed to work for the people NOT FOR
INDUSTRY/CORPORATIONS. I ask that this matter be taken seriously and tremendous
scrutiny be exercised as my research over many years clearly shows GREAT CONCERN FOR
ALL LIFE not just in Australia but for every living thing on this biosphere.

I find it astounding that our government has already shaped our future around 5G and
associated technologies without doing any due diligence or acknowledging the thousands of
peer reviewed studies that already exist showing this type of radiation is dangerous, not
only humans but to flora and fauna too.

Industry and government are promising the public 5G and wireless technologies are the
next best thing, promising a better quality of life, making our lives so much better by faster
download, new technologies to make our lives so much easier, business to achieve new
growth and governments new jobs.
These are false promises, a better quality of life, when the evidence in this submission is
crystal clear its causing HARM to millions of people worldwide, including the animals that
can’t speak out. The future you are building is only in the best interest of INDUSTRY and

I have been researching for many years the coming 5G network, Artificial Intelligence (AI),
quantum computing, robotics the Internet of things (IoT) tracking and tracing EVERYTHING,
and its associated wireless technologies and devices that will eventually all link in with each
other and use microchips to operate e.g. smart meters, all smart home appliances - fridges,
dryers, kitchen appliances, washing machines & air conditioners, down to autonomous
vehicles etc.
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

Australia’s Tech Future

Page 9:
I have copied below the wording from the above link Australias tech future it gives a very brief
description on the Internet of things (IoT), Artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing. I have
referenced the IOT, AI and quantum computing here however I will expand further in this
submission about these technologies.

“Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the increasing use of sensors that record things such as
sounds, touch, movement, temperature and even chemical composition that are being used
to automatically collect data about people, the environment and objects and transmit this
information over the Internet”

(IoT) What you’re not told here is how or where all these sensors will be, Tom wheeler the
former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) who I have mentioned
in detail further in this submission explains clearly that absolutely EVERYTHING will be
micro – chipped, if it can be connected, it will be connected. I ask that you take note of the
information towards the end of this submission Internet of things – hive mind - New Brain
Computer interface technology talk by Steve Hoffman.

“Quantum computing is an emerging technology that would exponentially increase available

computing power to help us solve problems that we cannot tackle with existing computers.
Quantum computers, will be able to crack codes easily and they have the potential to
disrupt existing security methods that use encrypted data, such as in banking and other
industries. Quantum computers also have applications in scientific fields and could help
answer questions that have baffled scientists for generations”.

- I ask that you please take note of the information on quantum computing from
Geordie Rose the founder of D-wave the first quantum computers and his new
company kindred, what he has to say about quantum computing at the end of this

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to automate repetitive or dangerous tasks,
increase productivity and allow the development of innovative consumer products. It is
forecast to add trillions of dollars to the global economy in the coming decades. Examples

• Using advanced data analytics techniques to diagnose diseases at earlier and more
treatable stages

• Using automated machines for hauling and drilling on mine sites, increasing productivity
and reducing risks to workers

• Enabling greater use of smart forms that can tailor legal information to assist individuals to
draft a will or settle financial arrangements following a break-up

• Tailoring content on entertainment platforms to meet user preferences There is

considerable effort, both in Australia and internationally, focused on ensuring that AI is
applied ethically and delivers broad societal benefits”.

Considerable effort to ensure AI is applied ethically well that’s not rock solid or real
reassuring to me. I am already a victim of Industry LIES and Corruption.
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

My reason for the above comment - the Medical Industry, where a number of breast
implants are now linked to anaplastic large cell lymphoma BIA-ALCL. The therapeutic goods
administration makes the statement it is very rare, and the risk of undergoing surgery could
be higher than the risk of developing BIA-ALCL.

Im a member of a couple of international breast implant illness groups and there are over
98,000 members in one group alone and I can assure you that there are more side effects
than just anaplastic large cell lymphoma. There is a whole host of other symptoms that are
making women very sick and it’s not limited to the the implants that have been recalled or
suspended. When you start digging into how is this even possible you find corruption,
coverup, deceit and lies from industry and the alphabet agencies put in place to protect us
eg TGA,FDA, CDC, WHO, FCC have allowed Industry through loopholes and monetary
donations to campaigns to have no accountability and we are the ones suffering due to
industry corruption, all to make their billions of dollars.

I feel this is a very slippery slope we are heading toward because as with any new
Technology/devices, unless they have been extensively & thoroughly tested for a substantial
period of time, declared totally safe for all living things on this biosphere, its only common
sense that one would investigate with extreme caution.

