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Division of General Santos City


Brgy. San Isidro, General Santos City
(SSLM 1 and 2) Score
Name: _____________________________________Section: _____________Date: _____________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer. Write your answers on the
space provided before each number.

1. What type of writing uses images and pictures?

A. Academic Writing B. Descriptive Writing C. Essay Writing D. Literary Writing
2. What type of writing uses words which are formal, standard and personal?
A. Academic Writing B. Descriptive Writing C. Essay Writing D. Literary Writing
3. What features of academic writing states that using colloquial words, contractions, and abbreviations should be avoided?
A. Balanced B. Critical C. Formal D. Objective
4. What features of academic writing states that it must be well-organized connecting one section to another?
A. Evidenced B. Formal C. Precise D. Structured
5. What features of academic writing states that the writing should consider all sides of the issue and avoid bias?
A. Balanced B. Critical C. Evidenced D. Structured
6. One feature of academic writing is objectivity. Spot its definition.
A. Academic writing is well-organized. It flows easily from one section to the next in a logical fashion.
B. In academic settings, writers need to be cautious and critical about the claims they make. With the help of the special
language, called “hedges” writers can often soften their statements to avoid criticism for being radical or
C. Written language is not personal. This means that the main emphasis should be on the information that you want to
give and the arguments you want to make, rather than you.
7. Another feature of academic writing is precision. Spot its definition from the choices below.
A. In academic writing, facts and figures are given accurately. Language needs to be specific too. Avoid using general
terms like ‘good, bad, etc;.
D. Written language is not personal. This means that the main emphasis should be on the information that you want to
give and the arguments you want to make, rather than you.
B. Written language is relatively more complicated than spoken language. You are expected to use more complex
sentences rather than simple ones. Use linkers like ‘because, as, since, though, although, whereas’.
8. Identify the type of Interpersonal Communication depicted on each item.
Jazzie is talking to Margarette in the garden.
A. Dyad Communication C. Public
B. Mass Communication D. Small Group
9. Identify the type of Interpersonal Communication depicted on each item.
The President declared a Week of Mourning in different media sources.
A. Dyad Communication C. Public
B. Mass Communication D. Small Group
10. Identify the type of Interpersonal Communication depicted on each item.
Gem will report about the different planets in class tomorrow.
A. Dyad Communication C. Public
B. Mass Communication D. Small Group
11. Identify the type of Interpersonal Communication depicted on each item.
Nikka and her family discuss how to solve their problem.
A. Dyad Communication C. Public
B. Mass Communication D. Small Group
12. Identify the type of Interpersonal Communication depicted on each item.
Alma uploads her speech presentation on Youtube.
A. Dyad Communication C. Public
B. Mass Communication D. Small Group
13. Which of the following is NOT an example of intrapersonal communication?
A. Sending a text message to a friend C. writing a note to yourself
B. Talking to yourself D. thinking about a problem
14. Which of these is an example of dyadic communication?
A. Two brothers arguing C. A husband and a wife making plans for vacation
B. A coach and player discussing last week’s game D. All of these are correct.
15. In small group communication all participants can freely share ideas in a loose and open discussion.
A. True B. False

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