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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. fox B. exactly C. existence D. exhaust
2. A. honest B. hang C. honour D. vehicle
3. A. charity B. choke C. purchase D. parachute
4. A. advise B. promise C. release D. tense
5. A. pleasure B. sound C. same D. best
II. Choose the word A, B, C or D whose main stress is different from the others in the.
1. A. occasional B. industrial C. information D. variety
2. A. assistant B. decision C. redundant D. management
3. A. essential B. average C. promotion D. deliver
4. A. compulsory B. education C. technology D. intelligent
5. A. accessible B. important C. apprehension D. alternative
III. Choose the most suitable word or phrase.
1. My sister is busy _________ a letter
A. in writing B. at writing C. writing D. to write
2. He recommended that I _________there early
A. be B. was C. were D. would be
3. He said that he __________ badly sick since he returned from abroad.
A. had been B. has been C. was D. would be
4. She is __________ her brother.
A. twice as old as B. twice older than C. as old as twice D. more twice older than
5. The smaller the room is, the _________ furniture it needs.
A. fewer B. smaller C. more D. less
6. I find the time of English meals very strange. I’m not used _________ dinner at 5 pm.
A. to have B. to having C. having D.have
7. He spent the entire night thinking and in the end _________ a brilliant idea.
A. came up to B. put up with C. came up with D. put through to
8. Mary: “Peter failed in the final examination last term.” - Nancy: “__________”
A. Really? B. Sorry to hear that. C. What’s wrong? D. I can’t believe it.
9. He is the man who won’t __________ his promise
A. ruin B. destroy C. hurt D. break
10. It’s a __________ nice a day __________ we should do something
A. either ….. or B. neither …… nor C. so ……. that D. such …….. that
11. My boss is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work that I __________ last week.
A. should do B. should have done C. must have done D. might have done
12. __________ the students here are serious about studying.
A. Most B. Most of C. Almost of D. Almost
13. Listen carefully. I'm going to give you __________ advice.
A. some B. a few C. few D. little
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14. Call an ambulance. There's been __________
A. accident B. an accident C. some accident D. any accident
15. __________ the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished.
A. Until B. In C. On D. By
IV. Complete sentences using the correct form of the words.
1. Don’t tell anyone else what I’ve just told you. Remember, it’s (CONFIDE) ________.
2. We have (APOLOGY) __________ to our teacher for being late for the meeting.
3. The recent hurricane caused (WIDE) __________ damage.
4. How are you getting on with your (CORRESPOND) __________ course in Russian?
5. But how could you do it? Really, Ophelia, I feel quite (SHAME) __________ of you!
6. The government should take action to help the (EMPLOY) ______ find jobs.
7. (LITERATE) _____ was one of the three problems facing Vietnamese government after
the August Revolution.
8. Is it possible to (DISTINCT) _______ between a hobby and an interest?
9. Sam works as a (TELEPHONE) __________ in an office in the town centre.
10. I'll always remember that journey - it was an (FORGET) __________ experience.
V. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some
have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick ( ) by the number. If a
line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space provided

