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TMM gold & steel

PDF tutorial
Paints used :
- Retributor armour
- Reikland fleshshade
- Agrax earthshade
- Silver (Vallejo mc)
- Abaddon black
- Iron warriors
We start by We now
basecoating wash all the
the gold gold areas
with reikland
armour. I fleshshade.
didnt add
any water –
2 layers
We now We now shade
around the
shade nails with a 1:1
deepest mix of agrax
recesess & earthshade &
the abaddon black.
arounnd We
the nails furthermore
layer the
with agrax remaining
earthshade raised areas &
. Give it 2- edge highlights
3 layers. with retritbutor
armour – add
1-2 parts of
We now add 1 We now add 1
part of silver to part more of
the retributor
armour & layer
silver to the
further towards previous mix &
the center of the edge highlight all
previous layered the sharpest
areas – We edges on the
furthermore edge
highlight all the
edges that is
edges that is turned upwards.
affected by light – Ive pointed a
this is mainly the couple of these
edges that is areas out. We
turning upwards
(if the light
comes from highlight all the
above). nails with pure
We now work on the We now layer / glaze
steel area. We start by the upper area of the
black line inbetween metal, with pure iron
the gold & steel area warriors – add 2 parts
with pure abaddon of water. We
black – add 1 part of furthermore make a
water. We 3:1 mix of iron
furthermore basecoat warriors & silver &
the armour with a 3:1 layer/glaze further up
mix of iron warrlors the upper areas of the
& abaddon black. metal – we add the
Finally we shade the same amount of
lower area of the water as before.
metal, with thinned Finally we add a
down abaddon black couple of dots & thin
– we give it around 3- lines randomly with
4 layers - add 2-3 parts the same mix & edge
of water. (Nuln oil highlight the lower
can also be used, edge of the metal –
thinned down with 1 we also highlight the
part of water.) nails with pure silver
once again. Done J !

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