ĐỀ CL 22-23

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II. PHONETICS (5 points)

Part 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each
21. A. digestion B. suggestion C. question D. perfection
22. A. ancient B. educate C. stranger D. transfer
23. A. passionate B. pessimism C. assessment D. passages
Part 2: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group.
24. A. academic B. compulsory C. advantageous D. influential
25. A. notify B. advocate C. influence D. interfere
Your answers

21. ……………... 22. ……………… 23. ……………. 24. ……………… 25. ………………

III. LEXICO – GRAMMAR (25 points)

Part 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each. (15 points)
26. He was a natural singer with a voice that was as clear as ______.
A. a bell B. a mirror C. a waterfall D. a lake
27. When finding a new house, parents should ______ all the conditions for their children's education and
A. take into account B. take actions C. put pressure D. put up with
28. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined words
He said he was only joking, but his comments were so close to the bone.
A. annoying B. offensive C. personal D. respectful
29. ______, sheep were then used for wool.
A. Having first domesticated for milk production
B. Having been first domesticated for milk production
C. Because they had been first domesticated for milk production
D. Although they had first domesticated for milk production
30. Ancient civilizations were not aware that the earth ______ a sphere.
A. is B. was C. had been D. has been
31. ______ ten minutes of the start of the game two players had been sent off.
A. Before B. Inside C. Around D. Within
32. You should study hard to ______ your classmates.
A. catch sight of B. feel like C. get in touch with D. keep pace with
33. However good Schoenberg ______ have been, I still find his modern music very difficult to appreciate.
A. could B. may C. should D. would
34. Love and relationships will always be a topic of ______ interest.
A. common B. popular C. universal D. general
35. This is ______ the most difficult job I've ever had to do.
A. by chance B. by myself C. by far D. by heart
36. She built a high wall round her garden ______ .
A. in order that her fruit not be stolen B. to enable people not taking her fruit
C. so that her fruit would be stolen D. to prevent her fruit from being stolen
37. Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent ______ you respond to it.
A. that B. whether C. what D. which
38. ______, I have never seen anyone who is as capable as John.
A. As long as I have traveled B. Now that I have traveled so much
C. Much as I have traveled D. As I have traveled so much
39. Not only ______ in the project, but he also wanted to become the leader.
A. did Jack involve B. had Jack been involved
C. was Jack involved D. Jack was involved
40. The burglar was caught red- handed by the police when he broke into the flat.
A. The police caught the burglar to break into the flat.
B. The police caught the burglar when breaking into the flat.
C. When the burglar had broken into the flat, the police caught him at once.
D. The police caught the burglar breaking into the flat

Your answers

26. …………… 27. …………… 28. …………… 29. ……………… 30. ……………

31. …………… 32. …………… 33. …………… 34. ……………… 35. ……………

36. …………… 37. …………… 38. …………… 39. ……………… 40. ……………

Part 2: Write the correct form of each word in the numbered space provided. The first one has done
for you. (10 points)

Throughout history, women have had (0) responsibility for healing the sick. 41. COMPARE
However, it is only in (41) ______ recent times that they have been allowed to train as 42. MEDICINE
doctors at (42) ______ schools in Britain. Yet in that short time, they have made an 43. CONTRIBUTE
enormous (43) ______ to modern medicine. The first female doctors were priestesses 44. ADVISE
who gave (44) ______ about diseases and (45) ______, and prepared medicines. In 45. INJURE
ancient Rome, women healers were considered (46) ______ and respected. 46. SKILL
In Britain, for centuries male doctors were (47) ______ of women who practised 47. SUSPECT
medicine (48) ______ and in 1512 a law was passed making it (49) ______ for them 48. PROFESSION
to do so. Women couldn’t study medicine at universities until the 19 th century and they 49. LEGAL
only began to gain (50) ______ with male doctors in the 20th century. 50. EQUAL

Your answers

41. ………………. 42. ………………… 43. ………………… 44. ………………… 45. ………………..

46. ………………. 47. ………………… 48. ………………… 49. ………………… 50. ………………..

IV. READING (20 points)

Part 1: Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each numbered gap.
Write your answers in the numbered box below. (5 points)
The (51) ______ over vending machines in schools is not new. For a long time, regional governments and public
schools have been deliberating on whether or not it is a good idea to have vending machines in schools. In
America, (52) ______, only one state has banned these machines in its public schools. Around the country,
however, most state schools have different rules about how many and how often vending machines should be
accessible to students. Although some people believe that having these drink and snack machines in schools is a
good idea, others (53) ______ that there are many disadvantages, too.
Doctors and other health workers, for instance, suggest that the main disadvantage of having vending machines in
schools is based on health and (54) ______. They cite statistics that show school – aged children have poorly
balanced diets, often due to eating too much fast food. If vending machines are introduced to schools, children will
have yet another option for eating unhealthy foods. In a survey of vending machines sales across the country, it
was found that sweet drinks like colas and sugary snacks like candy bars were the biggest sellers. Sugary foods
and drinks commonly cause obesity in consumers. Opponents of vending machines in schools worry that we are
teaching children to be obese. (55) ______ the problem of childhood obesity, it is plausible to say that children’s
health problems will only get worse if vending machines are followed in schools.
(Source: Academic Pathways)
51. A. argument B. debate C. quarrel D. row
52. A. for example B. however C. instead D. thus
53. A. intend B. content C. contend D. extend
54. A. nutritious B. nutrition C. nutritional D. nutritionist
55. A. Providing B. Assuming C. Supposing D. Considering

