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1 10. Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current Important Formulae and Shortcut Methods 1. aB (s} Tdesin® 4a) 2, Straight conductor : a(t anja Circular cOil : Beene at =q(E+¥%B), Fy =4|¥xB|=qvBsind 4. P=1éxB, F=1Bsin@ F da)? 5, £a{Bo)2ile z {te 8 6. M=NIA,t=MBsina > An electric charge in motion, in free space produces both electric and magnetic field, whereas a static electric charge produces only electric field. > When an electric current is passed through a conductor, only magnetic field is associated with the conductor as the conductor is electrically neutral, > The magnetic field produced due to current through a conductor is always in a plane perpendicular to the plane of conductor. > A moving charge through a conductor produces only magnetic field around the conductor but ‘there is no electric field around the conductor. > ‘The magnetic field interacts with moving charge only as a moving charge produces magnetic field. Therefore, there is no interaction of magnetic field with stationary charge. > When a charged particle is moving parallel to the direction of magnetic field, no force acts on the particle due to magnetic field. The path of charged particle is st. line. The values of ‘momentum and kinetic energy of charged particle remains constant. > When charged particle is moving perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field, the force on particle F = q vB, which is maximum. The path of particle in magnetic field will be circular, whose radius r= mv/qB, ‘The momentum of the particle (p) = mv = q B r, will remain constant in magnitude but its direction will be changing. The K.E. of the particle in magnetic field is constant, > A solenoid carying current behaves as a bar magnet and the magnetic field inside the solenoid carrying current is uniform but the magnetic field just outside the solenoid on its curved face is 2010. (442) MHT-CET Exam Questions: > The magnetic field induction is constant at all points equidistant from the linear conductor. > When solenoids are in parallel and connected to a source of electric current, the ratio of their magnetic field induction is independent ‘of number of turns of solenoids but varies inversely as their radii, >» The magnetic field induction at the centre of O of the circular metal path of radius r subtending an angle « (in radians) at the centre O, carrying current ‘]° is Bolo 2r 20 > When a cell is connected between any two points of a uniform circular conductor, the magnetic field induction at the centre will be zero. > The S.1. unit of magnetic field induction is tesla (denoted by T) and its C.GS. unit is gauss (denoted by G), where 1 T= 10° G. > Biot-Savart law for a test charge qo moving with velocity ¥ in S. 1, units is; Ba Hog, YxF BaD > The magnitude of magnetic field induction at a point well inside the current carrying straight solenoid = ponl and at one edge = ponl/2, where ‘n’ is the no. of turns per unit length of solenoid. > The Lorentz magnetic force, on a charge q, moving with velocity ¥ in a magnetic field B is givenby; Fi, =a(0«B). > The direction of magnetic Lorentz force is perpendicular to the direction of motion as well as to the magnetic field. Therefore, the Lorentz force does not perform any work on the charged patticie. Due to it, the magnitude of velocity of charged particle does not change, only direction of motion changes. > Lorentz, magnetic force is maximum, when the charged particle moves at right angles to the magnetic field. > Lorentz magnetic force is zero if (® The particle is uncharged (ie. q=0, -.F = qv B sin @=0). (ii) The charged particle is at rest (ie. v= 0). (Gii) The charged particle is moving parallel or antiparallel to the magnetic field, ie. 0= 0° or 180°, - > Ifa charged particle is projected at right angles to a uniform magnetic field the charged particle describes a circular path, > The speed and kinetic energy of the charged particle moving perpendicular to the’ magnetic field do not change because force is always perpendicular to velocity but momentum of the particle changes due to change in direction of motion in the magnetic field. Magnotic Field due to Electric Current (443) > fa charged particle is projected in 2 magnetic field at some angle @, The charged particle describes 2 helical path of radius = mv sin @/q B. It moves along the direction of magnetic field ‘with speed v cos 6. > The momentum of the charged particle, moving along the direction of magnetic field does not change. > The centripetal force on the charged particle in magnetic ficld moving at some angle @ with the direction of magnetic ficld is qv B sin 8. It is independent of the mass of the particle. > Total Lorentz force acting on charged particle moving in electric and magnetic field is, FoqE+0xB) 7. Ampere’s law states that the line integral of the magnetic field Baround any closed path or circuit is equal to j19 times the total current I enclosed by the path. ie. 8. The magnetic induction due to 2 long current carrying conductor is given by @ r 9. The magnetic induction well inside a long solenoid is B=ponl, 10. The magnetic induction due to a toroid is given by N B=ponk n= pen 2a 11. Moving coil galvanometer : ‘The current passing through a moving coil galvanometer is given by c y={[— (sex) where n is the number of turns of the coil, A is the area of the coil, B is the induction of the magnetic field, C is the restoring torque per unit twist and @ is the angle through which the coil is deflected. 