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Formulating clear and concise research objectives is an essential step in any research study. The research
objectives help to define the purpose and scope of the research and guide the researcher in developing an
appropriate research methodology. Here are some steps you can follow to make a research objective for
your study:

1. Identify the research problem: The first step in formulating research objectives is to clearly identify
the research problem. This could be a gap in the existing knowledge, an unanswered question or an
issue that needs to be addressed.

2. Define the research question: Once you have identified the research problem, formulate a research
question that addresses the problem. The research question should be clear, concise and focused.

3. Break down the research question: To make the research question more specific, break it down into
smaller components or sub-questions. This will help to identify the key areas that need to be
explored in the study.

4. Develop specific research objectives: Based on the sub-questions, develop specific research
objectives that outline the goals and aims of the study. Each research objective should be specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

5. Prioritize the research objectives: Once you have developed the research objectives, prioritize them
based on their importance and relevance to the research question.

6. Refine the research objectives: Finally, refine the research objectives to ensure that they are
achievable within the given time frame and resources.

By following these steps, you can develop clear and concise research objectives that guide your research
study and help you to achieve your research goals.

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