N0 Your answer The text

0 _____or______ I had a wonderful experience or last weekend and I
00 ______ ______ would like to tell you about it. Once a month I spend a
1 _____________ weekend away with two friends. We usually prefer sleep in
2 _____________ our tents, but sometimes when we feel like to having
3 _____________ a real rest, we book a room in a hotel. On Thursday evening,
4 _____________ I suggested them that we should go on a ‘mystery weekend’
5 _____________ and they agreed with at once. On Saturday morning, we got into
6 _____________ my father’s car, one which I had borrowed for the weekend.
7 _____________ Noone else knew for how long the drive would be. I was
8 _____________ the only one who knew it where we were going. I had been
9 _____________ busy on the telephone that morning making all the hotel
10 _____________ arrangements. Where do you think I took them off?
11 _____________ To the Bond Marina Hotel, on the banks of the River Dart,
12 _____________ where a boat was got ready to take us all on a trip up
13 _____________ the river. It was such a lovely day that we sat on the seats
14 _____________ on deck and enjoyed ourselves the sunshine. When we got
15 _____________ home on Sunday, everyone wanted another ‘mystery weekend’.
VI. Fill in the blank with one suitable preposition
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1. The house was __1___ fire, but the blaze was soon brought ____2___ control.
2. As I am the deputy. I’m ____3___ charge ____4___ the office while the manage is away.
3. Don’t give me any money ___5____ it. You can have it ___6____ nothing.
4. It’s a good idea ___7____ theory, but I don’t think it’will work ___8____ practice.
5. She was concentrating so hard ___9____ her book that she didn’t hear me come ___10___
the room.
I. Read the article and choose the correct answer
Could you change your life in just 30 days? That’s the question documentary maker
Morgan Spurlock asked when he filmed his new TV series, 30 Days. Martin Grady reviews the
first program of the series, 30 Days on the Minimum Wage*.
Spurlock, who is most famous for Supersize Me, his movie about the dangers of eating
junk food, became frustrated that few people know about poverty in America. He and his fiancée,
Alex, decided to film an experiment. They’d give up their jobs for a month and try to live on the
minimum wage. The resulting documentary, which was filmed reality-show-style using a
handheld camera, contains a powerful social message about the growing gap between the rich and
poor in the US.
The couple travel to Columbus, Ohio, one of the poorest cities in the US. The only
apartment that they can afford to rent is filthy, in a dangerous area, and has no furniture. The heat
doesn’t work very well, so they’re often cold. Alex begins working as a dishwasher, while
Morgan does construction work with no safety equipment. Neither of them earns more than the
minimum wage.
It’s difficult to watch Morgan and Alex struggling in such terrible conditions. A charity
gives them some furniture for free, but they have to live without reliable heat, TV, or
telephone. They’re exhausted all the time and begin to argue about money. The couple
interview people in the same situation and listen to their stories. It’s difficult to imagine, but
these people have lived on the minimum wage for decades and many have children.
When Alex gets sick and Morgan badly injures his wrist, they go to a free clinic but
can’t see a doctor because of long lines. People there say that without free medical care they’d
After 30 days, Morgan and Alex have spent over $1,000 more than they have earned,
mostly because of the medical expenses. They are shocked. They can go back to their comfortable
life in New York, but what if they couldn’t? How would they continue to survive?
*At the time of Morgan and Alex’s experiment, minimum wage in the US was $5.15 an hour.
1. 30 Days on the Minimum Wage is _____.
A. a TV series ` B. a TV documentary C. a drama series
2. Supersize Me was about _____.
A. how eating too much junk food can be bad for you B. poverty in the US

