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PTB and officially-recognized testing facilities

as a key factor in ensuring

of correct natural gas flow measurement

Dr.-Ing. B. Mickan; PTB, Departement 1.4 Gas

Dr.-Ing. D. Vieth; pigsar
• Introduction to PTB
• First three key factors for best measurement
- definition of targets
- calibration hierarchy
- infrastructure for traceability
• Technical infrastructure for high pressure gas at PTB-pigsar
• Next two key factors for best measurement
- Quality assurance in traceability chain
- Optimising consistency in all stages
• EuReGa - European Reference for Gas Metering
• Summary: PTB and pigsar inside the key factors

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General Information about PTB
Highest metrological authority under the auspices of the
Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) in Germany
working areas of PTB
• Fundamentals of metrology
(realisation of units)
• metrology for society,
(legal metrology and other
law related activities)
• metrology for economy,
(calibrations, accreditation)
• international affairs
(standardization, consulting)

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General Information about PTB

Highest metrological authority under the auspices of the

Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) in Germany

Sites: Braunschweig, Berlin-Charlottenburg

Historical: Founded in 1887 as the Physikalisch-Technische

Reichsanstalt on the basis of the ideas of
Werner von Siemens and Hermann von Helmholtz

Staff: 1500 staff members

Budget: about 130 million Euro Hermann von Helmholtz

Structure: Nine scientific and technical divisions (two of them in Berlin),

subdivided into sections and working groups

Department cares about all aspects related to gas measurements

1.4 Gas (realisation of unit volume and mass for low and high pressure,
legal metrology, calibration, work in national and international organisations)

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Trade Chain for Natural Gas
• amount of gas is several times measured
between production
and consumer
• several times buying
and selling Industrial

1 5

p = 20 MPa p = 5 MPa p = 1.6 MPa p = 10 kPa

x x x
Storage Gas Regional Local Residential
Operator Transporter Distributor Distributor Customer
1 2 3 4

range of high pressure gas calibrations verification with

atmospheric air
are accepted.

0.5 MPa
Seite 5 von 31
Energy Determination as billing base

price Bill
[€/m3] [€]

Vb [m3] CV [kJ/m3] tabulated
@ pb; Tb = f({Xi})

Z/Zb [--]
= g({Xi},p,T)
Gas chromatograph CV per component
T [K]
{Xi} [Mol/Mol] CV/Xi [kJ/m3]
p [kPa]

V [m3]
@actual conditions

Seite 6 von 31
1. Key Factor: Targets for MPEs
(Maximal Permissible Errors)

[kJ] MPE = 1 %
MPE = 0.86 %
Vb [m3] CV [kJ/m3]
@ pb; Tb = f({Xi})
MPE = 0.5 %

Z/Zb [--]
= g({Xi},p,T)
Gas Chromatograph CV per component
T [K]
{Xi} [Mol/Mol] CV/Xi [kJ/m3]
p [kPa]
MPE = 0.7 % MPE = 0.5 %
• Modular Approach according to
V [m3]
OIML R-140
@actual conditions
• MPE at higher stage is quadratic sum
of MPEs at lower stage
• Note: MPE is not uncertainty!
• Numbers are examples!

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Notes on MPEs and supporting documents
• MPE is a term of legal metrology.
• MPEs can be translated into requirements on uncertainties.
• Although large scale gas trade is not always under legal control
the related documents are very helpful for orientation and
the principles should be applied.
• For metrology at highest level, all available documents
and standards should be taken into account.

Requirements Technologies/procedures + Uncertainty Calculation

(MPEs/accuracy classes) metrological tests/approv. GUM
OIML R-140 OIML R-137 ISO 5168 (unc. in flow)
MID EN 12261 (turbines)
Metrological Infrastruture EN 12450 (rotary meters)
OIML D-05 EN 12405 (conversion dev.)
OIML D-16 ISO 17089 (ultrasonic meters)
ISO 5167 (dp-meters)
ISO 15112 (energy determination)

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2. Key Factor:
Ethermal Calibration Hierarchy

Vb [m3] CV [kJ/m3]
@ pb; Tb = f({Xi})

Z/Zb [--]
= g({Xi},p,T)
Gas Chromatograph CV per component
T [K]
{Xi} [Mol/Mol] CV/Xi [kJ/m3]
p [kPa]

V [m3] Reference gases

@actual conditions {Xi,ref} [Mol/Mol]