In my opinion from all the studies/documents and documentaries I’ve read & watched
including whistle blower testimonies. Taking into account thousands of past and present
studies which all POSITIVELY INDICATE serious harm and serious health effect to people of
all ages, particularly younger children and babies. The WI-FRY damage is far reaching, it
goes well beyond harm to people, it is upsetting all inhabitants of earth including the plant
and animal kingdoms. It is interfering with people and animals electromagnetic fields &
disrupting the natural balance of the planet causing harm to all life, animal extinction and
serious illness. I have included only a very small portion of my research in this submission.

 Page 4 – 5G – Enabling the future economy: Below is a paragraph from a Government

documents which can be viewed on the link below.

The Government wants to create an environment that allows Australia’s

telecommunications industry to be at the forefront of seizing the benefits of 5G across the
economy. The communications sector will lead the rollout of 5G networks in Australia.
However, the Government can create the policy and regulatory environment to support a
more efficient rollout, given its potential benefits to the economy.

- Reading between the lines It seems like it’s already decided that there’s no stopping
5G considering the comment in this document that the government can create policy
and regulatory environment to SUPPORT A MORE EFFICIENT ROLLOUT.

healthy people to work to run/drive the economy, unless there is other plans for robots to
take over, you may think that is a weird thing to say however after you read my information
presented in my submission about the IOT, AI and quantum computers this may not seem
so far off.


Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

- Im sure there are many benefits of 5G to make billions of dollars for INDUSTRY and
Government. It is my opinion that it is being sold to us as being so great our lives will
be so much more convenient and once it’s all up and running, out will come the
totalitarian government. 5G has the ability to allow government capabilities to
exercise absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life and the people
subordinated to the state any opposing political expression either suppressed or

 The link below from the Environmental Health Trust - has an arsenal of evidence on wireless
radiation with links to various agencies like World health organisation (WHO), the lancet
medical journal and numerous other medical & scientific studies and interviews.

 The World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic

fields as a Group 2B carcinogen. E.pdf

 A) I’d like draw special attention to The federal Communications Commission (FCC) former
chairman Tom Wheeler and his speech at the National Press Club Washington, D.C. June 20,
Prior to working at the FCC, Wheeler worked as a venture capitalist and lobbyist for the
cable and wireless industry, whom the FCC is now responsible for regulating, and holding
positions including President of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association
(NCTA) and CEO of the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA).

A hardcopy of the whole speech can be viewed here: Releases/Daily Business/2016/db0620/DOC-339920A1.pdf
Or can be seen here from the 2m: 40sec mark – on the Truth about 5G video from the
Impower Movement:
However I highly recommend watching the whole interview it has some mind blowing
revelations in it.

I have highlighted some of Mr Wheeler’s remarks which raise some serious questions and

 “if anyone tells you they know the details of what 5G will deliver, walk the other way”.
- This is an odd statement to make, is this because there may be other purposes for this

 “Yes, 5G will connect the Internet of Everything. If something can be connected, it will be
connected in a 5G world. But with predictions of hundreds of billions of microchip-enable
products from pill bottles to plant waterers”
- If it can be connected, it will be connected – is that including us to?
- Every item, every product, every plant, every animal and every HUMAN? That’s the plan

 “I’m confident these actions will lead to a cornucopia of unanticipated innovative uses, and
generate tens of billions of dollars in economic activity”.
- Will lead to a cornucopia of unanticipated uses or just untold uses
- Only cares about how much money can be made
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

 “Let’s revisit that spectrum strategy for a moment. Rule number one is that the
technology should drive the policy rather than the policy drive the technology. And
technology for 5G is not one thing, it is many things. The marriage of Moore’s Law
and wireless connectivity involves smart antenna systems, new more-efficient transmission
formats, low-energy systems, network virtualization, and much more”.

- Rule number one: the technology should drive the policy rather than the policy drive the
technology. This statement is SO CONCERNING of the mindset of these people in positions
of power that are imposing these technologies upon us that become MANDATORY for us to
survive. It clearly shows its all about “BIG BUSINESS and MONEY” not HEALTH, SAFETY or the
“5G is not one thing, it is many things and much more”. So what are those many things and
MUCH MORE. One has the right to ask. I will elaborate on this further in my submission
from weapons expert Mark Steele, Dr Barrie Trower an ex government operative and
susan clarke expert in neurotoxicology and radiofrequency radiation bioeffects.