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C. the popularity of junk food
3. Morgan Spurlock is _____.
A. single B. married C. engaged
4. The purpose of the experiment was to discover if Morgan
and Alex could _____.
A. give up their jobs B. make a movie together C. live on very little money
5. Morgan and Alex interviewed people _____.
A. and told them their life story B. who were living in the same way
C. in the same apartment building
6. Morgan and Alex rented their apartment because _____.
A. it was the only one they could find B. it was cheap C. it was in a good building
7. Morgan and Alex _____ $5.15 per hour.
A. both earned more than B. earned exactly C. didn’t earn more than
8. The couple had to live with _____.
A. no furniture B. a poor heating system C. very little food
9. During the experiment, Morgan and Alex _____.
A. got along very well B. argued about junk food C. sometimes disagreed about money
10. Morgan and Alex weren’t able to see a doctor at the free clinic because _____.
A. they hadn’t applied for free medical care B. there were too many people waiting
C. they didn’t have insurance
II. Complete the passage by filling a suitable word into each gap:
Most ___1___ the addicts are men. They come home ___2___ work, eat their meal quickly
and then spend the evening ___3___ their computers. Some of them make programs, ___4___
most of them just play games. Some wives say the computer is killing their marriage. Their
husbands play until three___5___ four o'clock ___6___ the morning and all weekend. People call
these lonely wives "computer widows".
When television became popular ___7___ the 1950s, doctors said it caused "television
neck", "TV eyes" and other new illnesses. Now it is the home computer. People say it causes
headaches, backaches and makes their eyes tired. But worst ___8___ all, it is addictive. That
means it is ___9___ drinking, smoking or taking drugs. Some people can't stop ___10___ it.
III. Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete it.
An unlucky day
Helen packed a small suitcase, said goodbye to her mother and hurried out of the house to
____1____ to the station. There was no one ____2____ waiting at the bus stop, so it looked as if a
bus had just left. Helen looked at her watch anxiously; it was already two o’clock. Her train left at
two thirty, and since it would ____3____ at least twenty minutes to reach the station, she did not
have much time to ____4____ even if a bus came along at once.
Just then a taxi came slowly down the road. Helen knew that the ____5____ to the station
was at least two dollars, which was more than she could ____6____ but she quickly made her
____7____ that it would be well ____8____ the extra expense in order to be sure of catching the
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train. So she stopped the taxi and got in. she told the driver that she had to catch the train which
left at half past two. The man nodded and said that he would take a short ____9____ to get her to
the station in good time.
All went well until, just as they were coming out of a side street into the ____10____ that
lead to the station, the taxi ran ____11____ a car. There was a loud crash and Helen was thrown
____12____ so violently that she hit her head on the front seat. Both drivers got out and began
____13____ each other. Helen got out as ____14____ to ask them to stop quarrelling, but
____15____ took any notice of her at all.
1. A. go on bus B. get the bus C. drive taxi D. catch the bus
2. A. else B. other C. person D. more
3. A. be B. take C. waste D. lose
4. A. spend B. wait for C. spare D. go
5. A. cost B. expense C. fare D. money
6. A. pay B. afford C. give D. have
7. A. decision B. mind C. head D. own
8. A. cheap B. done C. for D. worth
9. A. time B. way C. cut D. road
10. A. main road B. main side street C. alley D. train
11. A. off B. up C. for D. into
12. A. forward B. over C. up D. hard
13. A. shouting B. to shout at C. to shout for D. shouting to
14. A. well B. soon C. much D. if
15. A. none B. no one C. neither D. both of them
I. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before them.
1. “Haven’t you got any cheaper television?”
-> “Are these ............................................................................................................?”
2. I would prefer you not to smoke in here.
-> I’d rather .................................................................................................................
3. I wish I had gone to the airport to say goodbye to him.
-> I regret ........................................................................................................................
4. I didn’t arrive in time to see her.
-> I wasn’t early ...........................................................................................................
5. It is pointless to have that old typewriter repaired.
-> That old typewriter is ..............................................................................................
6. The value of Sterling has fallen slightly in the past week.
-> There has .......................................................................................................................
7. This event will always be remembered for the rest of our life.
-> Never ............................................................................................................................
8. We couldn’t answer those two difficult questions.

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-> Those two .....................................................................................................................
9. The last time my eyes were tested was in 2001
-> I have ............................................................................................................................
10. I like giving presents more than I like being given presents
-> I prefer ......................................................................................................................
II. Rewrite the following sentence with the given words in such a way that the second
sentence has the same meaning as the first one. Do not chance the form of the words in the
capital letters.
1. It was unkind of you to talk to her like that. SHOULDN’T
2. I have never tasted such good food before. EVER
3. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star
4. Do you object to working on Sunday? AGAINST
5. If you are under age, you can not watch certain films OLD
Your answers:
III. Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences
1. Jane / had / him / check / ticket / before / got on / train.
-> ......................................................................................................................................................
2. I / saw / Mary / walk / her mother / the concert hall.
-> ......................................................................................................................................................
3. The football fans / gathering / the stadium / since / I / arrive.
-> ......................................................................................................................................................
4. We / be / very tired / last night / because / we / play / football / afternoon.
-> ......................................................................................................................................................
5. The match / would / been / great fun / if it / not rain yesterday.
-> ......................................................................................................................................................
IV. Write a passage:
Many people suppose that living in a city has a lot of disadvantages. Write a passage about
180 - 200 words to tell about your idea.

The end!

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