Calibration Labs Calibration Labs Laboratories for Reference CVDD

for meters for auxilary dev. reference mat. CV/Xi [kJ/m3]

National Metrology Institutes; Link to the SI-Units

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Calibration Hierarchy/Traceability
SI • closed chain from SI units down to
the measurements in applications
primary • established and mutual recognized
standards quality systems in all stages

Calibration Service
Working Standards
Measurement devices in Customer
applications for transfer action
1 5

x x x
Storage Gas Regional Local Residential
Operator Transporter Distributor Distribution Customer
1 2 3 4
p = 200 bar p = 50 bar p = 16 bar p = 0.1 bar

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Traceability: Since When, Why and How ?
Fair trade has been an essential social good since ancient time and
has needed an appropriate base. Traceability is one part of it.
Traceability: all measurements shall refer to the same reference measures
and shall take place with recognized, approved methods.
The system of SI-units under the Meter Convention provides the reference
measures nowadays.

Deuteronomy 25
13 Do not have two differing weights in your bag- one heavy, one light. 14 Do not have two
differing measures in your house- one large, one small. 15 You must have accurate and honest
weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

Leviticus 27
25 Every value is to be set according to the sanctuary shekel, twenty gerahs to the shekel.

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Building Blocks of a National Metrology System

National Metrology Institute

• providing traceability to the International
System of Units (Metre Convention)
=> providing common reference

National Legal Metrology System

• ensuring fair trade and correct measurements
through mandatory verifications (OIML)
=> providing closed calibration chain (under legal control)
and recognized quality

National Calibration Service

• providing calibrations for industry and laboratories (ILAC)
=> providing closed calibration chain (other than
legally controlled) and recognized quality

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3. Key Factor: Infrastructure for Traceability
Keep in mind: mass = density·volume


NMI Technologies for primary standards for HP gas:

primary - gravimetric Systems
standards - pVTt-Systems
- volumeteric Systems (e.g. HPPP of PTB)
- indirect gravimetric systems

Technologies for working standards for HP gas:

Calibration Service - turbine meters (e.g. at pigsar)
Working Standards - ultrasonic meters
- critical nozzles

Measurement devices in Technologies for application (except residential):

applications for transfer action - orifice meters
- turbine, ultrasonic and rotary meters
- vortex meters

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in Traceability

VB [m3] CV [kJ/m3]
@ pB; Tn = f({Xi})

Z; Zn [--]
= g({Xi},p,T)
Gas chromatograph CV per component
T [K]
{Xi} [Mol/Mol] CV/Xi [kJ/m3]
p [kPa]
MPE = 0.7 %
V [m3] Reference gases
@actual conditions {Xi,ref} [Mol/Mol]
MPE = 0.7 % for volume at actual conditions
Calibration Labs What are
Calibration Laboratories forfor Reference CVDD
the consequences
CV/X [kJ/m 3]
for meters forour
auxilary dev. reference mat.
metrological infrastructure? i

National Metrology Institutes; Link to the SI-Units

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Uncertainties in Traceability
MPE = 0.7 %
V [m3] Accuracy class 0.5
@actual conditions (i.e. MPE for indication error =0.5%)

Shall include all effects on the meter indication

in the range of rated operating conditions: Uncertainty for verification
• Pressure ≤ 1/3 MPE; i.e. ≤ 0.17% for Class 0.5
• Temperature
• Linearity
• Long term stability Uncertainty of primary standard
• Gas composition ≤ 0.09%

Uncertainty for type approval OIML R-137: Uncertainties needed for

≤ 1/5 MPE; i.e. ≤ 0.1% for Class 0.5
Verification: 1/3 MPE
(or 4/3MPE – Utest)
Type approval: 1/5 MPE or
(6/5MPE - Utest)

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Uncertainties in Traceability


NMI Technologies for primary standards for HP gas:

standards U (k =2) = 0.06 … 0.25 %

Technologies for working standards for HP gas:

Calibration Service
Working Standards U (k =2) = 0.13 … 0.35 %

Measurement devices in Technologies for application (except residential):

applications for transfer action
U (k =2) = 0.3 … 1 %

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Infrastructure at PTB – pigsar
Presented by Dr. Detlef Vieth

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4. Key Factor: Quality Assurance of Traceability


ISO 17025

Calibration Service
Working Standards

Measurement devices in
applications for transfer action

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CIPM-MRA of 14th October 1999

