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Ayurveda, derived from the Sanskrit words "Ayus" (life) and "Veda" (knowledge), is a holistic system
of medicine that encompasses a wide range of principles and practices aimed at promoting physical,
mental, and spiritual well-being. This research aims to explore the underlying principles of Ayurveda,
its historical background, and its relevance in the present-day context.

2. Fundamentals of Ayurveda:
This section will delve into the core principles of Ayurveda, including the concept of the five
elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) - earth, water, fire, air, and ether - and their combinations to form
the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The paper will also discuss the role of Agni (digestive fire)
and Ama (toxic substances) in maintaining health and disease in the Ayurvedic paradigm.

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