His next remark should leave you GOBSMACKED it validates all my concerns for the
HEALTH & SAFETY of the entire BIOSPHERE. It shows the total disregard for any living
thing on this planet and raises many CONCERNS whilst proving all they care about is
 “Unlike some countries, we do not believe we should spend the next couple of
years studying what 5G should be, how it should operate, and how to allocate
spectrum, based on those assumptions. Like the examples I gave earlier, the future has a
way of inventing itself. Turning innovators loose is far preferable to expecting
committees and regulators to define the future. We won’t wait for the
standards to be first developed in the sometimes arduous standards-setting
process or in a government-led activity. Instead, we will make ample spectrum available and
then rely on a private sector-led process for producing technical standards best suited for
those frequencies and use cases.

B) Four weeks later Tom wheeler in a public meeting press conference at FCC headquarters
on July 14th 2016 an escalating series of remarkable events unravelled.
First, they prevented wireless science advocate Kevin Mottus the president of the US brain
tumor association from displaying a simple sign, violating their First Amendment rights in a
public venue. Then, a security guard forcefully prevented a t-shirt from being taken out of a
bag and a Bloomberg reporter had his credentials confiscated for merely talking with the
Kevin Mottus.
The incident can be watched here: (FCC) Tom Wheeler intimidates press and kills free
speech at 5G rollout (video)
another article about this incident was published in the nexus magazine and can be
viewed on their website. This article also has links to numerous peer reviewed studies on
wireless radiation.
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

 Kevin Mottus - the president of the US brain tumor association (mentioned above) has
numerous videos and information about wireless radiation.
Kevin collaborates with 10 other groups one of which is EMFSCIENTIST.ORG in this video he
discusses the findings that wireless radiation does cause Cancer, Neurological Disorders,
Immune System Dysfunction and reproductive disorders.

 The BioInitiative 2012 -

The Bioinitiave report has been prepared by 29 authors from ten countries, ten holding
medical degrees (MDs), 21 PhDs, and three MsC, MA or MPHs. Among the authors are three
former presidents of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, and five full members of BEMS. One
distinguished author is the Chair of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing
Radiation. Another is a Senior Advisor to the European Environmental Agency.
What it covers
The science, public health, public policy and global response to the growing health issue of
chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation in the daily life of
billions of people around the world. Covers brain tumour, risks from cell phones, damage to
DNA and genes, effects on memory, learning, behaviour, attention; sleep disruption and
cancer and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. Effects on sperm and miscarriage
(fertility and reproduction), effects of wireless on the brain development of the foetus and
infant, and effects of wireless classrooms on children and adolescents is addressed.
Mechanisms for biological action and public health responses in other countries are
discussed. Therapeutic use of very low intensity EMF and RFR are addressed.
What is New - (report has been updated since 2012)
It covers about 1800 new studies reporting bio effects and adverse health effects of
electromagnetic fields (power lines, electrical wiring, appliances and hand-held devices) –
and wireless technologies (cell and cordless phones, cell towers, WI-FI, wireless laptops,
wireless routers, baby monitors, surveillance systems, wireless utility meters (‘smart
meters’) PressResources.pdf

 EMF - comprising of 248 scientists from 42 nations

The International EMF Scientist Appeal serves as a credible and influential voice from EMF
(electromagnetic field) scientists who are urgently calling upon the United Nations and its
sub-organizations, the WHO and UNEP, and all U.N. Member States, for greater health
protection on EMF exposure
The first appeal in May 2015 fell on deaf ears they have since had more scientists join and
collaborate so they have reappealed again on the 25th June 2019.
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

The Appeal urgently calls for greater health protection in the midst of what has become an
historic, global phenomenon, the rapid expansion and proliferation of wireless
communications and electrical technologies. The possible impact of deployment of these
technologies on human health has not yet been thoroughly studied.
These scientists have published over 2,000 research papers on electromagnetic fields (EMF)
on biology or health. Their concern is based on the vast number of studies that reported
biological and adverse health effects of non-ionizing EMF far below the current exposure
guidelines set by the FCC and other international EMF-exposure guideline setting
Based upon peer-reviewed, published research, they have serious concerns regarding the
ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices.
These include–but are not limited to–radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitting devices, such
as cellular and cordless phones and their base stations, Wi-Fi, broadcast antennas, smart
meters, and baby monitors as well as electric devices and infra-structures used in the
delivery of electricity that generate extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF
The scientific basis for their collective concern is “numerous recent scientific publications
have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and
national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful
free radicals, genetic damage, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system,
learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-
being in humans.”
Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects
to both plant and animal life.

