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vy Name+. S. Govthom kumon Reg No. BUFOsBE course} Nano elrcvonics See te Ry ee nee oo f 1 Le ints Porcch ow geometry ve ig Chom fiek sy) Rack wert ONT FET vw) Toe wet ONT FET uti) wrap - evound gore ONT FET w Suspended CNTFET Back qos oN TRET i wy ae awe bean eck, CON! sin gee ke 3 Meth ro Contac contact Si CWack-goe) K Tn this methook duving the cayliev Saget; Manufacturing, (Sio,) loycy is fa lovicottr ctbo ye | Me SUicon laytv. SUicon Alotide VA Hy Avetide Above Unich a Sting Walcot COV Loy, MNe FUL io Lai dlgcch bh & Mcfod pve dabricakea Ship en the Silicon dloxiote | by Vthoqaphy » Othe melak i Souvee ana t otacy ic dyaty. The cNT 16 Navrdomly plete above He melt styips. thy Ribere, g Miu mod ave nah payor tC contact Wf Scanned with CamScanner BWzo7TIBE- S. Gowtham Lumod ») Top qo CONTE ET OO si (Work goto) R Tn Mic moder as the name cops thr york te fabyicatca ovev tur cavkon nano tubes The Souce Gnd the chal are parronee . by high Yasluben Cleckvem beam tettrog verghry A Vy of Bicleclvic ts fabYicaker above the cavbon tube hy CVEp6Na Hee b oy atomic faye Sepouion, Many top fo (NTFET con be fabricate oy a SO%me wwofer on Which the gots avec leet, cally iolaket, The eclvantceg % He meMed fs Avan cUwent if Naa fom Nanomekrs fo bteveme keys Frantconduceng FW alee Mertamd. fe Hnte Method ts Prprrey ovey Mace previous method. ms) WYAp- AyoUrd qa CNTFET S- Males [opr a gery > Caybon Nano tke me nd wl canned with CamScanner BWlosae- S. Gowtham Eumay A wVAP avouUMd CNT FEET i also known oq FAW BvoUnd CNTFET andl th Wor develo pet tre Yror Loot. Tr othcY Methods only par tye nanobubys for Hae the uneye Ne tube tS Cverrd bY qe Which Vvedulecs vet kakeagt cuvrenr Ana \k Unpyeves Hie cle Ch ferdormancc, the fabvication proces crave bf Wrap ping. 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Gotham kum 4) Ilo Sev Sev app licattens\— Giosewsovs devices includea Lrolo7tcut Clement ak WUA as a prytiodhemiear dckectev ang Hie Main Function oF Hic device “g te detick analysts, Co, Phe cipplecartens % i oh ewtov’ ave in A Wihe YONGC., The acvlcu are appricae Ww the medica, doect indusy, Pe Marine Sector at fey ote Yocet cect vi 4 Stability ay Compare With Pre Uauod Felngucy Tin Nett Yona, thee fenfovs have become voy Peptav, ane fry arc apptiable tH Aifturnt fie) Which are mantiona bow, commoyy Weal Hy Cone cheek tn, Metabotitics Maur ment SOrcning for Sicknuy hsulin Freokment “militar: + Scanned with CamScanner SAUTosKV- G Gow tram Rumor Agvicuktuval, Awd Veternavyy applica ons wvug impreremenk, opfence deter kor Preceding A ene in Weluusty io Ecolezteor potlution contre} Diogqnostte satrdy & micevactlon et Piomolecwy Develepmenk — of DYN ddkeuktan of CoM, Medica Diag moxie Quatre Coutro | Precems Contre: in WMdubvin Thay, broScncors are becoming qroduaky mors Complt cabot, moitty duc to a blend * WWOncsin vo Fechngica Fidid (tke Fechnoluyyy. 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