12, Sensitivity of M.C.G. is given by, aC Thus to increase sensitivity of M.C.G. : (@ The number of turns of the coil should be large. Gi) The induction (B) of the magnetic field should be large. (ii) Area (A) of the coil should be large and iv) The torque per unit twist (C) of the suspension fibre should be small. 13. Accuracy of M.C.G. is given by, ‘Thus to increase accuracy, deflection should be large, (444) MHT-CET Exam Questions: Multiple Choice Questions MET ~ CET 2004 4. A voltmeter has a resistance of G Q and range V volt. The value of resistance used in series to. convert it into a voltmeter of range nV volt is (A) nG ws © @IG o n a-l MHT - CET 2005 2. Three moving coil galvanometers A, B and C are made of coils of three different material having torsional constant 18 x 10°, 2.8 x 10° and 3.8 x 10° respectively. If the three galvanometers are identical in all other respect, then in which of the above cases sensitivity is moximum? @A @c (OB (D) Same in each case MHT-CET 2007 3. An electron is travelling along the X-direction. It encounters a magnetic ficld in the Y--direction. lis subsequent motion will be (A) straight line along the X-direction __(B) acircle in the XZ-plane (© acirele in the ¥Z-plane () acirele in the X¥-piane MHT - CET 2008 4, Which of the following while in motion cannot be deflected by magnetic field? (A) Protons (B) Cathode rays (C) Alpha particles (D) Neutrons *5, An electron and proton with equal momentum enter perpendicularly into a uniform magnetic field, then (A) path of both will be straight Hine (B) both are equally curved (©) the path of proton shall be more curved thaa that of electron (D) the path of proton shall be less curved than that of electron MHT - CET 2009 6. A long wire carries a steady current. It is bent into a circle of one turn and the magnetic field at the centre of the coif is (B) It is then bent into a circular loop of n tums, The magnetic field at the centre of the coil for same current will be (A) 2B (®B) WB (© 2nB (D) 2n°B MBT~CET 2011 7. A long straight conductor is bent into shape as shown in the figure. If it carries 1 A and its radius is R, then magnetic field B at the centre of circular coil R Hoi(e+) Hoi(e-1) Ae @)zet0 Oe ©) aR Magnetic Field due to Electric Current (445) MHT ~CET 2013 8 Accurrent loop in a magnetic field (A) experiences a torque whether the field is uniform or non-uniform in all orientations B) can be in equilibrium in one orientations (C) can be equilibrium in two orientations, both the equilibrium states are unstable (@) can be in equilibrium in two orientations, one stable while the other is unstable 9, When a proton is released from rest in a room, it starts with an initial acceleration ay towards ‘West. When it is projected towards North with a speed vo it moves with an initial acceleration 3ap towards West. The electric and magnetic fields in the room are MBT — CET 2014 *10. In cyclotron, for a given magnet, radius of the semicircle traced by positive ion is directly proportional to (v= velocity of positive ion) av? @yv" Ov ov 11, Magnetic induction produced at the centre of a circular loop carrying current is magnetic moment of the loop of radius ‘R’ is (io = permeability of free space) 2 BR? 2nBR3 BR’ 2nBR? (A) —— B © D) Orme @) Ho Or @) to ‘MB -CET 2015 12, Sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer can be increased by (A)decreasing the number of turas of coil (B)increasing the number of turns of coil (C) decreasing the area of a coil (D)by using a weak magnet 13. A coil carrying current ‘I’ has radius ‘r’ and number of tums ‘N’. It is rewound so that radius. of new coil is i and it carries current ‘I’. The ratio of magnetic moment of new coil to that of original coil is wi ®s © ot i 4 MHT - CET 2016 *14, Two particles X and Y having equal charges after being accelerated through same potential difference enter a region of uniform magnetic field and deseribe a circular paths of radii ‘ry’ and “ry respectively. The ratio of the mass of X to that of Y is a fa a A “ 2B ® fi © [2 T @) [sf

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