Letter to the United Nations Environment Programme - Transmitting the International EMF
Scientist Appeal June 25, 2019: to UNEP June 25 %202019.pdf

International Appeal: Scientists call for Protection from Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Field
Exposure : EMF Scientist-Appeal.pdf
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

 Australia’s World Heritage National Park - Report for the United Nations Educational
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Effects on wild life in the Nightcap National Park World Heritage area of Mt. Nardi -
Mt. Matheson (NSW) as a result of a significant increase in both out- put and variety of
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) from the Mt. Nardi
industrial tower complex.
Report detailing the exodus of species from the Mt. Nardi area of the Nightcap National
Park World Heritage Area NSW during a 15-year period (2000-2015.)

 Martin Blank PhD Spokesperson - International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields

(EMF). Video - scientists and engineers that have petitioned the United Nations because
they are gravely concerned that we have created something that IS HARMING US AND ITS

 5G wireless technology – U.S. Senator Blumenthal

In this senate inquiry Senator Blumenthal questioned the Telecom industry executives and
they all admitted there has been NO MONEY SPENT to prove that the higher millimetre
wave frequencies of 5G are safe to be used by, on or around anyone or anything. The senate
inquiry can be seen here:

 Dr. Frank Springob, uses Dark field Microscopy blood work samples to show what happens
to people's blood cells after standing in front of a smart meter for two minutes at a distance
of one foot and compares them against our current analogue system. It shows that people
who have no symptoms are nevertheless being affected by EMFs, and may eventually
manifest symptoms. To see the video of these blood samples, fast forward to 54min.35sec
in the documentary film Take Back Your Power.

 Renowned Neurosurgeon Dr. Charlie Teo - Calls For the Right To Know About Cell Phone
Radiation -

 David Gillotte, President of LA county fire fighters union, 25 Year Veteran Fire fighter,
paramedic and engineer compares cell towers to cigarettes and calls for a halt to the cell
antennas. xv6dg9E

 US ARMY Defense Intelligence Agency – Biological effects of electromagnetic radiation

(radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian communist countries
content/uploads/2018/05/Classified 1976 BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

 US NAVY - Naval Medical Research Institute National Naval Medical Center

Report on Biological Phenomena (“effects”) and clinical manifestations attributed to
Microwave and Radio- Frequency Radiation.

 Andrew Goldsworthy – Biologist, discusses studies & experiments on CNN about the colony
collapse of BEES. He discusses how bees use cryptochrome for navigation to sense the
earth’s magnetic field. The bee’s ability is compromised by the radiation from mobile
phones, base stations/cell towers. -

 Ulrich Warnke - BEES, BIRDS AND MANKIND -Destroying Nature by ‘Electrosmog’

Ulrich Warnke has degrees in Biology, physics, geography, pedagogy -
38 years university Lecturer in: Biomedicine, Biophysics, Environmental Medicine,
Physiological Psychology and Psychosomatic, Preventive Biology, Bionic and Since 1969:
Research in the field “Effects of electromagnetic waves and fields, including light on

 Scientific reports: Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to

120 GHz -

 Video evidence of Cell Tower & Smart Meter Radiation (under 2 minutes)

The man in this video is recording levels of radiation with sophisticated equipment, he
shows the cell tower hidden in the Saguaro Cactus as seen in the photo with the red arrow.
He shows how these Oleander bushes are being damaged by the radiation emitting from
this tower. You can see from the middle photo the Oleander bushes all the way down this
path are supposed to be flowering, however half way along the flowers are basically non-
existent, the leaves closer to the tower are dwarfed, thinned out and dying.

Cell towers in America can be disguised as palm trees, cactus or hidden in church steeples
as shown in the last picture.
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

 More independent video evidence of the damage to plants and trees that are close to Smart
meters and cell towers – (short video) Fake Smart Meter Grid Saguaro cactus Kills
Surrounding Plant Life
The trees in this video around the smart meter/cell tower cactus are partly dead with the
rest looking very unhealthy. RFUY34

 SMART METERS KILL - Smart Meter Killing Shrub - Stratford Ontario

Three shrubs have been growing against the brick wall of this home for several years. They
had such healthy and thick growth, the old but perfectly serviceable electric meter was
removed and replaced with a 'smart meter' which sends information to the electrical utility
company by microwave radiation signals. This meter sends signals almost continuously, as
can be seen and heard by the radio frequency meter readings. The damage caused by the
radiation can be seen very clearly in this video. The harm to the shrub is much worse close
to the meter, the damage decreases with the distance. The leaves closest to the meter are
dead, dried up and dying and appear to be deformed riddled with spots like some sort of
According to Health Canada, microwave radiation at this level, which is below their safety
standards, does not cause biological harm.
The resident of this home has suffered sleep problems since the meter was installed.

