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ELEC 4 - Professional Electives 4 - Enterprise Governance Framework

Mrs. Reciel Capio Pantaleon

Reaction Paper
Group 1 "Operational

By Mark Jaypee Santiago


The topic of operational governance is crucial for any organization's success, and
it is essential to understand its various aspects. In this review, I will be analyzing the
report on operational governance presented by a group of individuals. The group
covered several critical aspects of operational governance, and the review aims to
provide an in-depth analysis of their work. In the report delivered by my classmates on
Operational Governance, they provided an overview of key concepts, principles, and

best practices. The report was well-structured and covered all aspects of the topic. The
report prioritized the most important parts of the topic, such as risk management,
performance measurement, and internal controls, while also providing an explanation
of the role of various stakeholders in ensuring effective operational governance,
including boards of directors, senior management, internal auditors, external auditors,
and regulators.


The main arguments and insights presented in the report were well-researched
and well-supported with relevant examples and case studies. The report provided a
useful overview of operational governance and its importance in promoting
organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. The report highlighted how
effective operational governance can help organizations to reduce costs, improve
performance, and enhance stakeholder value.

The group's presentation was well-structured, and they covered various aspects
of operational governance comprehensively. They emphasized critical aspects such as
the use of figures and tables to aid their presentation. In terms of arguments and
insights, the group made an effort to provide some bright ideas and arguments,
although not thoroughly. However, they could have done better in terms of offering
critiques or disagreements with the author's perspective on operational governance.
The group's report offered little to no critiques of the author's perspective.

The group's report provided some key takeaways, but they could have
summarized their report into a few critical points that would be easy to recall.
Unfortunately, it has been some time since the presentation was made, and I cannot
recall any of the takeaways presented. Therefore, there is a need for improvement in
terms of the report's takeaway points.

From my assessment of the group's report and my familiarity with the topic of
operational governance, I would like to suggest some additional insights for further
exploration or research. One aspect that could be explored further is the practical
application of operational governance. The group could have done more to explore real-
life examples of organizations that have successfully implemented operational
governance practices and how those practices have impacted their operations

One critique of the report is that it lacked some depth of analysis and critical
evaluation of the different approaches to operational governance. While the report
provided a useful summary of the different frameworks, standards, and models, it did
not offer a clear evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses or provide practical
guidance on how to implement them in practice. This could have been improved by
providing more detailed analysis and evaluation of the different approaches to
operational governance, and by providing practical guidance on how to implement
them in practice.

Another critique is that the report could have been more engaging and
interactive, perhaps by including more visuals, exercises, and group discussions. While
the report was well-structured and easy to follow, it lacked some of the interactivity and
participation that could have made it more memorable and impactful. Incorporating
more interactive elements such as group discussions, case studies, and problem-solving
exercises could have made the presentation more engaging and facilitated more
effective learning.

On the positive side, the report was delivered in a clear, confident, and articulate
manner, demonstrating the students' understanding of the subject matter. The students
provided a useful overview of the different aspects of operational governance and the
role of various stakeholders in ensuring effective operational governance. The report

was professional and engaging, making effective use of visuals and slides to support
their arguments.


The report on Operational Governance by my classmates provided a valuable

overview of the key concepts and best practices. While there were some limitations in
terms of depth of analysis and interactivity, the report was well-structured,
informative, and engaging. I would suggest that future reports on operational
governance focus on providing more practical guidance on implementing the different
frameworks and models, as well as incorporating more interactivity and participation to
make the presentation more memorable and impactful. Overall, the report provided a
solid foundation for further exploration and learning on the important topic of
operational governance.

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