Your answers
51. ……………… 52. ……………. 53. ……………. 54. …………….. 55. ………………

Part 2: Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. Write your answers in the numbered box
below. (10 points)
Linguists believe that early men used many gestures to communicate with one another. This, it is thought, was
man's first form of communication and the only one he had (56) ______ a long period of time. Even today we use
some sign language: for example, we shake our (57) ______ to indicate yes or no, we point and we wave.
The first spoken words may have been early man's attempt to (58) ______ the sounds made by animals. Then he
may have developed sounds of his (59) ______. Gradually, man may have repeated certain sounds so
(60)______ that they became familiar and understandable to others. Once spoken language had begun, perhaps
man invented new (61) ______ as he needed them to express himself verbally or to name new objects. In this
way we can imagine language growing.
(62) ______ using words, parents were able to teach them to their children. The children in turn probably made
up new ones. Each generation, therefore, in the development of language, knew more words than the generation
(63) ______ it. Language is still growing and changing. Can you think of some words that you use today (64)
______ were not used by your parents or grandparents (65) ______ they were children?
Your answers

56. …………… 57. ……………. 58. ……………. 59. …………….. 60. ……………

61. …………… 62. …………… 63. …………… 64. …………… 65. ……………

Part 3: Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to the questions below. (5 points)
Every summer, when the results of university entrance exam come out, many newspaper stories are published
about students who are top-scorers across the country. Most portray students as hard-working, studious, smart
and, generally, from low-income families. They are often considered heroes or heroines by their families,
communes, villages and communities. And they symbolize the efforts made to lift them, and their relatives, out of
poverty. The students are often too poor to attend any extra-classes, which make their achievements more
illustrious and more newsworthy. While everyone should applaud the students for their admirable efforts, putting
too much emphasis on success generates some difficult questions.
If other students look up to them as models, of course it's great. However, in a way, it contributes to society's
attitude that getting into university is the only way to succeed. For those who fail, their lives are over. It should be
noted that about 1.3 million high school students take part in the annual university entrance exams and only about
300,000 of them pass. What's about the hundreds of thousands who fail? Should we demand more stories about
those who fail the exam but succeed in life or about those who quit university education at some level and do
something else unconventional?
"I personally think that it's not about you scoring top in an entrance exam or get even into Harvard. It's about
what you do for the rest of your life," said Tran Nguyen Le Van, 29. He is the founder of a website, vexere.com,
that passengers can use to book bus tickets online and receive tickets via SMS. His business also arranges online
tickets via mobile phones and email. Van dropped out of his MBA at the Thunderbird School of Global Management
in Arizona in the United States. His story has caught the attention of many newspapers and he believes more
coverage should be given to the youngsters who can be role-models in the start-up community. Getting into
university, even with honours, is just the beginning. "We applaud them and their efforts and obviously that can
give them motivation to do better in life. However, success requires more than just scores," Van said . Van once
told a newspaper that his inspiration also came from among the world's most famous drop-outs, such as Mark
Zuckerberg of Facebook or Bill Gates who also dropped out of Harvard University.
Alarming statistics about unemployment continues to plague us. As many as 162,000 people with some kind of
degree cannot find work, according to Labour Ministry's statistics this month. An emphasis on getting into
university does not inspire students who want to try alternative options. At the same time, the Ministry of
Education and Training is still pondering on how to reform our exam system, which emphasises theories, but offers
little to develop critical thinking or practice. Vu Thi Phuong Anh, former head of the Centre for Education Testing
and Quality Assessment at Viet Nam National University in HCM City said the media should also monitor student

successes after graduation. She agreed there were many success stories about young people, but added that it
was imbalanced if students taking unconventional paths were not also encouraged.
Viet Nam is, more than ever, in desperate need of those who think outside the box. Time for us to recognise
talent, no matter where it comes from or how.
(Source: http://vietnamnews.vn)
66. Which of the following best describes the main idea of this passage?
A. Many students consider universities as their only way after school.
B. A good model of being successful in the real life out of school.
C. Not many students are successful after graduating from universities.
D. University is not the only way to success.
67. What is NOT stated in the passage about the top-scorers in the entrance exam?
A. The majority of them are poor but intelligent and eager to learn.
B. They are hoped to find the way to better their families’ lives.
C. Their success is more glorious because they attend more classes than others.
D. The students are admired for the great efforts.
68. The word “plague” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. conflict B. afflict C. remind D. bother
69. According to the fourth paragraph, what is TRUE about the modern exam system?
A. It puts too much pressure on students who must get a place in a university.
B. Students are not encouraged to do something different.
C. The government is trying to change the theories of exam.
D. Many stories about successful students cannot inspire those who attend universities.
70. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. It’s high time for the young to change their ways of thinking about success.
B. High scores are the first step to attain achievements in the future.
C. Failing the entrance exam will not determine that these students are doing unconventional things.
D. The most concerned thing for each student is unemployment.
Your answers

66. ………………… 67. ……………… 68. ………………. 69. …………………. 70. ………………….

V. WRITING (30 points)

Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. you must use BETWEEN THREE AND FIVE WORDS,
including the word given. (10 points)
71. After a long chase, the police finally succeeded in arresting the thief. (TO)
→ After a long chase, the police finally__________________________________________________the thief.
72. “Why don’t you relax for a while?” she said to me. (TAKE)
→ She suggested_____________________________________________________________easy for a while.
73. Has anyone had any good ideas? (COME UP)
→ Has_________________________________________________________________________good ideas?
74. The person who encouraged me the most at school was my English teacher. (ENCOURAGEMENT)
→ The person who______________________________________________at school was my English teacher.
75. Please don’t go there now. (RATHER)
→ I__________________________________________________________________________go there now.


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