 Fake Smart Meter Grid Kills Surrounding Plant Life
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

 The man in this short 1 ½ min video shows how the smart meter attached to his home is
pulsing high levels of radiation. He shows the damage to his fruit tree that is beside the
smart meter on his house. As seen in the picture to the left, the tree no longer bears any
fruit on the right hand side. The picture on the left shows the leaves changing colours and
Smart Meter vs. Fruit Tree

 Deborah Taraves is an activist who addresses the concerns regarding Agenda 21/Agenda
2030 and smart meters. She runs a website called Stop the In this video Deborah
is driving past cell towers that are around peoples place of business taking radiation
readings that are well above industry standard

 Rob States – Engineer – The Dark side of smart metres

In this invitational presentation to the San Francisco Tesla Society consulting engineer Rob
States explains how PG&E's so-called 'smart' meters work and why they endanger health
and privacy. iLsayDPdCaxhGbewyTLLb5hZxiSFF

 Susan Clark – founder of Environmental Health Advocacy League.

She is an expert in inhalation neurotoxicology, radiofrequency radiation bioeffects and Gulf
War Syndrome.
Higherside chats - The 5G, Radiofrequency Radiation, & Eco-Genocide

- Lost Arts Radio - The Truth Behind the 5G Rollout with Susan Clarke
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

 Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Study: U.S. National Toxicology Program Presentation to NIEHS
June 2016. -

- This $25 Million Dollar Study found increased cancer in rats exposed to wireless
radiation for two years. Report abstract can be read here:

- Other information detailing this study and others can be found on this link

The next 3 references prove the wireless network is potentially a haven for paedophiles,
sexual offenders or other criminal networks, giving them the ability to hack into home
security cameras, baby monitors and alexa/echo smart devices and spy on people or
children without their knowledge or consent.

 CBS Chicago news Family Was Watched Through Nest Security Cameras
This family noticed someone spying on and talking to their young toddler, then started
abusing them.

 CNET - woman who says her Amazon Echo recorded private conversations from within the
home and sent audio clips to someone on the family's contact list.

 CBC NEWS - How hackers could use smart home devices to spy on you
Smart home devices are supposed to increase convenience and security, but Marketplace
reveals they could actually be making your home, your family and your data more
vulnerable, and putting your privacy at risk.

 Dr Barrie Trower - is a radiation expert, He trained at the government Microwave Warfare

Establishment. He worked with the Underwater Bomb disposal unit. He has a degree is in
Physics with a specialization in microwaves. His second degree is a research degree and has
a teaching diploma in human physiology. He also taught advanced physics and mathematics
at South Dartmoor College. He is Scientific Advisor to the Radiation Research Trust and the
H.E.S.E. (Human Ecological Social Economical) Project.
He is also the author of both Tetra Reports for the Police Federation of England and Wales
and the Public and Commercial Service Union. report.pdf on dring.pdf
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

- This link is a court declaration of Barrie Trower detailing Microwave and wireless
radiation and the health effects and other involvements.

- Barrie has done a host of interviews with multiple channels some of these I have

- Barrie trower on wireless technologies he gives a brief bio then discusses wireless
technologies and says any cloudbase technology can be hacked

- Stop the crime website has an arsenal of barrie’s interviews and research papers:

 Sacha Stone founder of Humanitad & International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ)
Sacha Stone has made this documentary about 5G, it is a must watch.

 Mark Steele - WEAPONS EXPERT has a background in weapons and weapons systems, is an
inventor, IP writer, Chief Technology officer at REEVU Worldwide Ltd. Technology advisor to
Saveusnow Political Party with 35yrs Research projects in the Energy Sector, NEI Nuclear
Research, Sub Sea Research (BGC) TubeFuse (Shell). Mark is an Anti 5G activist he has had
council try to put him in jail & sought a gag order to silence him from speaking about 5G.

In this interview Mark explains how 5G is a weapons system.