The Mutual Recognition Arrangement of the

(Mutual Recognition Arrangement)

An Arrangement for:

Determination of the degree of accordance of

the national standards

Mutual recognition of result reports

(calibration certificates, test reports)

Establishment of a safe technical basis for

decisions of governments, conformity
evaluation authorities and others

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The result out of CIPM-MRA
A global metrology system has been established
which ensures reliable measurements
• traceable to the International System of Units, SI

• correct within the calculated measurement uncertainties

• based on internationally accepted and implemented quality systems

• based on measures to proof competence which

are transparent and documented

recognition of
standards and calibration certificates

measure- reproduci- equivalence
ment bility of of
capabilities results results

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5. Key Factor: Optimising Consistency at all Stages
Full implementation of CIPM-
SI MRA provides consistency of
all measurements within the
NMI confirmed uncertainties.
standards Is this the end of the story?

Calibration Service
Working Standards
Measurement devices in Customer
applications for transfer action
1 5

x x x
Storage Gas Regional Local Residential
Operator Transporter Distributor Distribution Customer
1 2 3 4
p = 200 bar p = 50 bar p = 16 bar p = 0.1 bar

Seite 21 von 31
(unknown) Systematic Effects usys in the Uncertainty Budget

 22 usys
UUlab=2(u 2
lab common result

all over mean of the lab

SI-quantity or KCRV

CIPM-MRA ensures
equivalence of measurements
within Ulab!
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Measurement Nr.#

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Example: Turbine meter at pigsar (@5 MPa) 2011 - 2013

UCMC = 0.14%
meter deviation f [%]

URepro = 0.085%

=> Usys = 0.11%

U sys  U CMC
 U Repro

2011 2013 2015

average over years
CMC-uncertainty band of pigsar

100000 1000000 1E7
Reynolds number Re

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Depending on the contracts, different
traceabilities applies for import&export
• a systematic difference between
import and export in order of 0.1%,
• gas price of 0.20 €/m3

 14 million Euro billing imbalance!

Imbalances in the pipe networks

will be either privatised (gains)
+ or socialised (losses).
Systematic effect
in traceability Export
Systematic effect Man power at PTB for
high pressure gas measurement: 2 PY
in traceability Import

Data of 2012 without Nord Stream!

Capacity of Nordstream about 55·109 m3

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European Reference for Gas Metering
Continuation of the European harmonised reference value with four partners


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Objective of the EuReGa-Group

(1) The members of the EUREGA Consortium agree to collaborate

for the realization of EUropean REference for GAs metering.

(2) The purpose of the EUREGA Consortium is to broadly encompass

any activity directly or indirectly related to the precise measure-
ment of gas quantities. The main objective is the establishment
of unified (harmonised) reference values for volume of gaseous
fuels, which can facilitate the provision of accurate and reliable
consumer information and be used as a basis for fair and
reliable trading standards.

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Short History of the Harmonisation

1997: growing up the idea
1999: contract on Hamonisation signed
between PTB and NMi (VSL)
2004: LNE joint the Harmonisation
2013: renewing of the contract as a MoU
naming EuReGa
FORCE (DI Denmark) was joining
2014: first determination of reference value
with all four partner
2017: actual determination of reference value

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European Reference for Gas Metering
First Step: Inter Comparison
Primary Std.:
Primary Std.:
*Optical Std.

• determination of
a reference value
• approval of equivalence

Primary Std.: Primary Std.:

*GOPP *Active Piston

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European Reference for Gas Metering
Second Step: Feed Back to each Partner
Primary Std.:
Primary Std.:
*Optical Std.
• in principle, the working standards of each partner
get a calibration value through each line;
• therefore, in the working standards we have four values
which are summarised again as a weighted mean;
• hence, the calibration of all working standards provides the same
value, systematic differences between the partners are vanished;

Primary Std.: Primary Std.:

*GOPP *Active Piston

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European Reference for Gas Metering

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PTB and pigsar inside the key factors

EuReGa Highest metrological level

of infrastructure for
calibration and meter testing
Active cooperation in Quality internationally Special expertise for type
documentation for approved at highest level evaluation under extended
requirements, procedures rated operating conditions
and best practise.

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Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Braunschweig und Berlin
Bundesallee 100
38116 Braunschweig

Dr. Bodo Mickan

Working Group 1.43 High Pressure Gas

Telefon: +49 531 592 1331


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