Hosted by Humanitad & International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) founder: Sacha
Stone, '5G Apocalypse - The London Event' facilitated an expert panel on the 5G existential
threat. Weapons Expert & frontline campaigner Mark Steele was joined by leading Swiss
Biohazard Research Scientist Jacques Bauer, Barrister & (ITNJ) Associate Justice Dr Chris
Cleverly, Chief Sylvestre Gnakale of the Ivory Coast & UK Police & Crimes Commissioner
Anthony Stansfeld. In this interview Mark explains how 5G is a weapons system.

Miles Johnston – -

- Mark Steele - Weapons Expert About 5G And It's Disastrous Effects On The
Population - March 10, 2019
“5G is a weapons system, nothing more nothing less,” Mark Steele declares. “It’s got
nothing to do with telecommunications for humans. 5G is a machine to machine
connection for autonomous vehicles.”
“Pulsed High-Frequency 5G Radiation Will Cause Immense Harm to Health.”
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

What these telecom companies and mainstream media outlets do not cover
however are the human and organic bio-effects likely from 5G. What will be the cost
of 5G in human health? Mark Steele points out that the science is clear, that high-
frequency radiation will cause immense harm to human health.

Pulsed at high frequencies, the amount of radiation emanating from the point to
point transfer of energy required for autonomous vehicles is too high to be safe for
humans, he says. “What it is is just sophisticated radar—with enough emissions from
a single autonomous vehicle to pose a problem for humans.”
Human Brains will Be Deleteriously Impacted by 5G.

One of the most disturbing aspect of 5G, it appears, is that it will cause harm
especially to human brains, children’s brains, and babies’ brains. “This is the same
type of technology that was used in the Cuba attacks,” he says, “that was beamed in
Moscow, that was used in the China attacks on US diplomats. The first signs are
those of neurological disorder, which have been reported in these cases.”

Children especially would become vulnerable, as studies of wireless radiation

impacts on brains already show, with higher absorbency and spread of radiation
visible in brain MRIs of young children.

- Project Camelot with Kerry Cassidy interviewing MARK STEELE: BRITISH WEAPONS

We only ever see or hear how convenient and great digital wireless technology has made
our lives. The remaining references in my submission show the capabilities & capacity in
which these wireless technologies are currently being used today, in a nefarious capacity.
They show how companies in the Industry are making technologies for nefarious purposes
selling them to other organisations, the highest bidder or using them for their own agendas.
The dark side of digital wireless technology is real and innocent people are victims of
electronic harassment, gang stalking, psychotronic warefare and touchless torture. These
have capabilities far beyond what we are told.

The Nuremberg Code opposes all forms of human experiments, yet we still have them
going on around the world.
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

 Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from devices

Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of
the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz
or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors, TV tubes, smart
phones and i-pads, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of
sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the
nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or
TV set

 Harvard University's Dr Robert Duncan speaks on electronic weaponry, Voice Of God

technology AKA voice to skull or V2K, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Mind Hacking.
Technologies he was involved in. FJpMdIaeVA

 Dr Robert Duncan Lecture 2 Intelligent Systems of Control

Voice of god/Voice to skull/V2K patent

Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

This invention relates to electromagnetic excitation of the nervous system and pertains
more peculiarly to a method and apparatus for exciting the nervous System of a person
with electromagnetic waves that are capable of causing that person to become conscious
of information conveyed by the electromagnetic waves. It is an object of the present
invention to provide a means of initiating controllable responses of the neuro Senses
without applying pressure waves or stress waves to the ears or bones. Another object of
this invention is to provide a means of causing a person to receive an aural perception of
the sound corresponding to the audio modulation of radio frequency electromagnetic
waves that are coupled with the nervous system of the person.

The full patent can be seen on this link:

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with this information or shocked by this information and I hope
you are because it is disturbing to think that this technology even exists & what could be
achieved by this if it were to be in the hands of the wrong people or people with agendas.

Imagine if this was used on you or your child unwittingly, without your consent?

Hypothetically speaking let’s say perhaps there was a group of politicians that wanted to
disarm the population. How easy would gun reform be if they used this technology on some
innocent victim by putting thoughts into their head telling and making them go on a
shooting rampage killing dozens of innocent victims at a school or public place?

 Former Facebook Exec: Social Media Ripping Apart Society, “You are programmed."

Chamath Palihapitiya, Founder, CEO Social Capital and former facebook exec, warned about
the unintended consequences of social media at Stanford Graduate School of Business: "I
think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works.
The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops we’ve created are destroying how society
works. No civil discourse, no cooperation; misinformation, mistruth. You are being
programmed" -

 Melanie Vritschan's successful removal of torture device

Melanie Vritschan – The founder of International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and
Robotization of Living Beings (ICATOR) is an international human rights organisation
headquartered in Brussels which is supporting victims of non-consensual human
experimentation with military neuro- and biotechnology. The charity campaigns against the
electromagnetic torture of European citizens and helps victims to gather evidence for their
court cases.
Melanie Vritschan, has been implanted multiple times non-consensually and has been
tortured remotely with these implants for a decade.
In this video with Alfred Lambremont Webre - DR Katherine Horton talks about the device
that was taken from melanie’s throat.
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

 Here is a clip from a Science Channel program called Mega Science. It lets the public know
some of the mind-control tools that are being utilized on them. It demonstrates tones being
transmitted to individuals via microwaves. -

 Dr Nick Begich – technology based mind control Pmk?list=PLxuWxxqKI0J 0dbsiVN3ezz6MhpOLmgZr

 Dr John Hall is involved with Targeted Individuals who have been & are being electronically
harassed and tortured by specific groups
Targeted Individuals + Dr. John Hall Testifying Presidential Commission Bioethics Committee

 (TIA) – Targeted Individuals Association – One world one community

Many other videos and information about VICTIMS of digital harassment/ touch-less torture individuals association video channel.html

 Robert P. Duncan A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D.: Government warfare and surveillance system
architect, author, and independent investigator
Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed -

 US Army Intelligence Officer, Julianne McKinney, on Targeted Individuals, & Gang Stalking

 This link is from Stop the crime THE REALITY OF PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS TODAY by
Preston T. Bailey, PhD. It is a compilation of patents and information about directed-energy
weapons, surveillance, psychotronic systems, Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control

 Journalist Curtis Waltman was writing to the Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC), a joint
operation between Washington State law enforcement and the federal government to
request information about Antifa and white supremacist groups. He got responses to the
questions he asked, but also a leaked government zip file titled “EM effects on human
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

The last part of this submission covers Artificial Intelligence, The internet of things (IoT)
Quantum computing, robotics and transhumanism.

 Artificial Intelligence 2017 –Facebook Shut Down AI After It Invented Its Own Language
Facebook had to shut down its AI, as it was writing its own code.
language 2274480.html

 Slaughterbot" Autonomous Killer Drones - Technology

It's a seven-minute video, a collaboration between University of California-Berkeley
professor Stuart Russell and the Future of Life Institute that shows a future in which palm-
sized, autonomous drones use facial recognition technology and on-board explosives to
commit untraceable massacres.

 Elon Musk is the founder, CEO, and chief engineer/designer of SpaceX; co-founder, CEO, and
product architect of Tesla and co-founder of Neuralink
Elon says artificial intelligence could soon out smart us all. His philosophy: if we can't beat
them, we should join them. His latest venture Neuralink involves implanting AI computers
directly into our brains.
The Artifical Intelligence channel: Elon Musk Plans to Beat Artificial Intelligence by Merging
With it - Neuralink 2LIdxxRA

- Elon Musk's Last Warning About Artificial Intelligence

 Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, believes we will be able to upload our entire
brains to computers within the next 32 years - an event known as singularity.
We'll be uploading our entire MINDS to computers by 2045 and our bodies will be replaced
by machines within 90 years, Google expert claims.

- Ray Kurzweil compilation if you’re game to read it.
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

 Internet of things IOT – Hive mind

New Brain Computer interface technology – TEDx talks - Steve Hoffman – TEDxCEIBS
From 7:44 sec Steve talks about the internet of things (IOT) where we will have a chip in
our brain that are connected to the internet and we can communicate from anywhere
around the world without talking and all the information that is accessible on the internet
will be available to our mind. We can even transfer memories; we can share experiences of
each other, even if we haven’t done it ourselves. He says it gets even weirder we will be
living our lives as our lives but you will all of a sudden have anyone’s lives if they make it
available to you, people will put open source their lives so people can download pieces of
their lives and experience those things. That will be really strange we won’t know the
difference between our own memory and a memory we acquired from someone else. We
will no longer have universities as we have them today, information will be on demand,
knowledge will be commoditised all of us will be smarter have infinite amounts of storage
& infinite access to information, we will be connected to everything. He then goes on to say
we will no longer need virtual reality goggles we will be able to do it in our mind and the
difference between real life and us dreaming will be blurred.

 Quantum computing
Geordie Rose is the founder of D-WAVE who made the first quantum computers has this to
say about quantum computers. You can watch his speech on this link 2jDVbOU - Quantum Computing: Artificial Intelligence Is Here
I will highlight some of his words:
He talks about quantum mechanics proves there are parallel realities.
6min:14sec mark he says “science has reached a point now where we can build machines
where we can exploit those other worlds”
12.15 – “They have a pulse tube which emits a sound roughly once per second which sounds
entirely like a heartbeat. So if you have the opportunity to stand next to one of these
machines, it is an awe inspiring thing. At least for me it feels like an ALTER TO AN ALIEN
14:49 - “The shadows of these parallel worlds overlap with ours and if we are smart enough,
we can dive into them and grab their resources and pull them back into ours.”
Geordie Rose founder of D-wave quantum computing has since moved to Kindred and has
some very strange things to say in his lecture – Super Intelligent Aliens are coming to earth
Video by A
Some of his words are:
3:32 – “Kindred is far more ambitious than D-wave, what Kindred is trying to do is build real
AI. So what you heard about real AI is not what we mean by AI. What we mean by AI is a
software system that can do anything literally a human can do, literally anything. Obviously
computers are better at things than people in lots of different ways, so now imagine not
only can they do everything that a human can do but they can do everything that the best
human can do at any task, better than them”.
4:29 – How do you build machines that are better than people at everything. When you
think of that, what are the applications of this?
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

Well imagine for $10 I could build a robot that has fingers and all that and it could do your
job & I can sell that to your employer for $15 & make a profit, instead of having to pay you
$100,000 a year. Imagine it was true for every single job. Complete and utter transformative
6:17 – “What does this have to do with aliens? Say I receive this message from the heavens,
my microwave dish catches something, what it says is in 50 years or 13 years we are coming
to your planet, you got to be ready.
Now just imagine, what would happen if that happened? A super intelligent alien race
beamed down a message to all of us earthlings. The amount of resources that would be
marshalled to try to figure out what to do would encompass the whole world. AI is just like
that. So when this thing that im talking about happens its going to be exactly the thing you
are thinking about those super intelligent AI’s.
So alien means you know different. These things we are building are not going to be people,
they might be really smart, they might be really good at all sorts of things but theyre not
going to be like us. They are going to be aliens and theyre going to be, im sorry to say, way
smarter than every single person in this room, in ways we cant comprehend. So this of
course triggers a lot of alarm. One of the guys who talks about this is Elon Musk.

Elon musk says “WHEN YOU DO THIS BEWARE”

9:10 – he talks about cosmic indifference then says “yes there are these massively
intelligent entities out there but they’re not good, they’re not evil, they just don’t give a
shit about you even in the slightest”. The same way you don’t care about an ant, is the
same way they’re not going to care about you & these things we are summoning into the
world now are not demons they’re not evil but they’re more like the lecraftian great old
ones. There are entities that are not necessarily going to be aligned with what we want.”
9:42 – This transition is really massively important for our entire species to navigate & going
back to what Sam Harris is saying, no- body is paying attention. This thing is happening in
the background while people bicker about politics & what’s going to be in the health care
plan in the US and underneath it all is this rising tsunami, that if were not careful is going
to wipe us all out. Technology is a double edge sword……
Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
Submission 265

Im not sure about you but I don’t like any of this technology because i am not a cyborg or a
mechanical robot and nor do I want to be one. I would like my own thoughts kept private in
my own head. I like being a real flesh & blood human. I do not want to be hooked up to
anything especially the internet.

There are so many questions that need to be addressed if this is the direction you the
government choose to take us in.

 With that being said my last reference is Major Insurance Company Lloyds of London has
excluded from their policies any negative health effects caused by wi-fi technologies.
Lloyds of London, one of the largest insurers in the world, finally made its position
absolutely clear with regards to exposure to non-ionizing radiation.

If you are going to allow wireless 5G with all the evidence presented in peoples submissions

I believe WIRED technology should be implemented even if it is at greater expense. If you

choose to proceed with wireless technology then I think WIRELESS FREE ZONE land should
be allocated for people who have done their homework and know how deadly wireless
technology is and for the people who suffer with Electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
There needs to be a choice for those who want to live away from this toxic environment.

I ask that 5G be placed under extreme scrutiny, you exercise extreme caution and due
diligence be carried out with regard to wireless networks and 5G.



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